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Multiple Settings Metro City

Patrick Grahm - Rex
Turn 1

Patrick hummed as he twisted in his kitchen, the last few ingredients in his hand being tossed into the skillet as it heated up on the stove. A deft twist of his other hand brought his glass of wine to his lips, the red liquid tasting sweet upon his lips. In the background he could hear the news on his laptop, something about turtle squids or something like that.

“Tinkers, always trying to play God,” the Master muttered under his breath, turning the stove off as he finished with his cooking. It was a matter of a moment to plate the food and to take it and his glass to his couch, not bothering with the small dining table since he was alone. “Now then, let’s have a proper look into this shall we?” Even as he ate the Master began to look over the incident, those involved, and some of the hearsay surrounding it. “And of course, nothing of immediate use to me. How shocking.”

Pushing away the laptop after a quick message to hopefully stir up some chaos, he turned to look once more at the map of the city that sat on his coffee table. On it, several streets and places were already marked out, many of them a fair distance away from both his home and workplace. The young man took only a few moments to reach out and trace a new line, this time the opposite of where most of the others were. Satisfied with his next route chosen, he returned once more to his rather good wine and food. After all, he would need his energy if he was to practice.​


Weekly Activity - Workout

Action 1 - Power training (Attempt to increase strength of power)

Action 2 - Attempt to gather information about The Bookclub (Not using Contact - Nevermore)

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Power Training

Attempting to train your power did... not work out well. At all. Each attempt at making it stronger, faster, or more effective in general just seemed to give you splitting headaches. Your final attempt to stretch you power this week seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back. Something in your mind- in your power -seemed to rebel.

Decision Point:

A) Your mind seems fractured in some manner. Whenever you brush upon your power, you seem to split on the inside. One part of you remained grounded, remained Rex. The other part seemed to float into and out of your own consciousness, going somewhere your waking mind could neither see nor understand.

Gain Severe (6 point) Consequence [Rebellious Psyche]

If you manage to heal this Consequence without taking additional mental Consequences, you will gain a Title that cannot be obtained through normal means. This functions similarly to an Aspect, but has one free invoke per scene. There may be additional effects.

B) Your powers seemed to spasm, growing in new, unexpected ways, drilling through your mind to make room for the changes.

Gain Mild (2 point) Consequence [Pounding Migraine]

Gain a semi-random cursed power stunt. This stunt may allow your power to do things that it couldn't before, or may support your main power in various ways. However, using this power comes with its own downsides that must be managed as well.

The Bookclub

There is very little publicly available information on the Bookclub as of yet. It seems that either the group is new or the capes in it had recently moved to Metro City and rebranded. What *could* be found through time and research was that the most team members seen together at a time was four. The group ranges throughout the western half of the city as well as Old Town across the river, though most sightings have been around the University District. Whenever questioned, they claim to be an independent hero team.

Only two members have actually spoken in public, the others only appearing for a short time or operating in the background. Those would be Nevermore and Scribe.

Nevermore's power has been witnessed multiple times, and seems to operate rather simply. He generates a raven from his hands, which then flies forward and hits its target with significant kinetic force.

Scribe on the other hand is difficult to pin down. She's been witnessed using multiple different elements in multiple different ways, and is widely believed to be a Trump of some kind.

The other two have little on them. One, the tallest of the group, seems to wear a traveling cloak with a hood obscuring their face. Their power is completely unknown. The last is slightly shorter than Scribe, and wears a rather flamboyant costume reminiscent of a renaissance fair bard. They've been seen playing a lute as the other fought, but the exact effects are unknown.


You spent a good deal of the week settling yourself into a new workout routine. It was a rather successful endeavor, and though you don't see major gains yet, you can tell that you've got the right idea.

Gain 1/2 progress towards Physique 1
Gain 1/3 progress towards Athletics 2

(Note: Additional actions spent working out, if you choose to work towards the same stat, have an increasing chance of providing extra progress. Changing the stat you are working on, I.E. spending one week on physique and the next on athletics, resets the extra progress chance to 0. The increase in extra progress chance has diminishing returns.)

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