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Fantasy Merciful Stars


Not a Wizard
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In the lit room where talks of war and strategy were being discussed, chattering took to the air. The smell of old stone and new technology had drifted in and out of the building now like nothing before. There were several people gathered around a table just big enough to fit them and be able for all to hear each other without great difficulty. Not all here human shaped, aliens were amongst them. If someone looked at a distance as the high ranking individuals, they would shatter at the sheer power that glowed from them.

At the head of the table sat the long time immortal, Chronos, his trimmed hair kept out of his eyes and stopping before his collar. His fine clothes of grey and white, swooshed as it ran along the table reaching and took the latest plans. His usual flares for clothes were toned down for this meeting. This meeting was one that would not he thought would happen three months in after the start in the Universal War. Unlike other wars, this was one of the biggest wars that were started at the hub at what was supposed to prevent such things to begin with. He was one of the few that survived that encounter, the other being Lady Evangeline Abbaranne, Ruler of Darmonia.

“So this is the latest causality list? 101,341. The Red Hand, struck down by the Darmonians? I thought our siege on their land was more crippling. Was I misinformed about our spies?” he questioned as he repositioned himself. The immortal was youthful but his eyes were wise with years of living beyond those around him, except his friend General James Fillin. “How many more lies have reached me? Does our enemy know as much as we know? What are their numbers? Is our spy still alive at the Darmonian capital?” he asked as he threw the papers to James. “Remember when we had quality? What happened to those days?” turning back to the others.

Letting out a sigh “General Smith, Admiral Veer; you two will work together and strike back at the heart of Darmonia. I want some armies crushed. Some fleets crippled, hell capture something for all I fucking care.” Waving the two away. Looking at the other seven “Now the rest of you, we need a strategy that will work. Hor is weak, but their planet is pretty low on resources. I know of two young twins, oh what their names… Oh yes the Alvar twins, Wes and Rayner. Their mother and father worked with us for a long time and it shows that their abilities have been passed on. I want those two to show you how this war is fought!” Chronos said as he pressed a button on the table.

Light broke through and appeared in the form of two young men, one bald and tall, and the other with closely shaven with his hair kept high. “Wes, Rayner. Go to the Hor system, slam them with an all-out barrage” he commanded as the two saluted and disappeared. Turning back to the Generals and Admirals “So this is what has come too? Me having to send two kids into the field of battle while you sit from high and get fat? You make me sick. To ensure the spy doesn’t die, I will dispatch my personal protégé to Darmonia, and if need be killer her himself.” He commented as he pushed the chair back “James, finish the commands” he said with a smile and left.

The smell of the old building filled the air as the door opened and closed, stepping into the hallway Chronos lifted his sleeve to reveal his SCD or small communications device. Pressing a few buttons on it “Come to me” he ordered as he walked. A portal opened up next to him as he walked and out stepped a being that was covered head to foot in clothing. A small heads up display over his eyes that lit up and dimmed as it came through the portal. He was tall as Chronos and just as built. “Yes, master?”

“Go to Darmonia, support our spy. I will send you information as things progress, find the spy and ensure he is not caught” he said as he came to his office. Turning the being that was gone in a flash, Chronos smiled. It turned out that the Darmonians, even with their civil war, are still a force to be reckoned with. They will not be allowed to win this time, not again.

Rayner commanded his ship with an iron fist, though he did it together with his twin, Rayner was the one who wanted the action and glory. “Wes, can you believe it? Chronos himself spoke to us! And did you see General Fillin?” he said with mild childlike enthusiasm. Gaining his bearing again quickly he walked away from the comm port and into the hallway. Waiting for his brother, Rayner thought that this was their big chance, no more simulations, no more games, this was war. Rayner smiled how exciting it was for the young R’Cadian. He didn’t get excited often, but this was one of few times he would let his excitement show. Chronos the leader of R’Cadia and an immortal to boot, had recognized him and his twins skill, no longer were they bogged down by leadership that would ignore them or take credit for work.

The hallway was large enough to hold three people going in either direction. The lighting was bright as to avoid tripping on sealing doors that were hidden in the walls, as a warship the threat of an attack meant protecting the majority. The metal wasn’t painted but was polished with a protective coating as to avoid dents, which smelled like a chrome polish. Few people walked through the hallways as most were busy with maintaining the ship but when there were people in the hallways, their steps echoed. Unlike other starships that ensured that the climate was temperate, this ship kept his heating low to ensure a lower chance of being spotted, something Wes and Rayner thought might work, which had done so far.

Walking with his brother “So, do you think our sister is proud of us? Or do you think she is just too busy with her little science book that she doesn’t even care. Man, why did she have to go into that field? I mean, I know R’Cadia needs as many scientist as they need, but we’re warriors, not bookworms.” He complained slightly “I just wish she could be here with us. What do you think brother?”
James stood near the table across from Chronos. These meetings typically ended quickly, James was prepared. He watched as his fellow immortal Chronos yelled at the table. He never yelled at James, but the others were never so lucky. Smoothing out his uniform the long time General had read the reports long before this meeting and had foreseen the direction things would go. The military leader of R'Cadia had already prepared orders for the assembled officers. Predicting the direction Chronos would want to go. "I've known Chronos long enough, I should know how he wants things by now" James thought to himself. After the R'Cadian leader left James shook his head then proceeded to task orders to the various military leaders. He also left a message for his aide General Ackladu to contact him. Once he was satisfied he left to find Chronos.

A short moment later James caught up to Chronos. "You do realize The Red Hand was an idiot and over stretched his forces. He has paid for his incompetence, and as I said before, he was the wrong choice to blockade Darmonia. If I didn't know better I would say you were getting Queen Evangeline to do your dirty work. Darmonia's military has thirty seven Maxi Sempi graduates in their navy, three of which maintain Admiralty. Another fourteen are Captains. The Red Hand, never once stepped foot in that school." James shook his head. "Regardless, I have integrated the remnants of that fleet into the 475th. Admiral Carson has several Carriers, mine layers and the like. They are the best equipped Fleet for planetary Blockade." James looked at Chronos for a moment. "There will not be much General Smith and Admiral Veer can do for the time being. We have established a foothold on Darmonia's moon but as before, planetary commitment is deadly." James placed his hand on his friends shoulder. "We have three fronts; Altaria, Gimpois, and Frendula, twice as large as Darmonia, with a higher casualty rate. We sustained more casualties in the first fifteen hours of fighting than from the entire conflict 25 years ago!" James began to get heated,but quickly cooled himself off. "Give up on conquering the planet until we can bring more weight. Gimpios will fall soon, their leaders lay dead. It is merely a matter of eradicating the remaining resistance. Also after the Alvar twins prove their worth in the Hor System we can use them in Darmonia as well." James began to gently plead with Chronos, he knew how this would end but he had to try. "Darmonia can wait, this obsession will destroy what we have already accomplished. We are wasting R'Cadian lives." Letting his hand off his friends shoulder James looked into his eyes for a moment. The depth, while similar to James' was different. Smiling the old General turned and left, there were other matters to attend to on R'Cadia. He needed to talk with Ackladu.

Wes saluted smartly and held it until the comm cut out. He grinned a bit, it wasn't everyday the leader of your planet personally gave you a command. Wes kept his mouth shut until they got into the empty corridor of the vessel he and his brother ran. "Bro! I am insanely excited for this!" Wes high-fived his twin and slapped him on the back. "Man Direct orders from the Man himself! And General Fillin! This is going to be great!

Calming himself down Wes looked towards his brother as he commented about their sister. "You know Kari is proud, maybe not of our profession, but our success!" Wes gave his brother a friendly slap on the back "You'd know how she's doing if you call her every once in a while." Wes looped his thumbs through his belt and began to walk down the corridor with his brother. "She's always busy with her science stuff. She's probably writing a paper on whatever it is shes working on now." Wes laughed a bit. "I can never keep track of her projects. Did you know, Mom and Dad didn't say a single word to her at our Maxi Sempi Graduation?" Wes walked a bit before saying anything else. "Well, I guess we better head off to beat the Horsians eh Bro?" Wes walked onto the bridge of the Small vessel they commanded and sat at the helm. His brother was captaining today, they traded off and on, and began computing the course for Hors.

James met Ackladu in a large corridor in the R'Cadian Palace. "General, I need you to supply the Alvar twins with some better equipment." Ackladu nodded, "Sir, they will have a fleet awaiting their command." The two General's parted ways. The immortal to his sparse rooms, the mortal to accomplish his tasks.
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The icy rain continued to drop down. Buried underneath a pile of snow, the Ex-Thief laid in disarray and confused. That last known memory that he could recollect was Darmonia being attacked. Where were the people whom he had traveled with up until this point? Gone. Coughing severely, the man buried underneath the snow lifted himself up and felt around his pockets. Sighing with relief, he pulled out a small trinket with a picture embedded inside. A picture of a young woman. A picture he took without the woman's consent. Akia. A beautiful lust of woman that the man had always had feelings for. Quickly, after realizing the picture was not damaged, he placed it back in his pocket and attempted to stand up. His arms wobbled tremendously. As if he had just worked out for 20 hours straight. However, that was not the case. He was brutally wounded. Falling back, he stared up at the sky. "Gah.. how.... did... I.. get here?! This makes no sense!" He shouted to himself. Suddenly, he felt the chills of death. There was no sign of civilization away from him for miles. Clinching his fists, he stared up at the sky. "Is... Is this the end? I can't even remember what happened.. Grandia.. Eva... Akia... my baby.." He thought as his eyes slowly closed.

Hours later, an unknown figure approached the now lifeless body. The person, holding a staff, used the piece of wood to poke the motionless body of the Ex-Thief. There was no reaction. The person snapped their fingers and clapped their hands in a repetitive motion until two polar bears rushed over. The unknown figure tied ropes to the legs of the passed out warrior and had the polar bears transfer him to their nearby campsite.

Hours later..

The Ex-Thief finally opens his eyes and looks around. "Where am I?" he asks, confused. The unknown figure comes out from the light, revealing himself as the ex-leader of Greyvax. "Chester. Son. We have brought you back to life.." he says.

Chester blinks, sitting up and looking around. "Hey, dude. I don't think I ever died. L-O-L." He spelled out. "There was this massive war on Darmonia and I was about to kick some ass until--"

"Until you forgot to realize you're nowhere near as strong as those you attempt to fight." the person responded.

Chester smirked. "Okay, dude. How old are you? Mid 70's? Yeah, you're losing your mind now. So, excuse me, I have some bitches to kill and some hot girls to hook up with.. You understand. Step aside now."

"AKIA!" The old person shouted.

Chester paused suddenly and stared. "Akia..? Wait. What do you know about her? Why would you just randomly say her name? Old man, you got some explaining to do." Chester grabs an icicle and holds it to the old persons throat. The old person suddenly uses psychic powers to send Chester flying back to a wall and the icicle inches away from his head.

"Akia, you say?" The old person chuckles. "You should learn to know who's on your side..."

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