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Realistic or Modern Mendoza Heights Character Sheets


  • Antonia "Toni" Mazzaferro, 16, Sophomore (wip)
    Face: Niykee Heaton
    This Italian Stallion is well... Provocative to say the least. Moved to Mendoza right after middle school from Chicago for her father's career, mother is a doctor. Their family is pure Italian with a long lineage. Her father works for an investment firm. As a lawyer, he recently was offered a better paying job. They moved to Mendoza a few years ago and it didn't take her mother long to find a job at a local hospital as an ER Surgeon.
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Art by Ambiloquous

Yarely Roderick Crane

But I'll keep fighting, I won't give in
I'll find my voice, let my light within
I may be different, but that's okay
I'll shine bright, in my own way


  • scroll


    It's my rule to never lose my temper until it will be detrimental to keep it.

    Sean O'Casey

    North side Burnout


    full name

    Hunter Jax Drake


    Just Hunter. Jax reserved for close friends.




    April 11th



    Voices in my Head

    Falling in Reverse.






    Muscular || Athlete's bod

    hair c.

    Natural. Dark brown. neck length and somewhat messy

    eye c.



    Ears - just lobes. Nothing fancy bout him


    Nick Robinson



    By all rights, Hunter is a friendly kid. He doesn’t necessarily curse out anyone who he doesn’t feel deserves it. He’s there for his friends and family whent hey really need him, and he’s charismatic as all hell.

    But recently, there have been changes in Hunter’s life. His father passed, his mother remarried someone from her past, and he gained a stepbrother and stepsister (even though the brother doesn’t live with them). These changes to his personal life affected Hunter deeply. He quit football, something that brought a lot of joy to his life and now he paints edgy and moody paintings. He had always painted, as it was something that helped him deal with the intensity of football. His paintings were bright and vibrant, much like he was, but now with his artwork taking a dark turn, showing darker figures and and even grimmer situations, his outlook on life is the same as well.

    Hunter is now moody all the time. One thing can set him off that may result in screaming matches. He’s like a bomb that will go off with the slightest nudge. He spends a lot of time alone but he’s not a loner because he has maintained his place in the social hierarchy of his high school, but the friends that he had while on the team, he doesn't’ know what they truly think about him. He doesn’t know if they hate him for quitting so abruptly. He hasn’t talked to them since quitting the team and Hunter is the kind of person to be too stubborn to reach other himself. Most of the guys are as well, so it’s a two way street that seems open but neither willing to walk down it.


    smoking, drinking, the smell of the salty sea in the morning, art, music that matches his brooding mood, darker colors, food that makes you feel guilty for eating it, working out (he has a lot of anger in him), working on his truck and paintings, code red and baja blast mountain dew


    being stuck inside, broccoli, poppy music (the genre, not artist), dominos pizza (papa johns gang rise up), humid days (he hates sweating), sweating without the rush of working out



    tw. death, car accidents, drunk driver

    -Has lived in Mendoza Heights all his life and was born in Mendoza
    -Father was a business owner (owned Asgard Fitness, a gym that has 3 locations in Mendoza)
    -Father's name is Jackson Drake and was killed while going to work one day when he was struck by a drunk driver
    -His father was married to Violet "Viola" Banks until 20 months ago when Jackson died
    -Roughly 12 months later, she remarried to Ashton West's father, whom she had dated when she was a college student (before she met Jackson)
    -When they married, his daughter, Ashton West, came to live with them (she hates her mother)
    -Hunter, who had played 2 full seasons of Football at Mendoza High, had quit due to the fact that his father, who was a high school football star in his own right when he was a teenager, had pushed Hunter to play it and being on the team after his dad passed away, he couldn't take the pain of the constant reminder of his father.
    -It was midway the normal season when Hunter just went up and quit, abandoning his teammates in the process (he was a tight end when on the team)
    -Since then, though Hunter had always had painting as an outlet, he became more serious about it after quitting football. While his art had been comical and lighthearted, his art now is darker. It's broody and a reflection of the torment he's constantly.
    -Speaking of his torment, his on-again, off-again girlfriend is a victim of his misery loves company-like approach to his life. He's developed toxic tendencies. As a result, he and Dahlia always go through hot and intense then cold and distant periods and they're currently on ice.
    -He's currently dating Sloane Vargas-Murphy and even if Hunter shouldn't, he'll purposely flaunt that wherever Dahlia could see. He'll admit it, but he's not over Dahlia. He might not ever be over her. Underneath all of the macho denial, Hunter knows Dahlia is his soul mate. His twin flame, but it's hard to see that when every little thing she does when they're split gets on his last nerve.





    Sloane Vargas-Murphy

    Current girlfriend that he's been dating since the middle of the summer. They got together after Hunter had yet another split with his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Dahlia Blake. He finds her exciting and a constant in his life that doesn't stress him out too much like his ex does. She's also incredibly hot, so that's a huge plus for Hunter.

    Ashton West

    Ashton is his newly-acquired step sister (and her brother, Jace but he doesn't live with them). He likes her, but her friends are so annoying. And it's so annoying when Sloane comes over FOR HER INSTEAD OF HIM. And he might feel what he might feel for her father (who he refuses to call dad despite his mother insisting), Ash is cool. Just annoying and makes him want to rip his messy hair out of his head.



    Dahlia Blake

    The storm in his life that likes to come back around when he least expects it and sure as hell doesn't want it, yet Hunter is always drawn to it. He's always drawn to her. There are forces at work in the universe that he can't understand. She makes him weak whenever he's near her and in the same breath, she's like the funeral pyre to his winged insect. No matter how many times he tries to erase her from his memory, she finds a way to make them come back to him.




    1. Hunter can juggle up to 5 tennis balls without fail
    2. SPicy food and Hunter goes together like him and unable to be toxic.
    3. Secretly attends a therapy group for those who lost loved ones due to drunk drivers
    4. Has BPD. He was diagnosed just one month ago and refuses to do anything about it (only those in his family knows)

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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Axel Elias Rourke

  • req.

    #over it

    Axel Rourke
    October 31st
    hoop in his nose



    #comp. het


    * height
    6' 2"
    * weight
    something lbs.
    * build
    He works out.
    * hair colour
    bleach blonde, naturally more honey blonde
    * eye colour
    blue green





♡coded by uxie♡

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Name: Liliana “Lily” Concepción Sánchez Martínez

Age/grade: 16/junior

La vida es eso que pasa mientras planeas como vivir



Resilient and Hardworking: Lily's background has made her incredibly resilient. She is a very aggressive player on the basketball court and she tackles life's challenges with determination, driven by the desire to create a better life for herself.

Supportive and Team-Oriented: On the basketball court, Lily is known for her team spirit, her protective nature to her friends and leadership. She encourages her teammates and fosters a strong sense of camaraderie (only for those she considers trustworthy or close to her) making her an indispensable member of the team.

Dishonesty and Academic Cheating: Lily's intense drive to succeed and help her family has led her to cheat on exams and assignments, justifying these actions as necessary to maintain her grades.

Small-Scale wrongdoings: Influenced by her time with petty criminals, Lily occasionally resorts to shoplifting to support her family. She rationalizes these actions as a means of survival in a system she perceives as unfair and sometines by the mere thrill of feeling herself in control.


Liliana Martínez it’s a girl of a working-class immigrant family, student of Mendoza Heights, a (barely) average-grades student and a member of the basketball team, besides, she is the eldest daughter of an immigrant single mother, the older sister of 2 other siblings.

She was born in Mexico, where she spent most of her childhood living with her grandparents. Her early years were filled with the warmth and simplicity of simple life, where she learned to be resourceful and the values of hard work and family unity from her grandparents.

At the age of eight, Lily moved to the United States to reunite with her mother, who had left Mexico years earlier in search of better opportunities. Upon arriving in a Hispanic neighborhood in a large city, Lily discovered that her mother had a boyfriend and was pregnant with Lily’s younger twin siblings. This new environment, language barriers and new surroundings were stark contrasts to her life in Mexico.

Lily quickly took on a significant role in her household, helping her mother care for the newborn twins, taking small part-time jobs, but she often felt disconnected from her peers, her new environment and her own mother with her new relationship.

Seeking a sense of belonging, Lily befriended a group of young delinquents in the Hispanic ghetto where they lived who taught her about shop-lifting, unlocking doors, cheating school tests and other dubious skills, which led her to several troubles. During this time, Lily also discovered a passion for basketball. The sport became an outlet for her frustrations and a way to escape the difficulties of her daily life.

When Lily was 14, her family moved to Mendoza Heights where her mother looked for a fresh start and got a job as a housekeeper. Lilly continued helping her mother with her job, taking care of her two siblings and loving basketball, eventually joining the basketball team in an attempt to find her own fresh start. Despite the move, her family’s financial struggles continued, and Lily felt the constant pressure to balance the different aspects in her life and that bad habits are hard to die.


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