Megalopolis - Diner Dash (Seth McCallister, Mekita Mitsuki

Maitiu & Moirin O'Brien

Maitiu's head came up whenever the door opened and he relaxed whenever it was someone harmless. When the door opened and the seth guy and the anime girl returned he nodded at his sister. "The young man has returned."

She looked up and saw Seth's nod and she returned it. Somehow that made her feel better. But then, he was a Scot and there was no telling how the Scottish were going to react to anything. "Just a minute, I want to ask after his cousin." She got up and wound her way to where she saw them disappear. She caught the attention of a few people and she realized that there were more than a few pictures taken with camera phones. She hardly noticed it. Her smile was bright and instant when she saw Seth behind the counter and in the kitchen. "Good day Seth, and how are you this day?"

Maitiu rolled his eyes but he too put down his napkin, rose and followed his sister. She was always a tad bit too eager to find friends. He was lucky in that he had a best friend from boyhood and they'd done everything together. Moirin was not as lucky. He approached his sister, smiling to himself when he passed by a table of woman that instantly gave him appreciateive looks and comments he wasn't supposed to be able to hear. He knew he had that effect on them, knew that he was blessed with not only amazing good looks but also with an accent that made knees week as well as a bank balance that tended to make people speculate. He sat down next to his sister. Odd how he had black hair with blue eyes and she was small, slight and was about as fair as moonlight. He also wanted to get the measure of a man his sister was trying to befriend.
Seth McCallister

He was intercepted by the Moirin that everyone knows and loves, and he smiled, signaling Mekita that he will be there.

"Moirin, it's been a while since we talked. How are you lass." He beamed again and looked at the clock and winced.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I got back from lunch break and I do not want to be late for it. I say we talk when my shift is over, if that is okay with ye"

He noticed the handsome Maitiu striding flawlessly over to them and nodded at him.

"Maybe then we can catch up on things." He winked and shook her hand. He winced again hoping that she didn't perceive that as a flirtatious move. Och, he has to stop with the winking.
Maitiu & Moirin O'Brien

"It's no worry, I just wanted to see how your cousin was doing, if she's had any problems since that incident at the pool." She beamed when her brother came over. "And this would be Maitiu. He's in his final year at university. Maitiu, this is Seth McCallister. He and his cousin Rebecca are Scots, as if ye couldn't tell."

Maitiu shook the other's hand, gauging him and chuckled. "No, I couldn't have, not with that accent." It was a joke, a jest at his sister's expense and the jab in his ribs was worth it. "It's nice to meet you Seth. If we're still here after your end of shift, come on over. And bring your lady friend as well."
Seth McCallister

"Great, I would like that a lot. Now I must be headed back, I need to do my last part of the shift."

He nodded at the two and headed into the locker and clocked in. Exactly at the fifteen minute mark. He sighed in relief and looked at Mekita. Her body moving along with her movements as she put on get apron and took out her writing pad. He ached so much to just kiss her, the temptation was just kicking him in the arse. He walked over and caught a scent of her patchouli perfume and fought the urge to sniff her hair. He took out his apron and writing pad and smiled at her getting ready.
Mekita Mitsuki

When Mekita and Seth got back to the diner Seth opened the door for her and got stopped by a woman Seth seemed to know. Then Mekita went on to the locker while Seth talked to the woman and a man. So Mekita grabbed her apron, order pad ,and perfume and sprayed it in her hair and on her shirt. then Seth came to the locker room then Seth walked passed Mekita to his locker and grabbed his apron and order pad. Then Mekita put her apron on and put her order pad in it and went to clock in for her last shift for the day.When Mekita walked into the kitchen Seth came too. She started to bring the orders to tables when she brought a large order of seven large fries seven burgers and seven larger sodas Seth came to her and helped Mekita bring the order to the family. Mekita thought "Seth was pretty good on his feet for his first day all day he didn't make any mistakes she was very proud of Seth." Mekita then looked at Seth bring a drink to a costumer and thought "Man Seth's a great guy Hes kind, smart, a great worker, and he could be mine."after about three hours of none stop orders the diners started to slow and Mekita went up to Seth and said " So, how was your first day with all the hard work, we have about twelve minutes until we both can go." Then they went to the locker room and put there stuff away and Mekita grabbed her bag and her sweater and Seth grabbed his stuff and we both clocked out and wen to the front of the diner and the two people that Seth was talking to were still sitting in the booth near the door.

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