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Hello! I'm not sure if you're still interested, but I'd love to do a Kiribaku rp with you! I prefer to play Bakugou, because I am much like him in the sense that I am too emotionally constipated to feel feelings and properly process them like Kiri can, but I could try and play him if you'd like to take on the Bakugou role. : )
I am not into KiriBaku, but I can give a shot to MHA if you want another ship
Bump! If anyone wants to do some Soukoku in the I Was Screaming Your Name Through the Radio Universe I would appreciate you so so so so much
Hey! I’m currently looking for a RP, specifically KiriBaku or Soukoku

Information below

About me!

  • I’m 17 years old so underage but I’m open to fairly mature topics as you’ll see later on in my prompts
  • I enjoy having an OOC chat to discuss things about the RP and get a closer connection with my partners
  • If you don’t respond for a week I’ll send a check in to see if you’re doing alright and if you don’t respond to that after a week I’m assuming you ghosted me. Not cool man ):
  • I normally write in third person and write 1-3 solid paragraphs but I can write more or less depending on your responses!
  • I only do MxM! I’m not being homophobic or sexist or anything it just makes me more comfortable. If we get closer through the RP I may explain myself more but at this point I don’t see the need to
  • I know don’t people are really strict on the 18+ rule but don’t worry I don’t really mind! As long as you’re mature enough to be able to certain sensitive topics I’m willing to work with you!
  • If you lose interest during the RP please just say something. We can try out a different prompt or a different pairing instead of never talking again!
  • I don’t work with OC’s! I’ll only do CC x CC. I prefer sticking to characters actually from the shows
Your input!
  • I want your input on plots! I have ideas of course but I want the RP to be enjoyable for the both of us so let me know what you want to do!
  • Please be willing to play side characters and that kind of stuff! The main characters were play as well be who were play throughout the entire RP but side characters can be switched out depending on the situation!
  • I personally like really angsty topics so be prepared for that!
  • SH, whether it’s successful attempts or not, willing to play victim or comfort
  • Suicide, can be actively done in the RP or past attempts, prefer to play victim but willing to play comfort
  • Trans prompts, can be before surgery or after maybe even takes place during the surgery, I want to play the trans character and I’m not big on both characters being trans normally
  • Abuse, normally I do this as abusive parents but like hit by a quirk that makes them unable to control their actions and they hurt their lover or something like that works too! I would prefer to play the one being harmed in the parents scenario and the one doing harm in the relationship scenario
  • Age regression, pretty self explanatory if you don’t know what it means just look it up! I prefer to play the person that regresses in these situations but I’m willing to play the carer role!
  • Injuries, can be from a battle of some sort or quirk effects, I can play either the one that’s injured or the comforter
  • Forced marriage. There’s not really different sides to this one, characters can know each other from past, can be just meeting, can be supportive, can be against it. Really lots of options
  • Soulmates AU. I love this idea- There’s so many ways it can go. I’m not even going to try listing the possibilities-
  • Friends living together. Starts off as friends end as something else. Adorable concept, could again be forced to live together for something like BakuDeku
  • Fake dating. Trying to escape media? Crazy ex girlfriend? Pretend to be gay with your best bro! If only it would stay pretend…
  • Fantasy AU! This one isn’t really angsty on its own but if you mix and match I’ve had some of my favorite RP’s be fantasy AU! This one is strictly for MHA

  • I’m really open in this area! As long as it’s an MxM ship and I’m willing to play at least one of the characters in it I’m open! I will list some of my favorites here though-
  • KiriBaku
  • KamiShin
  • BakuDeku
  • Soukoku
  • Ranpoe
  • ShinSoukoku
  • Rimlaine
That’s all! Congrats if you made it this far lmao, please respond here if you’re interested or have any questions and then we’ll start a DM from there!
hi! i'm super interested in a KamiShin or KiriBaku roleplay and was wondering if it's still open? :captaincat: :ghostl::ghostr:

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