Megalopolis - Trick or treat (Open)


It's so FLUFFY!!!
Seth McCallister

"A bunny? You are going to be a bunny?" Seth laughed as he waited for Rebecca to get in her costume. Rebecca glared at him, her eyes with deep purple eye shadow.

"Just letting ye know, Seth, Jessica Rabbit is not a bunny."

"Well, the Rabbit last name didn't fool me."

Rebecca rolled her eyes and withdrew her head back. Seth looked down at his costume, he was William Wallace, a fierce Scottish warrior, and to be going to a costume party with a- his mind stopped as he looked at his cousin. Her hair was down and covering her left eye, her red glimmering dress was cut high on the right leg, showing off a perfect toned leg, her purple gloves, shoes and eye shadow perfected the color scheme. Seth nodded and looked at the purple purse she had.

"Okay, I'm convinced she is not a Rabbit."

Rebecca shook her head and fixed her dress on the chest.

"What do you think your boss would say."

Rebecca glared and shook her head. "I am not dressed to woo my boss. I am dressed to have fun"

"With your boss."

Rebecca punched him on the arm as they both head out to her car.
Mekita Mitsuki

Mekita was getting out of the shower then she put her bath robe on (it was purple and softer then a baby sheep). When her hair was dry Mekita started to put her make up on because she was going to a costume party. she had her costume in her closet for two weeks it was just screaming her name to be worn. Mekita was nervous because Seth and Rebecca were going to be there but she couldn't wait to go to the party any ways. Mekita decided to go a sexy school girl samurai. She had the sword already so it seemed perfect (all she had to do was get the costume which was easy and she did.) When she finished her make up she put her new deep green bow in her hair and lightly curled her hair. Then she went to the closet to get her costume it was green and white with a red bow thing on the neck. Mekita put the skirt on which was to her thigh then she put on her bottom half shirt that was tight on her then she put on her top shirt that was the costume it was semi low cut and high rise bottom and the top has a collar that lays flat on it and then put her sword holding belt on and tucked her tail under it. When she finished getting dressed she got her sword out of her guitar case and attached it to the belt and grabbed her back pack that was yellow and very small.Then she left to go to the party.
Rebecca Viridian/Seth McCallister

"Can you fix your breasts while your not driving woman?" Seth held on to the "oh shit" bar as Rebecca adjusted her costume.

Rebecca looked at him through her red puffed up hair and smiled "I'm not bad, I just drive that way" using her Jessica Rabbit Impression. Seth rolled his eyes as they arrived to the costume party. Rebecca looked around and noticed Zhane, her new boyfriend, clad in a sensei costume talking to a vampire dressed guy. She really hoped he would notice her. Dr. Cooper said he would be here, but who knows, Cooper is always busy on the week of Halloween.

"oh look, Becca, its Foxy Cleopatra." Seth waved at him, and got out of the car and rummaged at the back to get his battle axe. Rebecca got out of the car and sure enough, more than just Zhane noticed her sexy curved body, all the guys except Seth eyed her costume.

"Seth, hurry up now. I'm getting checked out here"

Seth got up holding his fake axe. "Just pound their face in like you always fucking do"

Rebecca lifted her middle finger at him and walked towards Zhane.
Mekita Mitsuki

When Mekita finally go to the party she looked around to see if she could see any one she knew. Then she saw Rebecca dressed as the sexiest cartoon woman ever Jessica Rabbit and She saw Seth dressed like an old warrior with a fake axe in his hand. So she walked towards them and Said "Hey Seth,Hey Rebecca, you look very handsome Seth and you look very sexy if you don't mind me saying Rebecca really you two look fantastic. I love Jessica Rabbit " Then she asked "So, how is Clarisse doing I hope good?" Then Mekita smiled a very happy smile because she was happy to see them both.
Rebecca Viridian/Seth McCallister

Seth smiled and hugged Mekita close, then nuzzled her cheek as Rebecca blushed.

"Well, thanks Mekita. What are you dressed up as?" Rebecca asked as a random guy came up to her.

"Hey sexy, you up for a dance?"

Seth placed an arm around Mekita and laughed at the guy.

"och, I told you to dress as a bar wench, you wouldn't get that much attention."

Rebecca glared at Seth and looked at the random guy "If you don't get away from me, I will crack some chestnuts open, so if you love your groin, I suggest you Fuck off"

Seth held Mekita close as his cousin blasted on this guy.

"Now. Clarisse is at Ma's and I bet she is getting her Tinkerbell costume on. She will text me Clarisse in her costume later."

Seth shook his head and sighed

"Christ, woman, you need bipolar medicine."
Clarisse Viridian

Ma, are you going to trick r treat with me?" Clarisse asked as ma Viridian placed Clarisse's wings on her back and smiled

"of course I will. I will protect you from any harm."

Clarisse cocked her head to the side "why would there be harm? Its Hallows eve."

Ma knew the dangers tonight. A serial killer is actually on the loose, preying on children Clarisse's age. Clarisse is a potential target due to her being a child of the renowned Viridian family. She did not want to tell Rebecca and Seth about this when she picked up young Clarisse because they would worry or end up finding the guy and put themselves in danger. She smiled and backed up from the little girl and saw Clarisse was a cute Tinkerbell, the blonde wig fit her perfectly. Clarisse laughed and ran down the stairs and jumped near the door, excited for candy.

It wasn't often that Rori played house parties but this place could hardly be called a house for it just seemed to go on and on. Already off the bat Rori knew that this party wasn't going to be normal. She had gotten the gig back from the old park party thing that she had done. Looks like it finally paid off as some...young adult? had booked her for Halloween night. Not a bad thing, he paid above asking and in cash too so all that was left to do was prep and get into costume.

Balancing stage costumes was hard work. There had to be a fine line between absurd and functional. For Rori, this meant Jack' lantern. Putting both hawks up in their full glory, she had put in a horizontal orange and black stripes. Down to her face she mixed orange and black paint with some of her never ending supply of blacklight paint. Black triangles for eyes and her nose, scary mouth put in and the rest of it a (in her opinion) bad ass orange she topped it off with the traditional Halloween skimpy black top, witch skirt and a pair of striped stockings she hadn't worn since that rebel phase in high school. Hey, they worked well with boots!

Her booth set above the 'dance' floor, Rori had even gone all out and gotten her lighting guy to set up a sick show. Everything in tune with her set and lights setup to make her glow up on stage, Rori started pumping the smoke in right as the party guests started to arrive. Scratching at the back of her neck, Rori decided to splurge, the music suddenly becoming incredibly vibrant. Each note hitting with real physical impact and not some digital recording. This was a night to remember and damn it all she was going to vent her powers a little, sound increasing just a little more.
Mekita Mitsuki

When Seth saw her he hugged her really close and kept his arm on her and Rebecca asked Mekita what she was dressed as? Then Mekita said well I already had this sword so I decided to be a school girl samurai. Then she laughed as Rebecca told off this weirdo that was flirting with her and he deserved it if you ask me. When Seth told Mekita that Clarisse was going to be Tinkerbell she said "Awww I bet thats adorable." Then Mekita looked at Seth and said " I love you cousin Rebecca she funny and kind of cool." Then she looked at Rebecca still trying to fix her dress and said "Rebecca are you ok your dress looks fine nothing is showing thats bad." Then she smiled at Rebecca. After telling Rebecca that she held the hand that Seth still had on her shoulder and asked him if he wanted to dance then asked Rebecca "If thats ok with you or do you want to dance with use too?"
Slowly, softly, prowling the night for a fresh victim. Halloween was perfect to find a child to terrorize. He slowly eyed the groups of children and cursed to himself that they go in groups. Luckily for him, his ability of creating spirit like wisps, perfect for luring, perfect for his plan. He licked his lips at the young meta dressed as Tinkerbell, he recognized her as soon as she laughed.

"Clarisse" he groaned, holding a piece of linen to his lips. But her famous mother was with her, if only there was a way to get them apart. If only.......
Rebecca Viridian/Seth McCallister

"Lets get inside, I hear the music starting. Seth, you get the drinks, I'll steal kitty here and we will start the dancing"

Rebecca grabbed Mekita's hand and Seth watched as his cousin and girl hit the dancefloor, as he adjusted his kilt. Rebecca started of a bit slow, but as soon as the volume intensified, the girls were in a state of happiness as the dancing went more fluid.

"Listen, I heard about Tabitha and her Bitch fit in the restaurant. Don't worry, lass, if she gives you grief because you're with my cousin, I'll kick her ass" she yelled out over the music as she started to move her hips and tossed her hair around.

Seth filled up the last drink and turned to notice Tabby in the most scandalous bunny costume he has seen. Usually costumes like that would cause him to check a girl out, but since it's Tabby, he just wanted to puke.

"Playboy mansion is in Hollywood, lass." Seth said as he walked past her, but got intercepted by her touch on his bare chest.

"Dance with me, Brave heart" she said as she attempted to grab his open hand. He turned his hand to air and laughed

"Sorry, my girl is waiting, with Viridian"

Tabby froze in shock, watching Seth walk over to the girls, and he laughed, ignoring Tabby and her fuming face.
Mekita Mitsuki

When Mekita asked then to dance Rebecca told Seth to get drinks and Mekita and her were of the dance floor the as the tempo speed-ed up so did Rebecca and Mekita's dancing. When they were dancing Rebecca told her that she heard about what happened with her and Tabitha and that Mekita shouldn't worry because if she gave Mekita grief that she would kick her ass. When Mekita heard that she felt that she could actually be with Seth without worry even though Mekita would be with Seth even if Tabitha told abut them being meta's. Then Mekita said "Thank you Rebecca that means a lot to me." Then Mekita grabbed Rebecca's hand and spun her around and laughed. When Mekita and Rebecca were dancing smelt Tabitha's sent and just ignored it because Mekita truly liked Seth and felt that he liked her too and kept dancing until Seth came with the drinks so Mekita grabbed Rebecca and said "Drink break" then rushed to Seth's side and held his hand while taking a sip of her drink.When she was done taking a drink she said "So Seth want to dance with us know huh?"Then Mekita saw Tabby out of the corner of her eye standing near the drink table looking at Mekita holding Seth's hand and Mekita couldn't help but to face her and stick her tongue out at her because she wasn't afraid of Tabby any more then a cat is afraid of a mouse. Then Mekita looked at Seth and Rebecca and said "I love Being with you Seth because I really like you a lot and I love being with you Rebecca you like the best friend I all ways wanted but could never have because I couldn't be honest with any one, So lets have fun tonight okay."
Seth McCallister

"I'm glad ye do, lass" Rebecca raised an eyebrow and left the two for their alone time. Seth held her close and then brushed his lips against Mekita's hoping she wanted this as much as he did. He heard DJ RooR do her signature beats as the party continued, he heard Rebecca yelling at another pervert and he heard people cheering at the DJ. He didn't care. He deepened the kiss and held her close, showing his affection for her and enjoying it.
Clarisse Viridian

"Ma! I got Hershey Kisses" Clarisse skipped over and noticed a dog looking out in the darkness. She peered over at the eyes of the dog and said out loud "What's wrong, doggie?"

Ma Viridian looked around and noticed Clarisse by the dog and smiled, nodding at the neighbors that own the dog.

The dog then spoke to Clarisse, like a phone call in her ears "There is a man that preys on little girls like you. He has been following you for a while now. You need to be careful, little meta."

Then after that, the dog broke eye contact and left to his owners. Clarisse looked out in the darkness and sure enough, she saw a shadowy figure watching her. It gave her a bit of uneasiness as she walked over to her mother.
Mekita Mitsuki

When Mekita told Seth that she really liked him Rebecca left them alone.Then Seth held Mekita close and put his lips on her's and when he did Mekita knew that he truly cared for her. Then Mekita put her hand's on his face and kissed him back with a lot of passion. While the hole world seemed to fade away and it was just Seth and Mekita together with no worry at all. There was no Tabitha,no meta-cops nothing at all just bliss.
Rebecca Viridian

Watching Seth kiss Mekita caused Rebecca to smile as the music lowered to low volume. The host of the party, Conner, Seth's piano classmate, and dressed as Jeff the Killer, (Really great make up by the way, she thought) grabbed the microphone.

"All right everybody, how is this Halloween party!" Conner smiled, making his red make up smile more creeper than it is. The party goers yelled out in response, Conner laughed and looked at DJ RooR.

"I wanna thank this great DJ for being a bad ass music player tonight, she will stick around after this costume contest. Now there is categories for each award. Most creepiest" He bowed. "Most sexiest, for all the ladies out there," several oohhs were heard, "Most creative, most original, and costume of the night!" He raised a fist, getting a bit of cheers. "All right let's get this contest started. RooR, take us off with a beat."
Mekita Mitsuki

When the music lowered Mekita and Seth were still kissing but when they heard the host of the party talk they both looked up to listen to what he was saying and still held each other close. Mekita knew that that Seth would win costume of the night because his costume was awesome and that Rebecca would win most sexiest costume for shore. When the host stopped talking Mekita said "Do you want to go vote for the contest ?You have my vote for costume of the night."
The time will be now, he crept up, clad in his grim reaper costume, and walked up to the young Clarisse. The young red haired girl looked up at the grim reaper and gasped as he looked down at her.

"Trick or treat, little girl."

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