Meeting an hybrid [1x1] ( Kevinbrechie & Skyler)


Lord of Wolves
This is a roleplay about an human and a hybrid. The hybrid is keeping his powers a secret, at least up and till now...

My character (Spike):

Skyler's character (Carlisle): 
Spike was running through the woods on full speed, he loved the feeling of the air sliding through his thick black fur. He just wanted to get some rid of his energy and mostly did this by running like mad. He suddenly ran into an open field full of sunlight. He stopped and shaked his fur in the right place again. He laid down in the sunlight and yawned, he rolled on his side and decided to take a nap.
Carlisle had just moved to the town a few months ago so she decided to go exploring though the woods. She came to a clearing and started running around giggling and laughing. She spotted a large animal so she walked towards it. It was a large black dog, or so she thought. Walking up to it, she sat next to it stroking its fur, watching as her hand disappeared in its fur and she stroked the animal.
Spike woke up as he felt his fur being stroked. His first instinct made him show off his teeth, but just before he started to growl he really started to enjoy the stroking and relaxed again. Slowly waggling his tail over the ground and he laid his ears flat on his head.
Carlisle smiled when he woke up. She rubbed his stomach and scratched behind his ears and was singing random songs to him she he was enjoying being petted.
Spike had always loved his stomach rubbed and his tail started to move quicker. He soft growl of enjoyment escaped from his mouth.
"I wonder if you have a name." Carlisle mutter to herself as she looked over his fur noticing the white fur on his tail looked like spikes. laughing to herself she said, "i bet your name is spike, little one."
Spike's ear twitched as he heard his name and he looked at the girl for the first time and suddenly licked her nose as a way of thanking her.
"I will take that as a yes." She chuckled and rubbed his muzzle. "I wish i could take you home with me, but i can't so good bye for now Spike." Carlisle said getting up and walking away.
Spike looked at the girl for a second as she walked away. And decided to follow her and planned that every time she would turn around Spike would sit down and waggle with his tail.
Spike immediately sprinted towards the girl as she called for her. He rubbed his head against her leg and walked next to her as she started walking again.
They walked side by side for a good 20 minutes before arriving at her house. She opened the door and had to sneak him into her room past everyone in the house.
Spike sniffed all around the room after he entered. When he was done he sat down in the middle of the room and looked at the girl again and waggled his tail slowly.
Spike immediately jumped on the bed and started walking in circles stamping on the blanket making it look more comfortable. Than he curled himself up and laid down with his head on the girl's leg.
~the next morning~

Carlisle woke to feeling pressure on her feet and calves. she opened her eyes to see Spike fast asleep. she slips her feet our from under him and runs down stairs and takes three packages of ground beef out of the fridge, cooks it in a pan, and brings it up stairs to spike so he can eat something.
Spike woke up by the smell of beef entering his nose. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around to find the girl standing next to the bed with something to eat. Spike was pretty sure it was for him, but for now he just sniffed it.
She placed the bowl on the ground and walked to her closet to get clothes for today. She came out with black leggings, black toms, and a long baseball t-shirt.
Spike jumped off the bed and stretched all his muscles and shakes his body and tail to get his fur neat again. He than started to eat the beef like if he was insane. He was so hungry and he couldn't help it, but wolves just love meat.
Carlisle chuckled and the sight and went in the bathroom to change but she forgot to shut the door. So when Spike was done he followed her and sat at the door.
Spike sat down at the door and started sniffing it. He tried to put his muzzle between the door post and the door itself. He didn't succeed though, because his own paw was against the door preventing it from opening all the way.

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