One Thousand Club

Aurae Faren
E Grade Character
Titles: Elf, Nomad, Native, Mundane

Notes: Vector skip: 1, Cracked skip:1 RP has officially concluded you are free to search for more RPs and the Rp will be graded once it is next in the queue.
Aurae let out a small sigh of relief as the mercenaries turned bandits had backed off. There was always the small chance they were going to use it as a faint and then strike again. But at least there was a few of her retainers looking out to make sure that there was not going to be any more surprises at the moment. When Rossette spoke about the poetntially of having to fight them all she nodded her head. "Well it could have turned out that way at least we were able to get them to move on. But I will have the local guard keep an eye on the area for the next couple of days you never can be too careful," Aurae replied with a nod of her head. Which She then turned to look at Cass with suspicsion in her eyes. "Yes very friendly," She left it with that and turned her attention back Red as he was speaking.
"We were almost about come to blows, had the captain been a bit more bold we might have had to deal with them in a fight. But best to not linger on the matter anyway, tea sounds nice lets go ahead and return to town as you said best not to linger around and I'm sure the residents will be wondering what happened. No doubt they will get nervous if we don't get back soon. Anywho, you are all welcomed to stay in town for the time being unless you all intend to start wandering already," She chuckled.
The group made their way back to town with Aurae making an announcement to the village that the bandits had been dealt with however the guard was going to be keeing an eye on the surrounding area. Hopefully restoring some semblence of peace around the village and the other that had helped with the matter were offered rooms in the inn providing they needed them.
Al fine