
Lite stumbled along the path. Stumbling along like drunk. careless of what people thought of him. Oblivious to how people looked at him, confused and not sure to threatened or warry of this odd man, especially since a neko girl was tagging along behind him. He moved along, without a care. He stopped suddenly. In front of a billboard. He slowly turned his head and peered at the board. Due to his mask, no one could tell if he looked interested in it or what he was looking at exactly. After staring at the board for a while he began stumbling forward again. Headed to the castle to sign up for this competition. Hopefully it'd be worth his time.

He smelled of decay and blood and looked like he was beat down by a gang. He looked like easy prey to any bandits that would come across him. So naturally, once he left the town and got far enough away from the town he was surrounded by highway men. They all taunted him and asked for his belongings or his life. Lite let out a sigh and looked around at the bandits. "Wonderful..." He said breathlessly. "Let's make this quick please."

Lite pushed his little servant behind him to keep her somewhat safe.
Dahlia followed along behind Lite. As usual, her fancy dress was out-of-place amongst these surroundings. She waited while he stopped and then continued walking. She wasn't paying attention and before she knew they were surrounded by bandits. She looked to her master as she was pushed behind him. Looking around, she got a head count. She looked back at Lite, wondering what he was going to do about all these men. Her brown ears twitched as she waited.
Lite chuckled as the bandits yelled and hollered at him and his little servant. "You all need to slow down. Let me grab my money fold." He said as he rose his hands and reached inside his cloak with both hands on either side. He took a moment of pause, then with a quick sudden movement he threw out several small knives out hitting several of the bandits square in head. The rest of the bandits stood in silence in awe of what just happened. When they started processing that they were still in dangers way they quickly turned and ran for the hills.

Lite was still in the same position. Kneeling slightly with his arms spread out like a bird. When they finally ran, he began to wobble some and fall over. "Ow!" He groaned as he sat the ground. "Gosh, took them long enough to run, i didn't think i could sit like that for very much longer." He said to his little servant, not even sure if she realized what he had done.

Lite simply kill three bandits in hopes that it would scare away the rest. If they would've came him at once, he doubted he could defend himself and the girl. So he used the intimidation of looking really stylish and skilled to scare them off.
Doll, not much one for words, kneeled beside him when he went to the ground. It looked like he had hurt himself somehow. But whatever it was had scared off the bandits, and that was what mattered. For now, the two of them were safe. Of course, until the bandits realized the two wanderers were still outnumbered. Doll could defend herself if she had a bow, but most servants were not allowed to carry weapons, for fear of retaliation against their masters.

Dahlia quickly gathered up the few knives that Lite had thrown to scare away the men, wipin the blood off on their clothing before returning them to Lite. Weapons were expensive, after all, so why waste them if they could still be used? She looked around to make sure they were alone and helped her master back to his feet.
Lite smiled as his little servant retrieved his weapons. Lite took his knives and hid them away in his cloak. He got back on his feet and patted Doll on the head. "Good work!" He said before he began moving on the road again. "So Doll, are you excited to see your master in the competition?" Lite asked childishly, He honestly doubted that the little neko girl gave two shits about what Lite did. Lite plodded along like clumsy giant. He wasn't looking out for any bandits returning nor did he seem to even know where he was going. He just rolled with the wind. There isn't really anything wrong with that.
Dahlia smiled when he patted her head, her tail moving back and forth happily. They continued walking and she was surprised at how unconcerned and relaxed her master seemed after having just been attacked. She decided it probably wasn't worth worrying about and relaxed a little as well. When he asked if she was excited to see him compete, she bore a sly smile before turning it into a sweet one and directing it towards him. "Yes." she said quietly, her voice small and delicate. It was rare for her to speak, and she usually only said one word at a time. Her master knew nothing of her skill with a bow. Hopefully he wouldn't see her sneak away from the cheering crowds to compete in the games herself. It was not a servant's place to participate in the tournament, and she wasn't allowed to weild weapons to begin with. But she would show that even Nekos could compete as well as anyone else. She quietly walked along behind Lite, waiting to see if he'd speak again. They were utterly alone out here, and she wondered how far away from civilization they were while her stomach began to grumble angrily.
Lite turned his head to her slightly when she finally answered him. He was always surprised when she answered him. He liked her small soft voice. As they walked Lite halted and signaled for Doll to stop as well. He heard a grumbling sound. He looked around trying to see any animals or beasts. "Do you hear that?" Lite asked as he looked to his servant. "The sound is coming from near you...?" He said as he looked around her. He couldn't see any beasties. He finally realized that the sound was coming from the little servant's stomach. "Oh!" He laughed "Your hungry?" Like smiled and crossed his arms. "I haven't any food little one. If you want we can try wondering into the forest to hunt some food down." Lite suggested. "But we would have to leave the road and it might a be an even longer while until we reach the city." Lite crouched down a bit to be a little more eye level with his servant. "You're so pretty." He couldn't but compliment as he patted her head.
Doll practically ran into Lite when he suddenly stopped. Being as short as she was her nose bumped into his upper arm. She rubbed it as she watched him looking around. He asked if she heard a noise and she couldn't help but wonder if he meant her stomach. She looked down and then realized how loud it really was. He asked her if she wanted to go into the woods to look for food and she just shook her head. Taking more time just to feed her seemed silly when they were almost finished with their journey anyway. She blushed at his compliment as she always did, never being able to get used to them. She looked back at the road ahead of them, ready to continue on and hopefully reach the city by nightfall.
Lite nodded. "If you're sure little miss." He said as he turned around and marched forward. He still couldn't see the city from where they were and wasn't even sure if they were headed in the right direction but from the directions he got form other people this road should take them right to the capital. He kept moving anyhow, noticing that the sun was beginning to fall out of the sky and a moon was rising in it's place. "Wonderful." He sighed as he was hoping to get there before it was dark and they were defenseless.

Lite looked around. Not trusting the dark forest that loomed over them in the distance. Lite held his hand out to Doll, wanting her to hold on to it to make sure to have a better idea of where she was since she didn't make much noise. Lite stood up more sternly. He felt a chill of danger as darkness began to swallow the land up. He pulled Doll along quickening there pace. His movement much more forceful and direct.
Doll walked quietly behind him, making sure to keep an eye out for danger. Being a Neko allowed her to see at night and have heightened catlike senses, so she would probably be the first of them to detect any attackers. She took Lite's hand when he offered it, never having been one to disobey, and picked up her pace to try to keep up with him, her brown lace up boot heels clicking against the hard dirt road. She hoped that the capitol was close, since it felt as if they'd been walking forever and the road still hadn't ended. Dahlia had an innate sense of direction and knew they were headed the right way, but there was no sign of life thus far.
Gavin finishes his latest short-sword, and places it on a display, "A job well done!" Gavin wipes the sweat from his brow. Gavin takes a glance at the sunset outside, "I think I'll hit the hay" As Gavin walks home from his forge house, he notices a poster hanging on his front door. The poster reads, "Want to bring glory to your kingdom! Sign up in the tournament of kingdoms today!" Below that it lists all the events. "Hmm, The Sword and Custom Sword sound interesting... Maybe I'll sign up later..." Gavin heads into his house and goes to bed.

(P.S. I am new to this, so go kinda easy please...)
Lite looked paced forward dragging his little servant along. He saw some lights in far off distance. It seemed the gates weren't to far off. almost jumped in cheer. "Finally!" He laughed then looked to Doll. "Let's hurry!" He said as he quickly snaked under her and picked up for a piggy back ride. He then quickly began sprinting off to the gate. moving much faster now that he didn't need to worry if he was leaving Doll around.
Doll squeaked as Lite picked her up and sprinted to the gates. She was happy to see the city as well. Now they could get food and rest! As they entered the gates she saw a bunch of posters all around, advertising the upcoming games. She smiled a little and looked around the city. It had been a long trip, but she couldn't help but admire their new surroundings. It was much different than any of the small towns they had passed through in their travels. She saw some of the townspeople, including another man who admired one of the posters before retreating inside his house. "There." Dahlia said. She pointed down the road a bit to an inn. There would be food there and a place for them to sleep, so long as the inn wasn't booked from all the people coming to watch the games.
Lite let out a heavy groan as they arrived. "Finally!" He said setting Doll down. He patted her head once again and lead her to the inn that she pointed out. Lite spoke with the owner and checked if he could get them a room. Lucky enough there was one room left. Lite nodded and took Doll's hand and lead her to the room. A small room. They would bring food up momentarily. It was the perfect little place to stay for the night. Only problem was that there is just one small bed.
Doll followed Lite into the Inn and waited patiently while he was making arrangements for the night. She wandered around the small entryway area, careful not to wander too far from Lite or into the bar/pub area. The last thing she wanted to deal with was drunk people. Lite took her hand again, following the innkeeper upstairs where he gave them a small room with a single bed. Doll immediately rushed to the window, ignoring their sleeping predicament completely and looking outside over the whole town. Being part cat, she was more than happy to offer the single bed to her master, which she did as she was overlooking the city.
Lite let out a long heavy sigh. Now that they were somewhat situated in there temporary home for the night. Lite noticed that his little servant ran to the window to enjoy the view. Lite smiled as he went over and patted her head. "Tomorrow we'll find the tallest tower and spend the day there, kay?" Lite said.

The noise of knocking on the door was heard and Lite turned his head. "Fooooood!" He quickly went to the door and answered it. A man brought in a tray carrying warm bread and cold drink. He set it on the table "Enjoy the food!" He nodded and left. Lite quickly went for some food.
Dahlia was still looking out the window when the food came. She smelled it and turned in time to see the innkeeper leaving the room. She smiled a bit, waiting for lite to eat first. Looking out the window was definitely more importan than eating, right? Her tail twitched as she watched a few people walking by, and Doll leaned out to get a better look, almost falling out of the window in the process. She pulled herself back inside the room and sat down in front of the winow. "Oops!" she said with a goofy grin spreading across her face.
Lite chuckled seeing his little servant fall to the ground after almost tipping out of the window. "Careful you!" He laughed then gestured to come and eat. He wasn't content on making the life of his servant miserable. He didn't really see her as his slave but more of a helper, except she wasn't paid and wasn't allowed to leave his side. Not that it really bothered Lite at all. For the most part he just enjoyed the company. "Do you happen to remember where i bought you?" Lite asked, trying to reminece.
Doll walked over and perched herself beside Lite to eat. Suddenly he asked her if she remembered where he bought her. It had been 8 years since that day, and she had a hard time remembering as well. She had been 10 years old when she was sold to Lite, and mostly all she could remember about that day was how cold it was. "Snow..." she said, thinking aloud to herself. The snow had been falling, filling up the streets and covering the roofs of houses. A mountain town, far up north. She'd been wearing a coat that day, all dressed up to be sold to the highest bidder. Of course, the highest bidder had been Lite. "The mountain town." she said, trying to remember the name, but it eluded her.
Lite nodded trying to remember. "Right right... Something Reach." Lite couldn't remember the name very much either. He did remember that he was saving up for a male slave that could do more of the heavy lifting and labor but when he saw the little cutie that Doll was. Well he couldn't help but spend all his money on her. After that Lite recalled being broke for a while. He chuckled silently to himself as he finished eating and left the rest to Doll. "You've grown a lot since then haven't you... " Lite slouched in his chair and began to gaze at the ceiling. "Do you like serving under me..?" He couldn't help but ask.
Dahlia smiled. Something Reach, huh? Too bad she couldn't remember the name. She ate a little of the food before Lite asked her another question. Did she like serving him? Yes. She definitely couldn't complain. He was nice, and they did a lot of traveling. Sometimes they went a couple days without food, since it was quite a ways between towns, but that was all made up for once they made it to their next location.

Dahlia nodded her head with a small smile. "Yes." she said. They'd both grown quite a bit. "You're much more mature now." she said. Wow, he'd gotten a full sentence that time. When he first found her, he'd recklessly bought her even though she was the most expensive.
Gavin slept soundly that night, only to be awoken by a messenger knocking at his door. "Ugh... Hold your horses! I'm comin'!" He reaches his front door and retreives the letter from the messenger, "Have a swell day sir," The messenger shouts,as he jogs off to make another delivery. Gavin opens the envelope that reads, "I wish to purchase the short-sword you have recently put on display, meet with me at the inn just down the street," Gavin reads the letter over and over, to make sure the message isn't a joke. "That's very odd... I never get asked to meet a customer.. they always visit me at the forge..."

Gavin dressed for work, with his usual getup, and makes his way to the forge, then the inn. He enters the inn with the newly formed short-sword in it's sheath and asks the innkeeper, "Has anyone..." before Gavin could finish his sentence, the innkeeper points to the corner table. Gavin examines the hooded man at the table an slowly approaches...
Lite was leaning his chair back on it's hind legs as he awaited an answer. When she said that she liked serving him, He couldn't help but get a big goofy smile on his face. Then the sentence came out which caught Lite off guard. He lost his balance on the chair and about fell backwards. "Whoaw." He stared at Doll, processing what she said. He was more or less trying to remember what she had said since he had gotten caught up in more then three words.

Lite rubbed his chin "Well thank you little miss." He said smiling warmly to her. He set his seat back then let out a yawn. "You can go a head and eat now. I'll stop bothering you." He chuckled and went to bed. Sprawling out like a rug and letting out deep groans. "I hope this competition brings in the cash." He thought out loud. The truth was that he was getting less and less work, and that soon he wouldn't be able to pay for both Dahlia and himself and that he might have to sell. Lite let out a sigh as he wondered into thought. He didn't want to let go of his little companion.

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