Mavis Summers


[B] 1004 [A] Angel [P]
Name: Summers, Mavis

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Height: 6'0"

Weight: 135 lbs

Body type: Lean, Tall, Fit

Hair color: Dark Brown

Eye color: Amber

Piercing/tattoos/scars/etc: Ears are pierced

Personality: Mavis is an attentive girl who was trained to react quickly in any situation. She tends to prefer staying at the side lines than being in the center of the room, a habit she developed to easily observe things without being bothered. Mavis is a bit too serious, making her easy to tease. She is described as 'cute but awkward' because of said seriousness. The woman can be intimidating if she chooses to and has the ability to silence a room using the voice she usually reserves for tough situations. When off duty, Mavis is a woman who will still know all the escape routes of a room and rarely falters in every day life. She is humorous and loves the little things in life.


+ Training Gym

+ Spaces with multiple exits

+ Animals

+ Flexible Clothing

+ Rain


- People who are not responsible

- Shady areas

- Extreme Temperatures

- Invalid Arguments

- Nosy People


+ Shooting (she frequents the shooting range)

+ Exploring Unknown Areas

+ Listening to music


+ Athletic Activities

Favorite color: Soft White

History/Background: Mavis was born and raised as the daughter of the two security chiefs at the Prince's Castle. She was trained from an early age to protect the Prince at all times, and she has done so by standing afar and protecting him from all dangerous situations, all while being unnoticed. Mavis is one of the best female agents at the Castle (this is only known in the security units) and has been assigned as the Prince's personal body guard in WWWHH. As she spent years watching the Prince, she knows most of his personality and plans to help from afar.

Why you are entering: To Protect the Prince as an Undercover Agent

Current occupation: Security Agent at the Castle

Other: Gets flustered easily when it comes to beauty
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Could your character be undercover as a contestant? I don't want anybody interacting with the Prince apart from the contestants.

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