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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (Fun Chat Thread)


Awesome! It's great when you get in that mood!

Guys, I had an awesome idea for after the first Mission... but it requires me to take control of your characters for it to work. I won't kill anyone, and there will be no permanent damage. I am willing to tell you what will happen if you really need me to.
The Mythic Dragon] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20136-whisker/ said:
Awesome! It's great when you get in that mood!

Guys, I had an awesome idea for after the first Mission... but it requires me to take control of your characters for it to work. I won't kill anyone, and there will be no permanent damage. I am willing to tell you what will happen if you really need me to.
You can do whatever you want with my character!
I know I said I would post but I'm in like 4 1x1 rps right now. Hard to get a word in over here. xD
Whisker said:
I know I said I would post but I'm in like 4 1x1 rps right now. Hard to get a word in over here. xD
Oh I've been there, done that. For the sake of my sanity, I'm never doing it again xD


..Sooo, where's a good spot for me to jump in? I've just got back from supper with the Relatives so I should have some time to write now :3

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