Mental Escape. [Inactive]

Savannah let out a scream as doctors tried to restrain her, she flailed and screamed, grabbing at the doctors with all she could to get them to quit touching her, and they knew it only made it worse. The touching her made it feel like the lights were somehow alive. The voices kept whispering KILL KILL as they zoomed passed her head. Her breathing grew heavy as she let out breathy screams between her pants, another scream from another patient coming in after her.

The small girl finished her breakfast after her fit, before getting dressed in a pleated wool gray skirt and a white button down along with a navy blue blazer. For a moment, she felt normal, as if she could fit in with everyone. Walking out of her small room, she glided down the hallway and noticed a girl carving the words LEAVE onto the wall after hearing a huge crash. "Are you all right?" Ara asked. If she wasn't having a fit, she could be quite a gentle caring girl.
The sound of anothers voice almost seemed to calm Savannah. Her eyes gently began to open, the beautiful gold color of them shimmering as she slowly nodded. Despite it all, even her scars, Savannah was a very pretty girl. The doctors slowly backed off, watching from the side-lines though in case she had another outbreak..

"Are you all right?" Ara repeated at the girl who was looking rather unnerved. She shoved doctors, and was having a fit on the ground. Ara could understand that. They were all broken somehow, and now, rejected from reality and normalcy, they were chained in cages by there illnesses. "What's your name?" Ara gave a soft smile before offering a hand.
"Savannah.." She said in her soft voice, leaning up and grasping the other girls hand, helping tug herself up to her feet. She stumbled a bit but regained her balance. Getting her mind off the voices and what they had been saying is the key now.. She smiled awkwardly at the girl, not giving out a real smile in Gods know how long, so it was weird to her, almost unknown.
Jayson stood up silently looking at the shadows all around him. ~The girl is okay. thats good.~ he turned to the guards that held the other boy down, and ripped them away from him. "Get off of him!"

((OOC~ I wont be on for a while because I'm losing a brother. He's leaving to go back home. And i need some time. I will do my best to post.))

"Savannah... That's a beautiful name," Ara smiled softly. "Herrow, I'm Arabella, but most people just call me Ara. It's a pleasure to meet you." Ever since she was old enough to understand what she had done to her baby brother, Jason, she had vowed to be nice to everyone she had meet.

"Go away, Jason." The smaller Ara tried to swat at her brother, accidentally knocking him off the bed, whilst pulling the plug off the lamp causing the room to go black all of a sudden. 'Kill him. He deserves it. KILL HIM. KILL THEM ALL. HE WILL NEVER BE IN THE LIGHT. HE WILL UNDERSTAND HOW YOU FEEL.' Hysteria set in, causing Ara to lose it, her sanity snapping. Lunging at her helpless brother, she bit him over and over, causing him to cry out in pain, his small eyes squeezed shut form terror. Losing it, Ara stuck her fingers into his eyes, following the orders of the voices in her head-

Snapping out of it, she shook herself out of her unnerved state. "Want to come to my room? We can watch anime. It's quite soothing."
"Thanks.. My parents never gave me a name so I got to chose." She smiled awkwardly, her smile once more returning to her usual slight frown as she tilted her head, "Ani.. me?" She rose a brow, toying with the bandages that covered her wrists from recent attacks she inflicted upon herself. "Sounds stupid." She hissed, her mood changing drastically, it was typical of her, it's why people usually kept their distance.

She stared, startled by Savannah's mood change. "That's fine. Is there anything you would like to do?" The dark haired girl asked, unsure of what else to do.
Jason looked at the ceiling. ~Just breath Jason, Gather them and form a plan.~ Jason went over to the two girls. He never was good with the ladies. "H-hey, ummm I take it you want to get out of here as bad as I do?" He almost hit himself, "Of course you do, I have a plan. Meet me in the library at midnight were going to escape." Next he went to the boy on the ground, he helped him up and put a paper in his hand saying,

Library at midnight.

Cain looked at the paper and then the boy, wiping away the tears.

"What is ..?" He asked, face still red. He couldn't see clearly because he kept crying, hardly breathing even. He continued wiping his face until he calmed down a bit. Without knowing he had tried to move away from the boy, embarrassed and not thinking clearly. He was flustered with himself and didn't want to talk to anyone.
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Meredith looked at the boy. She walked over to him slowly.

"I think you have to read it." Her voice was quiet, gentle. "And you still haven't told me your name..." She forced herself to smile slightly at him. Talking to them is so so strange... She watched the boy carefully. She knew anyone in this place could be unpredictable - they were all flawed, after all.
He looked at her and then looked down to hide his face, uncrumpling the paper in his hand." name um..Cain Callaghan." He managed to stammer out. He looked at the paper a little better, library at midnight...What is this? Is he invited somewhere, for what? Questions ran through Cain's mind as he slowly looked back up and again looking away."Um...why was I given this..?" He asked meekly.
Oh, so that's what he said was funny, my last name and his first are one and the same... Meredith thought. "Cain. That's my last name. Caine, that is. Funny coincidence."

She shrugged when he asked why he was given the paper.
"I was told the same thing. I guess we'll have to show up to find out, won't we?" She held out a hand to Cain, a hand to help him stand. Will he decide to come, I wonder?
"Yeah it's silly.." He reached out, but receded back his hand,"...I'll go...if you're going." He stood up by himself, looking around for the boy who gave him the paper, though he must had left. He turned back at Meredith, looking at her face for once. His face was still red,"..You are going right?" He continued looking at her until she answered.
Jason walked on to the balcony. I looked down at the garden below. Then I walked back into the Asylum. We had 30 minutes till free time was over, then we'd have dinner, then it was bed time. The doors of the rooms would be unlocked at twelve, for the insomniacs we had, the library was opened all the time.
Meredith nodded at Cain.

"I'm going..." She mumbled, looking at him. His gaze was intense, unnerving, almost like it was looking through her. She looked down at her feet to avoid his gaze. "I think we should. It might be important." She didn't coice what she really thought. It might be a way out.
"Thanks." was all he said before leaving. He walked toward the guards, and after some convincing, he received permission to leave the cafeteria. He looked back at Meredith for one last time before turning to leave somewhere quiet where he can recompose himself. He didn't know what he was expecting from going, but somewhere in the back of his mind hoped it would let him escape this place. This mockery....
"Dear Lunar Asylum Attendees free time is now over, Dinner will be in ten minutes." For a while I laid on the ground in my room, I looked at the ceiling as the ghost boy floated over my head. "Ugh go away will you, unless you know where I can get a mar of this place." I rolled over to the underside of my bed. There was a spider, I nearly died. I returned to the door and opened it up, ~Time to go get food~ I walked out.
Cain was relatively calmer now, he sighed deeply as he tarry at the the library. He was hungry, the food wasn't really all bad but he didn't feel quite...right. He was angry, but it was kind of a docile anger, he didn't quite understand what he was feeling right now. Usually he would yield to his impulses and vent out his anger physically on someone, but now he didn't know where to direct his rage. He continues getting more pissed at everything, eventually yelling the universally recognized profanity that echoed through the library. It was dragged on until one of his doctors interrupted.

"Cain! Are you alright?" The doctor asked shakily, his hand firm on Cain's shoulder. Cain gave him a look that made him quickly retract his hand,"...Actually I'm feeling really good right now so...I'm going to get dinner." His doctor nodded,"Try not to yell that loudly next time, Cain."

"Alright." He said as he left, "But no promises." With that the doctor wiped the sweat off of his brow.

(Lacking some writers here..?)
( I was never notified that this was updated! Dx I'm sorry)

Savannah scoffed and shook off the female, listening to the speakers above her head as she began to wonder away to get food, the doctors either checking her out or glaring at her. She scoffed and shrugged her shoulders as she tried to shy away from everyone. It was driving her nuts that people were staring at her like this.
He sat alone at the table in the back, Jason shoveled some mashed potatoes in his mouth. He thought about the layout of the asylum, ~Six wings I'm in the third and the entrance is in the main building, So is the library.~ He held his head, All this information was torturing him. "I need to write this down," He took out my sharpie and wrote down notes on my arm.
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Meredith simply turned and went into the Cafeteria, taking the seat in the far corner. She hadn't grabbed any food, she wasn't hungrey, and there was still dinner. She simply watched the others. That boy writing on his arms, that angry girl... She watched them, just as she had for years before.
((OOC~ I'm very sorry if I go from third person to first. I write my stories in first and Rp in third.))

He noticed the girl out of the corner of his eye. He wished that she would stop looking at him it made him uncomfortable. He continued to eat and write.
Cain got the usual, though today tasted better too. He found a table with the rowdier bunch, sharing laughs and childish antics. Something you'd least expect from someone who was just had a breakdown, Cain was having a good time. It felt like the world was his, and he was confident that the note was his ticket out of here. Dinner today just tasted better.

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