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Fantasy MIDGARD: Of Gods and Men Chat Club

i am going with Aesir because the character is half god i mean if she was half giant half god who is the godly parent.
I'm confused. I'm asking if Hel is an Aesir or Giant, not Asur.
An official answer from me: Hel is an Aesir here. We're going to avoid the whole rigmarole of half-Jotnar in this game. Plus, a Halfbreed is, for our purposes, the product of a union between Human and Aesir.
Loki isn't Thor's bother in Norse mythology, just marvel mythology. Loki is another god whose is not related to the others by blood.
I think it's the Prose Edda or something that can be read as Thor and Loki being brothers. Not genetic, but either metaphorical or adoptive. Norse Mythology isn't always clear-cut. A lot of sources contradict on a lot of info.
I think it's the Prose Edda or something that can be read as Thor and Loki being brothers. Not genetic, but either metaphorical or adoptive. Norse Mythology isn't always clear-cut. A lot of sources contradict on a lot of info.
For our purposes, Thor and Loki are biological brothers.

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