
Alabaster Anathema

Junior Member
So its on the slopes of Mount Meru, but i didnt know how anyone particularly handled this, reasons for saying so is in the Wonders book its states things about the deliberative senate chamber, so is there a random for the most part building intact on the mountain or anything like that

Also if the city was leagues and scores larger then the imperial city wouldnt there be some sort of or just large amounts of ruins left over from the city it self
According to the adventure module, Return to the Tomb of Five Corners:

"The ruins surrounding the gate [of auspicious passage] and the statue are the ruins of the City of Meru, the capital of the Solar Deliberative that once covered the whole of the Imperial Mountain and was destroyed in the Usurpation."

"Behind the gate, not visible from where the characters stand, are the remains of a once-massive statue of the Unconquered Sun. All that currently remain are two golden feet, six feet tall at the ankle. The rest of the statue was apparently broken off its moorings and pulled down the mountain. If the characters inspect the ruins directly below the statue, they can see remnants of the path it carved through the cityscape as it fell, though afterward this was partially obscured by the destruction of the rest of the city."

I hope that helps.
The whole of the Imperial Mountain?? Isn't it some 300 miles high, and god knows how big around at its base?

I know the Old Realm was supposed to be fantastic, but that seems to be overdoing just a tiny bit.

Stillborn said:
The whole of the Imperial Mountain?? Isn't it some 300 miles high, and god knows how big around at its base?
I know the Old Realm was supposed to be fantastic, but that seems to be overdoing just a tiny bit.
That's certainly what the text says, but not what I think the author meant.  In the description I quoted, the characters are 300 miles up the mountain (which is supposedly "half-way up") looking down on the ruins below.

I'd say the ruins cover a large section on the east side of the mountain.  Anything else is probably too extreme.
If it's not what the author meant, what did he mean? I haven't read that adventure, so I'm not sure what other statements were made about the mountian and city.

I could actually see Meru being originally almost impossibly large due to teh fact the gods created it and it was maintained by the solar exalted but the paradox i have with the whole ordeal is that how could something so large be utterly destroyed
Eh? You mean the one he picks his nose with? The one he flicked toward the sky and it stuck and he called it Ligier? :PPPP

CW, Malfean thwarter.

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