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Fandom MHA: Future CS



Ready to set the world on fire?
Roleplay Availability
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Alignment: pro hero, ua student, villain, etc

Hero/Villain name:
Appearance: [remove if you have a picture]

Name: Kenshiro Natsume

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Alignment: UA Student

Quirk: Bioelectricity, but is currently limited to electrically enhanced condition and electroreception.

Hero/Villain name: Raiden

Personality: Ken is a high energy individual but with an ever present dark side. He has internal anger issues and is not above cold calculation or cruelty as when push comes to shove the ends justify the means. He does not unnecessarily resort to such tactics nor does he believe in meaningless escalation. That’s the limitations instilled by his sense of justice. If he could, he’d be a vigilante as opposed to a full blown hero. The concept of being hunted by the police and heroes for doing good just was not appealing.

History: Ken’s mother was a villain inspired by the hero killer Stain while his father was an actual member of the Meta Liberation Front. Their life choices landed Ken in an orphanage with only his name and birth certificate. The particular orphanage he grew up in required all kids to attend the karate dojo that subsidizes it’s expenses. Ken was lucky to have manifested a quirk that’s useful because he was able to dream of becoming a hero to make something of his humble origins. He would work on his quirk after school but before karate training. He ran this schedule for years until he was old enough to attend UA and passed the entrance exam.


Name: Tera Koda
Hero Name: Weaver
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Alignment: UA Student

Quirk: Buggie Wuggie
Able to emit a high-frequency wave that resonates with arthropods allowing for data feedback and fine control on a biological level. The wave can turn connected arthropods into relay emitters to further the frequency of waves or other sound sources.

This quirk has also given them a greatly enhanced multitasking ability allowing them to control each creature in their network independently at the same time. This connection will enable them to delegate their mental processes onto the network such as personal emotions to remain calm under pressure.

Somewhat reserved and introverted, Tera can be defined mostly by her ability to compartmentalize and unwillingness to give up momentum with a tendency towards escalation. Pragmatic, analytical, strategic yet blunt, most interactions seem to portray her as shy and with great humility, though when pushed it becomes clear there is a temper hidden below, along with a firey drive waiting to come out. Having to grow up in the shadow of two pro heroes have somewhat effected her self-image with a constant desire to prove themselves while at same time never seeing their own actions as particularly impressive. This also extends to her seemingly oblivious nature towards the perception of her quirk being used, having no fear or discomfort when it comes to insects to a worrying degree. On the surface, they appear to be a model student always following the rules, however, they hold a particular disdain for enforced authority.

Daughter of the pro heroes Anima and Earphone Jack, growing up in a musical household she may have found her form of rebellion in a fondness instead for literature and tailoring as a form of independence. This may also have come across through her somewhat open use of her quirk, having a strong dislike of the restrictions on its use to the point she instead reframed the prohibited use of quirks in public, with instead prohibited of being caught using a quirk. This distinction did leave to her frequently practising with her quirk whenever she could, learning how to do so subtly. She aimed initially to follow the path of a hero as it was simply was expected of them, until eventually she started seeing more and more of the world and changed her view. She now instead is chasing her own path that just so happens to involve education as a Hero.
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// MAIN BOX // [/comment]

coded by phnx.


Necromancin Dancin.
Bear Ghost

  • basics


    Abigail Sato


    UA Teacher












    October 31st













    Quirk Necromancy: Necromancy allows Abigail to control and manipulate the corpses of those around her. It also, via mutation, has provided her with the ability to not only communicate with the dead somewhat upon resurrection but also with the ability to sense death around her.

Click on top right of image for Personality/History

Name: Daiki Tenma
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Alignment: ua student

Quirk: Techno-Path

Description: Daiki can communicate with and manipulate electronic devices. This allows him to control, repair, and enhance any form of technology just by touching it.

Limitations: Extended use of his quirk can lead to mental fatigue, and complex systems require more focus and time to manipulate.

Hero name: Circuit Vanguard
Personality: Intelligent: Possesses a brilliant mind with a knack for problem-solving and innovation.

Curious: Always eager to learn and explore new technologies and ideas.

Determined: Driven to push the boundaries of what technology can achieve.

Introverted: Prefers the company of his inventions over people, though he’s loyal and supportive to his friends.

Innovative: Constantly coming up with new gadgets and improving existing ones.

History: Daiki comes from a family of engineers, which fostered his interest in technology from a young age. He was always tinkering with gadgets and building his own inventions. His quirk manifested when he accidentally repaired his broken toy robot without touching it, revealing his unique ability. Enrolled in UA High School’s Support Course to hone his skills and create gadgets to aid heroes in their missions.

Name: Leigh Cabrera Sullivan
Gender: Agender (they/them)
Sexuality: Demiromantic asexual.
Alignment: UA student -- 1E

Quirk: BLUE.
Leigh's abilities are a mutant quirk twofold: a mild regeneration, and X-ray vision.
Their blood, when exposed to air, solidifies into blue crystal and seals their wounds like a fast scab. Their missing eye, replaced with crystal, has infrasight -- the ability to see through solid objects. Leigh’s infrasight lets them see the structural weak points in objects, and, given Leigh can strike in the right place, they can use this knowledge to exert far more effective force on a target than a regular human could. It wouldn’t be uncommon to see them shattering cinderblocks and breaking bones with a well-placed kick, although their human-level strength and durability limit how effective this power is on its own. This can also make Leigh’s guidance into a very effective force multiplier if they point out weaknesses in things to another, more enhanced character and work as a team.
Hero/Villain name: Shatterpoint.
Appearance: Leigh Sullivan is 5’9”, with soft features and swept brown hair that ends unevenly just before the shoulders. They wear an eyepatch, then glasses, and rarely take either of them off. Their remaining eye is a deep hazelnut, but rarely does anyone look into their eyes at all. They stand tall with their posture, rarely smile, and walk with the full length of their stride. They barely look others in the eye while passing by them on the street, and could be considered standoffish by most standards of Japanese culture.
О - Description: The best way to describe Leigh’s behavior is… “placid”. They don’t reach out often, barely speak unless they have something to say, and generally don’t speak with anyone unless they’ve been watching that person for a long period of time. They’re an observer and only move when needed. You’d often find them sitting on a hill alone with a snack, watching the people around them.

О ⎯ Goals: Leigh wants to graduate from their year abroad with no failures – whatever that means, in their eyes. It means they’ll be careful to ensure success. They want to prove they can manage themselves and have the stability to pursue a self-sufficient life unsupported by anyone.

О ⎯ Likes: Snacking, clothes shopping, building model warships, climbing buildings, card games, giving someone help when they didn’t ask for it, being seeked out in a crowd.

О ⎯ Dislikes: Bland foods, authority figures, accepting help, unwanted judgment.

О ⎯ Miscellaneous: Leigh doesn’t care about their privacy and expects everyone else to do the same, which makes it difficult for them to recognize when they’re overstepping their bounds.
⤷│Random facts: They’ve rarely seen their parents since they’ve gotten out of the hospital and Leigh wants nothing to do with them.
Leigh Sullivan had an uneventful childhood. They were quiet, they didn’t need to be anything else, and so once they spoke at the age of three they didn’t speak again until the age of five. They once skinned their knee and told no one; instead of scabbing over like any other wound, blue crystal grew to hold the wound in place. It closed, in time, and then it took Leigh the flat end of a screwdriver to pry the crystals off their skin.
Their parents gave them food and water and money for school, but never really knew how to connect with their child. Leigh knew they loved each other more than their kid, and never grew to fault them for it. They simply resolved not to rely on their parents.
At seven, they fell and broke two fingers. The cast broke, as crystal grew to expand and cracked the plaster on the inside. That was the first time their parents saw their power, and only the ninth time Leigh spoke to them.
Leigh became an injury magnet, having been the target of a bully going into middle school and frequently falling due to their habit of climbing tall buildings to sit on the roof and think. Each time, it took a long time to heal and effort to chip away at the rock candy growths over them, but they never bled out and they never scarred from the experiences.
They were caught with new crystal growths on their body by their parents, but never bothered to explain it, only asking to enroll in self-defense classes. Their parents didn’t answer any follow-up questions.

Leigh beat their bully bad the next time they saw him, then walked away. The secretary, after calling their parents, asked what those spots were in their left eye. Leigh had never spoken to anyone who’d asked before, and didn’t know what to say.

Those turned out to be tumors – each spot, a growth on their iris. The signs weren’t caught early enough, and the eye had to be removed so as not to let the cancer spread. Leigh stayed out of school in the hospital for months, never coming back to see their bully before they graduated.
Physical therapy was difficult, learning to live with one eye. Leigh kept up their self-defense drills, even so. They hated the hospital food, and their parents rarely visited them. One day, they checked under their eye patch – and sure enough, there were crystals slowly appearing. Growing. It took months for it to develop. They expected a new eye, but the eye itself never came.

Leigh was surprised when they started to see through the eyepatch – but they hadn’t told anyone. They didn’t have anyone to tell. On release, in their freshman year of high school, Leigh did their work and made their third and penultimate request to their parents.
To be enrolled in a private boarding school for American pro heroes.

It was difficult, but Leigh passed the entrance exam. They were targeted with insults by a senior that could fly in their second year. Leigh stepped on their foot – in just the right spot, and that senior couldn’t stand for a month without crutches.

Small incidents like this got Leigh expelled. No American institution would take them after that.

Leigh gathered scholarships for a foreign program themselves, and made their fourth and final request to their parents.
Enrollment in UA came, and, repeating a grade, it would be a much more careful year from here.
I decided to go ahead and just post the form for the character i was asking about in the int. check thread. If there's anything that needs to be adjusted let me know so I can adjust!

Name: Daisuke Ito (first name then family name for reference)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: UA student

Gives him permanent traits of a Valstrax. Jet wings, chest vents for filtering oxygen like a jet engine, runs hot, a dragon organ in his chest near the vents, durable/dense bones/skin/scales (maybe), specialized extra eyelids for filtering debris (like a peregrine falcon), short tail with tail “blades/feathers” that can fan out or fold over itself. Dual dorsal fins on his lower back, retractable.
Dragon Element/Organ: The organ produces a sort of highly flammable oil-like substance, which when combined with and pressurized with air, becomes very volatile. Its basically jet fuel, and once a “spark” or some kind of internal igniter activates, it causes a blast that is funneled through his wing exhausts, causing propulsion.
What a Valstrax looks like, for reference of those who don't know:

Hero name: Lightbringer
Ok so I'm too lazy to finish drawing him, so I made him kinda in a game and enjoy the sketch I didn't finish. also he's shirtless in the sketch just a warning, it's to show off his quirk.



Personality: Daisuke is easy-going with a workaholic streak, always working to help others no matter what the task is or how difficult (or mundane) it is without complaint. He is dramatic, often exaggerating small problems out of proportion while simultaneously minimizing larger, more serious problems in an effort to push past it and succeed.
History: The son of a hero/support hero duo, they left for a mission overseas and never returned, presumed dead. But Daisuke likes to speak and pretend as if they are going to return some day. He got a part time job, and is planning on attending UA.
Name: Habori Shimatori

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Alignment: UA student

Quirk: Lock and Key: By touching something with his bare palms, Habori can clap his hands together and twist, like a key in a lock, causing that object or person to become immobile. He can use his quirk on multiple people but the time limit decreases with each new person under his "lock". His current record for single lock is 3 minutes, 1 minute for anything more than 3 locks at a time.

If he doesn't unlock by the time he reaches his limit he will black out which not only forcibly unlocks any locks he had but leaves him at a extreme disadvantage.

Hero/Villain name: Lock Down



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