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Name: Electric Blue

Age: 28

Allegiance: Super Hero

Appearance: Blue and gold armor

Mentor: none

Main Power: To control metal and manipulate it, but before learning about his powers, the man behind the armor was a

space ship designer. Using his designs with his powers he was able to create his suit of armor.

Weapon Skill/Fighting Style: Electric blue's armor is his weapon.

Travelpower: Using his suit of armor

Personality: He is a confident and arrogant

History: The man behind the mask was Cloud Avalon, a man who designed space crafts and raced cars. He was very successful until one day he recieved his powers. Learning he could manipulate metal he tested his powers then learned he could use this power to create designs. Then one very important day he created a suit of armor. That day he saw an attack on his city, he used the suit and went down town. He stopped the criminals and was then known as electric blue.
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Name: Tension

Age: 22

Allegiance: Super villain

Appearance: He is 6'2" has brown hair and green eyes. He wears a white button up with a green vest covered in question marks. He wears green jeans and has metal plates on his shoes and drilled into his fist.

Mentor: Riddler

Main Power: His body works as a spring building tension and releasing it. This allows him to leap to amazing heights and can display unstoppable amounts of strength.

Weapon Skill/Fighting Style: When fighting will usually wait for them to hit him. When striked he can use that force to build extra tension releasing it back at them. He can also stretch out his body in a spring form but usually choices not to. As for weapons he uses baseballs and a baseball bat. He is able to throw base balls at about 1000 miles a hour. He can make them go faster if he uses the bat.

Travelpower: Jumping

Personality: He enjoys to play games such as walking down the street and seeing how many people he can kill before the cops get there.

History: When he was a kid he use to watch the Riddler on T.V. he thought he was a genius but the Bat always got in the way so he promised him self that one day he would help the Riddler. When he got his powers he knew it was his chance.

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