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Fandom MHA: Shiketsu Academia (SA) CS - NOT ACCEPTING




This RP is still accepting.

CHARACTER SHEET (This is to be used as foundation for those of you who might have questions about where to start)

Character Image (float right if you know how)
Hero Name
Real Name
(Professor or Student?)
Age & Gender
(At least 3 strengths and 3 flaws, one physical and one mental each)
Quirk (1 - if student, you MUST have limitations.)
Biography (Three/four paragraphs max. Save some for IC.)
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Hero Name

Real Name
Jono Betancourt

16 / 5'11 / 150 lbs


  • Technology Manipulation

    The ability to manipulate technology. This includes hacking electronic devices, controlling machinery and imposing his will on its programming, repairing/inducing glitches in systems and creating gadgets as well as attachments. Jono must be able to physically touch the piece of technology to manipulate it. Jono can also control the flow of electric impulses, especially in technology. With this, he can either shut down or vastly increase the electricity in a given piece of technology and use it at his will.


When it came to understanding how heroes work, Jono had quite the premise to use as a foundation. Both of his parents, while not being as strong as All Might (or even in the same league), were both morally righteous people who existed to help others first and foremost. The person who Jono looked up to in his life most was his father, especially growing up. At that end, the two parents had done a tremendous job raising Jono. As a young boy, Jono strived to be one of the greatest heroes to ever exist. This was bar none. Jono had to leave his mark on society as someone who fought for those who did not have a way to fight for themselves.fisheye_placebo__ch0___part_5_by_yuumei-d6onp3y.jpg

Jono was older than some of the other kids when he first discovered his quirk. Though he was never picked on at school, as a young teen, he felt like the odd man out. There was a day the city was attacked and Jono narrowly avoided death. From then on, things began to change for the better. Absolutely livid and scared for his life, Jono reentered his room completely flustered. In the corner of the room was a chair. Sitting on that chair was an enormous doll of a hero named Endeavor.

There was no hesitation. Jono tossed his backpack onto the bed before calmly walking over to the life-sized plush. This was followed by Jono repetitively sinking his fists into the toy, punching it over and over hard as he could. He was so frustrated, he was helpless... Would it be this way forever? Was there any way to really tell? Resting his head on the plush with tears rolling down his face, the boy would take a moment to compose himself before moving to his computer and taking a seat.

Staring at his computer screen, Jono couldn't believe what he was looking at. Various strings of code, which made up the layout of his operating system. It was all in jumbled numbers and text, but it all made sense. Placing his hands on the computer screen, all the boy had to do was think it into reality; the code began manipulating itself to create the ideal layout for a personal operating system. Without touching the keyboard, he was able to access information, correct hardware issues and even type to others by tapping on the screen.

With that, Jono began his journey of self-discovery.

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Power: β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†
Speed: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Technique: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†
Intelligence: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†
Hero Name
Ninth Life
Real Name
Given name: Felix
Real name: Akira Tora
Age (15-40) & Gender
Height and Weight
5'2, 96 Pounds
Eye and Hair Color
Ashen Brown fur with bright blue eyes.
General Physicality
Felix is likely to be one the more runty kids, sporting a slim frame and spiny assets in his arms and legs. He is a light weight, with nowhere around this, but it seems there is a hidden power hidden deep away in his claws.
Easily distracted
Gets bored real easily
Overly Curious
Lacks personal space

Akira is the third son of the number six hero, The Great Tora. The hero had seen his offspring inherit his quirk, known as Tiger, which gave his children and himself the assets of a feline and the strength of the tiger. Akira and later on his younger sister Mayumi were consider exceptions of this quirk, despite bearing striking resemblance to a cat, the docile house pet unfortunately. While his older brothers roared and toppled opponents down, Akira was much more in tune with running and purring instead, he was considered the runt of the litter. Akira and his sister spent most of their early years sheltered by the public and a disgrace to the family. On part of his parents and grandparents, the Tora family banished both Akira and his sister Mayumi to avoid the shame they might bring the family with their weak prowess. Left out in the rain at the age of eight, both Akira and Mayumi were adopted by a resident crazy cat lady they would learn to call Mama Aiko. The cat obsessed lady decided to change their names to Felix for Akira and Zoe for Mayumi. The pair initially felt patronized by their new mother, but the love and care she offered them made them feel belonged.

While the now named Felix grew from his old family, Mayumi felt detached to the world because of it, struggling to find her worth. Felix went on to become a school idol, winning the institution many medals and honors in the field of gymnastics, track and volleyball. His sister, on the other hand, never quite got a grip on life and spent most of her time reserved and away from social interaction. As Felix neared the end of his elementary school experience, this begun to bother him more and more. He noticed, however, that his sister felt more confident when he was out there succeeding in the world, he wanted to be her father-figure and role model.

While Felix initially had a modest plan of going to a regular high school, he decided to impress his sister, he was going to shoot for as high as he could go. Becoming a hero was the best thing he could think of and he spent his last year racking up grades that would get him into his dream school, Shiketsu. Along with training his body, he transformed his athlete's body into one that would be more fit for a hero. He took the time to learn fighting from his friends on the street and with this, he was able to shine enough to get into Shiketsu.

Quirk: Feline
This quirk is quite self explanatory. With it, Felix takes the form of a cat-human hybrid. With this comes the advantages and disadvantages of both species. For advantages, he has heightened reflexes and quick feet to back it up. His hands and feet have been replaced with cat-like paws that have retractable claws inside them, able to cut like knives and because of this, Felix avoids
wearing shoes. This allows him to climb up any surface his claws can dig themselves into, but with their natural strength, it is possible if he exerts himself completely to jump from wall to wall. His eyes also have completely changed, opting for amazing farsightedness in exchange for poor nearsightedness. He also has the ability to see better in the dark than most, but still cannot see in pitch black darkness. His most prominent ability is his whiskers that can sense any wind changes in his close vicinity, allowing him to essentially spot enemies out of his sight line. For additional, more useless traits, he has a spiny tail, fur and a rough tongue he can clean himself with.

Felix is also with his disadvantages. He is naturally weak and relies on speed to avoid getting hit. Felix is easily pushed back and is incredibly frail. His feline part is also easily distracted and getting wet completely removes the perk of his whiskers. He also needs a lot more sleep than most people, often falling asleep in boring situations.
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Arietty Swanson


Hero Name: Empathy

Age: 16

Status: Student

Gender: Female

Quick Thinker
Martyr Complex

Likes: Arietty has simple pleasures. Iced coffee, comfy sweaters, dark eye make up, a good book and a cup of tea to name a few. Fresh sketchbooks, the sound of typewriters, the smell of old books.

Dislikes: Ari hates being underestimated because of her small and cute appearance. She has been known to use it to her advantage in battle however. She hates being referred to as "weird, or freaky." Arietty doesn't think she's weird, she just likes heavy eyeliner and crazy hair colors. More than anything she hates when people refer to her powers as "mind control"

Quotes: "Don't tell me fairy tales don't exist. I drink a potion made from magic beans every morning and it brings me back to life."

Quirk: Psychic
Ari has a variety of Psychic Abilities. The first and most basic is that she can lift any item that she could physically lift with her mind just by making eye contact to it. She can lift heavier objects as well but sometimes they require physical contact to initiate the lift. She has a feeling that with some training she may be able to avoid having to touch larger objects, and sees her brain/powers like a muscle that needs to be strengthened.

She can send and receive messages from basically anyone via telepathy. Although Arietty refuses to communicate this way without the consent of the person, unless it is a dire emergency. The last thing Ari wants is for someone to feel like she is violating their personal space. The distance between parties makes communication difficult with further distances.

Arietty can read minds in a way. Not fully, but she does have a sense of what people are feeling when she is near them. If she initiates contact with that person sometimes she can hear phrases or see images that are running through their head, although she tries not to use this power much as it freaks most people out. She cannot do it without contact. Sometimes if she touches someone by accident and they are feeling something very strongly it comes across and fogs up Arietty's own brain and focus.

Lastly, she can place images or thoughts into others minds. It isn't mind control, she can't ever control a person's free will. This is another side of her power that she reserves for dire emergencies only as she feels it is not her place to tamper with the human mind.

Arietty recently became emancipated and lives on her own. In her younger years, Ari lived with her mother in a small apartment. Her father had left when she was very young, and Ari had always been very close to her mother. She had been super supportive of all of her life decisions and did her best to provide for her the best she could.

It was Ari's mother that taught her the importance of never backing down and staying true to yourself even if others laughed at you about it. Although Arietty's mother always had a distain for parts of Ari's quick, it was just because she worried about her and she didn't want people to dislike Ari because of it.
About four years ago Ari's mom began to drink heavily and it caused them both financial and emotional distress. They were always hurting for money and utilities were threatened to be shut off on a constant basis. Eventually, they were evicted and had no family close to help them out.

Arietty's mother was able to find a job as a live in house keeper, but Ari wasn't allowed to live with her mother. She didn't want to be a burden to the fresh start her mother was working very hard towards and so she lied to her mother about having a friend's house to stay at. She was able to find enough odd jobs to the pay the rent on a small studio apartment and lives alone and keeps mostly to herself. People are often put off by her wacky style, solitary hobbies, and her powers as well, so she has gotten used to her life of peace and solidarity.
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[div class=backdrop][div class=backdrop]
[div class="image imagenormal"]Properly+dressed+jack+medium+mentionlist+fatestuffprotect+at+all+coast_b29cd2_6361555 (1).jpg[/div][div class="image imagehero"]Jack 25.jpg
Helmet Lancelot.jpg[/div][div class=Title][div class=Icon]token_3.png[/div]Katharine-Corula Zweihild Von Kleinerheld

Metric: Density


Kiki, Kath, Coru


17 or 7, depends on how you look at it


+Extremely agile and athletic
+Expertise with blade usage, wielding and throwing (mostly learned from her grandfather)
+Quirk with a powerful degree of flexibility
+Great pain resilience
+Proficient at sleight of hand, like pick-pocketing and hand-based magic tricks

-Child-like body
-Extremely damaged body on top of that
-Needs to bite into things to trigger her quirk's power
-Memory issues caused by the strain of her quirk
-Adaptable but straightforward combat style

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    It is hard to pinpoint exactly what degree of maturity Kiki has. On one hand, she is undeniably patient, hard-working and more aware of consequences than she ever was in her life. On the other hand, she is less intelligent and more easily excitable and led by the current if she has her guard down. While she is typically serious and uptight, when it comes to her passions her energetic nature shines and . She both takes an interest in and looks down upon most others, as her natural curiosity faces off against her pride instilled on her by her family, around her family, for her family. For this reason she is rather bossy, and a bit unruly if she believes the rules are attempting to step on her dignity, even mischievious. Still, she has grown to be too cautious to be so unruly as to break rules in a way she finds to be overly risky. Despite being goal-oriented enough to be able to ignore any shame for the sake of praticality, she also has low ambitions, mostly living as if a proxy to her sister's wishes, and the aforementioned dignity does give her a decent degree of shame and embarassment about her own uncontrollable tastes, young-looking body and how that body results in her being treated at times. Nonetheless, she won't hesitate to make use of it if needed.
    Kiki is generous and can content herself with little, and she is always refined and polite as much as she can muster but in many regards, she is also far less consistent, and she notices it. She sometimes has strange urges or finds herself discussing things with herself. She is both grateful and holds grudges, but her loyalty doesn't necessarily lie with anyone.

    +Cuteness in general, stuffed animals in particular
    +Knives, swords, that kind of jam
    +Sleight of hand, such as magic tricks or pock-picking
    +Large Bugs
    +Victorian Romances
    +Her family

    -Cowardly ways of fighting, like poisons or toxins
    -Being treated like/confused for a little kid
    -Being indecise


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  • lrypFLK.jpg
    Hero Name
    - Rocky
    Real Name
    - Rokurou "Rock" Ishikawa
    - 16
    - Student
    Rock was considered by many of his classmates to be a very straightforward person. He's very serious and determined when it came to becoming stronger and be a pro-hero. Because of this, his enthusiasm and focus toward his education and training in Shiketsu Academy were overwhelming. On the other hand, he also tended to act responsible and compassionate toward people, especially his classmates. Rock would payed attention to people around him and provide support to those who he thinks need it.

    Rock had a competitive trait and timely shows his excitement for a big challenge. He was eager to train and fight, though sometime to a fault. In a fight, he can seem to be a aggressive. This trait of him can consider be a weakness. But on a few occasion, his enthusiasm for a good fight drove people forward and increase morale.

    Despite the fact that he's straightforward and caring, Rock could be harsh at times. This trait was something he shared with his father. To a person that he considers irresponsible and selfish, he didn't mind telling them off. He could be blunt and wasn't above making a harsh comment to someone, even to a friend.

    As an result to had spent all his time training to be stronger, Rock had never been with any girl at all. This later turned him into an aloof guy, who was usually unaware if there is someone hitting on him. He was extremely shy and awkward when around girls, to the point that he was incapable of talking to any girl outside his teammates.

    Even though Rock and Haruna didn't usually agree on things, he still timely looked out for her. As her brother, he cared for her greatly and understands her well. And even though they're polar opposite in personality, due to the fact that they've been growing up and training with each other, they make a great duo because of the understanding for each other was so well. Though Haruna didn't always admit it.
    - Height and weight: 5' ft 10, 70 kg
    - Hair: Blond
    - Eyes: Brown
    - Other Description(Optional): Always wear his signature red jacket
    - Rock's costume was similar to his daily outfit: Black undershirt inside his signature red/white jacket and a black cargo pant, he choose military combat boot as his footwear. When in combat he wore a specially designed helmet. This helmet was made heavily armored to protect his head from collision, it also had a build-in radio to contact and night-vision.

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Hero Name
The Mighty Merging Hero: Stone Heart

Real Name
Haruna Ishikawa



Age & Gender
16 Female


Willing to speak her mind.
Chilled out.
Physically and mentally strong.

She doesn't care if what she says or does hurts people.
She's a little too laid back.
She doesn't seem to know how to be serious.
She has a lack of endurance (She gets tired easily)

Stone Assimilation:
This quirks primary ability is the power to merge and assimilate with any form of stone. This allows the user to take control of anything made of stone that they come in contact with. While under the user's control, the stone gains a surprising level of flexibility and dexterity it otherwise would not have, such as the ability to stretch and reshape in a surprising manner of ways. It appears that the strength of this particular quirk is directly proportional to the amount of stone in the user's environment. Because of this, at sufficient amounts, the user can withstand having pieces of their body destroyed to no end as long as their actual body doesn't get destroyed in the process.

One weakness of the Quirk is that the user needs to be merged with the stone to control it. While in use the user's body does not transform into stone but instead resides within it, and that portion is as vulnerable as any normal person, so if someone was to find where her body is inside the stone and attack that point it can injure her. Inversely, the damage done to the stone the user controls is not inflicted upon the user themselves, so long as their body is not harmed. Also, if the user assimilates with stone and then loses contact with the ground (such as being sent into midair), the main body is unable to assimilate stone from the nearby environment. In that case, if the airborne stone containing the body is further sliced into small pieces, the user has no choice but to emerge with her own body.

The quirk has a time limit one that is reliant on the user's endurance for how long they can stay merged. For Haruna this has always been a problem as she has always had bad endurance. To simply merge with stone is and tiring as walking is, to create simple things out of stone like a fist or a spike is like going for a short jog while creating a golem rapidly is like running up a steep hill without stopping it takes a lot out of the user given the time the user can slowly make a golem which doesn't take as much out of the user. To uphold the golem and do simple things like moving is much like what it is to simply merge with stone, however, to fight in this form would be like trying to run a marathon and would rapidly tire out the user.

Rokuro "Rock" Ishikawa - Older Twin Brother
Katharine-Corula Zweihild Von Kleinerheld- Cousin
Ken Ishikawa- Farther

Biography: When you have a father like Ken Ishikawa better known as the titan it's clear how your life was going to go, the strict, old-fashioned hero may be good at his job but as a father he left a lot to be desired by Haruna, Rokuro her older twin would probably have seen it differently after all he was always the favourite. So your probably wondering what made Haruna hate her father and be utterly and completely jealous of her brother well let me start at the beginning.

Haruna was the second born child to the hero titan, a strong hero with the ability to manipulate the earth around himself. Her older twin-brother is Rokuro who basically inherited their fathers quirk and was able to manipulate the earth around himself too, while Haruna could merge and warp the earth around her having a mix of her father's and her mother's. So even from the twins young age of four or five Ken Ishikawa already seemed to have a favorite and it surely wasn't Haruna. The twins were put under strict training by titan who wanted them to follow in his footsteps even if it wasn't what they wanted and while Rokuro shined under their fathers training Haruna struggled and eventually stop trying to impress her old man, skipping training and whenever she did attend not trying in the slightest.

A few more years down the line nothing changed and the rift between her and her father only grew her attitude didn't change and if anything got worse to the point where anytime her and her father were in the same room an argument would start. One day was the worst she can remember Rokuro was out and for one reason or another Haruna and Ken had started arguing and the angered Ken said a few words that still ring in her mind to this day. "Why can't you be more like your brother." Those words hurt more than anything she had felt before the normally witty and quick thinking Haruna didn't have a come back nor did she say anything she just up and left. She didn't return home for the next week and spent the whole time with her master at the dojo she had been training at for the past six or seven years something her father or brother didn't know about since she would always lie about going to a friends house or just not answer where she had been. The dojo taught Taekwondo and the old master that ran it was someone who understood Haruna having been in a very similar situation himself years ago he was happy to allow Haruna to stay for a while at the dojo as long as she helped clean and helped out in general which she accepted.

It wasn't until a week later that she returned to her father. She simply gave him a note with an address on it and told him she'll be living there for a while. One day her father dropped by and was surprised to see that it was a dojo where she was loving not only that but Haruna was training with a smile on her face. At the end of the training session Haruna turned around only to see her father with a big smile on his face which just passed off Haruna. The master of the dojo looked over towards the two and pulled Haruna's father aside and the two conversed and it seemed some sort of deal was struck. The deal was simple you must go to a hero school and finish the course after that you a free to do what you want. To her this was great and she decided to try for the same as her brother since then she would already know someone and she managed to get in.


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Saito Osaka

  • Name: Saito Osaka
    Nicknames: N/A, people often give him mean nicknames
    Desired Hero Name :chameleon
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
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DC9C75F0-86FB-409C-869D-F3ACD77C81F4.jpegHero Name
- Drake
Real Name
- Daraka Onogumo
- 16
- Student
- Fun loving
- Cheerful
- Hopeless Romantic
- Arrogant
- Fool Hardy
- Stubborn[/tab][/tabs]

- Height and weight:
1st form - 5’8 180lbs
2nd form - 5’11 400Lbs
3rd form - 6’5 600Lbs
- Hair: A light pink mass of messy hair
- Eyes: Yellow serpentine like eyes
- Other Description(Optional): Wears two bracelets that look sucpiciously like shackles.

Daraka of the Dragon Clan Onogumo, is the youngest of two. His older brother Drakon was the family favorite, admired by all as a pro-hero, the foremost being Daraka. They followed the teachings of their father G.Dragon, who was one of the top ten hero’s of all Japan alongside Rocky’s father, even with his children he was a very passionate teacher. Challenging the boys to feel their dragon blood an excell past their limits. In their time under the tutelage of their father, the boys learned a great many skills one being Chinese Wushu, which surprised everyone considering they were Japanese, tho their father said China was the birth place of Dragons! And they must pay their respects!

Daraka always challenged himself to be better then his brother, waking up earlier and going asleep later due to training. On the day of his acceptance into Shiketsu he was beyond proud, seeing his father and quirkless mother in the stands supporting him. That day Drakon was nowhere in sight, he had been trying to deter a tsunami from engulfing a section of the coast. Using all he had to rapid evaporate the body of water he managed to stop it, but he was nowhere to be found. Presumed dead, the family mourned, Drake refuses to believe that his brother is dead to this day β€œ no stupid wave can kill my brother!” Is one of his favorite responses to people’s condolences.

You would never know if Daraka was feeling any sort of sadness, he was always seen with a smile on his face and a joke to quip. Often challenging those with innate talent like Rocky.
Transformation - Dragon boy/ Half Dragon / Drake

First form: (base form)
-increased strength
-increased durability
-immune to fire
-breathes fire
-razor claws
-Sharp teeth and powerful bite

Second form: (not unlocked entirely)
-strength increase
-durability increase
-added tail
-wings which grant flight

Third form: (way later unlocks)
-strength maxed
-durability maxed
-devastating fire attacks

Collapsible pair of nunchucks

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Real Name
Remy Bolton


Age & Gender
Seventy-six, male

  1. A physical specimen. Unflawed body fat/muscle ratio.
  2. Never backs down. It doesn't matter if he dies; when the going gets tough, Bang fights.
  3. Is quite skillful at helping other's tap into and manifest the true use of their powers.
  1. He's old as fuck.
  2. When he gets mentally overwhelmed or too angry, he will immediately cease all communication.
  3. He has no mercy for his students.
Somatic, including:
  • Immense Strength: Despite his old age, Bang possesses incredible physical strength, far beyond that of an average hero. Bang has been shown to be able to destroy meteorite fragments with his bare hands. When Bang prepares to fight at maximum power, his muscles increase in size, and his veins pop out as well.
  • Immense Speed and Reflexes: He possesses impressive speed, as he is able to follow the movements of extremely fast opponents and was once able to outrun a falling spaceship.
  • Extreme Durability: Bang is shown to be amazingly resilient as well, as he was able to survive a direct hit from a villain that sent him flying back a considerable distance, with him crashing into several concrete debris, with the last one creating a crater upon impact without apparent injuries. However, it took him some time to shake off the attack. He also remarks that his back was killing him, and that he needed to do more full body workouts, signifying he was nominally injured. While carrying a kid with an acid-based quirk to safety, he appeared to be unharmed despite having visible marks from the acid.
  • Enhanced Senses: Bang's senses are also far beyond the human norm.4c2fe1bb2f90c16cadfc81dbe6ae1d72.png
  • Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (RyΕ«sui Gansai-ken): Bang's martial art. It has been shown to be relatively powerful, destroying meteor fragments easily. He's able to create an area where his fists will destroy anything that enters, protecting those inside. He is skilled enough to redirect powerful and fatal attacks that might come his way, as well as applying devastating impact with his martial skills. A former student, describing bang, would say he "leads his enemies around the nose by moving like a calm stream, only to finish them off with a punch strong enough to smash great rocks like a raging river," implying that the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist parallels real-life Tai-Chi.
  • Water Stream Encampment ( RyΕ«sui-jin): Bang is able to create an area where his fists will destroy anything that enters, protecting those inside.
  • Instantaneous Effect (Shun mi Kō): Bang jumps at his opponent using a special footwork, then elegantly and quickly moves as if he was flowing, and confuses them with a swift feint and then performs a fast piercing attack. He precisely aims for the enemy's weak points from places they cannot predict.
  • Fang Interpolation (Kiba Sōshi): Bang's fingertips are far more powerful than steel, capable of hitting the smallest weak points with single hits of incredible accuracy. This move is known to be smooth like water, but powerful enough to destroy rock with unparalleled destructive power.
  • Abandonment (Mikiri): Bang removes all restrictions that he had placed on his mind. When they are removed, Bang's mobility, agility, and maneuverability are heightened.

From decades of experience, Bang is one of the most powerful martial artists. Bang possesses a vast knowledge of martial arts, and as a result was able to create his own martial art. Despite his old age, Bang is able to defeat high-level villains with ease. He is considered to be the "Greatest Treasure of Martial Arts," and has shown to use ruthless killing methods of martial arts when he is angry instead of using efficient methods. In his prime, Bang was roughly four-to-five times as strong as he is currently, however, Bang is no longer on the first line of defense. After his wife passed away due to natural causes, the old man devoted the rest of his days to teaching kids with quirks how to properly use their powers, so that the future generation of heroes could prove to be more valuable than the first.
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Oda Izanami
Professor at Shiketsu Academia

23 Year Old Female
5'4" 162 CM
134 lbs 60.78 kg

Ups -
Trained in Ninpo since the age of 4, so really agile and flexible. (can also endure extreme temperatures)
A strategical prodigy
Patient as a Saint

Tore every ligament in her left knee in a hero incident, so cannot use her left leg to plant. (limits her agility a bit if an enemy notices)
Apathetic and stoic, which despite her high success rate as a hero, prevents her popularity from growing as much as her parents.
Humorless, can't really grasp the concept of comedy - when she tries to make her own jokes it's terrible...or not even a joke.

Shadow Manipulation

Creation: Using her qurk allows her to create shadows. Though her family and herself included, have been observed and studied by scientists (with the purpose of recreating it), they're still not really sure how that works. What perplexes them, even more, is that she can make these shadows solid. Not only can she make them solid, over the years she learned how to shape the shadows and give them the proper coloring and effects to resemble actual items, including cloning herself. The largest creation she had made to date was on a mission she took to the middle east, where she created a wall that 4 stories high, 40 meters wide, and 3 feet thick. She used it to protect refugees from attacks from other quirk users, tank artillery fire, and rockets. She was able to do that for three hours and repair it where necessary before all of the refugees were brought to safety. She was left exhausted and could not use her quirk for 24 hours.

She can create the creations without touching them, so she doesn't have to be near her creation point to create the shadow, she only needs to be able to see the area. If she isn't touching it takes more energy She also has learned that she has to be in contact with the shadow in order for it to maintain its physical form. If she isn't touching it, it usually disappears but there are exceptions mainly when she throws the item. When she throws a smaller item, it maintains its trajectory but it isn't affected by gravity or other factors, so it continues to go into that straight line until an intense enough light destroys it or it runs into an obstacle. Over the years she has increased her stamina and ability to use it for long periods of time, but it all depends on the size of the creations she makes and how fast she makes them. She has found that creating several small creations rapidly is more exhausting than make large ones slowly.

Teleportation: The trait of her shadow manipulation that she got from her mother. Using her creation technique to create a teleportation point by creating a small sphere of shadow. She can then swap her location with the location of the small sphere. Theoretically, she can swap herself with a larger sphere or an entire creation but there's an exponential growth in energy required to swap. The small sphere uses very little energy to swap, but because it is such a small sphere if it's created in the light it'll dissipate instantly, and thus she has to do it in shadows or darkness to use it.

Invisibility: Her manipulation of the shadows also lets her absorb light, and redirect it. This is the same concept she uses when she's giving color to the creations, only its the reverse concept. It's virtually an active camouflage that renders her invisible, but in actuality, she just matches the background almost as if she was transparent. If paid close attention, she can be spotted by noting an odd bend in the light where her body is.

When using either of her abilities, her eyes involuntarily glow a bright blue and loses the pupil (they're a deep violet/blue normally.) Over the years hse has learned to force her eyes to go blue, even if she isn't directly using her quirk though she never learned how to stop it, nor does she think she can.

*Heightened Sight, Smell, Taste: It isn't clear if this is apart of her quirk or just a natural mutation, but she can pick up scents in a meter proximity of its source (she can smell different scents of people, but she can't track the faint scents. She has the ability to see sharper details of people (like pores, or hair follicles) though she can only see as far as the typical human. She can also taste different flavors (she has the ability to tell you the distinct spices in a dish -if she knows the name of the spices- .)


Oda Ninpo
Ninpo Skill - Proficiency (left links active so you can see a better explanation)
  1. Bajutsu – horsemanship : B-
  2. Bōjutsu – stick and staff : C+
  3. Bōryaku – tactics : A+
  4. Chi-mon – geography: B
  5. Chōhō – espionage : A+
  6. Hensōjutsu – disguise and impersonation: C+
  7. Intonjutsu – escaping and concealment: A+
  8. Kayakujutsu – pyrotechnics: C+
  9. Kenjutsu – sword techniques: A+
  10. Kusarigamajutsu – kusarigama: A-
  11. Naginatajutsu – naginata : B-
  12. Seishinteki kyōyō – spiritual refinement: D-
  13. Shinobi-iri – stealth and infiltration: A+
  14. Shurikenjutsu – throwing weapons techniques: B+
  15. Sōjutsu – spear techniques: C-
  16. Sui-ren – water training: F-
  17. Taijutsu – unarmed combat (hapkido)Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (RyΕ«sui Gansai-ken): A less powerful modified version of Master Bang's art, for when she needs to go extremely offensive. A+
  18. Tenmon – meteorology: C-

Izanami was born into the famed Oda family. A family of ninpo practitioners who had achieved their own notoriety for centuries in Japan. They are distant descendants of Oda Nobunaga, though they only picked up the Oda surname a half a century ago (their name got changed to other things over the years..) They were notorious for being vigilantes, even before the advent of quirks - using their ninpo skills to affect everything from the government to the more local level.

Being born in this family meant that at four, you were taken into the countryside and trained every day, and it was no different for Izanami. Her free time was spent using her provisional hero license to help her family's hero agency strategize on upcoming missions, or even in real time. Her love for war history had helped her develop a unique knack for plans that tended to work out. Eventually, she'd in up at UA, where she'd graduate with flying colors on the physical and mental aspects of being a hero, though she lacked the charisma of the most liked heroes.

Over the years as ShadowStrike, she had become a very successful hero though not very well liked. If it was a public facing incident, she was always called on as a last resort. The height of her fame came in her last act as a hero, where she emerged from a burning building limping (she had torn every ligament in her left knee) with a mother and her child on her back. ShadowStrike, nor the people she saved had any memory of the incident or what happened inside. She just knew she was badly injured, and couldn't use her quirk anymore meaning she had spent all of her stamina.

The incident is still under investigation, and while the case is opened (and while she rehabs her knee) she was asked to teach at Shiketsu Academia.
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Grey Wolf
Johanna Mizoto
Student at Shiketsu Academia
15 Year Old Female
5'7" 170 CM
120 lbs 54.15 kg

Ups -
Super Human Strength (in the sense that she's stronger than the strongest quirkless human)
Adaptable, has the ability to change on the fly to fit any situation.
Thorough, she makes sure she gives something all of her attention (see Downs and quirk for why)
Loyal, she's the best comrade you can ask for, always making sure her friends and loved ones are taken care of.

Clumsy, unless it's in a straight line she has tendcy to lose her footings when maneuvering.
Gullible, she has a good heart so tends to look for the best in people even if she shouldn't.
Proud and Quick Tempered

Grey Wolf

Her body has taken on the characteristics of a grey wolf. This causes her to have wolf ears on her head, and head of hair that's more akin to wolf fur than human hair. She also inherited a feature that seems to be more common in canines, than humans, which is heterochromial eyes. Her left is an ice blue, and her right an amber like yellowish brown. Her teeth match those of a wolf, meaning she has about ten more than the average human and though it's hard to tell, she has a longer jaw and a larger mouth than the average human. Her large mouth helps her keep her canines hidden, and allow her to speak relatively normal without much interference though it does happen from time to time. She also has claws where her nails would be, which are extremely sharp but not quite razor sharp. They can cut, but unlike a razor, they would need a bit of pressure behind them like a swipe if in combat. She also has a bit of extra skin between her fingers and toes, that as a webbing like a wolf's. She tends to wear gloves and always keep her shoes on because of this. The last wolven physical feature she has is her wolf tail, which helps her keep her balance in some situations (see below.)

Super Strength- She retains a natural strength that no quirkless human can naturally achieve, but she is a far shot in strength from heroes and other quirk users who have 'super strength' as their calling card.

Quadripedal- Though thanks to her quirk, her top speed when bipedal is 15 mph, she can drop to all fours and run at a top speed of 30 mph, though with training there could be room for improvement. Her tail aids her in her balance. (it aids her with her bipedal balance too but to a lesser degree)

Sight- Her heterochromial eyes allow her to see great distances a little over a mile with no obstructions and can detect even the slightest movement, however, much like the wolf her eyesight is poor on detail. She can't see details of a lot of things, and though she can see some light frequencies a little better than a human, she can not see as many colors as a human. She can't see reds and greens. For reference, if she was looking at a rainbow instead of seeing the rainbow as violet, blue, blue-green, green, yellow, orange and red, she would see it as dark blue, light blue, gray, light yellow, darker yellow (sort of brown), and very dark gray.

Scent- She can distinguish smells and scents apart barring if there is an overwhelming smell (like let's say mustard gas ), and in favorable conditions (i.e. downwind on a clear weather day, with decent air pressure and humidity) she can track a scent up to 1.75 miles away. This sense of smell also lends to her being neutralized by strong smells that are overwhelming (as mentioned earlier) much quicker than a normal person would. She also has the ability to mark areas and objects with her own scent, which helps her not get lost.

Sound- She can hear sounds up to 6 miles away in an area like a forest, 10 in an open space and at frequencies up to 25KHz. In a place where there is a lot of sound pollution, like a crowd or a big city, her sense of hearing is rendered useless.

Bite- Though she rarely does it, because she feels it is too 'animalistic', she has the normal bite force of 400 pounds, though that can vary and reach up to 1200 pounds of pressure if in danger or high stress.


Agriculture and Gardening- Johanna can grow anything. haha.

Johanna was born in Iowa in the United States to farming parents. Her father (Hero Name: Howler) also took on the wolf quirk (though he didn't have the super strength or quadripedal ability), and her mother was quirkless, though she was one hell of a gardener. Their life was modest, Johanna spending most of her days helping with the farm, herding cattle, plowing the fields, and chasing away predators from their animals. That was until her grandfather visited from Japan. He was a hero, a rather successful one at one point, and her father was nothing but a disappointment to him especially when he married a quirkless woman (which drove them to America in the first place.)

His visit to the farm (to see his granddaughter the only one he loved) allowed him to see Johanna in action. She had all of her father's quirks plus a couple other abilities that didn't manifest in either his son or himself. He demanded that she move to Japan with him to attend U.A. (Yuei), his alma mater, but Howler refused. In a heated debate, Johanna stuck her head into it and mentioned that she did want to be a hero. Refusing to hold her back from her dreams, the way his father did him he made a compromise and sent her off to Shiketsu Academia, hoping that she would become a great hero and end up nothing like her grandfather.

(A picture of her younger self)
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Borys.PNGHero Name Fissure
Real Name Borys Orlov
Age 47
Height 6'8"
Weight 462 lbs

Status Teacher at Shiketsu

Age & Gender Male

Gentle (by nature)

Incredibly anger prone
Easily provoked

Quirk Human Volcano: In a calm state, Boris is about as threatening as a dormant volcano and is coated in cold rock. When he is angered however, he begins to heat up and is able to spew lava and rocks from his hands and toxic smoke out of his head. His body, in this angered state becomes more lava-like, giving him a scorching property to anyone that might hit him directly. If he gets too angry, or is angry for too long of a time he can begin to lose form or even melt in his own magma, killing him. There is a factor of excursion, as being in this volcanic state is very straining, using this form repeatedly may leave him temporarily dormant or if worse comes to worse, permanently unable to use his quirk if he is not careful. The amount of time can range to around one hour or even as little as five minutes depending on how angry he is.

To add to his non-quirk state, he has a solid stone body. This is no absolute defense, however, as the stone is not incredibly tough. A few stabs or blows is all it can really take, and is poor at absorbing damage. In some ways, it can be a disadvantage if the opponent uses blunt attacks, but those punching him should be more wary as he is still solid.

His quirk is also slightly effected by happiness, but it hardly heats him enough to use in combat. However, it can be told he is happy when there is a little flame burning over his head.

Weaknesses His quirk makes it hard for many hero duties due to its pure destructive power and must be carefully contained to not damage anything around him. In situations where he is able to unleash his power at its full extent, he is incredibly powerful, but he is almost always monitoring others around him and avoids killing even the most evil of villains. He must also monitor it as to not kill himself as well. However, his quirk, even when he is limiting it, has many potential uses.

Biography Borys was born in Kiev, Ukraine, where he became a famous hero in a nation that poorly adapted to the surge of heroes, even with the symbol of peace, All Might. In his youth, he was one of the founding members of the Slavic Union of Heroes (SUH), which aimed to tackle the high rate of villains in these states. He was a hero of passion and one that strove for the laws other countries had sought for in terms of quirks and their use. Borys, despite his renown for how dangerous his quirk was, was notorious for his mercy and for the longest time had not killed a single soul, not even crushing spiders his daughters so avidly feared.

In his thirties, the situation in the Poland escalated to where he was constantly fighting villains, one after another. In his most infamous fight against a villain who had a water based quirk, his strongest counter, he exerted himself so hard that his quirk erupted to degrees he could not control. This following surge of power had dealt thousands of dollars worth of damage and killed the opposing villain and two innocent by-standers. While the police were lax on the hero, even praising him for taking down a villain who had been credited as a serial killer, Borys begged to be punished for his actions. Many agreed he should have be punished in some fashion, but were convinced otherwise by the Polish police's commissioner and close friend to Borys that he should finish his battle for peace in the Slavic countries first, as the SUH was in dire need of numbers and the attrition Borys's deadly quirk bought him. Borys had agreed, but on the condition he would be put on trial afterwards.

The struggles of the SUH ended a few years later, to the point where many of the Slavic governments could step in and implement laws that would ease the rise of villains. Borys's job was done, but the public was outraged such a hero was being considered as criminal, even though Borys had ushered on the punishment himself. Due to this, his friend and police commissioner was able to secure him a job teach at Shiketsu, which was far enough to ease the guilt the man felt, but also to educate a generation of children on his just philosophies. The guilt never leaves him and has made him incredibly protective and overly-conscious of his abilities.

Other Borys is very interested in other cultures and well-versed in his languages. Along with speaking Ukrainian, he is also able to speak Russia, English, Japanese and is basic in most of the Slavic languages. He urges his students to think internationally and about the effect their actions have on everyone.
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Brax Brax I'm finished. Is this good?
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[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]b5a0c05b6f8a2d5b9880ef7baaaea9a5.png[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Real Name: Gakuon Tensai
Hero Name: TBA
[div class=fyuriheader] Stats[/div]

[div class=fyuriheader] Quirk: Summary [/div]
Sonokinesis- Quirk allows user to absorb and release sound vibrations using ears and mouth, respectively. Also, the released sound waves, as well as sound waves directly caused by him can be controlled by him. However, the user has to constantly be absorbing soundwaves or they become sicker and sicker. Also, when absorbing sound waves, the sound is essentially muted for everyone but Gaku, although the volume of the sound will be tripled for him.
~~ Power vs. Accuracy Scale: The easiest way to think of his powers are on a continuum between Accuracy and Power. Using a 1-5 Scale, with 1 being Extremely Accurate but Weak and 5 being Extremely Powerful but Uncontrollable, his blasts are:

~~~ Controlled Non Mouth Blasts - 1. These blasts are powerful enough to give him a small boost in speed or send a piece of paper flying, but not for much else. However, they are extremely accurate and he's able to send them virtually to anywhere.
~~~ Uncontrolled Non-Mouth Blasts - 2. These blasts are powerful enough to send someone flying if they are right in front of him (within his Controlling Range) and slow down targets advancing towards him.
~~~ Controlled Mouth Blast - 2. No matter how much he charges a mouth blast, if he starts to change its direction, it loses enough power to come to a 2. These blasts are powerful enough to send someone flying if they are right in front of him (within his Controlling Range) and slow down targets advancing towards him.
~~~ Uncontrolled Mouth Blast: Level 1 - 3. Charged for the minimum of 3 seconds. Is powerful enough to send an opponent flying back a few feet even if they aren't in his controlling range. Has a very small range as they can only go forward 7.5 feet before disappearing and only reach 3 feet left and right. After using this, he has to take a few seconds to breathe, but otherwise no detrimental effects.
~~~ Uncontrolled Mouth Blast: Level 2 - 4. Charged for 10 or more seconds. Powerful enough to push a car a few inches and crack stone. Can go 12.5 feet forward and 7 feet left and right. This leaves him extremely tired. Although he doesn't pass out, he starts hyperventilating (inhaler FTW) and collapses for a few seconds, and he loses his ability to focus as he mind becomes scattered and frazzled.
~~~ Uncontrolled Mouth Blast: Level 3 - 5. Charged for longer than the (current) max of 20 seconds. Powerful enough to send a car flying a few feet and break a stone wall. Can go 20 feet forward and 10 feet left and right. (This level is currently untested as Gaku, due to many factors is unable to physically reach this level right now.)
[/div][div class=fyuribox2]
[div class=fyuriheader2] Gaku
[/div][div class=fyuriheader3] Basics[/div]
Nickname: Gaku (Everyone)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Status: Student

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 121 lbs

Extra Appearance: He has an ectomorphic build. He's always seen with headphones on and outside of school, he always wears a jacket. He also has a blue monkey tail, something he inherited from his father's side of the family.

[div class=fyuriheader3] Personality[/div]

  • Intelligent - Gaku has an eidetic memory, has spent his entire childhood relatively alone, and has access to thousands of books, as well as a private tutor, not to mention with a work ethic backed by a strict father. Gaku is definitely one of the smartest people you'll meet.
  • A Cynical Introvert - Unfortunately, not by choice. Gaku rarely left his house, let alone met other people. Although he's excited to find meet other people, he's extremely wary of others, due to his only knowledge of how people act and behave coming from the stories his father and brother told him about his mother. Of course, he doesn't know that most people are decent, but right now he thinks everyone is either a hero or a villain and that there's no middle ground. Another cause of this is his own experiences. Gaku always feels bad because of his sicknesses, feeling bad about how they made him feel and how they made his family members feel. Due to everything that he went through, he felt like the world itself is just against him. Although his attitude is improving as he experiences more, it'll always be a part of him.
    • Silent Type - Due to his childhood of solitude, Gaku doesn't have any experience with talking to others casually. As such, he won't start a conversation with another person unless he absolutely has to or they speak to him first.
    • Optimistic Pessimist - Due to his stories of bad people, Gaku believes that there is bad in the world full-heartedly. However, also due to the stories, he believes that everyone should do what they can to make the world better. As such, if Gaku sees someone down, he'll break from his introvertedness enough to try and get them to smile, doing whatever he can to make the person happy. This ideology also stems from the hero persona he wants to establish for himself.
  • Ambitious, Responsible, Perfectionist - He's definitely an overachiever. He always gives 110% and if given the chance, definitely expect him to be the person to remind the teacher that there was homework. However, whenever he screws up, he's extremely hard on himself. Although he's not a sore loser, whenever he loses, expect him to start pushing himself, even more, to try and be the best and anything less than perfect is not enough whenever he's working on something, so expect him to always bring up training.
    • Insomniac - He's a self-made insomniac. It's not that he can't sleep, but rather that he forces himself to stay awake. His mind is always racing and he thinks the best to get your brain racing is during the night when everyone else is sleeping. Of course, the lack of sleep always catches up to him every now and then, but don't worry too much about him. He still gets at least an hour of sleep at night. By the way, this DEFINITELY doesn't help the illnesses.
  • Independent & Loner - Due to his childhood of solitude, Gaku has no experience whatsoever working in a team. Gaku is used to getting work done alone and he is accustomed to it. Unfortunately, this also affects relationships because he's not used to being with other people and as such, he'll have a tendency to try and do everything himself. Of course, he'll try his best during team exercises, but keep in mind that his quirk is definitely prone to friendly fire and keep your guard up.
    • Brutally Blunt & Brutally Honest - All of his life, Gaku has never had a reason to lie or hold back his tongue and he won't start now. Growing up with his father, who encouraged and expected both initiative and honesty, Gaku was taught to say whatever was on his mind. As such, Gaku will never tell a lie and will say things that sometimes lead to bad situations. It's not that Gaku doesn't think about things, but rather the opposite. Gaku thinks about something enough that he feels it needs to be said out loud. If Gaku cares for you, he will apologize for hurting your feelings with his words, however, he will not take back what he said.
  • Arts-oriented & Creative - Gaku, like his mother, has a deep love for music and the arts in general. He has perfect pitch, has a three-octave range in chest voice, plays the piano, trumpet, violin, guitar, accordion, and flute, knows how to dance in multiple genres, has been doing art since he was 6, and has been cooking since he was 7. He loves the arts more than anything in the world and he's a self-proclaimed addict. He carries around a journal, previously owned by his mother, that he writes down all of his art-related ideas, including song ideas, sketches, and recipes. If you touch this journal, he will get angry.
  • Poker Face - Ever since he was young, Gaku has always had a poker face. Whenever he's stuck in thought, in the middle of an action, doing absolutely nothing at all, etc, etc Gaku has a blank expression on his face. Unless the situation calls for it, Gaku's expression is usually unreadable and this usually unnerves people, specifically his tutor and brother. This poker face of his is a force of habit that came from focusing so much on certain things as a child, specifically reading and learning. Whenever certain things happened, for example, taking out a villain or playing a song or beating up someone who touched his journal, Gaku's expression will change to match the situation.
  • Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder - The cause of parts of his behavior, Gaku has had DDD ever since he was a kid. This causes him to zone out of reality every now and then as well as have anxiety attacks although they are rare. This is another reason why Gaku has a poker face, to hide what he is actually feeling as he sometimes feels like his emotions may not be real.
    • Easily loses focus - Another effect of his DDD is an inability to stay focused continuously. Although Gaku will eventually get tasks done, it is rare for him to actually stay focused on a single task the entire time. His quirk is also to blame as Gaku ALWAYS has music playing to fuel his quirk, but the music usually ends up distracting him as well. Depending on the task, something that could easily take a few minutes to do could have him doing it for twice or thrice as long.

[div class=fyuriheader3] Strengths & Flaws[/div]

Strengths+ Intelligent
+ Responsible
+ Relatively Well Rounded (Skills-wise)
+ Poker Face

Flaws- Has to wear hearing Aids because he has terrible hearing. (when not using his quirk)
- He has to take medication for his DDD.
- New to social, and other types of, situations involving people that aren't or wasn't hired by his family
- ALWAYS hungry (due to quirk)
- Mentally TOO attached to some of his items (including Jacket, Headphones, and Notebook)
- Gets sick easily (due to quirk)
- Physically weak

[div class=fyuriheader3] Quirk[/div]
*Note: Read the box on left first*
Quirk Limitations ~~ Continuous Use: His body has to constantly be absorbing sound waves or he'll become sick.
~~ Calorie Intake: The continuous use of his quirk consumes energy which is why he has to eat a lot to keep his body running
~~ Hearing: Gaku's quirk is limited to things he can actually hear, so in environments where sound travels badly, he's at a disadvantage.
~~ Outside Source: Although he can control them, Gaku cannot absorb sound waves created by him. As such, to stay healthy, he has to continuously have an outside source to absorb from. As such, he's heavily reliant on his headphones so he always has a source.
~~ Shockwaves: Released and controlled vibrations also take on properties of shockwaves, allowing them to blow things back and, in true anime fashion, become visible to the naked eye.
~~ Friendly Fire: Gaku might need a source at some point (but only when he's desperate) and the soundwaves do not discriminate between friend and foe. Friendly and Self Fire are possible.
~~ Controlling range: Sound waves can only be controlled when within 5 feet of Gaku
~~ Cut Off: The only time the absorbed waves are completely mute are when Gaku purposely targets a source before the source makes a sound. When he absorbs waves afterwards it sounds like you'd expect it to: the sound being cut off.
~~ Charged: His most powerful sound waves are emitted from his mouth. However, he has to charge them first, for at least 3 seconds. As he's unable to breathe while charging, he currently can only charge for a max of 20 seconds, up to a "level 3" (See Side)

[div class=fyuriheader] Biography[/div]
During his childhood, Gaku was always sick, spending at least a tenth of his time under the watch of a medical professional. As such, it was no surprise that his father was extremely protective of him. Gaku spent his entire childhood in the home, usually stuck in his room. Despite his sicknesses, Gaku's father still expected Gaku to undergo the same regiment as his older siblings. As such, Gaku was tutored at home. However, due to his eidetic memory and lack of access to other things to do, Gaku easily excelled in academics, and, as such, was easily bored by them. However, one thing he did have access to was the stories of his mother. Whenever he had nothing else to do, Gaku would ask his father or siblings to tell him about his mother, as she had died after giving birth to him. As such, he heard dozens of the stories of the arts-fanatic/hero named Vibrado and eventually he wanted to be just like her.

At the suggestion of the psychologists who diagnosed Gaku's DDD, the suggestions of the doctors who diagnosed many of the illness he suffered from, and the suggestion of Gaku's tutor, Gaku's father then hired people to give Gaku lessons in something extracurricular. Of course, due to Gaku's major interest in his mother's past, the obvious choice was to give him lessons in the arts. As such, from age 7, Gaku was given lessons in music, art, dance, acrobatics, gymnastics, theatre, and even a small amount of martial arts, specifically Jujitsu and Aikido. With more things to do, Gaku's attitude and health began to drastically improve as he was able to do more things, able to enjoy his family's company more actively, etc, etc.

Everyone thought he was quirkless. He thought he was quirkless. It turns out, he wasn't quirkless. A few days after his 10th birthday, Gaku became deathly ill. He had no energy, was unable to move, in pain constantly, etc. Extremely worried, the father brought in a team of doctors to try and diagnose what was wrong. They were overall puzzled until the Quirk Specialist realized the problem. Gaku's quirk had manifested and was constantly sapping the energy in his body. After a few more hours, they were able to get Gaku to recover by using his quirk, as well as informing him of what his quirk was. Despite the near-death experience his quirk put him through, Gaku was ecstatic.

Knowing how his entire world was able to improve so drastically, Gaku decided he wanted to be a hero; someone who was able to do the same for other people; he wanted to be like his mom. As such, he started working harder, learning more about his quirk, practicing all of his extracurriculars, researching ways to improve his body; all in the hopes of being able to become a hero.

Eventually, Gaku took a step towards his dreams. Seeing all of the hard work he was doing over the 5 years, Gaku's father gave Gaku permission to go to the exam for a hero school under two conditions. One that if he failed, he wouldn't become a hero and two: that the school was Shiketsu Academy, as it was not only the closest hero school to their home, but it was his wife and older children's alma mater.

[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
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21F99D83-1E2B-42B5-8E9D-18AF1BA12EBA.jpegHero Name
- Master Radiant
Real Name
- Connie Tsumasa
- 36
- Headmaster
- Silly/Goofy
- Fiercely Loyal
- Kind

- Too trusting
- Pulls Punches
- Very Simple

- Height and weight:
6’5 205LBS
- Hair: White blonde hair slicked back
- Eyes: lightning Blue eyes
- Other Description(Optional): Has a constant smile on his face even in great pain, very flowy and flamboyant.


Connie grew up in a very privileged home, sheltered by the lavish lifestyle of his mother and father. He did not realize the suffering even quirked individuals had to deal with on a daily basis. During a small trip to the Cabo islands a group of heroes saved some weaker quirked people from a villain of profound ability. He had found his calling. Against his parents wishes Connie thrusted himself into the hero world.

Seeming to float through UA basically because of his lineage, you see Connie was a direct descendant of the first quirked human, the glowing child. In those years the quirk evolved beyond simply shining, encompassing several abilities centered around light and manipulating it. Working several years as a pro hero Connie never exactly reached the top of the charts. Popularity wasn't why he did this...he did this for so much more. Unable to get the role of headmaster at UA he took up the Headmaster position at Shiketsu still enjoying shaping the young minds of tomorrow.

Emission: Light/Light manipulation
- can emit concentrated light, like a lazer
- can bend light to make people or objects invisible

Weakness of quirk:

- uses more stamina to produce light rather than bend it
- in darkness bending light becomes a tenth of its strength
- super reflective surfaces like mirrors can deflect his attacks

- Light honing cane

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  • UnnaturalPreciousKissingbug-size_restricted.gif
    Hero Name - The Wire Hero, Electrowire

    Real Name - Yuuta Shimiru

    Status - Student

    Age & Gender - 15-year-old Male

    Height - 5"7'

    Weight - 47kg

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Real Name
Allison Jones

Professor/School Nurse

Age & Gender
34 Female

  1. Friendly and comforting, excellent bedside manner
  2. multiple Medical degrees
  3. Highly dedicated to her work
  1. Gets defensive about her patients, will pick a fight with a teacher to keep them from getting hurt
  2. Overly flirtatious
  3. Pacifist.

  • Cellular Song: Calypso can pitch her voice in such a way that it changes the speed of the regrowth of cells. (ie can cause the cells to regrow and heal much faster than normal)
  • Soothing Tone: Calypso can use her voice to put her patients at ease, or to put them in a state that dampens pain.
  • Siren Shriek: Can force her voice to a high tone causing foes to have to hold their ears in pain.

  • Medical Degree: Allison has multiple doctorates in various fields of medicine. She is the leading expert in Orthopedic science.
  • Songstress: Along with using her voice for healing, Calypso is a wonderful singer and likes to perform for fun.

Allison moved to japan from the states when she started hero school. Her healing abilities were able to get her many offers, but she really wanted to move to japan and see and work with all the big heroes. She has built quite a name for herself since then, both as a published doctor and as the healer hero Calypso. A bad fight made her turn her back to the ways of combat and she found her home working as a school nurse. She loves her students and would do anything to protect them.


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Akane Tsukino
Hero Name:

Real Name:
Akane Tsukino




Intelligent, Charismatic, Kind, Flirty, Sarcastic, Sassy, Quick Tempered, Incredibly Protective, Violent, Untrusting (depends on the situation)

Music, Protecting his family, Dancing, Making People Smile, Beating up villains

Loud Noises, High places, Reptiles, Villians


Akane was born into a well-off family, his parents being two rather popular heroes who were co CEOs for a hero agency in New York. For the most part, Akane had a normal childhood with loving parents. After the death of his father, who was killed by a villain, who possessed a quirk that caused the man to take on the characteristics of a snake, when he was 9 his mother became obsessed with catching the villain who had killed her husband. Eventually, she did catch him and ended up killing the man. It was thought to be an act of self-defense but she was suspended from hero work for about a year. Throughout that whole year, his mother had fallen into depression which caused Akane to promise himself no one would ever hurt his mother again. After the suspension was over, Akane and his mother moved to Japan to start over. When he was 13, his mother met his soon to be step-father and they had which soon resulted in the birth of


Physical Description:
Akane is a young dark-skinned male. He has long black hair that is styled into dreads that extends to his hips. He is of average height and is typically considered to be attractive. He possesses slender but toned build with long limbs.



Juggernaut- Akane posses the ability to absorb kinetic energy as his own power. This power makes him somewhat resistant to blunt damage and increases his strength with each hit he takes. He stores the energy in his hair and as a side effect of his Quirk, his eyes change colors when he uses it.

While he gains power from blunt damage, he doesn't get it from anything else making him vulnerable to pierce and slashing attacks as well as attacks using fire, water, wind, lightning etc. Due to the fact he stores all of the energy, he absorbs in his hair if his hair is damaged or cut he loses the energy.

Akane is reasonably skilled in gymnastics and hand to hand combat.



-He takes dance classes
-If he wasn't going to become a hero, he would be a choreographer
-He is gay
-Due to the fact, the villain who killed his father had the physical characteristics of a snake Akane is now terrified of them all to the point he freezes up and has flashbacks.
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hero name:
Chili Pepper

real name:
Yami Kawaguchi

name meaning:
archery, bow | mouth of the river
very loosely translated to "shot from the mouth [of the river]"*

age and gender:
16, female

Simply put, Yami's image is average and uncomplicated. She's normal in height, standing at five feet, two inches, but compared to most of her classmates at Shiketsu, she could be considered short. Her thin, bony body makes her lack of training obvious, but she tries to keep that fact hidden with baggy clothing. Yami also just feels vulnerable wearing form-fitting clothing and is honestly in awe of the heroes she sees in obviously uncomfortable, although nice-looking, costumes. She has carmine-colored hair newly cut since her father thought it'd get in the way while she was at school, but because she was so nervous holding the sharp pair of scissors and couldn't stop her hand from shaking, some strands differ in length. Her large, olive green eyes contrast the color of her hair, and her face is littered with freckles. Yami's most distinguishing feature would have to be the accessories she wears, often either a surgical mask or a scarf, to help her keep her quirk in check.

* the only way it'd ever translate to this is if someone was reaching, which I definitely am

  • strengths:
    calculative, good at discerning situations
    observant, although she often doesn't know what to do with most information
    has a great memory, unless it comes to names
    knowledgeable in CPR / first aid but not certified, see biography

    has never been in a fight, definitely wouldn't be able to protect herself from anything heads on
    needs to be within five feet in order for quirk to have its desired effect, so she's often leaving herself open to attacks
    has a tendency to overthink, leading to her not doing anything at all
    very, very fearful, which affects her quirk

    more details:
    Yami Kawaguchi may have the heart of a hero, but with her cowardly mind, it's obvious she was never meant to be one. She genuinely believes her purpose in life is to support others and becomes wracked with guilt if she were to stand idle in the face of oppression. However, because of some past experiences, she's become a staunch believer in the practice of self-preservation and thus, has a chip on her shoulder more often than not. Her fear has evolved in a major way- keeping her away from kitchens that carry knives, candles due to flames, heights too far up, and especially heroes because of villains. One can infer from that alone that Yami is far from assertive and that if there ever were a situation where a fight may occur, she'd either be prepared to run away or become the self-depreciating diplomat. She'll humiliate herself if it keeps a situation from escalating or if it would make someone feel better, such as when she poured her milk all over her uniform so her friend wouldn't worry about people pointing out the stain on her shirt.

    The times where she's the one committing the offense- perhaps by accidentally saying something rude or by letting her facial expressions give her more unfavorable feelings away-, she'll apologize repeatedly and still lay in bed at night thinking about it for years to come. She doesn't hold others to the same standard, though, and believes a forgiving heart is a content heart. Of course, this could also just be attributed to the fact that she would prefer to keep situations as uncomplicated and nonvolatile as possible. However, despite all of that, she'll also be among the first to help patch someone up after a fight or support someone after a rough time. Yami cares for others and their well-being from the bottom of her heart. Seeing someone get hurt, no matter her relation to them, is like getting hurt herself. She's notorious for continuously checking in on people, often at the worst of times, too. Yet, Yami truly can't bear to see someone wretched or lonely, and so if she believes something's wrong, she does her best to annoy the person until they spill the beans.

    Regardless of her naive nature, Yami is rather observant and can spot trouble from miles away, which is why she stands so true to her gut-feelings. She picks up on social cues easily but finds it hard to convey that whenever she’s speaking. Her words sound great in her head, but because being the center of attention gives her the jitters or because her confidence wavers, they often come out horribly. This seems to be more of an issue when one realizes she's beyond neurotic. She doesn't handle stress very well, most situations ending with her coming dangerously close to pulling her hair out. She tries to put an emphasis on the fact that a positive attitude results in a positive outcome, yet she's often gloomy herself. Yami hides it, because she doesn't want others to worry like she does. Otherwise, she'd be in tears all the time, either because she took what someone said to heart or because she couldn't open her bottle of water. Her outlet for her emotions is often just ranting to her father, but since he's frequently on call, her thoughts are left to simmer more often than not.

    Other than that, Yami strives to act like a sponge that absorbs knowledge. She enjoys learning new things and prefers to be in the know. Despite her disliking attention, she’ll often ask as many questions as possible to understand something, and she’ll get irritated if she can’t figure out someone or something. She’s also known for being radically superstitious. If she crossed paths with a black cat, she’d immediately bolt in the other direction.
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Riyo Shinoku - 15
The Lotus Tennin

  • Name: Riyo Shinoku
    Hero name: The Lotus Tennin
    Shino, Noku
    5'4 in/167 cm
    118 lbs/55 kg

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    Real Name

    29 years old

    Height & Weight
    6'2" / 175 lbs.
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Sonic Boom
Yagami Kazuma
#3 Hero and Adjunct Professor at Shiketsu (Holds a weekly Hero Branding Class)
35 Year Old Male
5'9" 165lbs

Psych Eval:
Yagami describes himself as justice's human incarnation. He is a proud man who thinks about all aspects of being a hero, and one of the things he is known for is the ability to market and brand himself and his agency. He has been hired as a consultant for other heroes and agencies, helping them respond to bad PR or just boosting their own good name. If being a businessman was a quirk, his hero name would be 'Mr Handshake' for his ability to close deals. Yet as the number 3 hero Sonic Boom, his smile is what heroes and villains recognize alike. He walks into every situation, no matter how big or small, with a bright smile. The smile seems to change description depending on who you ask. Villains who he's defeated as said it's the smile of a demon. His comrades say it's the smile of a leader. The civilians he's rescued say it's the smile of justice.

Air Push:

Kazuma has the ability to push air particles with his extremities. This is accomplished by swinging his arms and the speed of the swing, even very slightly, can change the power of the push. These push cause waves of air of varying in power based on the speed of the swing. He can even make them into blade-like waves by flatting his hands. This makes it look like he is in control of the air, when in fact he's just able to push the air around to simulate wind and the like.

He can use this to simulate flight, but he has to continually swing his arms so which makes him look like a flappy bird, so he's changed it to just using it to push him off the ground and jump and twirl. Because of the speed, he can get his arms too and the resulting resistance of wind at higher speeds, he can damage himself if he swings too hard.

His signature move is where he gets his namesake from. It's his limit of strength without hurting himself (though this came after years of training since he used to hurt himself as a kid.) He is able to push the air at such a speed that it exceeds the sound barrier, and thus the sound stacks on top of each other and creates the boom sound effect. The wave is extremely destructive and can destroy a building, and the sound from the wave can shatter glass and temporarily deafen those around (he doesn't hear the sound because he's at the center of the source.)


Pigua quan- Because of the nature of his quirk and using swinging extremities, he uses this fighting style because it uses a lot of arm swinging and the like.
Business Expert- Has the ability to market a loose tooth.


Biography and Motivations-
Despite his birth in Sapporo, Yagami only spent half of his life in Japan. He spent the other half in some rural area of China learning the art of Pigua quan from one of the most renown practitioners and number 1 Chinese Hero. Well, former number one. He had become senile in his old age and had become a hermit. Despite this Yagami sought him out to help with his quirk and by some miracle, and nearly dying he had become a master of the art by age of 21 after 6 years of being with him. This meant he did not get the chance to go to one of the top high schools, but he came back and used his smarts to aggressively take over his father's company using the shares he had left for him when he turned 18. After receiving his GED at 22 at age 25 he received a degree in law with a focus on contracts and began acquiring Hero Agencies while simultaneously building a reputation as a hero. At one point he had become the number one hero, but eventually lost his top spot. Now he spends most of his times helping other heroes and their agencies become successful.

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