Me? No, I am not on the dark side


New Member
What level would you estimate for an artifact which makes the user (an Abyssal or a Ghost) not count as a creature of darkness for the purposes of effects which have special powers against creatures of darkness (a la Abyssal Aegis)? How about a more limited model which just protects against effects dealing aggravated damage to creatures of darkness?
Between 4 and 5, depending if it's only an object carried (like a ring or an amulet; that would be 4) or a weapon or an armor (5-dot).
Actually, I would find a ring more convenient. It's more discreet, easier to carry around and can be used with any armor or weapons.

I am inclined towards artifact 5 for something that would totally hide your creature of darkness nature, artifact 4 for something that would work like Abyssal Aegis, and 3 or 4 for something that only works on aggravated damage.
Yes, this was pointed out to me on the WW forum: the Veil of Fathomless Wickedness in Dreams of the First Age: Lands of Creation, page 130.

It totally hides your nature as a creature of darkness, but you also drop to Essence 1 and cannot use any Essence-fueled powers. It's level 2.
Then a level 4 could easily allow you to use charms and pass the essence reduction... but maybe 5 would fit better.
I'd call it a five to act normal without the Essence restrictions, due to a level 5 being able to handle Essence 6 Charms and it being the opposite of a portion of the ability of Catching the Sun's Glance (Performance 7, Essence 7, Lords of Creation, Pp. 59 - Allows you to tag one Creature per minute the Charm is active as a permanent creature of darkness forevermore)

To just keep from dealing with the Agg damage, I'd mark it down one level, to a four.

Soulsteel to call to the Underworld and it's denizens as an aid to protect them.

Malfean Brass to call the creatures of Malfeas to give them it's power.

Orichalcum to call to the Sun to ignore the holder.

Starmetal to change the threads of Fate and how they recognize the Artifact's owner.
The Shell of Existence, also called Heart

Artifact 5 greatcoat

The gods struck down the Primordials, for they judged the makers of the world the destroyers of the world. The Neverborn condemned the Exalted, for they found their once-children impious and murderous. The Sidereal Viziers conspired against the Solar God-Kings, for they believed they were unfit to rule Creation any longer. And, now, the Dragon-blooded hunt the returning heroes for they are Anathema, the Lunar warlords battle against the world for they do not fit their vision, and the peoples of Autochthon devour Gaia for her world is no more precious than their god's.

In Creation and beyond, it would appear that the force of judgment is universal and inevitable. The stench of condemnation fills the corridors of the Labyrinth and the Yu-Shan. Millions upon millions of souls--millions upon millions of hopes have been extinguished, simply for having been what they were. It is the wisdom shared by all the greatest entities in these worlds, to hate their enemies and punish them for being their enemies.

However, there are two things that disagree. They are the older than the Primordials, more powerful than the Exalted and more magnificent than Creation and its bordering worlds--but most importantly, they are far, far wiser than anything. They are the Chaos and the Void, and they do not condemn, for everything is equal and same in essence compared to their transcendental existence.

The Shell of Existence is a coat which fits comfortably, no matter the wearer's size, shape or form. It always covers from feet to neck, only revealing the distinctive feature of the wearer's identity. It is impossible to discern the coat's material, texture or even color. It almost seems that the coat has all the colors of a rainbow, but then again, it seems to have much more colors to it then that. The surface of the coat like everything and nothing at once--but it's made of something wonderful. The Shell of Existence consists of every material that exists between the Chaos and the Void in perfectly equal amount, with nothing dominating another and with nothing submitting to another.

The most prominent property of this ancient coat (perhaps as old as Creation, or even maybe the Chaos and the Void themselves) is that the wearer becomes immune to the penalties and benefits of their nature. In other words, an Abyssal Deathknight wearing the Shell will not automatically be judged as a Creature of Darkness and seared by the Essence of the Unconquered Sun, but also will not be considered a part of the Underworld's geomancy as well. While adorned with the coat, the wearer must prove their worthiness to be blessed and to be cursed. A renegade Abyssal who truly worries for the well-being of Creation and its denizens would not be considered an enemy of Creation--he who would risk the ire of their maker should be considered a hero and a champion, even, and Creation should welcome him by all means. And, similarly, no matter how old and honorable an Immaculate monk be, he who does not care for the future of Creation should be damned as an Anathema and be treated as thus.

When wearing this coat, the wearer basically counts as their "baseline" state. For example, an Exalt would count as a mortal, an Elemental would count as generic spirit (at least for this artifact's purpose, I don't know if that's even a viable concept in the game), and such. From that point on, the character must prove that they deserve the benefits and penalties of their status. For an Exalt to retain the ability to respire Essence, she would need to prove her worth by performing a feat of great heroism (with a stunt or by channeling her primary virtue, perhaps) and shaping the world around her. For a Solar to count as one, he would need to prove that he possesses the virtues of a Solar hero. For an Elemental to once again count as an Elemental, they would need to prove their connection to Creation and show that they are a part of its geomancy. Conversely, if the wearer possesses traits to be punished for, appropriate changes would reflect on their status as well. A Solar who derives pleasure from violence and shuns the virtues of the Unconquered Sun would be damned as a Creature of Darkness, a Dynast who deals with the demons for their foul powers would be seen as a true Anathema, and an Abyssal who shows no interest in the benefits of the Deathlords would be banished from the Underworld's geomancy. The effect of the Shell can be physical, social, mental, supernatural or all at once. It exposes the true nature of the being, instead of the identity that has been imbued onto them by others.

(I have no idea how this would actually work--I just thought that the idea was cool enough to write it up.)

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