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Medieval Fantasy Plots!


A Jedi knight Wannabe
Unlike my others posts I'm just gonna put important stuff down.

Requirements: Decent Grammar and spelling.

A fair amount of length, not going to put anything specific though.

An understanding that despite the fact I'm on a lot you may only get one or two replies a day. (Unless I get 'really' into the Rp.) Due to my other Rps that I've been in for a time being my priority.

Thats...Pretty much it.

Before looking to the plots you need to understand something. These Rps are going to take place in a world 'I' created. I'm not putting down any special historical details since this is my first time doing one on this site. But I will post important things.

First off are a bit about each of the Races.

Secondly and finally will be the plots. (More to be added as I think 'em up.)

Humans are the most common of all Races. Unlike some created by the Gods of Light and Darkness they don't have a natural alignment. Each and everyone has the potential to good and bad things. They lack the long life given to most of the other races but are well known for doing great things in their short time them others will do in two hundred years. Every individual is different, each thinking different ways, having different views and much more. They have no real homeland due to the original humans being wanderers and settling in various parts of the world.
Elves are the first of Zezriel, God of life. They have the longest lives of all the races. They are very agile, skilled at archery and make up the majority of the Worlds magic users. There are many kind of elves, your default forest dwellers, The Dark elves who dwell underground alongside their longtime allies the Dwarves. The Ocean elves, a race similar to mermaids.
Dwarves, the short alcoholic miners and crafters. Well known for being one of the best, if not the best weapon makers in the world they dwell in,Well, Under the Arctic. They are one of the deadliest races to do battle against, their high endurance and strength make them a terrifying foe to meet on the battlefield...Luckily most of them aren't too speedy due to their heavy weapons and armor, though there are a few exceptions to this. Dwarves are the second most advanced race in the land.
The incredibly short, hyperactive genius's The Gnomes usually live inside of mountains...Or in their floating city's. They are the most intelligent of the races having made vehicles that would make horses obsolete...If they were released to the public. Their flying machines would make the speediest of dragons struggle in a race. Most people fear what these people could do if they ever wanted to rule. But the Gnomes aren't too fond of that concept. Not much time to invent when you have to rule a world. They have prototype weapons that make Bow's and Crossbows look like children's toys...But these aren't released to the public. Gnomes are usually hard to understand as they rarely slow down when speaking.
The Dragon/Man Hybrid are 'the' most hated race of all. The cruel things in the past they've done still haven't been forgiven and most are killed on sight. Like real dragons they come in various types, fire, earth, ice, water and a few more. They are able to spew flames and such from their mouths but to a much lesser degree. Their wings aren't strong enough to grant them flight but they can use them to glide. They are fierce fighters that rival the speed of an elf, though this hasn't prevented them from being hunted to near extinction. They dwell in the lawlessness that is the desert.
Orcs, the barbaric tribals who live in the desert. They are rather stupid though on occasion they breed a wise one capable of giving a gnome a run for its money. The wise ones often become chieftains of their tribe, though some are known to run off for greater things. They are a very strong race with a fierce temper and strong code of honor. They often raid the outlaw and raider groups that gather in their part of the world, not for trespassing but rather for their crimes.
(Note: This race is not usable, I merely put it here incase one appears in a plot.) Ethernals...The second of all beings to exist, and not created by the Gods. They have always existed, wandering the infinite realms. They are second only to the gods themselves...And almost rival their power.
Plots Below (Don't bother clicking this one.)
You just wasted a few seconds of your life!
The Average family
This is a simple, laid back plot. Its based around your average family, doing their normal thing each and everyday. Raising children, working, perhaps the husband goes to the Tavern after work. But all families have problems. Some can be mended, others they may forced to live with...And others may tear them apart.
The Mages
(Note: If you happen to take interest in this I'll need to explain how magic works.) Two people of different Orders. Two people who know nothing of each other. Two people who discover a plot to erase magic from the world. But no one believes them. Putting their differences and beliefs aside they're forced to set off on their own to deal with his threat. But there are things about the source of it that no sane person would believe...But an insane person...Who knows?
The Companions
(Inspired by Dragonlance.) Childhood friends departed. A vow to meet many years later. But things can happen in a few years. People change, for better or worse, And people die. This reunion meant to be a happy event quickly goes south when a single man with a small goal creates a chain of events that put these friends in the middle of something unimaginable.

The Ethernals
Ethernals....The second most powerful beings to exist. Immortal beings who constantly wander the infinite realms. But what happens when one of this race has done everything imaginable...Except one thing. But this one thing can throw the entire species into turmoil...What happens when one of the most powerful things to exist....Wants to die?
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I am interest in discussing the average family plot. I could use a laid back plot without sacrificing details, heh. Can we discuss it over PM? I am however not yet permitted to message you.

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