Megalopolis - Diner Dash (Seth McCallister, Mekita Mitsuki


It's so FLUFFY!!!
Seth McCallister

"Och, Christ, woman! Don't splash any of that on me!" Seth watched as Rebecca drank some of her smoothie. However she was driving so fast to his new job at the diner, some of the melted smoothie was jumping about like a bunch of dolphins on a jumping frenzy.

"Shut the hell up, Seth, when did you care about getting stuff on your uniform?"

Seth growled as she placed the smoothie cup in the cup holder. "I'm sorry for caring about how I look, unlike you"

Rebecca punched his shoulder as she pulled in the Mega diner. The diner that has at least one of the best burgers in town. How the beef is so juicy, perfectly seasoned, the toppings are perfectly balanced, that it tastes like the mana from heaven fell down to earth and took the shape of a burger. Seth got out of the car and bent down to look at Rebecca.

"Anytime you and Cooper will end up eating here and exchanging love sounds?"

Rebecca threw his bag at him angrily and drove off, barely missing his foot, because of him changing it to water. He looked at him and then glanced down at three paper with the manager's name and his partner, Mekita Mitsuki.
Mekita Mitsuki

Mekita was on her way to the diner when she saw Rebecca McCallister zoomed by. When she got to the diner she saw her partner Seth walking from the front of the diner. She realized that Seth looked kind of nervous and she wondered why. She watched him walk in the door behind the counter to the back of the diner to put his bag in the locker room. Then before Seth noticed her looking Mekita started setting up to cook the burgers . After Mekita washed the lettus she went to the wall to turn on the radio Mekita put on some instrumental music and asked "Seth are you ok with this channel?"
Seth McCallister

Mekita was a small girl that looked like she came from one of those Japanese cartoons. He looked at her and started to observe her. She has muscle tone, obviously she was a bit of a free runner. Her bow had to be hiding something, did she have a mutation our something? Either way she was still so adorable. Seth followed her into the kitchen and the smell of the burgers danced into his nostrils, making him so hungry.

His train of thought broke when she heard her small but brave voice. "Seth, are you okay with this channel?"

He looked at her, then at the radio, blasting out a bit of instrumental. He smiled and said in his cheerful voice, trying not to over power his accent in his words. "Aye, lass. Hey. I have a question. How is it that you can smell this wonderful burger, but not feel hungry?" He started to slice some tomatoes, alongside Mekita.
when she looked at Seth for an answer he smiled and asked how Mekita didn't crazy hungry because of the smell of the burgers? Mekita smiled and said " well I have been used to the smell i've been arround it for a long time. Then she looked at him he seemed to be starring at her bow. Then she thought " What if he knows about my mutatian? What if he see's my ear's? Then she looked at Seth and asked "what are you looking at? Then smiled a cute smile and poked him in the stomach.
when she looked at Seth for an answer he smiled and asked how Mekita didn't crazy hungry because of the smell of the burgers? Mekita smiled and said " well I have been used to the smell i've been arround it for a long time. Then she looked at him he seemed to be starring at her bow. Then she thought " What if he knows about my mutatian? What if he see's my ear's? Then she looked at Seth and asked "what are you looking at? Then smiled a cute smile and poked him in the stomach.
Seth McCallister

He chuckled at her poke, trying not to show he was a bit ticklish. He shook his head and looked over at the burgers. "Well, lass, I have to admire your bow as it is a bit on the girl Lolita side. Never came across a woman that dresses like those Japanese animations they sometimes play on Saturday mornings."

He recalled his little cousin Clarisse watching an old episode of Pokemon and she just adored the little yellow mouse with red cheeks and spout out electricity. He smiled but realized the knife he was using dropped to his foot. He didn't have the time to move it, so the moment it almost hit his foot, he dematerialized his foot to air, causing the knife to fall on the floor. He grinned as the foot turned back without a care at all.
Tabitha Wallis

"Uhhh, excuse me Ronald" Tabby walked in as if the world need to stop what they were doing and look at her. Ronald, the assistant manager at the diner, stopped at his tracks. "Wallis, what brings you here?"

Tabitha saw her new target Seth walk in her in the uniform and had to get with him somehow. She now saw him laughing with some ugly large bow wearing kid. Tabby sneered and sat at the bar.

"I want a milk shake and hold the milk, I don't want my thighs to get fat"

She stared at Seth as he prepared the burgers before taking of the apron and following the bow girl out to take orders. She sneered again as she passed by and then stopped Seth.

"Hiya, cutie, you miss me?"
Mekita Mitsuki

After poking Seth Mekita saw that he was ticklish because Seth laughed. She couldn't help but to laugh along with him because his laugh seemed so contages .Then Seth answered her question he said that he admired her bow .Seth said that Mekita reminded him of a Japanese cartoon like an old Pokemon cartoon that his cousin Clarisse watches. When Mekita heard the description of the Pokemon that Clarisse liked Mekita said well there's two Pokemon like that there are Pikachu and Pichu i love them both. Mekita never realized that she dressed like an anime character but she had to because off her ears end her tail. So she really didn't care. Then when she looked down Mekita realized that Seth's knife fell and was going to hit his foot but when it was about to hit his foot it dematerialized like it turned into air then he smiled like he didn't care if she saw but so he thought that she didn't see Mekita poked Seth's sides so he would laugh again. Then they both started to laugh and Mekita heard an annoying voice that seemed really desperate for attention say "uhhh' excuse me Ronlald" the our assistent manager stopped like he got glued to the floor and called the woman Wallis' and asked her what brought her here?" Then the woman looked towards Mekita and Seth then Mekita heard the woman Wallis sneer when her eyes set on Mekita like as if she wanted to drop her off the face of the earth.Then she sat at the bar and said "I want a milk shake and hold the milk, I don't want my thighs to get fat". Then Mekita walked from the kitchen to take orders and Seth started to follow and the woman grabbed him and said "hiya, cutie, you miss me?" When she heard thoughs words Mekita's eyes went to attack mode but thank goodness she was wearing contacts but she went to do her job and thought of telling Seth that she was a mutant and decided that she was going to tell him at there lunch brake.
Seth McCallister

Tabby showed up again, her face full of makeup, her club dress very tight on her, accentuating her unnatural curves, and her blonde hair in a bun.

"Och, Christ woman, can't you see I'm working?"

His thick accent causing the girl to smile. She drew him closer and he tried his best not to pour her milk shake with no milk on her. What person orders a milk shake with no damn milk? That is basically ice and the flavor. He can never understand this girl.

"You said you were going to take me out." Tabby softly said rubbing his chest. Seth chuckled and slipped out of her grasp.

"Sorry, lass, but I have a thing called work, and it's where you work and get money by doing your job. And I never said that to ye"

"Seth, baby, I work"

Seth tried not to sound vulgar, but he didn't care, it will get her off of him

"Having daddy go on his knees is not working." A few guys at the bar behind Tabby mouthed "Oooo" Tabby gave him a deathly stare and drew his face closer. "you haven't seen the last of me, Scotsman. Someday you will beg for me"

Seth laughed and pulled away to start taking orders. "Remind me to gouge my eyes out before that happens" A Few more laughs from the group of guys came from behind Tabby, immediately, she left, and whispered at Mitsuki. She thought Seth couldn't hear her, but he shook his head at the threat.

"Try to go after him, I will find out, kitty. Anti-meta cops will love having two freaks" she left the diner before paying a tip to Ronald. Seth quickly took the order of a family who didn't Pay attention to the drama and walked over to Mekita before taking the next order.

"She is all talk, lass, she won't do anything. She is terrified of Metas, thanks to me Cousin Rebecca."
Mekita Mitsuki

Mekita was still listening to Wallis and Seth talking. She heard Seth call the woman Tabby and then Tabby kept pulling Seth closer to her Mekita could tell that Seth was getting annoyed. After Tabby said that Seth said that he would take her out. because his voice got sterner and he said he had to work.then the hooker dress wearing skank said that she works to which Seth replied "having your daddy go on his knees is not working. " Mekita held her breath so that she wouldn't burst into laughter. Then Tabby Wallis drew Seth closer and said that he hadn't seen the last of her , and that he would beg for her. Then Tabby walked towards Mekita and whispered in her ear "Try to go after him,I will find out,Kitty Anti-meta cop would love having two freak's.then Mekita crushed her order pad at the words Anti-Meta Cops !!" After the witch Tabby left Seth came to Mekita and said "she's all talk ,lass,she won't do anything,she is terrified of metas thanks to my cousin Rebecca. Mekita said, Who is that woman? How does she know about me and you?Why was she on you like a stripper on a pole? What does she mean "If you go after him,I will find out." What does it matter to her if i do anyway." You don't seem to like her very much. "ohh, lets talk at our brake.Thanks for the comfort but I'm not afraid of her or her threat.Then Mekita hugged Seth quickly and went back to work.
Seth McCallister

He laughed as Mekita placed the questions on him. He saw a bit of interest in her eyes about him. The part which made him want to burst in laughter was when she asked why Tabby was on him like a stripper on a pole. He had to use that as a simile later on. He nodded as she finally said for them to talk on their break and hugged him. She smelled very nice, of the patchouli flower and lavender. It kind of brought him to a sense of peace. When she left, the walk she made was a bit more cheerful, a happy gait of having a great time. Seth smiled to himself as she walked on, taking her orders. The couple, a pro-meta couple by the way of their faces, smiled before he asked for their order

"We are terribly sorry for that girl to call you a freak. She doesn't know how special you are"

Seth smiled, "Thank you, but it's fine, now may I interest you in our special of the day?"

Seth took their order happily and then casted a glance at the cute waitress with the adorable large bow before placing the order on the rack for the cooks to start. He sighed and walked on over to the three guys before smiling at her, Mekita.
Mekita Mitsuki

When Mekita finished talking to Seth and was taking orders. She kept thinking about Seth and how she hugged him. Seth made her feel kind of happy just being that close to him. He had a peaceful look on his face after Mekita walked away and glanced at him as he was talking to a sweet couple.Mekita couldn't wait to talk to Seth so she could ask him questions about the Tabby's knowing that she's a Meta-human , and what happened with Rebecca and Tabby,but Mekita was just happy that Seth wasn't into Tabby. Then Mekita looked at Seth and he smiled a very happy smile that made Mekita's eyes turn pink.Then she looked at her watch and realized that it was fifteen minutes until Seth and Mekita's break. So she took as many orders as she could and went to the locker room to get her bag out and to put her apron back. Then she waited for Seth so that they could go and talk some where. Mekita though that sense she asked to talk she should buy lunch especially because Mekita eats like an endless pit when shes nervous. As soon as Mekita was going to clock out for lunch she saw Seth walking towards the lockers to get his bag.Seth seemed relieved that it was time to go because he was smiling. Then she clocked out and walked to the door of the locker room to wait.
Seth McCallister

For his first day here, he did great. The orders came by quickly, and the orders came on like a wave, but Seth and Mekita tackled the wave like two hardcore surfers. Finally break time, he headed to his locker and smiled as he took out his bag containing his wallet. He had to treat Mekita with something nice. He noticed her at her locker and chuckled, his accent a bit more pronounced, "That was a tough run, lass, but I'm glad we pulled it off. So, want to get a few sandwiches and a smoothies? My treat." He smiled as he closed the locker. "Maybe then we can talk more"
Maitiu & Moirin O'Brien

It was supposed to be a brother-sister date night but with their schedules the way they were date night became date day. Still, it was fun. This had been a tradition for as long as they could remember. Their parents had started the tradition. Once a week they would have a date night. No matter what they did, once a week their parents had a day just for them that didn't include their children or anyone else. No one was allowed to upset Date Night. And it didn't matter when Date Night happened, so long as it did. When Maitiu and Moirin got older they were encouraged to have a day- usually the same night as their parents'- where they bonded as siblings. Sometimes Date Night meant they spoke on the phone while watching the same movie and eating popcorn as they were thousands of miles apart but usually they managed to get together and just hang, brother and sister. It was a great way to cement their friendship, not just their familial bond.

The morning had been spent watching a silent film at a dingy theater that charged cheap rates for things people couldn't see anymore. It was fun and even more so when they added their own words. But a steady diet of popcorn, soda, candy and nachos wasn't exactly food and the two siblings required some sort of nourishment. There was also a tradition to find the closest food joint from their location. Thanks to modern technology, that was a mere search on an app made just for that purpose. The closest was a place called Mega Diner that had Moirin roll her eyes. "Is everything here called Mega?" Her brother had only chuckled as he buckled his seatbelt. "Aye, 'tis the way of it I think Moirin. Are ye hungry or not?"

Her stomach answered for her in the form of a low growl. "I shoulda be so hungry, I ate like a pig."

"Ah, don't fash yourself," he replied, making a clean u-turn at the light just before it turned red, "you'll only hurt yourself."

The map pointed them on their way and Maitiu's car ate up the two miles like a pouncing cat. The diner itself was of a classic 50s design with bright neon that was sure to attract the eye from all over. The parking lot looked like it needed repaving but the lines were clear, the windows were clean and there was music coming from inside. There was music and people and it seemed like a thriving joint. "Looks like business is good."

And it was. They had to wait ten minutes for a table but once they sat down they felt as if they were in a different world and Moirin grinned. "I feel like I should be wearing a poodle skirt, socks and mary janes." She bobbed her head along to the rock and roll currently playing from the juke box. She already liked it here and decided that she needed to have a 1950s themed party here for something. She swung her legs under the table as if she were a kid and decided on a classic burger, fries and a chocolate shake.

"You're not leaving much room for tradition. Where's your classic coke?"

"Thought about it," she admitted even as a waitress came to take their order, "I'd like the classic burger, well done, fries, a classic coke and a chocolate shake."

Maitiu rolled his eyes. "You're nothing if not predictable Moirin. As for myself I'll have the double bacon burger, seasoned fries and a coke."

They sat across from each other talking about this, that, and another thing. It was good to connect, to talk about life and what they wanted, what they planned on doing. Conversation only stopped when the waitress returned to bring their drinks. Her eyes widened when she realized who she was serving but she didn't say anything. The siblings appreciated it. They continued their conversation. Chances were they were going to spend a couple of hours just talking. Which was good, Moirin thought, they'd not really had a chance to just talk in a very long time.
Mekita Mitsuki

When Mekita watched Seth grab his bag he said " that was a tough run lass ,but i'm glad we pulled it off.So,want to get a few sandwiches and smoothies? My treat." Then maybe we can talk more." Then Mekita smiled and said " well, i'd love to Seth lets go. then they walked towards the door and Mekita had Seth walk in front of her so she could have a good look at him. Mekita thought " I like his long blonde hair and his beautiful green eyes, they suit his body so well." Then they walked out of the diner and went to get some sandwiches. When they sat down Mekita asked Seth, So, how does Tabby wallis know you and your cousin Rebecca?
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Seth McCallister

He led Mekita to the front of the diner and looked at her bow again. That bow. Its just so adorable, but he wondered what was behind them that it was so big.

"Rebecca knew Tabitha since they were in high school. Tabby and Rebecca were best friends and something happened that I don't know caused their little," He waved a hand trying to grasp the right word. 'Fight is too strong, hmm, I wonder what' He snapped his fingers and smiled at Mekita. "Conflict!" That's right. He smiled and looked at her, her face still full of worry that Tabby knew a meta just by sight. Seth sighed and placed an arm around the young girl.

"She is very keen on finding out who is a meta because of her connections. Very Anti Meta, and stuck up, she will find who is meta or not. But you need not worry, lass, she is really all talk, and no do, so you, my dear, do not need to worry."

He felt so comfortable placing an arm around her and continued it, but didn't go too close so he wouldn't scare her. He then caught a glimpse of something twitching in her hair, and disregarded it for he didn't care what mutation this girl might have, he was a tad bit cozy around her, maybe its the perfume she wore, or the innocence she brings about herself, either way, it felt good. He chuckled a bit and found the little café, the only café that sells good sandwiches and actually sells smoothies. He then looked at her as the clerk, a nice man that greeted them with a smile regarded. "May I take your order?"

Seth looked at Mekita again and nodded his head, "Ladies first, Which sandwich and smoothie would you like, lass?"
Mekita Mitsuki

When Mekita asked Seth "how does Tabby Wallis know you and your cousin?" he said Rebecca and Tabitha Knew each other since high school and that they were best friends and he didn't know what happened to cause there he posed and started to wave his hands and snap then all of a sudden he said conflict and smiled at her and put his arm around Mekita but still stayed his distance which seemed kind of odd to Mekita because she had hugged him in the diner.When Seth put his arm around Mekita all of her nervousness went away. Then Seth said she is very keen on finding out who is meta because of her connections ,very anti-meta ,and stuck up , she will find who is meta or not .But you need not to worry .lass she is really all talk and no do,so you ,my dear, do not need to worry ." She started to think to much and her ear twitched but Seth didn't seem to notice then they got to the cafe and all the while Seth kept his arm on Mekita. Then a man came up to them and said " may I take your order?" then Seth looked at her and said " Ladies first ,which sandwich and smoothie would you like,lass?" When Seth asked Mekita she said Ummm, I'll take the mango smoothie and the ham sandwich. Then she pulled Seth's arm closer and lend towards him .Then said " What about you Seth? What do you want?"and smiled a very comfortable smile because she was so at peace being with him. Then asked " Do you like mango's Seth?"
Seth McCallister

She was so cute. She placed her order and gripped his arm tighter, causing him to chuckle.

"I like mangoes meself," he smiled and looked up at the menu. "They are exotic in Scotland, where I'm from, the only time I tasted them was when I came here. However, I would like to try their passion fruit smoothie, as that is a perfect smoothie for this moment, added by a ham sandwich as well,"

Oh dear Lord, was he flirting?! He realized that last minute when his eyes gazed at hers. He could tell they were contacts, and he smiled again, wishing he was able to look at her true eyes.
Mekita Mitsuki

After Seth said " They are exotic in Scotland ,where i'm from,the only time I tasted them is when i came here."Then he said, "However, I would like to try their passion fruit smoothie ,as that is a perfect smoothie for this moment ,added by a ham sandwich as well," Which made Mekita blush and giggle.I'm glad i'm with you Seth. "I really like your eyes there very beautiful." They both smiled and Mekita decided that She was going to forget about Tabithas threat and focus on talking to Seth about their selves.When the man left she asked "Seth do you want to know what makes me a Meta-human?" Then she Said "Well I just have this strong urge to tell you the truth about me and my urges are never wrong, like my urge to talk to you at the diner." I am kind of like a cat I have cat like scenes, I can see in the dark,my eyes change color according to my mood , and I am very flexible I can fit in very small spaces, behind my bow are cat ears and I have a tail, would show you but this is a public place." then she looked at Seth and said "Thats all." and smiled. Then the man came back with their food and said " here is you two ham sandwiches and your mango smoothie and your passion fruit smoothie enjoy." and he left. Mekita touched Seth's hand and asked him " What's your ability Seth?"
Seth McCallister

"A cat huh? That is very interesting." Seth smiled and looked down at her hand touching his. He smiled again and looked around making sure no one looked. He dematerialized his hand to air, causing it to go through hers, and then materialized it on top of her hand.

"I can change my body to a liquid and gas state. It's very handy if you would like to squeeze through small places, like your cat like ability."

He smiled and took a sip of his smoothie.

"I would like to see your ears and tail one day. When no one is around, it would be nice."

He looked at the ringing door of the dinner and noticed Rebecca and Clarisse hand in hand in the diner. He cursed and looked down, but the four year old Clarisse saw her cousin.

"Seth! With a cute girl"

Seth grinned and met Rebecca's evil grin.

"Well, Seth, looks like you found a cute lass here, the others he had were just too" Rebecca chuckled as she flipped her red hair. Clarisse looked up at Mekita, hoping she can talk to her, her hand still holding Rebecca's

"Rebecca, Clarisse, meet Mekita. She works with me."

"Duh, and I see you made a few moves on her. Tsk tsk. Seth. But I give you props for her, that bow is adorable. What Guy can resist anime looking girls with a big bust"

Seth face palmed himself, for he never noticed the chest, and wasn't planning on it. Clarisse took a bite out of Seth's sandwich, and giggled as Seth poked his cousins side.

"Well don't mind us, we wanted smoothies after we walked in the park. So continue on with your date.I'll pay you back,"

Seth looked at Rebecca. "for what?"

Rebecca took a huge bite out of his sandwich, grinned and winked at Mekita. Seth held a tighter grip on Mekita's hand and shook his head.
Mekita Mitsuki

When she told Seth about her he said "A cat Huh? that's interesting ." Then he looked around and made his hand dematerialize then come back on top of Mekita's hand.Then he said that he could change his body into water and gas state.It's very handy if you would like to squeeze into small places, like your cat like ability." then said "I would like to see you ears and you tail one day.when no one is around, it would be nice." When he looked up at the door while two girls one older one and one adorable little girl walked in holding hand Seth cursed and looked down quickly. Then the Mekita heard the little girl say "Seth! With a cute girl" and Seth smiled at the older beautiful girl said "Well ,Seth looks like you found a cute lass here, the other ones were too"Then she flipped her long red hair and laughed .Then the little girl looked at Mekita and smiled. Then Seth said "Rebecca, Clarisse meet Mekita. She works with me." Then Mekita said nice to meet you both."Then Rebecca said "Duh, and I see you made a few moves on her. Tsk tsk .Seth . But i give you props for her ,that bow is adorable. What Guy can resist anime looking girls with a big bust" Then mekita blushed and thought to herself "Why does everyone think I look like an anime girl I don't get it but its cool it's funny." Then Clarisse bit Seths sandwich. Then Rebecca said "Well don't mind us ,we wanted smoothies after we walked in the park. So continue on with your date. I'll pay you back," When Rebecca said continue on with your date Mekita smiled and blushed even more. Then Seth said "for what?" and Rebecca bit his sandwich, Then grinned and winked at her.Then mekita said "It was Nice to meet you Rebecca and Clarisse.' Then Seth Held her hand tighter and shock his head which made Mekita giggle. Then Mekita picked up there hands and kissed his hand ever so slightly .and took a drink of her smoothie. Then said " I like you ability its rather amazing Seth and I will show you my tail and ears soon Maybe if your not busy tommorrow sence its our day off Seth."
Seth McCallister

She kissed his hands, which caused him to get chills down his spine. Och, Christ he wanted to kiss her, and it bothered him so much. Clarisse and Rebecca would tease him like crazy if he made a move on Mekita. Now he knew how Rebecca felt with Dr. Cooper. Now that he had interest in this girl, he doesn't want to tease Rebecca anymore. When Mekita offered to show him tomorrow, inside he felt like the happiest man on earth. But what if she is underage? What if she was a minor. A big no-no on his part, especially since Rebecca was in the forensic part of police. He had to ask for her age, but isn't that rude? He gulped from the heated temptation of going over the table and kissing her and instead drank some smoothie.

"So" he said in a high pitch voice.(he heard Rebecca laugh behind him) he cleared his throat. "So, Shall we head back to the Diner? since this is my first day I don't know how long or breaks are"
Mekita Mitsuki

When Mekita kissed Seth's hand she saw his hair on his arm stand up on end that made her giggle. Then he said So ,Shall we head back to the diner? since this is my first day i don't know how long our breaks are" Then Mekita said "Ummm, yeah we have fifteen minutes to get back we should go, Okay lets go." Then they got up and went to the door. As they were walking Mekita asked so how old are you I'm eighteen. You don't look that old Seth. I mean you look like your barley in your twenties and you are very handsome to boot. I hope we can hang out together more often your a very nice person and I really like you a lot and I like your cousin's Rebecca and Clarisse they seem interesting Seth. What do you say want to go out tomorrow maybe you could meet me at my place and we could go to the park. It would be fun Seth. Then Mekita handed him a piece of paper with her address and number on it and smiled a cheerful flirtatious smile.
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Maitiu & Moirin O'Brien

She watched as Seth and some girl she didn't recognize leave the diner. Either he didn't see her sitting there or he was one of those who were rude and didn't even say hello to someone he knew. Or maybe, she thought charitably, he didn't want to intrude on what might be construed as a private lunch. Which, she admitted, it was. Normally.

"Something the matter then Moirin?"


"You sighed, as if ought was amiss."

"No, nothing's wrong," she said, her voice trailing off. "I sometimes wonder if our parents' celebrity and therefore ours prevents us from having any real friends? Oh, I know there are people we grew up with, but they're not exactly friends, more along the line of a social necessity. How many of them would stand up for me, be there when all the chips were down, to have my back when I was-" she sighed again, stirring her shake. "That guy who just left, with the girl who looks like she's from some weird anime contest- I know him. Not very well, but I've met him before. Granted it wasn't exactly the best of circumstances. His cousin got hurt and he seemed to think it was my fault, even after it turned out she was all right. But still, I know him. In our social network, you play nice to people, even if you don't like them because people are fake. I don't know if I'm upset he didn't say hello or relieved. I don't even know if he saw me. And if he did, would I want him to say hello if he didn't like me or would I want him to just keep his distance. And I don't even know him that well- not as well as that cat girl seems to. But it makes me wonder."

"You're over thinking things."

"I know," she admitted with another sigh. "It's just, I try so hard to do good things and I don't really care about the noteriety. I'd rather do something and not have a dozen cameras trained on me when I do it and I wish, for once, I had a friend who understood that and was okay with me getting more attention than I want. Invariably when I find someone who I think is that kind of a friend, it turns out she just wants to get into the spotlight too."

"What about that one girl, Reagan?"

"I don't know her well at all. I think she's very shy and I think she'd be the kind of friend I could have, but I think she'd be more afraid of added attention if she were to becomes friends with me. If we're friends, she's going to get into the spotlight whether she likes it or not. It just won't be as much as what I'd get. I could shield her from much of it, but I think she'd flinch at any notoriety I think her fears of whoever did that to her are more than she admits openly. And I'm sure that if she were to be seen a lot she'd be afraid that they'd find her again and do something even worse to her."

"Unlikely, you and I both know that there's court justice and public opinion. If she were seen with you, and if people saw how harmless she was, how innocent and fragile she was, they would see her as a victim against things and they would be on her side. She would make a great champion for Metas everywhere. She just has to find the inner strength and I don't think that strength is something anyone has ever encouraged in her. She's quite remarkable though. I think she is at least."

"Of course she is," Moirin flared in defense of the other girl.

She would have said more but the waitress returned with their lunch. Maitiu looked at the burger and pile of fries on her plate even as he cut his in two. "Are you really going to be able to eat all of that?"

Moirin also cut her burger in half and eyed it. "Every single bite, just watch me." She grinned as she bit into her burger.
Seth McCallister

He smiled at her and inside his head he gave out a sigh of relief. She was of age, so he can be calm on that. As she placed a napkin in his hand, he smiled at her and placed an arm around her, and kept her at a nice close, protective distance. This girl might actually be his, if hr pays his cards right. They entered the diner and noticed the famed siblings Maitiu and Moirin. He nodded his head at them as he opened the door for Mekita. He had seen Moirin around, but never her counter part, Maitiu. he smiled a little, wishing them a good night in silence as he followed Mekita to clock in and resume their work.

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