Metal Gear Rising: Tactical Cooperative Action

You two are acceptable. However, only the first six accepted characters will be given the chance to act in this mission. With ten characters at once, things will be slowed to a crawl!
So that would be... what,

1.) Blue Baboon

2.) Electronic Eel

3.) Dongfang Bubai (if points adjusted.) If not Berserker Squirrel

4.) Berserker Squirrel passed to Red Humming Bird

5.) Rainbow Cougar

6.) Blue Grasshopper

That look right? Then the other section has next mission.
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Final tally of players should be...

  1. Pintsize (Blue Baboon)
  2. Zaskille (Electronic Eel)
  3. Goshoryuken (Red Hummingbird)
  4. Blumenkranz (Rainbow Cougar)
  5. Count Glenn (Blue Grasshopper)
  6. Either Ixacise (Dongfang Bubai) or Mechaghoul (Storm Princess)
Name: Kimball Smith (Codename: Wily Rat)

Age: Late-twenties.

Appearance: Kimball is a completely hairless man with well-defined facial features, most prominently his nose. He likes to think he's handsome, and while he might actually be right in some stretch of the imagination, the smug grin he's usually seen wearing does not do him any favors.

Personality: A chronic liar whose ways are built around 30% greed, 40% jest, and 30% force of habit. Almost put down a false name when being hired. A bit of a jerk sometimes, but not to people he's positive could only benefit from if their wellbeing is secure. He's a coward who likes to avoid conflict, being unable to stand his own in a fight and grossly intimidated when someone he was looking to be kind toward doesn't share the same mindset. Not afraid to take advantage of a bad situation that doesn't involve him.

Background: Kimball was a conman, unable to get a grip on a steady life. It started off from necessity, needing money to pay bills and keep hunger at bay, but then he felt some sort of joy from it. He adopted many pseudonyms throughout his cross-country ventures. He wasn't always successful, but with enough brownnosing he avoided the pursuit of the law. Having done this for a few years now, he realized he was slowly running out of places to go. Thinking a few years away would make the imprint he's made fade a little, he joined Wasp. He's still not sure if this was the best idea, but it was a honest idea, so he'll go through with it, if only just for a little while.


Loud Skills: 0

Soft Skills: 2

Support Skills: 1


  • Heavy Weaponry: 1
  • Light Weaponry: 2
  • Close-Quarters Combat: -1
  • Heavy Lifting: 1
  • Toughness: -1
  • Mechanics: 0
  • Stealth: 3
  • Perception: 1
  • Speed: 1
  • Agility: 3
  • Hacking: -1
  • Diplomacy: 3
  • Medicine: -1
  • Tactics: 0
  • Connection: 3

Super Power: Octocamo Pavise - A massive shield, designed to be planted upon the ground, that can detect the environment behind it and display an image of it upon its front face. Allows Rat to attack from unpredictable locations, and gives a new meaning to the term "hiding behind a shield." Is strong enough to withstand anti-personnel arms fire, light explosives, and even some high-tech melee weaponry.

Substantial bonus to stealth checks towards enemies in the direction it is facing. Pavise must be planted to receive full stealth bonus. Has a high damage threshold against attacks coming from where it is facing. If I choose to attack, an opponent who would normally be unable to attack me now can, although they must hit a small target. Rolls must be made to ensure a block occurs when the Pavise is not planted. If CQC were higher, could be used to attack. May act as a physical obstruction that impedes movement, i.e. blocking doorways, airvents, etc. As an object, it is in no way bound to Wily Rat, and could be left behind to fortify, or used by others.

(Is this okay as a power, or is it more of a weapon because it's a handheld, physical item? Also, I would like help deciding how big the bonuses should be.)

Weapon Statistics

Weapon Name: WING-GATT 387

Weapon Type: Light

Damage: 1

Accuracy: 1

Range: 3
Name: Guardian Jackal

Age: 46


Personality: Jackal prides himself on his 'practicality' and frankness, above all else. He's not necessarily the easiest of people to get along with, given that he tends to speak his mind with little regard for how others may perceive him. For no adequately explained reason, he has an affinity for explosives, of which he greatly relishes in the use of. He has a habit of isolating himself between missions, and can typically be found in the nearest storeroom with his nose buried in an ancient copy of Liquid Magazine. His motto is "If something's worth doing, it's worth putting your heart into, dammit!"

Background: The most remarkable thing about Jackal's file, is well, how much property damage he has caused in his career. Any of his previous employers will gladly admit that he's one of the most talented specialists they've ever had for heavy weaponry. In the same breath however, you'll hear some odd stories from them. Penetrating a target's safe room by making the building across the street into a giant shaped charge, providing an emergency escape route for his squad in the form of ramming a school bus through a wall, rapidly ending an ambush by collapsing the building enemy forces were using for cover, along with several surrounding buildings. If it can be breached, blasted, or otherwise exploded, Jackal is the man for the job. Understandably, Jackal has little to no training in stealth, and his hulking body further limits his ability to sneak around, leaving him considerably better suited to combat situations. After joining Wasp Sting, he has undergone a full body conversion, making him entirely cybernetic, with exception to his brain. His new body is large and hardy, allowing him to masterfully use heavy weaponry with little impediment.


Loud Skills: 2

Soft Skills: 0

Support Skills: 1


Loud: +2

Heavy Weaponry: 3

Light Weaponry: 3

Close-Quarters Combat: 3

Heavy Lifting: 3

Toughness: 3

Soft: +0

Mechanics: 1

Stealth: -3

Perception: 3

Speed: 3

Agility: 3

Support: +1

Hacking: 0

Diplomacy: 1

Medicine: 1

Tactics: 3

Connection: 3


Augmented Vision (Rank 1) - Active. Jackal may detect targets through 1 tile of cover and gains a +1 to Perception when searching for targets. This power cannot see through cardboard boxes.

Ballistic Shield (Rank 1) - Active. If Jackal is attacked, he gains +1 Toughness during damage calculation. HF weaponry negates this bonus.



Weapon Name: Galil ACE 23

Weapon Type: Heavy Weaponry

Damage: 3

Accuracy: 0 + 1 point

Range: 0 + 3 points

Weapon Name: HF Machete

Weapon Type: Close-Quarters Combat

Damage: 3

Accuracy: 0

Range: 0
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Name: James White (Silver Mole)

Age: Somewhere in his 20's

Appearance: Wears a heavy full-body suit of practical-looking armor painted silver, with a faded yellow emblem on the front. Outside of his suit, he appears as a decently-built young man, mostly human except for the suit interface pegs placed on various parts of his body.

Personality: Keeps a calm exterior when it comes to danger, but still has an aversion to killing. Has trouble talking face-to-face with people, preferring to stay inside his suit most of the time.


White was born in Wyoming, and began work in a mining company shortly after graduating from high school. During the recent augmentation boom, White purchased an extremely expensive set of mining gear, including a top-of-the-line suit of power armor designed for core mining. He had planned to pay off his suit with the money he would make from working in deeper, more dangerous expeditions, but the company he worked at shut down after a massive scandal. Unable to find work anywhere else, White spoke with a few 'acquaintances' of his and somehow found a job at Wasp Sting.


Loud Skills: 2

Soft Skills: 1

Support Skills: 0


Heavy Weaponry: 2

Light Weaponry: 0

Close-Quarters Combat: 3

Heavy Lifting: 1

Toughness: 3

Mechanics: 1

Stealth: 0

Perception: 1

Speed: 2

Agility: 2

Hacking: 0

Diplomacy: -1

Medicine: 0

Tactics: 0

Connection: 1


Powers: Hazard Suit: Silver Mole's mining armor provides near-perfect protection against environmental hazards, including fire, radiation, toxins, and pressure. The suit can last in a hazardous environment for 6 hours before life support fails, but can replenish its stores from clean environments.

Effect: Immunity to all environmental hazards.

Lockdown: If Silver Mole is in danger, his suit can enter a defensive state by crouching into a ball. Lockdown hardens the suit's armor considerably, rendering Silver Mole immobile, but nigh-invulnerable.

Effect: +4 to Defense and Toughness, unable to take any actions except talking.


Weapon Statistics

Weapon Name: UST30 High-Frequency Jackhammer

Weapon Type: Close Combat

Damage: 1

Accuracy: 1

Range: 0

Utilities: Can use CQC in place of Mechanics when trying to break something open.

Defense: 2

I'm considering switching Lockdown for something that lets him dig through things, but I'm not 100% on that.
Name: Iron Eagle (Gregory Durand)

Age: 35


Personality: A jovial fellow, Gregory does his best to get and stay on good terms with those he works with, as it makes them far less likely to stab/shoot/maim you for whatever reason. He also fancies himself a chef, having hunted, cooked and sampled a substantial number of the world's mundane and exotic fauna.

Background: A former big-game hunter from 'some backwoods place up north,' Gregory spent the better part of his youth going on a number of questionably legal trips to various parts of the world. For the most part, everything went smoothly, and Mr. Durand was able to enjoy the simple pleasure of finally finding out what all sorts of exotic animals tasted like.

Unfortunately for our intrepid hero, Murphy's Law eventually kicked in, as a rather peculiar incident involving six kilograms of salt, a Bengal Tiger, and a man by the name of Horatio Fitzgerald led to Gregory being barred from entering India, and subsequently having his Hunter Number revoked.

Now that his career as a hunter/gourmand had come to a rather unceremonious end, Durand sought out alternatives that would allow him to apply his talents. This quest to alleviate his boredom eventually lead to him discovering Wasp Sting, and while there were some substantial differences when compared to his previous occupation, one could easily argue that the basic aspects were functionally the same. His decision made, Gregory picked out a code name, signed up for a rudimentary cybernetic makeover, and booked a flight to the company's HQ.


Loud Skills: 2

Soft Skills: 1

Support Skills: 0


  • Heavy Weaponry: -3
  • Light Weaponry: 3
  • Close-Quarters Combat: 3
  • Heavy Lifting: 0
  • Toughness: 3
  • Mechanics: 0
  • Stealth: 2
  • Perception: 3
  • Speed: 3
  • Agility: 0
  • Hacking: -3
  • Diplomacy: 0
  • Medicine: 2
  • Tactics: 2
  • Connection: 0


Eagle Eyes: As befits his chosen moniker, Gregory's eyes have undergone extensive modifications, allowing him to more easily pinpoint hidden objects/persons and land shots. For the sake of personal safety, the enhanced vision has to be toggled on, so to speak, and will only be active for a short burst before automatically shutting off.

(Blatantly stealing Blumen's format for this)

Effects: +2 to Perception checks and Weapon Accuracy.

Activation period: Instant

Duration: 2 checks, or until the end of the turn in which it was activated. Narrative-wise, around 5 seconds.

Cooldown: 30 minutes.


Weapon Name: C7CT Rifle (6 points)

Weapon Type (Heavy, Light, Close-Combat): Light

Damage: 3 points

Accuracy: 2 points

Range: 4 points


Weapon Name: HF Kukri (2 points)

Weapon Type (Heavy, Light, Close-Combat): Close-Combat

Damage: 3 + 0 points

Accuracy: 0 points

Range: 0 points


Armour - Default (0 points)

Defense: 3 + 0 points

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