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Fantasy Medieval fantasy roleplay. Recruitment Status: Open.

(alright alright Im very sorry)

mike jumped to the air from the scare of the wolf as he quickly grabbed his katana "oops a wolf, if there is one there must be a few" he said to himself before he quickly checked his surroundings, giving ice to his katana before he held his katanas tip closer to the ground While he started running, breathing quickly while he tried to be calm. he didnt know what came after dying in this world yet

going zigzags while he aimed his sword. after getting a bit closer he boosted himself with his left foot before he tried to swing his katana to the wolf. hoping its only one
nikoneko10 nikoneko10
saltymelon saltymelon The wolf staggered slightly as Mike's katana cut through its side, leaving a shallow but painful wound. Blood seeped into its gray fur, but instead of retreating, the beast's eyes burned with renewed aggression. It threw its head back, letting out a sharp howl that echoed through the trees. The eerie sound carried a magical force, making the air around the wolf ripple slightly as its muscles tensed and its movements became sharper. With enhanced strength and speed, the wolf lunged at Mike again, aiming to sink its fangs into him.
mike felt the roar as his hand started shaking, looking onto the wolf while he tried fixing his breaths, his reaction wasnt fast enough as he guarded with his arm, then he got bit by the wolf from his arm as he yelped in pain, trying to punch the wolfs head with panic while he dropped his katana on the ground "let go! let go!!!" mike yelled as he kept punching the wolfs head. his head was spinning, both with pain and adrenaline as he acted too recklessly
nikoneko10 nikoneko10
saltymelon saltymelon
As the wolf let out its final breath, its body shimmered and faded away, leaving behind a small pile of loot. The forest fell silent once more, the tension of battle giving way to the dull throb of pain in Mike’s injured arm. Blood dripped steadily from the wound, his fingers trembling slightly from the adrenaline. If he didn’t tend to it soon, it could become a real problem.

Amid the dropped loot, Mike noticed a Wolf Pelt (12 silver) and a Sharp Wolf Fang (5 silver), both common materials. However, one item stood out—a Warrior’s Fang Ring (Rare, 20 silver). It was a sturdy iron band inlaid with a small, jagged wolf fang, radiating a faint aura of strength. It seemed like an item crafted specifically for fighters, possibly enhancing physical attacks.

His arm still ached, and the wound needed attention, but at least the battle had rewarded him well.
nikoneko10 nikoneko10

Levi (Alchemist)

The noise was almost deafening: a mother with her child, the child crying their heart out; and pedestrians walking, chatting, mumbling with each other; and to the side of the street, shopkeepers peddling their goods, ‘Fresh from the sea!’ although there was no sea nearby. The city trembled under the weight of the pedestrians. From among the noise, one voice stood out. ‘Make way! Make way!’ said Levi, pushing through the crowd of men, women, animals and what ostensibly seemed to be half-animals. Inching into a crack in the crowd’s near-impenetrable defense, he almost bumped into a reptilian man: a man covered in scales, at least two feet taller than him and, currently, glaring at him too. ‘Oh,’ Levi muttered sheepishly. ‘Excuse me, sorry, pardon…’ Overlooking the streets like dumb, mute observers were houses with pyramid roofs, some flat, with chimneys spewing out smoke. Wafts of cooked food, stagnant sweat, ale, spice from the peddlers, smoke and horseshit mixed together to create an obnoxious stench, further worsened by the relatively windless day. In the distance, with a steeple, he could spot what he thought to be a church—or the equivalent of a church anyway—which served as a useful landmark. In spite of being a city, the houses for the most part were of modest, provincial design, limited to two storeys at most, except for a few specific buildings. This of course made buildings like the church stand out all the more.

As he turned towards a different street, he could feel the noise mute to a low, bass note, eventually receding as he distanced himself from the market district. The residential area was relatively calmer and, he thought, safer too: less people carrying around lethal implements. A weary guardsman, lugging a pollaxe taller than his own body, stared at him as he walked. Well, less not none, he thought. He plopped himself down on a bench next to a park. In the center of the park was a fountain, and to the corner a gazebo; ash trees loomed over him, their leaves shuddering slightly to a breeze, but it was a refreshing view compared to the greyish monotony of buildings. He opened his knapsack to check his inventory,

1. Two health potions.
2. A stamina potion.
3. A small buckler shield, only large enough to cover his face at most.
4. And a mace, a length of stick the size of his arm, topped with a metal head—not too large, but enough to cause serious damage.
5. A mysterious armor.
6. Two grenades, which cause a blinding flash when they explode, and might hurt someone if directly chucked at them.
7. And some money, to the tune of a hundred silver coins.
8. An adventurer’s badge. F tier. He had already signed up earlier today, before setting out for his brief walk.
9. An adventurer’s guidebook.

Levi tied his hair back with a string as he took the inventory. Hundred silver coins could last him a while, but it was pretty clear he needed to earn some money. And, apparently, the best way to earn money here was by hunting—killing creatures, completing quests, extorting innocents etc. ‘How fun,’ he dryly said. The thumbed the adventurer’s badge he had received, emblazoned with the letter F, signifying the lowest tier. ‘I should find something safe to do,’ he said to himself.

He took a detour, walking through a maze of alleyways until he reached the adventurers’ guild. Men and women in armor, carrying staves, swords and other weapons, clustered near the entrance. Levi himself was dressed in rags and felt self-conscious.

‘Fresh meat,’ said one veteran with a grizzled face and a malicious grin, looking him over.

‘Yipes.’ Levi shied away and quickly stumbled into the building, passing through the rather foreboding entrance and into the guild’s interior. Although there was nothing actually off about the guild—as far as everyone was concerned, it was mostly normal-looking, perhaps even a little nice—it appeared dark, dingy and altogether dreadful to Levi. Everyone wore armor; everyone wore swords; and he swore he saw someone stabbing a dagger into a map.

He hastily collected two quests from the board, without looking too much, before power-walking his way back to a degree of civilization. Once he was outside, he sighed with relief and looked over his quest papers. The first was,

Gather herbs from the nearby forest. With description of the kinds of herb, their appearance and their location. The reward: five silver coins.

‘Sounds like a job for me.’ Even if he thought the reward was not much, he could still benefit from it and gather some herbs for himself. He could make weak poisons, potions and oils for weapons, which he could either use himself or sell on the market. Either way, the quest would be a good excuse for an outing.

The second quest was,

Help me with my existential crisis. Appended with an address, a description of the features of that crisis and a reward of twenty silver coins.

‘The hell?’ He shoved the paper into his knapsack. ‘This world needs therapists, man.’

He decided he would do the first quest, since it was simple enough and had compatibility with his class. It was a relatively safe job too, although he couldn’t be too sure about it. The fact was, he needed at least some sort of protection aside from his shield, and a light armor would do the job. Checking his knapsack, he bought out the mysterious armor and equipped it over his rags. Now he felt a little less broke and at least fifteen per-cent more secure.

Levi went to the nearby alchemist’s shop. He bought another healing potion, bringing the total he had up to three. He checked his money. He now had ninety-five coins.

After checking his inventory again, he set out to the forest to find herbs, unsure of what he may encounter, and unsure of what he might find at the forest. Suffice to say, he was not confident at all. If he succeeded, he intended to get more herbs than was necessary for the quest, so he could craft his own potions.
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Syan Syan
The wooden chest sat alone in the forest, half-covered in moss and tangled in creeping vines, as if nature had tried to claim it over time. The latch was rusted but intact, showing no signs of recent use. The forest was eerily quiet, save for the distant chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves swaying in the wind.

The chest’s placement was suspicious—too convenient, too exposed. It didn’t look like it had been left here by accident. There were no tracks around it, no signs of someone having dragged or carried it to this spot. If anything, it looked as if it had simply appeared here, untouched for who knew how long.

The trees surrounding the clearing stood tall, their branches casting shifting shadows on the ground as the sunlight flickered through the leaves. The air smelled of damp earth and fresh foliage, the scent of the wild undisturbed by any recent human activity.

It was a gamble. Chests could hold treasure, valuables, or rare items that could be sold for a good price—but they could also be trapped. In a world where monsters roamed and adventurers sought fortune, not everything left out in the open was meant to be taken freely.

Would Levi take the risk and open it? Or would he proceed with caution, testing for traps first? The forest held its breath, waiting for his next move.
nikoneko10 nikoneko10


‘This is very strange,’ said Levi, observing the chest from a distance. ‘Very strange.’ Chests simply do not pop up from nowhere; they are placed there by someone. Logic would dictate that. He looked around again. There were no marks on the ground.

The chest could contain something good, certainly. On the other hand, it could be a trap. But a trap of what variety? It could be a mimic. That was plausible. A creature in the guise of a chest. After thinking about it for a minute, Levi picked up a piece of stone from the ground and threw it at the chest.
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Syan Syan
The chest twitched at the impact of the stone, then shuddered violently as cracks spread across its wooden surface. With a grotesque squelching sound, the chest’s lid split into a gaping mouth lined with jagged, uneven teeth, its hinges twisting unnaturally like dislocated jaws. A set of thin, wiry arms sprouted from its sides, and spindly legs unfolded beneath it, giving it the bizarre appearance of a malformed, living creature.

A single, bulbous eye popped open in the center of its warped wood, fixing Levi with a disappointed glare. Then, in a voice that sounded like a mix of bubbling tar and street slang, it grumbled,

“Ayo, that was mad disrespectful, my guy. No chill. Like fr, I was just vibin’ out here, y’know? But aight, whatever. Next time? Me and my crew? We pullin’ up.”

With that, the mimic let out a loud, exaggerated sigh and turned around on its gangly legs, trudging away into the underbrush like some sulking outcast. It muttered something incoherent under its breath before disappearing into the dense foliage, leaving behind only faintly disturbed leaves and an overwhelming sense of absurdity.
nikoneko10 nikoneko10


Levi was gobsmacked. ‘What the fuck?’ he said, absent-mindedly, as he listened to the mimic. He watched the thing—strangely gangly (perhaps lacking in nutrition)—walk away, and just stood there, shocked. What’s up with that? he thought. As the mimic finally disappeared from his view, he picked his jaws up from his ground and finally set out to do his job: collect herbs. He pulled out the quest paper. It listed:

Warmvine. A spiked herb that usually grows on trees; pick with care, since it can prick a careless fellow. An ingredient in some varieties of health potions. Need at least five bunches of Warmvine.

Ethirum. A flowering plant, known for its naturally drooping figure. The flower is red with four or five long petals. These typically grow in a clearing, not underneath a canopy. The plant is an ingredient in both health potions and some varieties of poisons. Need three Ethirum flowers.

Turnkey Berries. A dark, purplish tinge, usually found in groups of three in their bush. These are poisonous berries and are typically used for making weak, paralyzing poisons. Need nine Turnkey Berries.

Levi sighed. This sounds like a lot of work, he thought. He slapped his cheeks and then set out to finish his work. He would find the Warmvines first, before the other ones. ‘This shouldn’t be too difficult,’ he said.

He searched the nearby trees for signs of Warmvine.
Syan Syan
The scent of charred meat drifted through the forest, mixing with the damp, earthy aroma of moss and fallen leaves. Levi, carefully plucking a cluster of Warmvine from the trunk of an old oak tree, paused mid-motion as he caught sight of movement through the trees. Just a short distance away, six small goblins sat gathered around a crude fire pit, their scrawny bodies hunched over the flames as they roasted some unidentified meat on sharpened sticks. The fire crackled, casting flickering shadows across their twisted faces.

They chattered among themselves in guttural tones, one of them gnawing on a half-cooked chunk while another jabbed impatiently at the sizzling meat. Their weapons—if they could be called that—were scattered around them. Rusty daggers, wooden clubs, and a single, rather sorry-looking shortbow rested near the fire, carelessly discarded as they feasted.

For now, they seemed entirely unaware of Levi’s presence. The wind rustled the trees above, carrying with it the tempting aroma of roasted flesh and the sharp scent of burning wood.
JUST INFO: Syan Syan don't forget to update your inventory form and post it at the back of your scene when there are changes in it.
Weapon and Armor: Mysterious armor, mace, buckler.
Accessories: Minor alchemical equipment, the adventurer’s guidebook.
Supplies: One blinding grenade (one used in this scene); three health potions, one stamina potion.
Money: 95 silvers.
Loot: A bunch of Warmvine and Turnkey berries.

Levi stared at them for ten whole seconds before deciding—nope, it was too much for him. But the smell of meat was tantalizing, and Levi realized as he listened to the sound of his stomach grumbling that he did not, in fact, eat anything ever since coming to this godforsaken world. He felt anger. Why should these goblins enjoy their life, while he is stuck rooting for berries? Indeed, Levi felt like a glorified truffle pig at that moment. He decided that he would punish these goblins for the grave sin of enjoying themselves.

He considered the situation. The average goblin was a frail creature with little to no knowledge of combat. That meant, more often than not, they fought with instinct than skill; and that usually meant going for clumsy overhand swings with the right arm. Nevertheless, they were still a threat in a group, and Levi could see himself potentially being swarmed, brought down and—god forbid—injured.

He would have to prepare. He looked at the warmvine in his hand and inspiration struck him. Observing the environment, the goblins were in a clearing surrounded by trees; there were three proper exits from the clearing, and each clearing was bounded by trees. If he prepared the warmvine, he could set up a tripwire mine of sorts, hooked to one of his grenades and perhaps some of those poisonous herbs—it would produce a noxious fume, which, while not likely lethal to humans per se, would be debilitating to the smaller, weaker goblins.

The issue was the goblin with the shortbow, who could stay at a safe range. His plan hinged on the goblins—being an impulsive and aggressive lot—rushing at him as a group, but the goblin with the bow would have the advantage. Nevertheless, if he could pick off the other goblins, that one would not be very difficult. Looking for Turnkey Berries, he found a couple, and jury-rigged them, the warmvine (which, true to its name, had a combustible property) and one of his grenades into a gas bomb, which he hooked to a tripwire made from prepared warmvine. He place the tripwire along his path, where the goblin would have to come through to get to him.

The tripwire would have three effects. First, it would obviously trip the goblins, disorienting them. Second, it would release a gas of weak, paralyzing poison, which would (if all things went right) weaken them enough for easy killing. Third, the flash from the blinding grenade would do exactly what it ought to do. While the goblin with the bow might be potentially deadly, Levi hoped the trees might give him some cover. The gas might also provide cover.

Confirming his plan, Levi licked his lips (rather maliciously) and set off to taunt the goblins. Picking up a couple of stones, he started to throw it at the goblins, while taunting them, “Stupid ass goblins! Come get some!” He kept himself at a range, both to prevent any ideas by the archer goblin and to run away and prevent himself from getting affected by the gas bomb should the goblins come any closer.

nikoneko10 nikoneko10
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Syan Syan
The explosion of the gas bomb sent a noxious green cloud billowing into the clearing, and the goblins' guttural screeches filled the air as the paralytic fumes took hold. Three of them collapsed to their knees, coughing and clawing at their throats, their movements sluggish. The blinding flash left them reeling, their beady eyes darting in confusion.

Two goblins, however, had managed to avoid the worst of the effects, their survival instincts kicking in just in time to dodge the gas. Their small, clawed feet pounded against the dirt as they rushed toward Levi, their crude weapons raised high, eager to hack and slash.

Levi barely had a moment to process the situation before an arrow whistled through the air, slamming against his shield with a sharp thunk. The force of the impact sent a dull vibration up his arm, but the shield held firm. The goblin archer, positioned at the edge of the clearing, snarled and hastily nocked another arrow.

The situation was still manageable, but Levi needed to act fast. The two goblins charging toward him were moments away from being within striking range, and while the others were incapacitated for now, there was no telling how long the gas would keep them down.

Levi cursed under his breath before taking a step back. The first goblin who reached him reacted exactly as he expected and went for the right arm overhand swing, which he countered by parrying with his shield. He then planted his feet firmly on the first goblin's chest, pushing him back—if there was one clear weakness that goblins had, it was their puny height, which limited their reach and made them susceptible to attacks that did have reach: case in point, his leg.

After kicking the goblin, Levi dashed to the side of the forest path, hoping to break line of sight with the archer. He timed it incorrectly, however, and the second goblin managed to nick his arm with its rusted blade, slashing through the armor and biting into his flesh.

Levi let out a cry before smashing his mace into the goblin's face. The mace landed with a crunch: blood flew liberally and the goblin crumpled to his feet. If it was not dead, it was certainly put out of the fight. Levi did not have the time to check. He saw the other goblin stumbling to its feet; he dashed forward and swung the mace across its face. The hit missed. Levi flew forward, going with the force he put behind his swing, while the goblin got up and struck him from the back.

Luckily, the goblin's hit missed too. Levi, taking the opportunity, gave the goblin a backhand swing with his mace—it connected with the goblin's axe, but the goblin was staggered by the hit. Levi struck again, this time clean on the head and the goblin was a goner. He felt—but could not see—another arrow landing close to him. As he expected, the gas from the grenade was obscuring the archer's vision somewhat.

He jumped and went for the three goblins each, attempting to kill them with one clean efficient stomp each. The gas was bothersome but it would not affect him as much as it would affect the goblins: at most, he would feel very, very numb.

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Syan Syan
The goblin archer's arrow struck Levi’s leg just as he crushed the last of the paralyzed goblins beneath his boot. Pain flared through his limb, but the goblins were in no condition to fight back. The thick haze of alchemical gas made their movements sluggish, their attacks clumsy. Levi gritted his teeth, gripping his mace tightly as the archer notched another arrow.

He lunged forward, ignoring the pain in his leg. The goblin archer loosed its shot in desperation, but the obscuring gas threw off its aim—the arrow whizzed past Levi’s shoulder. He closed the distance in seconds, swinging his mace in a brutal arc. The goblin barely had time to react before the weapon connected with its chest, sending it sprawling backward. It tried to scramble to its feet, but Levi didn’t give it the chance. He raised his mace high and brought it down, crushing the creature’s skull with a sickening crunch.

With the last enemy down, Levi exhaled sharply, his body aching from the fight. The battlefield was his now. Scanning the fallen bodies, he began searching for anything of value.

Loot Gained:

  • 1 Rusted Shortbow (2 silver coins)
  • 21 Arrows (2 silver coins)
  • +2 Goblin War Gloves (Grants moderate strength boost) (12 silver coins)
  • 12 Goblin Fangs (low value)
  • 17 Copper Coins
Weapon and armor: Mysterious armor, mace, buckler. +2 Goblin War Gloves.
Accessories: Minor alchemical equipment, adventurer’s guidebook.
Money: 103 silver coins, 17 copper coins.
Supplies: One blinding grenade; two health potions, one stamina potion.
Loot: None.

He carefully checked his body for any other wounds. The nick he had received was still smarting, but it did not seem to necessitate a healing potion. He would patch it up once he was back in the city. The wound from the arrow on his leg, however, was much more distressing. He used up one of his health potions. A damn shame to use up a health potion like that, thought Levi. He believed it lessened his profit margins, since a single health potion was worth a whopping five silver coins—in other words, the worth of this entire quest. He accounted for all the loot, took a bite from the meat (that was still on the spit)—gagged because the meat was too hot and because he was unused to meat without spices. Delicate, civilized tongue and all that.

Taking the interesting (although raggedy, but he was also looking pretty raggedy himself) looking gloves from one of the goblins, he wore: immediately, he felt a surge of extreme strength, like an instant bulk-up. “Hulk smash!” he growled, although the novelty of that feeling wore off pretty quickly.

He looked over the scene of carnage and felt a little bit of satisfaction. He was miserable—but so were the goblins. Or not quite? he thought. They were dead. He shrugged and gave up on thinking.

In the clearing he found some flowering Ethirum, which he picked and gathered into bunches. Two birds killed with one stone. Or, to put it in a different way, six goblins killed with one stone.

Cackling, he returned back the way he came, heading for the city. He forgot to collect more herbs for his own use. But oh well.


Before entering the adventurer’s guild, he first freshened up at a water trough (for horses—who were giving him the evil eye), washing off any of the goblin blood that had splashed on him as well as cleaning the wound on his arm. He hoped he had not got tetanus or something like that.

Arriving at the counter (with a manic grin), he said,

“Hey, whatʼs cookinʼ, babe?”

The receptionist was extremely unamused. With a sheepish smile, he submitted his loot: the herbs for his quest, along with the quest papers; and the loot he had gotten from the goblins. He received five silver coins for the quest, and six silver coins for the goblin fangs (at a rate of fifty copper coins for each fang).

He hurried outside. At the blacksmithʼs shop, adjacent to the guild, he managed to sell off the bow and arrows. Although he was supposed to receive four silver coins, for whatever reason the blacksmith only gave him three.

“The bow... itʼs bloody!”

“The hell?” said Levi but before he could register the sudden development, he was already out on the streets with three silver coins on his palms.

“Damn,” he said to himself. “What else do I have to do?” He checked his other quest. Helping a person with their existential crisis. He sighed and said, “For that, Iʼll need a party. It sounds tough as hell... I havenʼt even leveled my speech stat!”

He went back to the guild and looked around for any potential party members for his insane quest.

nikoneko10 nikoneko10
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Syan Syan
Levi took a moment to size up the man in front of him. Tyrone was lean, built for speed, and carried a well-used bow over his shoulder. His clothes were a mix of leather armor and ragged cloth, suggesting a life spent more in the wild than in the city.

"Yo, you lookin' fo' sumthin', homie?" Tyrone asked, his grin wide and confident.

Levi blinked. "Uh... yeah, actually. I'm looking for a party member for a quest. You any good with that bow, or is it just for decoration?"

Tyrone scoffed, tapping his chest with his fist. "Man, I'm da coldest shot in da guild, deadass. Goblins, bandits, wolves? They all get clapped, no cap."

Levi rubbed his chin, suppressing a chuckle. "Alright, alright. I've got a weird quest—helping some guy with an existential crisis. Doesn't sound like a normal monster hunt, but there might be trouble along the way."

Tyrone's eyes narrowed slightly. "Ain't no thang, bro. Mind stuff be scary, but bet—if we gotta clap sum fools, I'm in."

Levi smirked. This was already shaping up to be an interesting adventure.
nikoneko10 nikoneko10

Character Name: Seneca
Class: Paladin Tier 1 – Initiate of Light

Weapons & Armor: Large Warhammer
(She unfortunately wasn't taking things as seriously as should have and underprepared with armor)

Accessories: Adventurer’s Satchel

Money: 52 Silver Coins (She spent money on extra items before leaving)

Supplies: Mana Recovery Potion (x3) , Antidote Elixir (x2), Stamina Draught (x2), Health potions (x3)

Loot & Monster Drops: N/A

'I’m not here. I’m not here. I’m not here' She couldn’t stop repeating those words over and over again in her head. Eerie howls sounded around her and echoed throughout the desolate green forest. She could hear distant rustling of unseen creatures but she wasn’t sure how far off they were. She didn’t want to think about it. Seneca had taken refuge against a large oak tree. It was clear this tree was very old with several of its large roots extending into different directions of undergrowth. Its thick trunk provided her with a false sense of security - she kept reflexively pushing her back on the tree as if to merge and camouflage herself with its layered bark.

She sat in a ball so that her face was buried in her knees and her knees were held tightly against her chest. Her eyes were sealed tightly shut. Seneca wanted to shield her vision from any of her current surroundings. She hoped that maybe repeating her Internal ‘mantra’ and ignoring her current situation might bring her back into her bed in her small apartment with her black Cat Simon curled next to her. However - after doing this for about an hour - she was slowly realizing that her sorry attempt at deluding herself was getting her nowhere. She sighed and choked back a sob. Tears were threatening to burst from her eyelids if she let them but she was trying her hardest to keep herself together despite the circumstances.

Only a few hours earlier, she had awoken in an alleyway slumped against the side of an inn inside a bustling city. The alleyway was narrow but not so cramped that she couldn’t stretch her arms forward and yawn. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and instinctively reached to her right side to pet Simon and give him his usual morning head scratches. Instead she was met with the feel of a hard surface .

Her eyes widened when she turned to see a comically oversized hammer. Sitting down, she could already tell the hammer was taller than her 5’7 stature - standing at maybe 6 feet. The hammer looked to weigh at least 200 pounds. The stem of the hammer was obsidian, but the hammer itself looked uneven, had a rugged texture, with visible dents and plates fused together. It was a mixture of pink hues and purple around its base. Instinctively Seneca stood up and grabbed the hammer. She wasn’t sure how she knew she could lift it as she had no athletic ability normally but something just drew her completely to the instrument. “Warhammer?” she mumbled under her breath taken aback.

She made her way out of the alleyway, hammer in tow, and into the bustling city streets. As she walked she saw many creatures she recognized from fantasy novels she often read - elves, dwarfs and many common towns folk dressed in clothing akin to medieval garb. She passed many shops ranging from armory to fruit markets - she even passed by a brothel which made her flush a light red. She passed by a shop that had a large mirror placed at its storefront. Her previously chubby figure was nowhere to be seen. Her curly brown locs was replaced with long white hair that stretched down to her knees. Her eye color was also a snow white. She was slim but her arms were toned and she could tell her shoulders were defined under her rags. She wore a brown dress that stopped above her knee with jagged tares at the hems that made it look shredded. A leather rope wrapped around the waist.

Naturally, she thought she was having the most realistic dream she’s ever had. Even as she entered the adventures guild she still wasn’t alarmed at any of the other adventures she was seeing. She had nothing to fear in dreams.
It wasn’t until she began her first quest that she realized this wasn’t a game or a dream.

Kill 5 rabbits and bring back the meat to the butcher

She accidentally cut her arm along the thorns of a plant as she moved across the forest. There was a long jagged gash on her left forearm and it was the worst pain she felt in her entire life. Blood started to gush and she yelled frantically in panic. She gripped her hammer for dear life to distract from the pain until she could find somewhere to rest. That was when she found the oak tree she currently sat at. Another ominous ‘something’ told her to place her right hand over the wound and concentrate. Her hand started to omit a green glow and her wound started to close - the pain alleviated. A scar still remained unfortunately. It was then that she decided she wasn’t leaving the safety of the oak tree - unless someone or something forced her hand.
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FujoshiStar FujoshiStar
Seneca kept her eyes shut, trying to convince herself she was anywhere but here. The eerie howls in the distance, the rustling in the undergrowth—none of it was real if she just kept ignoring it. Her breathing was shaky, but she forced herself to stay still against the old oak.

A wet squelch broke through the quiet. Another. Then another. The sound was slow, deliberate, and getting closer. A shiver ran up her spine. She didn’t want to open her eyes, but something in her gut told her she had to.

Hesitantly, she lifted her head and peeked over her knees.

A glistening, jelly-like creature was slithering toward her, its translucent body shifting and wobbling as it moved. It had no defined limbs, just a mass of tentacles that pulsed and flexed as they dragged it forward. What was worse—its semi-formed face looked like it was… blushing?

Seneca’s breath hitched.

Oh no. No no no.

Her grip tightened around the warhammer’s handle. She wasn’t sure how to fight—hell, she barely understood why she could even lift this thing—but she had a very bad feeling that she was about to find out.

“Okay, Tyrone,” Levi muttered. “Damn, why are you so geared?” He looked at his own clothes—which, besides the armor anyways, was pretty much a collection of rags. Whoever had bought him to this world had not been kind. He had transported here Terminator-style: pretty much buck-naked. The rags were all he could find in the knapsack he came with.

Someone, he knew, was having a joke at his expense. He sighed. Tyrone had said something; but he completely missed it.

“Okay, pal. Letʼs go and get this over with.” He pulled up the quest papers and went straight to the address: it was somewhere just outside the city, near the forest he had went to earlier. Internally, he cursed: he could have done it on the way back from the forest.

After relaying the details to his new companion, they both went outside and towards the address.

As they walked closer to the forestʼs edge (the address was somewhere around the border, and the map attached to it was having difficulty being deciphered, much to Leviʼs complete frustration), they saw a very peculiar scene.

A strange jelly-like creature was slowly moving next to what appeared to be another adventurer. In spite of all reason, the creature seemed to be friendly. He considered jumping the creature. Him and Tyrone, plus this other adventurer (who looked threatening enough to him, what with the comically oversized hammer), could make short of the thing.

But he decided against it. He had earlier realized that his speech stat was next to worthless, after the failed attempt at flirting with the buxom guild receptionist. He needed to level that stat: and that meant resolving problems with words rather than brute actions. And, well, the monster was pretty buxom too... what with all the curves and all...

He slapped his cheek. Now was not the time to daydream. Quickly running a hand over his hair, he decided to approach the creature.

He struck a rather strange pose, with a hand against his forehead. “Hey, whatʼs cookinʼ, babe?” he said, trying his best at what he perceived to be a sultry tone. Whether or not he succeeded would depend on the creature (a slime?) itself.

nikoneko10 nikoneko10 FujoshiStar FujoshiStar
Character Name: Seneca
Class: Paladin Tier 1 – Initiate of Light

Weapons & Armor: Large Warhammer

Accessories: Adventurer’s Satchel

Money: 52 Silver Coins (She spent money on extra items before leaving)

Supplies: Mana Recovery Potion (x3) , Antidote Elixir (x2), Stamina Draught (x2), Health potions (x3)

Loot & Monster Drops: N/A

She quickly scrambled on her feet placing both hands tightly on the handle of her warhammer. She gulped at the sight of the translucent monster composed of a gelatin like substance. The creature had long outstretched tentacles that varied in size and thickness. Each tentacle dripping in an unknown substance. She backed further into her tree, now realizing it was a mistake to cocoon herself. She backed herself into a corner like she was just serving herself on a platter.

Seneca grew increasingly uncomfortable as the blob flushed a light red blush across it's misshapen features while facing her. She didn't know what that brute was thinking but she honestly didn't want to find out. The beast inched closer, slowly closing the gap of distance between them.

Warning signs began to flare in her head and she knew she needed to act fast. Her eyes darted from her warhammer and onto the creature.

She inhaled sharply. Now or never.

In a split second decision she mustered all her courage and bolted at the creature. The creature immediately in response outstretched two tentacles to attempt to grab her. As if her body wasn't her own, impulsively, she jumped into the air above the monster dodging its attacks. She closed her eyes and smashed down as hard as she could with a war cry. She felt the impact of the jelly hitting her hammer. When she opened her eyes she saw she only hit half the creature. The creature's right side was completely destroyed but the left was still intact. She gasped but before she could jump away, the creature wrapped it's slimy tentacles around her leg. It whipped her around - dragging her in the air aggressively, causing her to lose hold of her hammer .
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He gasped in horror and screamed: “What are you doing! Why would you kill an innocent... er, animal?”

He started scratching his head. “Is it an animal, really? I donʼt know what it is!”

As he muttered to himself, the creature began to slam the adventurer around. With the first thud, he suddenly realized the situation and jumped to the adventurerʼs help.

Swinging his mace, he cried, “For peace!”

FujoshiStar FujoshiStar

Syan Syan
Character Name: Seneca
Class: Paladin Tier 1 – Initiate of Light

Weapons & Armor: Large Warhammer

Accessories: Adventurer’s Satchel

Money: 52 Silver Coins (She spent money on extra items before leaving)

Supplies: Mana Recovery Potion (x3) , Antidote Elixir (x2), Stamina Draught (x2), Health potions (x3)

Loot & Monster Drops: N/A

Tears started to bubble in her eyes, she was already at her breaking point. Was she really going to die here? Against a stupid tentacle monster out of some weird fetish anime? The monster continued to wave her in the air like a ragdoll, but it's tentacles were slowing encroaching her entire body.

Her ears perked up and she whirled her head in the direction of a sudden loud shout. She saw a man with a mace running at the monster at full speed. She heard him yelling at her but she couldn't manage to make out what exactly as she was being flung.

"W-who-" Before she could even finish her thought, the gelatin monster again whisked her through the air and retracted his arms with force. It pulled her inside itself and now she couldn't breath. Her movements were now restricted and she felt like she was in quicksand. She was quite literally in the belly of the beast.
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Levi was in a pickle. Before he knew it, the adventurer had been swallowed. Thankfully, he could still see her: the monster was translucent after all. The problem was that hitting the monster could very well mean hitting the adventurer too.

Compounding upon that problem was the fact that he had already committed to his charge. Stopping now would be losing face—loss of aura. He could not let that happen. He feared that more than losing his life.

Gritting his teeth, he charged and flung his mace at the creature. The mace, thankfully, did not smash through the adventurer; instead, it grazed through the side of the creature, opening up a hole for the adventurer to—potentially—escape from.

FujoshiStar FujoshiStar
Syan Syan

Seneca's eye widened when the strangers mace came smashing into the side of the monster. She hadn't expected her would-be savior to fling his mace so recklessly. She tensed and braced for the impact that might kill her quicker than the suffocation she was enduring inside this horrid beast.

Luckily, the mace grazed open the side of the creature - creating an opening. She quickly slid out through the leaking gaping hole and jumped away from the monster creating a gap of distance.

Her first gasp of air felt like fire in her lungs and her muscles ache after straining to breath from being restricted for what seemed like forever. She felt gross being slicked with the warm slim, she felt it coated her entire body seeping into every crease and curve like a second coat of skin.

She didn't have time to feel disgusted however as she heard the labored screeches of the gelatin. Her vision locked with her warhammer on the ground and she ran for it. As soon as she had it in her hands she swung the hammer in a deadly arc - this time her eyes fully opened - and smashed into the monster. With a strangled yelp the monster dispersed into millions of tiny particles and evaporated into the air.

Seneca fell to her knees with a sigh dropping her hammer instantly. Exhaustion overtook her immediately. She couldn't believe she lived through that - although she knew it wasn't through pure luck. She had help. She scanned her surroundings and found the fellow adventurer that helped her survive.

She awkwardly stared for a moment. God it had been so long since she spoken to anyone - even in the world she was from. She was a recluse with a work from home job that stayed at home most times - an introvert through and through.

"Thanks for the help. I was a goner for sure. " She began softly, "Do you know a lake nearby I can wash this...goo off?" She lifted her arm up for added measure, slim dripping from the sleeve of her dress onto the ground.
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Reinforced Leather Bracers (15 silver coins) – Sturdy leather bracers reinforced with layered hide and metal studs, providing better forearm protection. They help absorb impact from weapon clashes and make it harder for an opponent to disarm the wearer. Syan Syan this is your drop for jelly
Hardened Slime-Plated Shoulder Guard (20 silver coins) – A durable shoulder guard crafted from hardened jelly-like material mixed with metal plating. It offers solid protection against blunt strikes and helps absorb some of the shock from heavy blows, making it useful in melee combat. FujoshiStar FujoshiStar this is your drop for jelly.
Both of you please write any changes in inventory to your inventory form.

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