MBTI Personality Types

What is your personality type?

  • ISTP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INTP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ESTP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ENTP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ISFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ESFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ENFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ISTJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INTJ

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • ESTJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ENTJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ISFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ESFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ENFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hey everyone! I'm an INTJ. I don't know about you guys, but I thought that there was a surprising amount of INTJs versus the other personality types in the poll, since INTJs are supposed to be 'rare.' I guess INTJs tend to like writing..?


oh my gosh, 2 likes. guys, stop it. I JUST joined. I refuse to be liked; it's just not natural. Its messing with my hate-ometer.


I can't.
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But it's so fun to mess with hate-ometers! And, you are an INTJ; therefore, you are liked. It's fact. No one can tell me otherwise.

I was also surprised by the amount of INTJs in the pole, but at the same time, it kind of makes sense? From what I've read off of the personality profiles online, it seems to. Not that I'm an authority on the subject...
I always thought INTJs were the smart weirdos in the corner, not the sort that people liked. But hey, its nice to hear that. What type are you?

Unless you're an INTJ. If so, then no wonder say we're liked. :P
I'm am actually an INTJ—like you said, we're apparently really common. And we still are smart people in the corner, generally... although, apparently very likable corners. With good wallpaper. And nice carpets.

And we can be likable too! To the right people... so long as they're not annoying... and it isn't a Tuesday. Especially other INTJs. Probably.
Hahaha we are own the corner.

I don't think we are really common in general because I have yet to meet an INTJ in real life and statistically life 2% of the population are INTJs, at least from what I've read. I do think we are really common on certain internet places, while other personality types may be more common on places like Instagram, Twitter, etc. For example, on the poll almost all of the voters were introverted because introverts tend to like browsing the internet, rping, and the like whereas extroverted people tend to like social media more. My best friend has like the complete opposite personality being an ESFP. I admit, I found her fairly annoying once I met her, and she thought I was mean. But once we got to know each other, all the things that used to bother me about her (need for attention, saying unoriginal trend things like "yaaaassss", etc.), don't really seem like a big deal anymore. (sorry if this long rant is boring.)
@Makise Kurisu

Oh, feel free to use me as a boredom killer whenever you need one Lol. (I'm not sure about my own talents corcerning that area, but I'll at least try.) So just send me a message if you want to know all the odd's of INFP's.

Even though I might be a volunteer lonewolf IRL, that preference doesn't include this forum. *Smiles*
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]25% more feels is always good! Kudos Cheddar <3

Feels are never good Masque, they cloud our judgement. Us ISTPs will not let feelings diminish our infallible logic. O-o

Surain said:
But it's so fun to mess with hate-ometers! And, you are an INTJ; therefore, you are liked. It's fact. No one can tell me otherwise.
I was also surprised by the amount of INTJs in the pole, but at the same time, it kind of makes sense? From what I've read off of the personality profiles online, it seems to. Not that I'm an authority on the subject...
Are INTJs supposed to be liked? I've always hated Js. Not the people, really, just their traits associated with the J part of them. I had an INTJ teacher last quarter and everyone hated him. I mean no offense to any of you, but Js seem really pushy and bossy. I still love you all equally though.
[QUOTE="Makise Kurisu]Feels are never good Masque, they cloud our judgement. Us ISTPs will not let feelings diminish our infallible logic. O-o
Are INTJs supposed to be liked? I've always hated Js. Not the people, really, just their traits associated with the J part of them. I had an INTJ teacher last quarter and everyone hated him. I mean no offense to any of you, but Js seem really pushy and bossy. I still love you all equally though.

Lol. Feels show you the path you're supposed to take in life! It's how you find your calling!
Oh no, I completely understand. INTJs don't get along with people who, 'don't meet their standards'. It seems like, while an INTJ might make a decent teacher in that they would know the information very well, I don't think they'd have the patience to deal with people whom they see as incompetent. In other words, if an INTJ thinks you don't meet their standards, then your relationship with them likely isn't very good.

But, then again, these personalities don't define us; he could have just been a jerk. As for the bossy bit—I suppose I can be when I'm supposed to be. Group project in school? "Okay, let's get this done. You work on the poster, you research this, you research this, and I'll research the rest." I think I can be bossy when the situation directly affects me. Although, as previously mentioned, I'm just one INTJ and I don't represent all of us.
Bingo, my alpaca. I like to see MBTI as how and why you do things. Not what you do. People of the same type can be doing two completely different things that stem from the same reason, with the same approach.

INTJ becomes Prez.

INTJ becomes Religious figure.

Both planned and carried out perfectly over a long while.

Both doing it to gain enough power to sway people and be in a position of real control.

Going those two diff routes alone would further make them individualized yes?
That's true, llama-from-another-mama. Not "What" but "Why" is what MBTI helps us understand. Although, aside from their goals, people can be different in other ways—For example some INTJs can be more compassionate than normal, or can have an easier time expressing emotions.

I think we can agree that MBTI is generally accurate, but shouldn't really be used by itself to judge people. (Like, all INTJs don't know how to deal with emotions, or all ENTPs love everyone.) On the other hand, some people suddenly make much more sense when you know their "type".

As a side note, an INTJ president would probably be amazing. I'm not saying you should vote me for president, but you should vote me for president. May the llama regime begin.
I treat these personality profiles as a sort of semi-accurate stereotypes. Although they are not completely accurate as everyone is unique, they typically make good generalizations.

I'm an INTJ and I know lots of people don't like me because they think I'm too serious/quiet/mean, even before they've actually met me. I guess its because my face naturally has that stern look and maybe I give off that sort of vibe. But I'm not about to pretend to be one of those happy chatter-box girls just for acceptance.

I'll happily take charge whenever no one else is stepping up. Though I will not be overly pushy because I hate it when people are like that to me. Treat others like you would want to be treated, you know?
Where are you all INTJs anyway? I've been looking long and hard, but I guess not in the right places =/ I'm sighing right now. What am I doing wrong?
I have a fun story about that, actually. My best friend is an INTJ. The thing is, we had been hanging out together for months before I found out. I remember taking the test one night, going up to him the next day, and saying "Hey, so I took a personality test last night. I'm an INTJ, apparently." He just stared at me for a few seconds, before saying, "...You're serious?"

I had no clue what had gotten into him, so I frowned and said, "Yeah, why?" After a second, he replied "Because I'm an INTJ too." That was followed by about thirty seconds of silence as we just stared at each other before I finally said something. "That's... interesting. Huh." And then we went and got lunch. We kept talking about it afterwards, which was mostly him saying, "This is weird. You are weird." and me replying, "Yes it is. Yes I am. So are you." That was a fun discussion.

But, no, INTJs can only be found by other INTJs or really, really lucky people. It is fact. We're like unicorns. There is nothing you can do... unless you go into a public area and start screaming, "LOOK AT ME! I'M COMPETENT!" That is like a mating call, though, so be careful.
Lol. Arrr. I am NOT doing that haha. I'll just have to use the SP allure~ huh. Why go out and try to catch them when..(:3)

Thank you for the help Surain. (^.^)
Surain said:
But, no, INTJs can only be found by other INTJs or really, really lucky people. It is fact. We're like unicorns. There is nothing you can do... unless you go into a public area and start screaming, "LOOK AT ME! I'M COMPETENT!" That is like a mating call, though, so be careful.
I need to put that on a poster. Quote of the year. xD

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Lol. Feels show you the path you're supposed to take in life! It's how you find your calling!

Path? There's a path? Why did no one ever Tell me this?!

Surain said:
Oh no, I completely understand. INTJs don't get along with people who, 'don't meet their standards'. It seems like, while an INTJ might make a decent teacher in that they would know the information very well, I don't think they'd have the patience to deal with people whom they see as incompetent. In other words, if an INTJ thinks you don't meet their standards, then your relationship with them likely isn't very good.
But, then again, these personalities don't define us; he could have just been a jerk. As for the bossy bit—I suppose I can be when I'm supposed to be. Group project in school? "Okay, let's get this done. You work on the poster, you research this, you research this, and I'll research the rest." I think I can be bossy when the situation directly affects me. Although, as previously mentioned, I'm just one INTJ and I don't represent all of us.
Yeah, It's very accurate, But not a good idea to judge someone based on their type. Unless they're an ISTP. Lol I have found that ISTPs are the only type that are actually really consistent. Lots of types vary from person to person, But all the ISTPs I have met are pretty much the same.
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]=P. Cause feelers need something to make up for ya'll deft use of knowledge/logic

I will not believe these lies. There is no path. Life is a ride. It takes you where it wants
[QUOTE="Makise Kurisu]I will not believe these lies. There is no path. Life is a ride. It takes you where it wants

( :P ) Silly thinker. You'll learn soon enough <3
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]( :P ) Silly thinker. You'll learn soon enough <3

</3 So naive, you feelers. Thinking you have control of this game called life.
I took the two tests anyway so hopefully you lot can make sense of them!

I got ENFG for the first one and Type 4 (The Individualist) with 5 wing and Type 4 SX for the second.
Larry said:
I took the two tests anyway so hopefully you lot can make sense of them!
I got ENFG for the first one and Type 4 (The Individualist) with 5 wing and Type 4 SX for the second.
I hope you meant ENFJ for the first one. If not, then you are the only person who has ever got that result. xD


Read this and Tell me How it sounds. Does the description fit you?
I can't view it on the Vita, apologies.

And yes, ENFJ!

I've read it alright and it does sound like myself.

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