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Fandom Metro: The Promised Land OOC

As a note the one with a high armor character is Dix and he would be a sitting duck in the open. Damn demon would carry our lovable drunk away before he could even hope to make it to cover.
I'm going to have to agree with Togy and Armadillo. Even metal armor isn't fully resistant to bullets, especially lower caliber, higher velocity ones like the 5.45 round (which was actually designed to curve downward once it hits it's target for further damage, ouch.) Even then, armor has always been about mobility vs. protection. And for someone like a Spartan, mobility is way more important than protection.
Yeah, there's stuff like that that makes heavy armor a poor choice. There are also other unrealistic parts you've mentioned and featured, but I'd feel kind of douchey to just label every single one at once, so if you'd want to message me and let me help you figure it out then I'm all ears my man.
Yeah, I am going to ask that everyone stop for now. I don't want anyone getting called out publicly and causing any drama. But I will ask that you tone everything down a bit.
Yeah, I am going to ask that everyone stop for now. I don't want anyone getting called out publicly and causing any drama. But I will ask that you tone everything down a bit.

Why you do this to me? 😭 I was going to write several paragraphs on how the a modern example of people wearing makeshift body-armour was the 1997 North Hollywood shootout.

All things said and done, I think Metro has a good way of using former Soviet/Russian special forces and riot police equipment to 'bulk-up' their soldiers. The gear weighs an awful lot but it might just stop a bullet or two.
Infantryman’s opinion here;

Any kind of protection is pretty heavy, especially metal plates as opposed to a ceramic one. The ones we use, in the army, are ceramic ones that easily make your vest weigh up to 15kgs without the rest of the gear attached to the vest and they usually only soak up a few rounds, shattering after the first. So no long term protection there.

Mobility in these are limited to mostly running short distances. Vaulting, rolling, jumping and all of that is pretty damn hard from experience but not impossible.

All in all, Metro’s universe clings to realism to give you the full immersive experience and honestly it’s best to stick to that realism.
Righty, I should get my post done either tonight or tomorrow as I have a bit of a busy schedule today <3
What if the Argo pulls up to St. Petersburg, and in the distant, they see a hundred squatting figures standing atop The buildings, with hardbass blasting in the distance.
The gopniks, through their copious consumption of cigarettes and alcohol, survived the radiation, and became mutants, roaming the ruins of St. Petersburg, searching for Adidas track suits.
The leader is decided is the one what claims an a BMW wreck as his throne blanketed with Adidas Track suits. The of course squat on it not sit.
So... I'm going to PM Lucas in a bit and see if he's still onboard. If not, I'll take the role of Commander.

I'd also like to offer to take over the Commander role, this is currently the one RP that I am partaking in as I have a bit of a personal rule of not spreading myself too thinly by doing 'this and that' 'over here and over there'. I think perhaps we could make the IC suggestion that Lucas' character passed away due to sickness just prior to our departure, thus giving some new blood to the mix, whether that be one of our original characters here being elected to lead the group or making an entirely new character. 🤔
Gave me a good laugh

You know that science experiment where they burn a doughnut or some other type of confectionery to show the dangerous amounts of sugar used?

Linas might be flambeed to show the dangerous amount of alcohol in his system 🤣
That could work. But I do make a personal rule to not kill a character off when someone leaves. I think Lucas's character could be sick, and had to be replaced by someone else. Once they stop at St. Petersburg, a few people would take a rail car back to Moscow, drop him off, and then rendezvous with the Argo.
That could work. But I do make a personal rule to not kill a character off when someone leaves. I think Lucas's character could be sick, and had to be replaced by someone else. Once they stop at St. Petersburg, a few people would take a rail car back to Moscow, drop him off, and then rendezvous with the Argo.

Aye, that makes a bit more sense. Though I hope it'll be NPCs escorting him back to Moscow.. 🤣

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