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Fantasy Medieval Santa Character Sheet


The Fluffiest Floof

Floof, truly the fluffiest



Kingdom of Origin: (Invent your own. Provide as much information as you want. :) )

Powers: (If any. DEFINE THEM.)

Personality: (A list or a paragraph.)

Story: (Since its a reinvention, the thing that makes you who you are in our world might be a bit different here. How so?)

Appearance: (Picture or paragraph of vivid description.)

Equipment: (Weapons, Armor, etc.)

Name: Julius von Zahn

Alias: Zahnfee (Toothfairy)

Gender: Male

Kingdom of Origin:
A dark kingdom, Zahnheim has a very strict social system. There are humans, but their status is almost slave like. They work but barely get paid, they have less rights than the citizen layer of Zahnheim, the Zahnbies. Those make up the major part of the kingdom. They act just like humans however, the only difference is that they have no need for food.

Zahnheim is a technologically not too advanced kingdom, they are just barely average in terms of process. They are goverened very conservatively. Progress is looked upon with a very careful eye, before being accepted by the authority.

The area of Zahnheim is mostly plains, only cut by one range of mountains that make for the southern border. The weather is very bad. In 90% of the time, it rains, thunderstorms are very common as well. That weather is a side effect of its leaders constant rituals.

The military of Zahnheim is rather large as well. Almost all Zahnbies are capable fighters and listen to the kings orders like mindless drones.

Zahnheim is very strong agricultural, however they are lacking in ressources that come from mining.

Zahnfee is, before all, a powerful necromancer. He has the ability to raise twisted beings from almost thin air. All he needs to create another of his abominations is very simply a tooth. With that, he can raise humanoid beings, however they look rotten, the flesh is almost gone, just barely covering the bone. They are usually clothed in white, ragged clothes, that seem broken version of rather expensive and fancy clothing. The females look almost fairy-like, which earned the wizard his name. The beings are commonly referred to as "Zahnbies".

Alchemy and Occult
The second very strong power of Julius is his proficency in alchemy. He knows how to perform various rituals that take a wide variety of effect, be it offensive, defensive or supportive. He can further create the most miraculous potions. They can as well have quite different effects, from potent poisons to miracle cures. For both of these magics, his most important ingredient is, who would have thought, teeth.

Zahnfee has the ability to "exchange" teeth for something of similar size, like a golden coin. This is a simple spell that requires Julius to take the tooth into his palm and then cast the spell, which can be done silent however. He can transform as many teeth as he can fit into his palm.

Shift and Hover
Julius has the ability to become non-material, making him able to shift through doors, walls and other solid surfaces. It further makes him intangible for physical attacks. This ability can only activated for a few seconds before going on a cooldown of a few minutes. Further, Julius can hover about a meter above the ground. He cannot go higher than that however.
Curse of the equal trade
This is less of an ability and more of a curse. Julius can never take a persons teeth without giving them back something very certain. A golden coin. One per tooth. He is unable to violate this condition.

Lucius gives off a very eerie vibe. That is in every way justified, because morale is nothing he has. Lucius does what he thinks needs to be done. He achieves his goals, whatever it takes. He doesnt shy away from hurting others, from taking from them without permission. He has no consideration for the feelings of others. Lucius himself does not express a lot of emotions either. He seems as hard as... Teeth. Its nigh impossible to read him, though he doesnt really try to hide his motives or next moves. Its more his reasons that remain secrets.

For us, the tooth fairy is a kind, cute little woman with wings, that collects teeth of children and gives them a coin for them. Nothing but good will behind it, making the kids happy and rewarding them if they took good care of their teeth. However, Lucius is all but that. He is a malicious wizard gaining power through teeth. He aquires them in many ways, not all of them with consent of the owner. While he does give a coin for each tooth he takes, thats not a nice gesture. It is merely the price for his power, a price he is happy to pay.

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Equipment: Bonetooth Staff, Beastteeth Necklace (functions as Magical catalyst)

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Name:Santa Claus

Alias: Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, or simply Santa

Gender: male

Kingdom of Origin: the north a land of ice and snow full of wonderment and danger once full of monster and bandits it has slowly been conquered by santa and his 9 trusted paladins becoming what it is known as today the holy christmas empire although most of the monster where slain during the first holy war some did survived and still wonder the north to this day but the real danger comes from the spirits who countroll the nature of the land they can call upon storms and even distort time
The capital of holy christmas empire is the north pole many different races call it home it a rich city but suffers from a lack of food due to the lack of farmable land in the north getting most of it food from trading and fishing the icy rivers
The land is full of mountents and aboundits with ores and ancient treasures but all is buried below the ice and snow and only the strong or well prepared can truly tap into the land value this has lead to a rich economy but has also attracted many who wish to take its wealth for themselves
holy christmas empire itself is protected by an order of holy knight lead by 8 of santa paladins wit the last serving as his personal bodyguard

Powers: He doesn't age or at the very least he does so very slowly
Eyes of truth can see through lies and detect evil when use to their fullest allows santa to survey his entire kingdom and see all his people
Can summon his 9 paladins if needed
Once a year using the power of the north can freeze time but doing so will leave him greatly weakened
Can use ice magic

Personality: a twisted man with a unquenchable thirst for power and worship he think himself a god and above the common folk but due to the nature of his power everything he does is to bettering his country and bring joy and happiness so don't let his jolly facade fool you

Story: santa the immortal king of the north once a mortal man until he gained the ability to drew upon the joy of children for power now he seeks godhood claiming himself a god and all thoses in the north his worshipers building up power until he can ignite his divinity and ascend
born from a dwarven father and ice giant mother he was shunned from the world during his youth due to his unusual beginning the way the eye of the adults around him would burned into him and the constant whispers always whispering this lead to him to crave acceptance, praise and adventurally worship

Appearance: a giant of a man at almost 8 feet wears red and white has a big frosty beard and white hair

Equipment: The north pole a ancient relic that allows for one to communicate with the spirits of the north
santa sleigh a ancient relic that allows for long distance flight
A suit of icy red and white armor that has been stranthing with the blood of his enemies

is that alright
Name: Ole Luk-Oie

Alias: The Sandman

Gender: Male

Kingdom of Origin: The kingdom of Hialdersen is as cheery and peculiar as the man who watches over it. While on maps it gives off the appearance of a rather lathe kingdom, in truth much of that space is filled by a barren, inhospitable desert. The populace of the kingdom is instead packed into large cities on or near rivers and oases for the most part.

These cities are colorful, bustling, and infamously confusing. The streets twist, turn, zig-zag, and loop to the point where no one could possibly understand how to navigate it, with the exception of the locals. The people of Hialdersen are artsy folk. The kingdom a diverse place that produces produces a wide variety of artists, inventors, architects, and craftsmen.

Most of the income made by Hialdersen is obtained through trade. Hialdersen is an agricultural society, producing a lot of fairly profitable crops which make up the majority of its income. The rest of the money is made through trade of art, tools, and other contraptions. While Hialdersen is currently functioning quite well, the kingdom's military is nothing impressive. The kingdom is very much a peacetime society, which is why their leader goes to great lengths to preserve relations with other, more powerful, kingdoms. In truth, it is doubtful that their way of life could thrive in a time of war.


Inducing Sleep-
Using his trademark sand, he is able to make anyone fall in an almost unnaturally deep slumber

Dream creation and manipulation-
The Sandman is capable of creating, warping, and directly interacting with dreams

Using one of his umbrellas he is capable of flying (Like Mary Poppins)

He can create vivid illusions capable of tricking all five senses, it takes a strong mind and will to recognize and see through his illusions

Can bless and animate objects to give them added properties or simulated life. All of his animations are invariably loyal and incapable of speech.

Personality: The Sandman is a kind and benevolent being with an odd obsession with stories. He is an airy and fickle spirit with a boundlessly imaginative mind, but can have difficulty in actually focusing it. He typically acts in a way that gives off an air of unbridled cheer and a strange sort of mischief. While his people generally agree that he is more than a little bit eccentric, he has proved invaluable in providing creative solutions and in preserving peace. While he acts peaceful and pleasant, The Sandman is known occasionally show a bit of a darker side to himself. He has a distinct understanding of what is right and wrong, and he has little tolerance towards those who he determines have done wrong.

Story: The Sandman is known as a great wizard who brings rest to all by sprinkling his magical sand over the eyes of people. He carries two umbrellas, one of which when opened reveals a kaleidoscope of countless different shifting pictures and stories. He holds this umbrella above the good and kind people of the world and has he does, the pictures flow to their minds and create the most fantastical of dreams. The other umbrella however, is not quite so pleasant. He holds this umbrella above the wicked and they experience empty darkness to rampaging nightmares. People watch what they say and do closely, both out of love for the Sandman's tales, and out of fear of his wrath. He is heralded for his dreams as they are known to spark creativity in even the most dull-minded of men.

The Sandman

View attachment 514622
The Sandman is short in stature, with bright green eyes and short, blond hair that is usually hidden beneath his cap. He wears an odd cloak that subtly seems to shift in color, making it impossible to peg down exactly what color it is.

-Two umbrellas
-A small wooden wand

Name: Dimitri Omar (

Alias: The Boogeyman

Gender: Male

Kingdom of Origin: The kingdom of Drura is a dark and errie place located in a place called the land of darkness. Creature of darkness called shades, demons,and even a few dark vampies inhabit the kingdom. faeries also live here, but they are kept as slaves or important resources. Most of the time, the kind surrounded by a thick fog, a few storms here and there( the sun NEVER shines here)

Durua is a feared kingdom, so other kingdoms barely associate or trade with them. Although Durua is a dark kingdom, its actually really beautiful and not everyone there is bad.

The kingdom is famous for magical skills. Some of strongest mages and wizard come from Durua. Durua also has some of the scariest creatures


Dream Manipulation: Haves the power to cause nightmares. Can trap people inside nightmares as well.​

Shadow Manipulation: Able to control and bend the shadows. With his power, he's able to make creatures of shadows

Transformation: Able to change into a beast of shadow. Other then that, a raven and a black wolf

Personality: Before Dimitri died, He was one sweet heart. One would even say pure. Now, hes anything but nice. Dimitri is now a cruel and merciless shadow demon with a huge thirst for power. He enjoys toying with his victims before he decides to do anything else with them. He appears to be a little childish when he doesn't get what he wants and often lose his temper. Overall, Dimiri has a twisted and wicked personality. He doesn't really care for anyone but his self. The king of nightmares doesn't tolerate those who goes against his will. Believe it or not, he can be reasonable sometimes

Story: Dimitri was a normal human boy, born into family of slaves. Despite who and what he was, He was always positive and there to help his love ones. Soon,his life changed when his parents where killed for no reason at all. The devastated Dimitri decided to trade his life for his parents by contacting a dangerous evil. Instead of trading, this darkness had took Dimitri's parents soul and turn him to one of most feared monsters in the land. Dimitri had laid waste to his home town and moved on. Soon enough he settled down in land that soon became Drura

Equipment: None really

Other: Barely eats food. He feeds on nightmares, the nightmare of faeries being his favorite
Canderon Wesker

Lepus Paschae
(Easter Hare)



Kingdom of Origin:

The Woodland Kingdom of Quodgratis, most commonly referred to by most common-folk as “Spring’s Sanctuary”, given it’s rules. Home and Kingdom of one Lord Wesker along with a large cast of some of the most ruthless, thieving, bloodthirsty and cutthroat men, as well as women, found just about everywhere. A Kingdom founded on a second chance it is no surprise to find Killers-for-hire, thieves, con-artists, political fugitives, and almost anyone with a checkered past, gathered within the woods to make out a living under a new guise or simply a new ruler. These people and beings come from all over, with different backgrounds both normal and strange to find new ground somewhere they can be of use in such a way they will never fear persecution for their past lives elsewhere, as under the somewhat new rule of Lord Wesker, Quodgratis has become what some may call, a Sanctuary Kingdom: A place where one may run to seeking safety from persecutors, to be protected by the laws or rites of a new land where they have committed no crimes. A place where the very law, citizenry, and Nobles would deny your persecution for crimes committed elsewhere.

Being a woodland Kingdom most would expect Quodgratis to deal in the fine Lumber they are well known for, but this is in fact quite the opposite, the land beneath the forests is packed with rich minerals, ores, as well as gems, and the land above scattered with caves to those very places, making the Kingdom a great source for wealth and weaponry. That fact is readily made known to all potential trade partners as one can only do so much, but they have a bigger trade and income from the export of “services.” Even though people will come seeking a new home or amnesty from past crimes, many keep their old ways as their new Lord reminds them of the wealth within their grasp that they may share in, if only they do favors for both him and the highest bidders. All of this makes Quodgratis a rather coffer-Heavy Kingdom, making trade a main-stay with other Kingdoms heavy in things they often lack such as availability to farmable land.

The culture varies throughout the entirety of the Kingdom, no sole religion or belief being held throughout, other than to never go against the Rites set forth by the Noble Class:
The Rite of Anonymity:
Any seeking sanctuary and asylum for crimes, purposeful or not, committed in another Kingdom need only ask any member of the Citizenry or Noble class and are to be given such without hesitation, that person is then considered “Protected”. This Rite cannot be refused, but the breaking of this Rite is allowed upon the “Protected” purposefully attempting harm or destruction upon their Protector. Allowing their Protector to enact justice under protection of the Rite of Everyman.
The Rite of Everyman: The Rite of Everyman allows any and all Citizenry, Noble, or visitor to enact justice upon those who have wronged them in some way either by going against the other Rites in their presence, using a Rite in a way they were not intended to thus taking advantage of the Justice-seeker, or any other way deemed worthy of usage of the Rite of Everyman by a properly unaffiliated third party. An unaffiliated third party may be brought in to weigh upon usage of this Rite, but must hear all sides of the story before casting judgment upon whether the Justice-seeker is justified.
The Rite of Fair Play: Any and all actions considered crimes in other Kingdoms may be committed within the borders of Quodgratis without penalty, save for the crimes of Murder not justified by the Rite of Everyman, the sale or unlawful slavery of any and all races, the purchase or containment of any that could be considered slaves, and the practices of Dark Magics not properly contained or safe-guarded or without written consent of any nearby town’s representatives and The Guild. This Rite does not overrule the Rite of Everyman in qualifying cases but instead allows free reign for most acts one could suffer in return.
The Rite of Work: Any and all Citizenry officially part of the Kingdom may continue their prior crafts, legal or not with the written consent of Lord Wesker or his officials of The Guild. Citizenry may apply to do their crafts for the Kingdom, allowing them extra protection under the laws of The Guild.
Despite the Rites allowing almost all forms of crime most Citizenry register to do their crafts for the Kingdom, meaning they are often Employed elsewhere, and the Rite of Everyman allows all Citizenry to enact justice upon their wrongdoer making many reconsider possible acts of crime against their fellow countryman. All this allows for an extremely diverse culture and class of people.

Quodgratis has no known standing Military forces, mostly in part to Lord Canderon Wesker making Quodgratis a Sanctuary Kingdom, meaning any foreign power that would invade would meet resistance behind every stone or step they dare took deeper into his Kingdom from each one of his Subjects voluntarily, The Guild and its members, along with himself. So even without a standing military, one would muster in hours if he were but to ask… or offer pay. But having never seen need for such a force he keeps the best relations he can with the other kingdoms knowing that if his cards are played right, he will never have need to defend his home nor attack the home of another.


Traversing The Rabbit Hole: Canderon may use any place considered a portal (An entrance or exit from one place to another, such as doorways, windows, or even a wardrobe.) to enter and vanish, reappearing a moment later from any other portal he has line of sight to, or any he knows by memory (Such as the doorway to his bedchambers.). Upon doing so he may not traverse again for an hour without risking bodily harm to himself, this excludes any line-of-sight traversing for extended periods, though exhaustion is a threat mentally and physically. Traversing to any “closed” portal (shut windows/doors) will often require him to run at his entrance portal so as to forcibly open his exit (Smashing through a window/Busting in a door.) Failure to do so properly results in him simply going through whatever portal he chose in a normal fashion.
His favorite use of this skill is using it to scare people by randomly appearing near them, such as out of their closet or wardrobe.

Hoppity: Canderon can pick up speed immensely by starting to hop from one foot to the other as a form of movement, gaining bursts of momentum with each hop which soon become like steps to him, allowing him feats others cannot achieve physically with ease. The fastest he may become is a blur, not unable of being seen but hard to spot, anything that could stop his momentum brought by an outside force (Ex: Being hitch an opponent, but not hitting an opponent) will slow him down to a normal speed, Any pause between his hops will cause him to lose momentum for each second returning him to normal speed in about a maximum of five seconds, and any loss of footing. Blows dealt and blows received during his momentum boost of course hurt more to the receiving party.
His favorite use of this skill is seeing how far he can go in the woodlands before smacking into a tree or branch. Something he’s recovered from many times.

The Rite of Fairplay: Abiding by rules both given to him and made by him for his own Kingdom he must offer a fair chance to any who he deals with. If he steals from someone he is compelled to leave up to 10 intricately carved and ornate wooden eggs to be found within a timeframe he sets depending on the person, children often have the best chances of finding these eggs.
To a mark he plans to kill, a single egg as a warning near where he is hidden or will strike with their name visibly carved in it.
And in fair combat, the offer of the first strike and a warning that he is faster than he looks.
If he were to break this Rite he would be stricken with a fitting punishment for anywhere from a minute to a day. (Ex: Stricken with paralysis upon not offering a fair chance in combat for a minute.)

Transformation: Canderon may change form into a small Black hare with blinding speed, and back into his human shape at will, retaining his intellect all the while, along with his equipment upon returning to human form.
His favorite use is just randomly transforming into a rabbit to mess with people or to occupy his bored mind.

Egging: Canderon may produce a variety of eggs, crafted and not, from a pouch on his belt with varying effects which range from a fiery explosion or smoke shield, to an actual egg he’ll most likely throw at you as a prank. He has no true control over what effect the egg will have, but can guide it by his emotions. (Ex: Anger produces dangerous eggs that could explode in fire or acid. Happiness produces the opposite with eggs that could heal upon contact, or contain a small sugary gift or valuable metal.)
He just likes pulling out little eggs to hide places as gifts.


Far from jovial yet no-where near volatile, Canderon is often upon a middle ground of mischief, curiosity, and cold-hard stone. Though this makes him appear aloof and eccentric, he’s a bit of the opposite with a hard sense of morals albeit often twisted to fit his needs and beliefs at that very moment, and a rather strategic mind always thinking on what move he should make after the next 5. Always playing a facade of playful and harmless to keep everyone at ease and unaware that contents of their pockets were just made a pound lighter or replaced with a wonderfully carved wooden egg which he spends hours upon carving, etching, and eventually painting as gifts for young ones he meets. All this covers the fact that if he even thinks someone believes him to be cowardly or cute, or starts to see through the facade he uses to hide his true intentions, they will be losing more than their coin in the days to come…


In our world the Easter Bunny is a large rabbit often seen wearing clothes, carrying a basket full of eggs with treats within, walking upon its hind legs whilst seeking the best hiding places for the eggs so children ( and sometimes adults) may have fun seeking for the little treasures within.
But here he is a man who would rather rob you of what you hold dear, both material and flesh, even though he offers a fair chance at getting it back. A man known for his past of thievery, murder, blackmail, and what few cases of kidnapping that are known, who acts as innocent and harmless as a young hare found within the arms of a child. He often aims to bring joy to any children he meets in the form of games or gifts of intricately carved and painted wooden eggs with gifts within, as repentance for his past of making them lost within the woods with the slightest chance of help finding their way home if only they found his crafted eggs, and the certainty of how he would leave them alone if they were to fail and not find them upon the end of the time limit he gave them…
(Forgive me my dark history, like seriously… Reinvent into an evil trickster >:P )



Equipment: (Weapons, Armor, etc)

-A Longbow with the words “Spring Breeze” etched into it.
-Leather armor consisting of a tunic, greaves/gloves, pads for his knees, and boots.
-A black cloak, often kept in storage along with an unsettling black mask in the appearance of a rabbit.
-A hunting dagger often secured to his left shoulder, made for cutting and slashing, and weighted to be throwable.
-A leather quiver of ordinary steel, hunting-tipped arrows
-A single shortsword with one cutting edge, secured to the back of his belt
-Shanks of varying sizes hidden upon his person

Expect pranks and jokes when around him.​

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