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Futuristic Mecha/ Giant Robot RP

You can still run a more unified militarized faction vs a disjointed coalition group without having to tack on the arbitrary supers vs reals thing, you know. The only problem with that is that a militarized faction as described more or less requires players to follow a guideline for what their machines would be, IE, they would have to fit with the rest of the government forces at least visually.

By way of example: If the regular soldiers, the majority of the faction's forces, use Zakus, you'd kind of want their elite machines to be zeonic-type monoeye suits. It'd be weird if the faction PCs had units so wildly different and distant from the standard representative grunt visually that they cannot be readily identified as being part of the same group. It's something that would have to be enforced for the sake of coherency, don't you think? Otherwise there's no real point.

Still, for an obvious visual divide it's hard to go wrong with purely and obviously mechanical vs a more techno-organic look and feel.
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Zerohex said:
You can still run a more unified militarized faction vs a disjointed coalition group without having to tack on the arbitrary supers vs reals thing, you know. The only problem with that is that a militarized faction as described more or less requires players to follow a guideline for what their machines would be, IE, they would have to fit with the rest of the government forces at least visually.
By way of example: If the regular soldiers, the majority of the faction's forces, use Zakus, you'd kind of want their elite machines to be zeonic-type monoeye suits. It'd be weird if the faction PCs had units so wildly different and distant from the standard representative grunt visually that they cannot be readily identified as being part of the same group. It's something that would have to be enforced for the sake of coherency, don't you think? Otherwise there's no real point.

Still, for an obvious visual divide it's hard to go wrong with purely and obviously mechanical vs a more techno-organic look and feel.
he has a point there To be honest

Oops misread the post forgive me
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Zerohex said:
You can still run a more unified militarized faction vs a disjointed coalition group without having to tack on the arbitrary supers vs reals thing, you know. The only problem with that is that a militarized faction as described more or less requires players to follow a guideline for what their machines would be, IE, they would have to fit with the rest of the government forces at least visually.
By way of example: If the regular soldiers, the majority of the faction's forces, use Zakus, you'd kind of want their elite machines to be zeonic-type monoeye suits. It'd be weird if the faction PCs had units so wildly different and distant from the standard representative grunt visually that they cannot be readily identified as being part of the same group. It's something that would have to be enforced for the sake of coherency, don't you think? Otherwise there's no real point.

Still, for an obvious visual divide it's hard to go wrong with purely and obviously mechanical vs a more techno-organic look and feel.
Well I don't think it would be that much of a problem if you have a mech way too different to your army's standard. Since stupid as it is, the theme of civilian or private mech volunteering to work with the government or war party was used quite a lot in mecha series. We can also make up some kind of "alpha unit" based on effectiveness, that kind of unit can be a command unit or specialist force.
Sitahra said:
Well I don't think it would be that much of a problem if you have a mech way too different to your army's standard. Since stupid as it is, the theme of civilian or private mech volunteering to work with the government or war party was used quite a lot in mecha series. We can also make up some kind of "alpha unit" based on effectiveness, that kind of unit can be a command unit or specialist force.
Well yeah, sure, you can do that. But then that kinda beats the purpose of having a faction with a defined, distinct look is all if the PCs just get to do whatever despite being part of it.
you are not wrong, but who don't want to have a badass unique mech to wreck the battlefield? (But I prefer real robot)
Elite customs are all well and good but you'll notice they tend to stick to their own side's motifs and style, and when they don't it's rather jarring unless it's a lone, specific unit with special circumstances behind it. A final boss coming out rocking a Gundam-type can work, though personally I feel units like The O, Quebeley or Sazabi were much better. Everyone on every side using Gundam-types as in Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny completely devalues the impact and importance of the titular unit and melds every side together rather than giving them their own individual identities.
Zerohex said:
Elite customs are all well and good but you'll notice they tend to stick to their own side's motifs and style, and when they don't it's rather jarring unless it's a lone, specific unit with special circumstances behind it. A final boss coming out rocking a Gundam-type can work, though personally I feel units like The O, Quebeley or Sazabi were much better. Everyone on every side using Gundam-types as in Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny completely devalues the impact and importance of the titular unit and melds every side together rather than giving them their own individual identities.
still, I think mixing combat style make straegy of each side more versatility. But I think I'm fine with any and the idea of realistic mechanic mech vs mystery mystic mech is not half bad.
You misunderstand, I'm not talking military doctrine or what kind of units would be available or not to any side. I'm simply pointing out that a certain visual coherence might have to be enforced if our Fearless GM is to have two factions with distinctive looks and style to them, one of which is an organized militaristic outfit and therefore liable to rock uniforms and the like.
Zerohex said:
You misunderstand, I'm not talking military doctrine or what kind of units would be available or not to any side. I'm simply pointing out that a certain visual coherence might have to be enforced if our Fearless GM is to have two factions with distinctive looks and style to them, one of which is an organized militaristic outfit and therefore liable to rock uniforms and the like.
oops my bad, I thought you were talking bout super and real
Ok. So a few things, First is that I've never seen a 2 page argument over nothing last almost 2 pages in an Interest thread before. So if nothing else we at least accomplished that.

In any case, I got not idea what to do. So I'm giving up the faction thing since apparently even that is causing issues.

So here's what we're gonna do. We're just gonna do OC super robot wars. No factions, no locks. I'll use the Z series as the basis for the plot since that's the one I'm most familiar with.

-Everyone comes from an alternate universe. Your "series" if you will.

-The universe have been merged by (plot related event) but that was a few months ago so we don't have to go through all the hassle of showing everyone get dragged into the new world. Although we could if we wanted, like get a glimpse of whatever they were doing just before the merge in their opening post. It's not important but it might be kind of neat.

- each "Series" has it's own heroes (our characters) and also it's own unique villains. So we could do a thing were each character can "mooks" from their series. Like the common enemies that they normally fight before facing the named Villians (who will probably be other player characters at some point)

This way there's no restrictions on looks mechanics or anything. Anyone can just do whatever and it would still fit. What do we think?
You misunderstand, it's not really an issue with factions per-se. Just saying that if you want to have one be a militarized outfit you're probably going to want to enforce some level of at least visual uniformity within it, otherwise there'd be no real point.

As for the SRW-type world, consider the games don't necessarily have an obvious spacetime-altering event that brings unrelated worlds together. For instance, in the Z-verse Celestial Being from Gundam 00 and the Gundam Scientists from Wing were part of the same group, they simply split to act as a balance of power. One side kept GN particles and Trans-AM and the other kept Wing Zero, particularly its Zero System, so that if one side strayed from their given path, the other could serve as a check.

I'm fine with a crossover-verse like what you proposed, it's your call after all, but I think it'd be less of a copout to just have some kind of event that makes for the creation of widespread mecha within a coherent world. Something like Full Metal Panic's Whispered, who find themselves capable of creating technology well outside regular human scope for reasons unexplained. And then you can have a myriad of loose, potentially unrelated organizations with mecha.

The reason could be whatever, an alien probe seeding the knowledge into the world to see what happens, triggering an ancient piece of super technology, any number of tropes. Hell, there could be no one specific reason, but any number of them that operate on the same principle and essentially create the same result but with different enough portions that it lets people establish their own "setting", in a way, without resorting to mashing together actually fake settings.

And then the plot can be tied together with a large, Zeuth-type organization trying to unify as many of these loose mecha organizations as possible for whatever convenient reason there is. I realize that's wordy, but don't take it the wrong way. I'm just hype for mecha and throwing suggestions at the wall to see if anything helps. It's all your call, after all.
Alright. I'm in the middle of writing up the intro for the super robot wars thing and writing up my own character. Should be up soon.
HEATS said:
Alright. I'm in the middle of writing up the intro for the super robot wars thing and writing up my own character. Should be up soon.
i had to re write my whole character honestly i dint like what i was going for so expect my CS to be a little late...i went with a more flying base one
Hold on a second. I know I just randomly appeared, but I was interested with this so bear with me.

I read some stuff that's been happening, and I like the idea of this non-existent thread already. But I don't think that there should be a multiverse convergence. That often gets too complicated, with each place having their own rules on how things work and some other complications. It's feasible, but I believe that the faction idea was much better. Whether that be magic versus technology, or organization versus organization it doesn't really matter, but just to give another voice, I honestly think that factions are a better idea than entire separate universes.

Also, I definitely would root for OCs.
Particle said:
Hold on a second. I know I just randomly appeared, but I was interested with this so bear with me.
I read some stuff that's been happening, and I like the idea of this non-existent thread already. But I don't think that there should be a multiverse convergence. That often gets too complicated, with each place having their own rules on how things work and some other complications. It's feasible, but I believe that the faction idea was much better. Whether that be magic versus technology, or organization versus organization it doesn't really matter, but just to give another voice, I honestly think that factions are a better idea than entire separate universes.

Also, I definitely would root for OCs.
I think so too. @HEATS if you still have problems with the plot I can give you a hand as I do have a few already, I did plan to made my own mecha thread but honestly, I'm not one for gm role :3

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