Megalopolis Reboot

The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome to Megalopolis

“This is Field Reporter Robin Kelly, Mega-TV,” explosions echoed in the cityscape behind here “reporting in from City Hall where tensions have broke out between...” the journalist paused as she looked around horrified at the wall of police who were armed and opening fire on the gather of masses. Upon closer inspection, you notice that the mob of people are actually a gathering of metahumans, most were running away but some were firing back on the police. Reporter Kelly had taken cover behind a car as she tried to do her report but the windows exploded, causing her to jump back in surprise but not before her flawless face was scratched. “This all seems to have started after a policeman had sho-” the camera began to shake, as the bodies on screen began to run, but it all went silent as static filled the screen, the shrill of the explosion ending the broadcast.


Megalopolis is a game about survival above all else and ultimately changing the city you are in for the better or worse. You are Metahumans, humans who have been born with mutations or gifts depending on on who you are asking and besides survival there is no set story goal, that is where the motivations of every character come in to create a rich RP experience. Every action you take will have an effect on the city in a positive or negative manner, this is because megalopolis will be using the balance system, everything will be explained below.

Definition of Metahumans: Metahumans are not magical or supernatural in any way (No mages, aliens, vampires etc) as long as it's not fantasyish it is most likely fair game. They are humans born with superhuman abilities(think xmen). There should also not be any excessive amount of tech(Explained in Technology)

Human: There are no aliens, elves, etc. You were born a human even if you have mutations like tails, horns, different color eyes etc. You are not allowed to have mutations that are not easily hideable and would prevent you from being able to move around the city in none suspicious cloths. Tails, horns, claws etc are all fair game. Giant heads, Many arms, freakishly bodily abominations are not allowed.

Crafters: I will not be allowing any super genius crafting metahumans, the reason for this is that either I have to trust you to not abuse your power or you have to constantly keep coming to me for approval, I will not be having any of that. While we are on that note, no power should depend on DM interaction, if you create a power that specifically requires

Technology: While technically Megalopolis is a Sci-Fi game, it is only set as such to give me wiggle room in case I want to do anything with different levels of tech. Advanced technology is off limits at the beginning, there is no possible way a starting character will begin with a mech or high tech blasters etc, Megalopolis is just a little bit more advanced than modern, all that technology is locked away in corporations and military labs. To own said advanced technology you must find a way to steal/acquire/have someone build it for you in game by RPing.

Balance of Power:

This something I am going to be implementing in Megalopolis, I will try to explain it as easy as possible. Depending on how the balance of power, it is how the state of Megalopolis will be determined, if a negative group has too much power, then Megalopolis will be in a state of chaos. Essentially, the players will be a group, so will the police, city council/mayor, mafia etc

Balance of power will be it’s own thread with a much more highly detailed explanation of the system and each group will have its own advantages and disadvantages and they will constantly be changing based on how the player group is seen:

Example: Lets say for some reason, the players somehow kill the leadership of the mafia, the mafia might suddenly gain the disadvantage Power Vacuum and gangs would fight it out all over the city and create random shooting.


This game is about trying to survive in your own way and acomplish your motivations, if enough players want to form their own group, that is acceptable and it will end up in the balance of power, or players can join a preexisting group(The Dandalar’s Club is one such group)

If you wish to participate or have any comments/questions please post below!
[QUOTE="Ultimate_Kitsune]I would like to participate :)
do we post our characters on here?

No, I will be posting the character template once the forums are up, I don't want to get flooded with characters before the game is even up.

Most characters will be functional but will just need a few minor edits.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]

Human: There are no aliens, elves, etc. You were born a human even if you have mutations like tails, horns, different color eyes etc. You are not allowed to have mutations that are not easily hideable and would prevent you from being able to move around the city in none suspicious cloths. Tails, horns, claws etc are all fair game. Giant heads, Many arms, freakishly bodily abominations are not allowed.

Mutations are fine as long as they can be hidden in plain sight and not look too suspicious. You can easily hide ears with a hat or hood or something I suppose. But lets discuss characters once the actual game is up.
Woah, your first Request is "Can I be a Furry?"....

Everything seems Fair, but i got to Admit not being hideously Mutated is kind of a bummer..

Having difficulty trying to stay hidden is fun sometimes, yknow? No biggy tho.

Got a few character Idea's allready..

I'm in, i S'pose!
I'm in, as I promised. Wizard, good job with this, I look forward to playing.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Thanks! I hope everyone joins ;) !

Me too!
Tentative interest from me, too. Until power limits are established/defined a little more it's hard to know which, if any, of the concepts in my head will work.
[QUOTE="Arion Wind]Tentative interest from me, too. Until power limits are established/defined a little more it's hard to know which, if any, of the concepts in my head will work.

Then why don't you ask?
medelsvensson said:
Then why don't you ask?
First, because it has already been stated that more information on characters will be coming later;

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I will be posting the character template once the forums are up, I don't want to get flooded with characters before the game is even up.

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]But lets discuss characters once the actual game is up.

Second, because a similar question was asked just above my post;

TheSilentArtist said:
I'm in. How much are we going to be allowed to do with our powers in terms of creativity?
[QUOTE="Demon_of_Shadows]i'll join if thats okay.....

That is fine, everyone who wants to play is welcomed to submit a character once the template is up. Then I will review each one and tell players what they need to do to get approved.
Knight said:
As always I'm interested, should i keep Rin or do I make a new character?
Ill let you know.

[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]I'm in, pending rewrites to make my character grittier.


Megalopolis will be up today!

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