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Fantasy Maxwood Highschool for the unique

He floors it, pulling his signature move. He seemed to know this track well. He was new to France, so it seemed impossible, but he knew it. He jumped a hill to the side, flying over her car, and Landing all of 4 feet in front of her hood, throwing mud on her windshield, and zooming off. "I have been thinking about getting Mika a little car of her own for her birthday, and having it in my name. Nothing fast because Lance wouldn't approve, but something that gets her around. I don't know though.... Lance doesn't even have a car yet." He hit another jump, landing in the dirt again, and finishing the lap, doing donuts to run the victory in her face.
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Alex stares at what he just saw, a little amazed and annoyed at the same time. “So other than you almost stabbing me what are we doing next...? Maybe like you beating me to a pulp..? You showing me some ways of getting a easy kill first hand? I’m just a bit lost at what we’re doing since we’re still in a HALL IN THE DORM ROOMS OF THE SCHOOL...” Alex would almost yell the last bit, but he needed to make sure no one noticed what they we’re doing so he keeps it down.
Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
“In the school is the best place too train considering in the forest there are other killers trying to get in and what not. We don’t need interruptions now do we? The gym would be best, follow me.” Darron says walking down the hall, still throwing the knife the knife in the air. He seemed really relaxed, though his mind was ticking away at strategy and what he was going to do to the boy.
Alfonzo Alfonzo

“The Heck was that!?” Danny says hitting the brakes and activating the windshield wipers. ”Ok, I call a redemption race! You clearly have more experience on this track!” She pulls up near him, shaking her head as him showing off. “And I think Mika would love that.” She says responding to his gift idea for Mika.
TeslaRolePlays TeslaRolePlays
"I was actually thinking about some training. And not of the driving kind." He steps out of his car and summons his sword. "I have had an idea for a combo move with you. If we were to create a thunderstorm, then we could keep a steady flow of both water and electricity, giving us a field advantage against our opponents. Make since?" He took a sip from his water bottle, eating on her to reply.
Alright then... whatever you say...” Alex says letting the annoyance get into his voice a little, he starts following him and tries to do what Darron is doing but accidentally drops the knife by chickening out of catching it at the last second. He quickly picks it back up and hopes Darron didn’t notice. Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
A small smirk makes it’s way to Darrons face as he hears the metal clatter against the tile flooring. “The gym has a training arena, I’m taking you there so no one thinks I’m trying to kill you in the hallways. I have a bad reputation here as it is, no need for word to spread I was beating up the new kid.” He says casually before turning a corner and pushing through a set of metal doors.
Alfonzo Alfonzo
“Makes sense to me.” She says getting out of the car and forming a dark sphere of water in her hand as she walks over to him. “Let’s see how this works, shall we?” She says with a smile, standing two feet in front of him.
TeslaRolePlays TeslaRolePlays
Alex gulps as he follows Darron into the gym knowing that he is probably to lose a few teeth if he isn’t careful... “oh we’ll shall see about that...” he says sorta readying himself for anything since well, Darron happened to be one of the most unpredictable people out there.
Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
Lance had actually considered the car for a second before shaking his head. He couldn't go around spending that settlement money on just anything. He cracked a joke back, "Ask Jayce, he seems to have enough cars to go around." He could probably do the consoles. He texted Miss Morgan, asking her to get one while Lance gets the other. "What games do you want for that? I don't really play videogames that much, so I don't know what they have." His brows upturned in slight pity at her before he shook his head at her. "What do you mean 'everyone else'? We can enjoy our day right here, we don't have to go out for that. Let me get you some more soup and stuff then we can put a movie on. I see The Last Unicorn and Spirit over there." He had never actually seen either movie himself, but he remembered that they were horse related movies, and didn't know what else Mika liked other than music, and the last thing Lance wanted to watch right now was a musical.

Miss Morgan giggled a bit: Vivi would definitely have a fit to throw over her daughter. She couldn't blame her, she was the same way about Lance and Mika. Her accent was thick, just like her mother indeed. "Well of course I am dearie! Live the way I have and it just comes with the package!" she winked playfully at her. "They can't do it forever, they have their own work to do, but they can keep you safe until your bullying problem has been dealt with. I'll hand the report into the security office later and they'll handle it from there. I like to think of my precious library as a safe haven for everyone, so feel free to stay for a while if you need a place to be sweetie, just don't be skipping classes!"

Texangamer Texangamer
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Jayce threw an electric charge up in the air, or at least mimed it. It wasn't as much of a physical throw as it was a willing of the mind. He then nodded to Danny. "Aight form a cloud of you can, let's see if we can keep a constant power source for ourselves. I know it will at least work on my end. It might take you constantly fueling it, but that's not what the book said." He thought about what kind of car he should get Mika. All he would have to do is win one race, and pretty much anything under 400k was doable, as long as he was racing in the super car division. But it felt snobby to buy her a car that nice. Maybe he would buy Lance a nice car... Butt he would have to see if he drove well enough, and then see if he trusted him enough to let him in on the secret. The problem was... Lance was a good person, a rule follower for the most part. Hee didn't care if you were doing something you weren't supposed to, but he was highly unlikely to participate in something illegal.
Mika Suzuki
Mika just looked at him" Do you like the sound of music or phantom of the opera" she asked as she just lay on her pillow she just looked at her brother as she smiled" what do oni-chan want to watch" she asked as she was offering him to pick a movie she just smiled as she was looking at her big brother" why do i have to have a fever it sucks" she say as she felt like she was sweating" i feel hot Oni-chan" she say as she was pouting a little as she smiled she wanted to eat her food as she just coughed a bit" sorry you have to take care of me on a weekend" she say" don't tell Cassie about me driving i don't think you will but just in case she'll freak out and besides i didn't listen to her she wants to teach me to drive" she say coughing SmallSailboat SmallSailboat
Lance winced at her question. "I do, but I don't want to watch them right now, if that's okay. Perhaps we could watch one of the other movies?" His face was neutral, but the pain was clear in his eyes. "I don't really know how you got sick, but let's focus on helping you get better, alright?" He rung her washcloth out and put it back on her head, and shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I... didn't have anything planned today anyway. I won't tell Miss Morgan, don't worry. I don't think it's a good idea for her to teach us anyway." He wondered why she wasn't eating. Perhaps she couldn't eat it on her own. He picked the bowl up and scooped a bite, offering it to her. "Do you need help eating?" Anything to get off the subject of musicals and his thoughts away from Akira.

Texangamer Texangamer
Mika Suzuki
Mika just looked at her brother as she just smiled" let's watch Spirit i really like that movie" she say as she just lay down on the bed as she looked at her brother" oh someone was sick in my class so I must have gotten from a kid in class" she says as she couldn't eat it by herself as she just coughed as she just sit up slightly as she just ate the soup" yeah I need help I can't eat by myself" she said as she felt weak" yeah Danny is a good teacher and Jayce" she said as she eats the food that was given to her" thanks for taking care of me Oni-chan" she said​
Danny nods and throws the Water sphere above her head, once it was high enough it burst out into a dark gray cloud and starts pouring. The cloud covered the whole area above them, though it stayed within 50 yards at to not cause a possibly dangerous abnormal storm. A gust of wind starts forming around them as the ground becomes more slick with mud. "My power sorce isn't the water around me, no need to cause a drought when I can form water." She says turning towards Jayce but keeping an eye on the storm.
TeslaRolePlays TeslaRolePlays

"Ok, firstly I want all the weapons you have on you in a pile over there." He says pointing to a cabinet under the arena, before taking out two guns, three knives, and a piece of rope and puts them in a separate cabinet. The only question was, where the heck was he hiding all that!? "Before we get into weapons I'll be testing to see where you stand on hand-to-hand combat for a start. From there we will work our way up to weapons." He says getting into the arena and cracking his knuckles.
Alfonzo Alfonzo
Lance nodded at her request, and went to put the movie on. Hm, he hoped there wasn't a flu going around. Lance didn't want to get sick, or end up spending all his time taking care of everyone else. He could see it now: Mika first, then Michelle, then Miss Morgan, Asaya would probably try to act like he wasn't and Lance would have to tie him down to get him to rest... Akira wasn't here to get sick. He hoped he was well. Lance closed his eyes briefly and pushed the thought out. Akira wasn't coming home. Lance needed to accept that. He helped Mika finish the soup and changed her washcloth, then sat beside her as the movie played. "You're welcome, Mika. Anytime." He tried to focus on the movie, but he couldn't bring himself to care that much. His chest still ached, and his thoughts still wandered. He thought spending time with the others would help him feel better, but he wasn't sure if it was working.

Texangamer Texangamer
It wasn't long before the lightning began striking, and Jayce started to feel the familiar feeling of being almost near max capacity. He would have to discharge some to make sure he didn't die here. He turned into an electric orb, and then came back to his physical state, the drain harsh on him until more lightning struck, gradually filling him back up. "So what your saying is, is that for you it goes both ways, and you release water, and earn it back. For me it seems as if the storm is generating it's own lightning now, and charging me up. Interesting." He enjoyed the feeling of the rain, but was glad he had a towel in the trunk of the coupe. He had always found them useful with cars, never know what he might need it for. And today he needed it to make sure he didn't get the seat wet.
Alex gulp seeing his glee and quickly places his knife and a silenced pistol from a hidden case on my hip and puts it in a cabinet quickly. He then gets into the arena, and goes into a fighting stance, he’d see he was probably slightly taller than him, giving him more reach and probably more hits, but Darron had the skill and was probably much better at making the hits count. “Let me guess this will not end well eh..?” He says from the other end of the arena staring at him.
Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
“Not for you.” Darron says with a smirk as he gets into his stance. “This will be quite simple, your goal is to get me on the ground pinned for three seconds. You have a time limit to do this of five minutes to do so.” He says holding up a stop watch and setting the time before placing it off to the side. “Your time starts....Now.” He says readying himself for anything Alex will come at him with.
Alfonzo Alfonzo

“To put it simply yes, for you though, your charge needs to be strengthened to last longer. I’m not sure if it works the same way it did for me since you control electricity, but I’ve built up my power source over the past ten years and it’s worked out fairly well in a lasting fight.” She says, enjoying the feel of the rain falling down her face. Daniela has her eyes closed and her arms behind her as the rain fell on her hair; she was completely relaxed.
TeslaRolePlays TeslaRolePlays
Oh I am so dead...” Alex says as he nervously and shakily starts moving towards Darron... it was fake fear, he knew that Darron would just think he’s terrified, I mean god damn he has made his eyes look like it. When he gets close enough he waits for Darron to do the first move acting like he’s too afraid to swing. If he tried punching he would dodge and then upper cut him or grab him and knee him in the stomach, if he kicked he would grab his leg and make him fall continuing from there.
Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
Jayce was slightly curious as to what would happen if he electrocuted her. If she could morph into pure water than he wouldn't phase her, but if she didn't he could 1 hit kill her, which was something he didn't want to do. "So can you morph into water completely? Or is it only a semi-transformation?" He seemed relaxed as well, despite the amount of energy flowing through him from the storm.
Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
"A full morph, I've been working on improving it recently so I can hold it for about an hour before I turn back to normal." She says opening her eyes and facing him before morphing into her water form. Her skin was a light blue-ish siver and her hair and clothing transformed into a glistening ocean blue. Her whole body was transparent despite the color changes.
TeslaRolePlays TeslaRolePlays
Alex would see Darron hadn’t exactly.. done anything to attack him so he tries to do a sweep with his leg to knock him to the ground, in seconds showing his true face empty of emotions, if all went to plan he could quickly kick Darron in the side once he falls to the ground, the pain should leave him open to attack.
Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
"That's cool, I just turn into an indistinguishable electric form, for the most part I am invisible unless connected to an electrical outlet, or some sort of metal." He watches her in her form, he couldn't help but admire her beauty in this form, it was even grander than her normal state. "You look beautiful... " He let out, seemingly surprised that he had said it aloud himself.
Mika suzuki
Mika just looked at her big brother" Oni-Chan are you okay" she asked as she didn't want to read his mind but she couldn't help it she just looked at her brother" sorry I didn't mean to I don't have any control over my powers just yet Cassie said she train me for my powers even though she's human" she say"I don't know how to control my powers" she says laying on the bed" Oni-Chan don't worry I'll get better Onee-San said i get better tomorrow if i'm in bed all day and rest and take nasty medication" she say SmallSailboat SmallSailboat
Lance looked at her surprised. Right, he forgot she could do that. He shook his head at her dismissively. "Don't worry about it Mika. I just need time to heal. There's no sense in me trying to rush it. I'll be fine, and so will you and everyone else. Speaking of medicine, you're due to take some more after this movie goes off. When you're better you can do your training with Miss Morgan and go horseback riding and whatever else you want to do." He paused a moment after he finished weaving his words, and decided to question it. "Why do you call me Onii-chan? and I'm presuming Onee-san is Danny? Where are those names coming from?" Lance presumed it was from a different language, but he couldn't figure out which one. He only knew English himself, and could identify a few words in French but that was the best he had.

Texangamer Texangamer

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