Meeting an hybrid [1x1] ( Kevinbrechie & Skyler)

Spike was now scratching the door with his other paw and tried to open it. Still not realising that his other paw was under the door and he might hurt himself if tries to get the door open.
"Oh my gosh Spike im so sorry." She slammed the door shut and Spike yelped but his paw was free. and Carlisle rubs his head.
Carlisle laid on the floor next to him and drifted off to sleep still tired for some reason.
Spike also laid down with his head over his left paw. Sniffing the girl's face a little and eventually falling asleep as well.
Carlisle felt so at ease with the animal. for the first time she actually felt loved or at least liked. she woke up and padded downstairs to the living room and started to watch TV.
Spike opened one eye when the girl left the room. But he felt way to comfortable to stand up. So he laid his head between his paws and fell asleep again.
it was around 12 when she started making her lunch. She put at least 5 packages of beef in a large pan for spike and made her a normal grilled cheese sandwich. "SPIKE!" she called out bringing the bowl of his beef and her sandwich in hand to the living room.
Spike jumped up as he heard he's name and sprinted down the stairs almost tripping over his own claws. He walked into the living room and shaked his body again. He scratched his ear with his paw which looked rather strange.
Spike started eating a little more peaceful this time instead of attacking his food. He showed his thank by waggling his tail.
Spike finished the beef and laid down. He let a burp and than looked at the girl again as a short of apology. Spike really felt full and decided to take a nap. He felt quite lazy today.

Spike rolled on his side and fell asleep.
Carlisle laughed and went to change into a bathing suit and went into the pool in the backyard. She left the door open in case Spike woke up.
Spike woke up by the sound of water and realised that the girl was gone. Spike noticed that she caused the sound of the water and entered the backyard. He spotted a piece of grass full of sunlight and laid down in it enjoying the sun in his eyes.
She stood by the edge and picked up her phone to call over some friends after a while a bunch of people were in the pool and one seemed to know Spike.
Spike didn't seem to really get any attention, which he was completely fine with since he had fallen asleep. He was now laying on his side still on the grass in the sunlight.
The guy jut kept looking at him but Carlisle shrugged it off as everyone got together to play a massive volleyball game in the shallow end.
Spike slowly woke up and was inspecting the volleyball game. He was still enjoying the sunlight and his fur seemed to shine a little in it.
Carlisle heard a howl far off but thought nothing of it and everyone continued with the game of volleyball.
Spike jumped on four paws as he heard the howl. He immediately perked his ears and stood very alert and waited. He was expecting another howl but that didn't come so he decided to howl back. As he did he hoped not to scare anyone, he was not sure if everyone spotted him already and if they were sure that he was a wolf and not a dog.
No on was paying attention except one guy who ended up getting hit with the ball. Carlisle swam over to him to make sure he was ok but he brushed it off and started the game again.

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