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Realistic or Modern Midway-falls [characters]


~*~ Lost In A world Ill never understand ~*~
here is the character sheet template for midway falls, feel free to customize and code it up as you please, if I <3 it, then it is accepted!






sexual orientation

wealth status:

which area of town do they live in?:



accent (?):





clothing style:

peircings? if so where?:

tattoos? if so where?:

commonly worn item?:




in-depth personality

list of traits (optional for those who like a simpler format):






are they employed? if so where?:

are they in school?:

what is their GPA?:

have they had any previous work experience?:






any crushes?:

any children?:

are they pregnant or panning to be some time in the future? (optional, its more of a 'yes' or 'no' question):

Name: Artemis Lorelei Cooper

nicknames: Artie

age: 19

gender: Non-binary (biologically Female)

sexual orientation: homosexual, pan romantic

wealth status: middle-class

which area of town do they live in?: the middle-class area

nationality: British-American

languages: French, English

accent (?): she has a notable British accent


height: just barely pushing 5'7

weight: 90 pounds

skin-tone: pale Caucasian with pink undrtones

clothing style: Artemis can be often found wearing dark colors and comfy clothing such as oversized sweaters, leggings etc. though she practically lives in oversized tops, hoodies, tee-shirts, you name it! unless of course she is dressing up, then she can be found in a dress and heels.

peircings? if so where?: she has a belly-button piercing, it is silver with a small amethyst in the center of the stud.

tattoos? if so where?: she has the quote "live life no regrets" on the underside of her wrist.

commonly worn item?:

this choker^



build: she has a very tall and slim build though she is quite busty, she appears to be quite fragile but she is quite strong for her body-type.


in-depth personality: up front, she is very blunt but kind, she is very introverted and likes her space, to her close friends she is very sweet and supportive and would do anything for those friends though despite being a very trusting person, if her trust is betrayed, she is quick to cut that person out and her trust is hard to earn back. she is also known as the 'mom' friend of the group, she acts as sort of a mutual link for the group, enjoying parties and getting drunk but also more mundane pastimes like reading and many pastimes in between such as videogames. though at times if you push the wrong buttons she can go from sweet and motherly to an anger-bomb in seconds. she also is known for her resourcefulness and her ruthlessness in the business world.

list of traits (optional for those who like a simpler format):
-can seem cold at first

-oversized hoodies and tee-shirts
-doting on her 'family' (the group)
-chocolate cake

-being disrespected
-people hurting her friends and family
-cold coffee

-her 'family' abandoning her and/or failing in life
-the hospital

-loud chewing and teeth grinding


are they employed? if so where?: she works at a bookstore and is a police volunteer

are they in school?: yes, she attends online college at night

what is their GPA?: 4.0

have they had any previous work experience?: yes, she bartended and worked at a café.


family: she considers the group her family

friends: the group

enemies: she has no true enemies at the moment though disrespect her or her family and things will get ugly fast.

lover/partner?: Tbd (pm me if you want to work something out)

any crushes?: Tbd (pm me if you want to work something out)

any children?: she considers the group her 'children'

are they pregnant or planning to be some time in the future? (optional, its more of a 'yes' or 'no' question): no though she does hope to one day have a family of her own


she has two pet weasels named timber and snow

snow (actually a lot longer than he looks in this photo)( snow is the cuddler of the two, often resting on Artemis's shoulder)


Timber (she is a curious little shit who loves people and actually dances-kind of- to the song timber)
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Name: Olivia Lily Belleni Copper

nicknames: Liv

age: 15

gender: Female

sexual orientation: bi

wealth status: Middle Class

which area of town do they live in?: Middle class

nationality: British

languages: sign language, italian, french

accent (?): Italian


height 5,2

weight 80

skin-tone light

clothing style:

peircings? if so where?: No

tattoos? if so where?: no

commonly worn item?: a locket of her family




in-depth personality

list of traits (optional for those who like a simpler format):

cold weather
her friends
hot chocolate

waking up early
being alone
being sick
bad games or music

being alone
car crashes
watching scary movies
her nightmares

loud sounds
loud chewing
car sounds or car crashes
clocks at times


are they employed? if so where?: no not yet

are they in school?: yes

what is their GPA?: 4.0

have they had any previous work experience?: no


Artemis Lorelei Cooper
Emma Belinni(dead)
Anderew Belinni (Dead)
friends: the group

enemies: her bullies at school

lover/partner?: none yet but message me

any crushes?: message me

any children?: no

are they pregnant or panning to be some time in the future? (optional, its more of a 'yes' or 'no' question): no but wants kids in the future
here is the character sheet template for midway falls, feel free to customize and code it up as you please, if I <3 it, then it is accepted!


Name: Caroline Conifer

nicknames: Carol

age: 16

gender: Female

sexual orientation Straight

wealth status: Middle Class

which area of town do they live in?: Middle Class area

nationality: British

languages: English

accent (?): Heavily British accent


height 5'1

weight 85 pounds

skin-tone Pale white

clothing style: Anything comfortable - Hoodies, joggers, baggy T-shirts. Doesn't care about wearing jewellery or doing her hair up nicely

peircings? if so where?: None

tattoos? if so where?: None

commonly worn item?: A green hoodie that says in black letters on the front - " Do not take life too seriously, you will never come out of it alive"

appearance: 12.jpg

build Short but lanky


in-depth personality She is a quiet, laid back person who never rushes into anything and always manages to stay calm no mater the situation. She is often the emotional support type and is always reliable when someone asks her of a favour. She rarely judges people and is vey honest, but she tries to avoid being blunt. Due to her quiet personality, she struggles to make friends and doesn't really try to stand up for herself. She tends to get lost in thought so she sometimes comes off as rude to those who are talking to her. She tends to keep her anger and sadness to herself because she doesn't want to bother anyone with her emotional problems.

list of traits (optional for those who like a simpler format):

likes: Drawing, reading, gardening, cookies, quiet places like the park, animals, cartoons (even though she is 16 she still loves them)

dislikes: Confrontation, sports (especially competitive ones), loud places, crowded areas, horror movies

fears: Claustrophobia, Fear of abandonment

pet-peeves People who talk loudly, gossip


are they employed? if so where?: Not employed

are they in school?: College

what is their GPA?: 3.50

have they had any previous work experience?: None


family: Rosa Conifer (mum)
Jason Conifer(dad)

friends: Recently moved into town so none yet

enemies: none

lover/partner?: none

any crushes?: none

any children?: none

are they pregnant or panning to be some time in the future? (optional, its more of a 'yes' or 'no' question):
Wait... I'm confused... am I accepted or not because it is hearted but also you replied "No", so would you mind clearing that up XD

Name: Jaime Paloma Farnandez

nicknames: Chiquito or James

age: 18

gender: Female

sexual orientation: Homosexual

wealth status: Lower-Middle Class

which area of town do they live in?: Lower class area

nationality: Latino-American

languages: Spanish, English, a little French

accent (?): Spanish accent


height: 5'5"

weight: 140lbs.

skin-tone: Light caramel skin

clothing style: You can often time find her in a graphic tee tucked into some jeans or shorts with some boots.

piercings? if so where?:

tattoos? if so where?: a tattoo of a wolf howling on her back

commonly worn item?: She always has a pair of sunglasses given to her by her grandfather. She always has them, whether she wears them or not.

download (18).jpg

build: Slightly muscular arms


in-depth personality: Jamie is a very carefree rebellious girl. She is very stubborn and determined to do things her way, even is she's not always right. She enjoys hanging out with the guys rather than the girl because she feels out of place around them. Jaime is terrified of water because of a traumatic event that happened when she was little, she doesn't even like taking baths for too long. Jaime tends to let out her negative feelings by going to the local car shop and just working until she's too tired to do anything. She feels that she's one of the guys and doesn't want anything to do with "girly" stuff, she doesn't do makeup, dresses, heels, or any of that stuff no matter who's trying to get her to. Jaime feels it's her life and she can choose what she wants to do with it. She has gone a little overboard at to parties and is often found passed out in the mornings, tending to snap at people if they try to even touch her. Her sarcasm and jokes can tend to be taken a little too seriously but she rarely means harmful intentions.
list of traits (optional for those who like a simpler format):

- Working on cars
- Hanging out with her older brother
- Gambling
- Partying
- Drinking
- Playing sports

- Her parents
- Snobs
- Drugs
- Hospitals
- Bodies of water

- Not being accepted as a person
- Drowning
- Dying in a hospital
- Getting addicted or Overdosing

- People who walk slowly in front of her
- Smacking when you eat
- People making fun of others


are they employed? if so where?: At the local car shop

are they in school?: Yes

what is their GPA?: 3.2

have they had any previous work experience?: No


- Father: Nicolas Farnandez
- Mother: Camila Farnandez
- Brother: Alejandro Farnandez
- Dog: Santiago Farnandez

- Friends of her brothers

- None

- None

any crushes?:
- None

any children?:
- None

are they pregnant or panning to be some time in the future? (optional, its more of a 'yes' or 'no' question): No
allen you dumb fuck.gif

Allen Hathaway
Ol' Quickie
Big Homosexual
Lower class

Which area of town do they live in?: The ghetto
Nationality: Caucasian
Languages: English, latin
Accent: Northern American

height: 6'8
weight: 180
skin-tone: Concerningly pale
clothing style: He ranges from plain, white, casual clothes to garish, brightly colored, thotty nightlife clothes, with sparse in-between.
peircings? if so where?: He got a very regretable prince albert which he has since taken out indefinitely. He has three piercings in each ear, two on the lobes and one on his conches.
tattoos? if so where?: Large heart tattoo on his left pec, a large, black band around his wrist, and a symmetrical tattoo of a dove resting on the crux of two cherry tree branches on the small of his back.
commonly worn item?: When inside or out of his house at any time before eight at night, he typically wears a plain white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. After eight, his wardrobe is too varied for any one item to be deemed "commonly" worn, but one can count on him wearing hot pants in any weather.
appearance: Allen strikes a balance between alarming gauntness and sleek beauty. His intimidating stature is matched by his impression of slender, smooth, seamless feminine beauty, which unfortunately seems to fall away in the daytime, when he chooses to don baggier clothes and, more often than not, a hangover. He has rather large blue eyes and bleach-accented blonde hair.


In-depth personality: Allen is a bastion of sex, drugs, anxiety, and most importantly, self-contradiction. Within one man lies both a gangly, twitch streaming, manual-writing holder of a masters degree in physics who's too afraid to dare venture into the supermarket sober and a stripping, prostituting, crossdressing powerhouse of raw, drug-fueled debauchery and derangement. Allen is a man of sheer unpredictability, whether that may come in the form of him throwing a wine glass out of his bedroom window in a sobbing rage or the simple act of remaining quiet and sedated in the aftermath of a chaotic evening. He is a man who blisters all too much with a spirit of livelihood, even if that livelihood is not perceptible at first glance.
Regardless of his somewhat alarming instability, he is quite the bleeding heart, if one manages to catch his attention for long enough to call upon his empathy. When someone near him is in need, provided that he is not in a crisis of his own (which he, frankly, frequently is) he will spring to their assistance.

list of traits (optional for those who like a simpler format): Unstable, erratic, frequently shut off, flirtatious, highly emotional, loving, prone to scorn, sensitive

likes: Bread, lingerie, metallic hot pants, crop tops, League of Legends, getting high, fluffy rugs
dislikes: Women shouting, raw meat, being criticized, menthol cigarette smoke
fears: Being unlovable, being ugly, old women, corn
pet-peeves: Men with missing teeth

are they employed? if so where?: Satin Paw Gentlemen's Club, Rookie's Shelf (Both are strip clubs)
are they in school?: He has graduated.
what is their GPA?: 4.0
have they had any previous work experience?: As far as anything not-stripping goes, he's had many retail jobs and experience with writing instruction manuals.

family: Two siblings, two living parents. All four have been cut out of Allen's life.
friends: He has a few friends at his club.
enemies: His sister, Anna Hathaway.
lover/partner?: Nothing committed.
any crushes?: No.
any children?: No.
are they pregnant or panning to be some time in the future? (optional, its more of a 'yes' or 'no' question): Absolutely not.


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