Max weight you can throw...


New Member
Topic says it all ; what is the max weight you can throw as an essence 5 capped char (doesnt matter the exalt type).

On our last Session , our heroic solar's was trying to pass a blockade of Ships to arrive nexus with a fast boat. They managed to maneuver between the ships; one Deathknight on one of those ships throw a very huge cargo at them with a feat of strength :) which was perfectly parried in the air by the Dawn(deathknight was pretty upset about is in a funny way), and then one of my players made a comment about a scene which we begin to laugh at like 5mins or so.

"In his frustration the Deathknight steps out of the ship on to the water; gathering his strength, he channels his frustration and hate for failure; your eyes widen in disbelief as you see her lifting her boat and with a roar of anger she hurls her boat at you!!"

obviously very funny seen , but it made me wonder if it can be possible without going above essence 5 with any known exalted types?

the math i did quickly was about a Moonshadow abyssal with Athletics Execellency, Corpse-Might Surge, Headstones Flung Like Pebbles, Mist-over Ice; Tearing Claw Atemi (lunar); Yeddim's Back Method(lunar)

if my calculations are correct (not sure if they are) that allows a Feat of Strength of 50 without addition of vitue channeling, stunts or willpower use. But i am pretty sure i missed something , anyhow even then its only* 19500 lbs and i am not sure if thats enough to hurl a ship around ^^

So what do you think a guy need to throw a ship? and how can one achieve such a feat without relying on ST cheating ^^
I already know that your calculations aren't correct because you're stacking Athletics Excellency with Corpse Might Surge, and those both count towards max value added by Charms. And Tearing Claw Atemi also counts towards that increase. And so does Yeddim's Back Method.

None of those stack. Your max is double your Strength+Athletics. You can get a max value of 23 on that table for the purposes of throwing if you include Headstones. Thus, approximately 3 tons.

So, no, you can't throw a yacht.
You could make a Charm requiring higher Essence than those above-mentioned Charms that allow the character to throw a yacht (or other such heavy things, such as a small warstrider) helluva far. Making it require Willpower expenditure would be apt, since it's breaking the limits set by other Charms. If this ends up feeling overpowered, making the benefit of this Charm rolled could work. And such.

Ah. Yeah, a Charm like this would require the character's anima banner to flare--just in case people didn't already get the impression that the character is not exactly human. Make the Charm as flashy as possible so it'd be difficult to use liberally.
Brickwall said:
Your max is double your Strength+Athletics.
... plus successes on a Willpower roll or channelled virtue, plus (depending on how strictly you interpret p127 of the core book) an applicable specialty, which brings the max to ( Str + Athletics + 20 + 3 ).
Flagg said:
Brickwall said:
Your max is double your Strength+Athletics.
... plus successes on a Willpower roll or channelled virtue, plus (depending on how strictly you interpret p127 of the core book) an applicable specialty, which brings the max to ( Str + Athletics + 20 + 3 ).
That specific sentence was purely talking about Charm limits, but I did forget about Willpower. That makes the max slightly higher. Assuming a Virtue of 5, that adds 5 dice to the pool. Thus, the total is 10 (Str+Ath)+10 (Charm)+5 (Virtue)+3 (Specialty). 28. So probably 5 or 6 tons. Still not enough for a big-ass boat. They're bouyant, not light.
You can add the successes on a Willpower roll for 1wp, yeilding a max bonus of 20.
Flagg said:
You can add the successes on a Willpower roll for 1wp, yeilding a max bonus of 20.
Actually, you can't. You can add a single success or channel a virtue for dice. So says page 115.
Exalted said:
Spending a Willpower point for an automatic success allows the player to roll Willpower and add successes to the total.
I'm no mathematician, but I plotted an algebraic progression that when graphed roughly matches the curve on the Feats of Strength chart. When this is exatrapolated out to 43 (2x Str+Athletics, plus 20 successes from Willpower, plus 3 specialties), the total is almost 600,000 pounds. The rules say you can throw something five ranks lower than your max lift, which in my calculations is about 200,000 pounds, making the max about 100 tons.
Smeggedoff said:
ooh, conflicting pages in a white wolf book. that never happens
It's not a conflict. Page 115 says you can spend a wp for one auto success. Page 127 says that when you do this, you instead add successes on a wp roll. It's a special case, not a contradiction.
pay no mind to me, I am on hour 6 of a crappy night shift.

So willpower stretches further on feats of strength? good to know...when I eventually get round to getting dibs on a dawn caste slot anyway *shakes fist at co-worker's Gatts expy*
That makes sense, I guess. Still, the algebraic progression thing is somewhat illogical. It starts being perfectly linear from rank 16 on, adding 500 pounds with every rank.

At an exact calculation, that puts rank 43 at 16000 pounds, or 8 tons.

This is, of course, something like 3-4 automobiles. I'm gonna look up boat weights later.
And then for fun, there's...

Sidereals said:
Strength of the Mast, three Endurance, one Paradox

die: So long as she is the strongest person present, the

Mast’s strength is equal to any task. Multiply her (Strength

+ Athletics) by 10 to determine how much she can lift,

provided she’s not alone.
That means a Sidereal with a Str+Athletics of 10, an appropriate Athletics Excellency, a Willpower of 10, +3 Specialty in Feats of Strength, an active Mast Destiny, and an Essence of 5 can get... 128?
Who the fuck wrote that? Okay, time for some new calculations.

Oh, and we forgot to count Elders. Ugh.

Alright, an Essence 10 Sidereal can have 20 base dice, and add another 10 from Charms. Assuming no artifacts, that increases their 20 base dice to 200. So, 210. Then the -5 rank for throwing.

48 tons.

Of course, a strict reading of that effect does not allow it to apply to throwing. How much you can throw is explicitly a different feat of strength than how much you can lift.
Brickwall said:
It starts being perfectly linear from rank 16 on, adding 500 pounds with every rank.
I don't think that's a large enough sample size to claim that as a standard. Plus, it would make the curve look REALLY weird.
What you call "an entire fifth of the table" I call "four ranks". The +200 pattern runs for eight ranks before abruptly switching to +500. If the chart was cropped at 15 you'd be arguing that +200 repeated ad infinitum, wouldn't you?
Assuming you are correct, 128 (the max a Sidereal can muster without Sidereal Martial Arts) is close to 30 tons.
There's not a separate table in DotFA for epic feats of strength is there? seems like the place it'd be. Or for that matter any Uber strength charms?
I'll invent one:

Ship Throwing Stance

Cost: 10m, 1wp

Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 5

Type: Simple

Duration: Instant

Keywords: None

Prerequisites: Rickshaw Hurling Technique

The character can pick up and throw a ship.
Unfortunately no uber strength charms in DotFA. Apperrantly God-Kings doesnt need to do heavy lifting too much , they got slaves/laborers/demons for that :P

i knew that i cant add more that (ability+attribute) to my pool but the charm (Yeddim's Back Method) was saying it was counting my (strength+athletics) score as if it was double for the purpose of determining what i can lift , so it i though it wasnt actually adding any die.

[QUOTE="MoEP: Lunars]Invoking this Charm allows the Character to lift objects as though her effective (Strength + Athletics) rating were doubled.

so my impression was that i didnt count to the max number of increase; i guess i was wrong.

and thanks for that charm Flagg ^^ it seems like an easy to use charm :P

PS : what was is Rickshaw Hurling Technique? is it a charm like Hill-Hurling Might?
Flagg said:
I'll invent one:
Ship Throwing Stance

Cost: 10m, 1wp

Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 5

Type: Simple

Duration: Instant

Keywords: None

Prerequisites: Rickshaw Hurling Technique

The character can pick up and throw a ship.
The next charm in that branch should allow you to pick up and throw the Kukla.

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