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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Matched


Role Play Rating:

  • T- Teen (13 and up)

Role Play Status:

Closed - Not Accepting


In a Utopian city, young adults will be matched with a partner and are placed into an apartment. You be matched based on your personality and you will have tenants that live in the same apartment building that are newly matched too. I hope you have a great time and have fun with my Little experiment! xoxo

~ Sincerely, Lilly Adams (Producer)

The apartment building ~


1 ~ Try to do 1-2 paragraphs per post at minimum, and try your best to have correct grammar. NO one liners please

2 ~ PM me or jewlia or post in the OOC section to reserve spots or ask questions.

3 ~ Put "xoxo" In the other section if you have read the rules

4 ~ If it gets steamy, (romance is strongly suggested ?) then kissing and passion is okay, but when clothes are off, fade to black please.

5 ~ Please No mary sues, gary sues.

6 ~ If you would, please use first person

7 ~ Please everyone be heterosexual. in this RP it would be easiest if everyone was straight.

1 ~ Hayden Elizabeth O'Connor ~ @ChloeeGracee

2 ~ Cecilia Garcia ~ @RavenReigns11258

6 ~ Natalia
"Nat" Rivera ~ @jewlia

7 ~ Ezra Amelia Andrews~

1 ~ Marco Samson ~ @subtraction

2 ~ Xavier Mason ~

3 ~ Nathan Garcia ~

4 ~ Chad Jared ~

5 ~ Alexander Liam Chase~

Hey guys! im so excited to role play with you! Please dont let this role play die ?

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<< N A T A L I A R I V E R A >>


Natalia pressed the small, yellowed, rectangular button that resided just to the right of the door to her new residence. Her hand did not tremble with nervousness, as she had concealed her emotions in preparation hours ago. Although others could not see her feelings, she was indeed feeling the anticipation and excitement deep within herself. There were caterpillars in her stomach that would soon emerge from their cocoon into butterflies as the day went on.

Two clicks alerted her that the door was open, so she pushed through it swiftly and gracefully, her large duffel bag hitting against her upper thigh as she walked. Nat checked the item she had been given, a small room key attached to an index card with her room number and match's name on it. She walked up one flight of stairs and approached her door. Quickly, she looked herself over, straightening out her outfit and pushing the white-blonde hair from her small face. Once she was ready, she took a deep breath in, expression still blank, and opened the large silver-white door.

There was nobody inside.

Nat sighed and surveyed the room. The far wall was completely made of glass, showing a beautiful view of the city streets. There were small golden party lights hanging from the ceiling over the bed. The one bed. Her eyes widened and she pushed her hair back again. A bathroom and small kitchen connected to the bedroom, as well as a small living area with a large flatscreen television.

Natalia made herself at home by unpacking her clothes into a drawer and putting her toiletries underneath the sink in the bathroom. She hoped her match wouldn't be a neat freak because she was awfully messy when it came to where she lived. Nat sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. The input was already set to a gaming system, and she decided to play a little bit before her match arrived.

She picked up the controller...
♥♥ Hayden Elizabeth O'Connor ♥♥

My mouth curled into a smile, showing off my pearly whites as I hit the buzzer to my new home. I wasn't particularly hoping to go into this but my mom made me, she said that I had to find love and settle down to have a family, but I didn't want that. I wanted to party till 3 am and every morning wake up with a hangover to remind me that I had a awesome time last night. I hooked my fingers around the loops to my three suitcases and walked steadily up the stairs to my new home. I let out a nervous sigh and unlocked the room's door with the room key that the front desk lady had given to me, along with my matches name.

As the door opened, I surveyed the room. There was one bedroom, with the one bed "One bed? I hope they don't actually want me to sleep with a stranger " I said aloud, pulling my hair over my one shoulder and ran my hand through my fringe bangs. I drop my bags on the floor and slip of my converses, walking around the apartment looking at everything excitedly. There was a kitchen that lead to a big living room area with a flat-screen TV.

I made my way back to the bedroom and unzipped all of my suitcases. I put all of my clothes in the closet along with my shoes, I grabbed my carry-on and walked to the bathroom, putting all of my toiletries and makeup under the sink in the cabinet, along with all the other bathroom things. I smiled at my work and plopped down on the couch, thinking of something do to. I hope my match wasn't a such a good boy, I wanted to have someone who could be fun adn at serious times be serious.


I let out a nervous sigh as I pressed the yellow buzzer. I rarely ever got nervous, but I couldn't keep my hands from shaking. To be honest, my friends, the few I did have, thought it would be funny to sign me up for this. Of course they didn't grasp the awkwardness of sharing an apartment with a stranger. I only agreed for the experience and to get them off my case about it. I let out a long sigh, feeling the butterflies in my stomach getting worse.

When I heard the two distinct clicks of the door, I wrapped my hands around the handles of both my suitcases and went inside. I was handed a key to my room along with an index card with my match's name attached to it. I made my way up one flight of stairs and arrived at my door. I ran my fingers through my dirty blonde hair and checked my makeup quickly. I straightened my purple
Asking Alexandria shirt and brushed off my black skinny jeans. I didn't really care if i was matched with the president. I was not changing my style for anyone.

I slowly opened the large door and stepped inside and observed the room. It was empty. I let out a small sigh of relief and closed the door behind me as I sat my stuff down. I walked around the apartment slowly so I could comprehend everything. I was greeted with a kitchen that led into the living room which had a large flatscreen television. I made my way to the room.....the only room. "They don't expect us to share, do they?" I said to myself and shook my head slightly.

I went back to my suitcases and took them to the room. I unpacked my clothes and hung them up in the closet. I placed my shoes neatly on the floor underneath them and went to the bathroom, placing my toiletries under the sink. I wasn't a major neat freak, but I'd prefer to know where everything is. I hoped my match wasn't an extremely messy person, but I knew guys will be guys. I went into the living room and sat down on the couch, unsure of what to do

The wooden door to the apartment loomed in front of her, the heavy gold key in her hand. Liana had received her room assignment, along with a creamy card that had her match's name inscribed upon it. "Chad Jared" it read. Biting her lip, she wondered what this Chad would be like. Would he be up for adventures? Would he also be up for staying in sometimes? Liana closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she adjusted her backpack. She turned the key and swung the door open, lugging in her suitcases. Her eyes scanned the lavish room, everything in place and posh. There was a curved couch decorated with red and charcoal throw pillows that half-circled a black wood coffee table. A flat screened television hung on the wall. Dusky lantern lighting set the room. It also appeared to be empty

I should find my room first.

Liana walked down an extended hallway, finding a nice bathroom, pantry, kitchen...but only one bedroom. Dropping her luggage into the walk-in closet, she plopped down on a suitcase with her face resting in her hand. Blowing out a breath, her eyes glazed the room. A large canopy bed, covered in fluffy blankets an pillows. A large bay window showed off the city. Italian lights were strung around the room, a vase of long-stemmed roses on the bedside table. Sighing, Liana stood and crossed her arms.

A single room, eh? Well...alright. To start with, I'll probably just take the couch tonight.

Making her way out of the room, Liana caught a glimpse of her reflection in an oval shaped, framed mirror. Her long, coffee-colored hair hung down her back, stopping just about at her waist. She had curled it a bit that morning, pinning back a little bit of it in a small braid. The rest cascaded around her shoulders. She was wearing a sleeveless blouse decorated with rows of tribal print tucked into a pair of denim high waisted shorts. Her combat boots were cream-colored, with black laces and soles. Not the fanciest, but she had still put in a bit of effort.

She walked out into the living room, feeling both nervous and excited. She leaned against the window pane as she stared out onto the city, her back to the door. As she gazed out onto the lights, she exhaled...wondering if she made the right decision in coming here, and wondering how she would like this Chad Jared...and how he would like her.


Ezra buzzed the yellow buzzer and waited. Although she had been only standing there for a few seconds, she began playing with the buzzer, making a song out of its' obnoxious sound. Suddenly, she heard two clicks and opened the brown, wooden door in front of her then made her way inside, suitcases in hand. She smiled at the woman at the front desk and said, "Don't tell me, you're secretly my match." The woman just simply smiled back at her and then handed her a room key along with an ordinary index card. She looked down at it inquisitively and noticed the name
Cecilia Garcia on it. Isn't that an attractive name, she thought to herself before making her way towards the door that had the same number on the index card. She looked at the door but noticed other doors with different numbers and immediately wondered when or if she would meet everyone else. She put her key into the door knob, unlocked it and opened the door. She closed and locked the door behind her before looking around the apartment. She immediately the little living room area and a door. She opened the door and noticed the one bed and thought, isn't this charming? She hoped her match wouldn't be the stuck up type because she wasn't really into those type of girls but then again, there were experts who made this happen so she highly doubted her match would be someone she didn't like. She put her suitcases down and looked around more. She noticed the one bathroom and then the kitchen, connected to the bathroom. She walked over to the bathroom and looked at her appearance. She smiled, and checked her teeth, making sure the dark lipstick she had on wasn't on her teeth. She then went into the bedroom and sat on the bed, awaiting her match.



Alexander pushed the yellow buzzer once then looked around at his surroundings. Hearing two clicks, he assumed the front door was now open. He opened the door and made his way inside. He smiled at the front desk woman and she smiled, warmly, back at him. She handed him a key, along with an index card. He looked at the index card and it read,
Hayden Elizabeth O'Conner. Judging by her name, Alexander couldn't tell if she was hot or a nerd. Some nerds can be hot, he thought to himself. Shrugging, he made his way toward his room and put the key into the door knob, twisting, then opening it. She immediately noticed a beautiful girl sitting on the couch. "You must be Hayden?" He asked, smiling that charming smile of his. He turned, briefly, closing the room door behind him then locked it, "I'm Alexander." He extended his hand out to her, "Nice to meet you, beautiful." He looked around and noticed the room was slightly small but he somewhat expected it to be that way. He made his way toward the bathroom and looked inside, noticing only one bed. "This should be interesting," he said to himself and then quickly looked over at Hayden, "very interesting." Judging by her looks, Alexander didn't know what to expect from Hayden. She was incredibly hot, yes, but could she party? He certainly hoped so.


"I see you drivin' 'round town with the girl i loveeee and I'm likeee f*ck youuu."

Chad nodded his head while singing and focusing on driving as well.He stretched while waiting for the traffic light to turn green so he could drive to the new place that he was going to stay.Actually,Chad really didn't suggest this,his brother did but,he didn't complain about it.He actually like the fact that he was staying somewhere free and didn't need to worry about paying for rent or nothing like that,at least for the time being.Once the green light shined,Chad drove on then took a turn down a road where the building was in sight.He took a deep breath in then out,"Here we go...I hope I don't get a total b*tch..."he said to himself while parking his car and getting out.Before doing anything else,the male leaned on his car and looked up at the building."Not half bad actually..."he thought out loud.Running his fingers through his hair,he stood up straight then went around to the back of the car and opened up the trunk to reveal his luggage.Chad put on his backpack first then held the six other bags before he pushed the top of the trunk down then walked up the stairs to the place.He looked at the buzzer and hit it with his elbow a few times then came in and saw that there were a few other people around,not much of the talkative bunch....yet.So,Chad decided to speak up and say hello "Well,hello everyone."he said with a smile."I thought i'd break the silence."he said and chuckled a bit before walking down the carpet covered hallway.

Chad looked at the different rooms then found his and went in.Looking around,he saw that there was only one bed and that they intended on the two "matches" to share a bed."Hm...I like to see how that's going to work out if I don't like the person....I'll probably let her sleep on the bed though."he thought aloud again.Pushing the closet door open,he saw that the person he was going to be matched with already came through,no wonder the room had a very faint scent of perfume that smelled good to him.He sat his bags on the other end of the closet so that they weren't crowding hers in any way then closed the closet back and sighed.
Well,I guess i'll just chill until more people decide to show up...or at least talk to one another. he thought.Once Chad had reached the living room of the apartment,he spotted a girl thinking that,that was in match since only two people had the same key to one apartment.He took a deep breath and smiled halfway,"Erm,hello.I'm Chad,you must be Liana..my match."he said politely and held out his hand to her with a warm smile.He thought the girl was beautiful but,he wasn't quite sure how she was on the inside yet.
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♥♥ Hayden Elizabeth O'Connor ♥♥

I smiled, biting my lip and then thanked him "Yes, I am.." there was a bit quaver in my voice. He was the most hottest guy I had ever seen and I was pretty nervous. I pulled down the sleeves of my hoodie to hide my scars, I didn't know what to really say and I hoped he didn't asked me about my life and why I pulled down my hoodie down. I looked down at my shoes and sighed, I needed to get comfortable with him because I was going to live with him. "So? why are you here?" I asked him, thinking it was a good first question to ask. I mean, you have to have a reason to be here right?



Alexander walked into the bedroom, putting his bags down then walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch. He saw Hayden pull down the sleeves of her hoodie but he thought nothing of it, pushing it off as her just being nervous. "Well, same reason you're here, I suppose," he looked at her, "I've had plenty of girlfriends in the past, but never had someone who I could see a future with, you know? As cliche as it sounds, I'm just hoping that this whole "Match" thing will help me find someone who I can see a future with," He stopped, feeling he was revealing a part of him too early, "Why are you here? A gorgeous girl like you? I'm sure you can have any guy in the world practically grovel at your feet." Alexander stood up and walked towards the kitchen, still awaiting her response. He wondered if they had already stocked the refrigerator up with food or would they have to go out and buy food on their own? This was the first time he had ever done anything like this and he was slightly nervous, but, of course, he would never show that. He opened the fridge and immediately smiled upon seeing the fully-stocked interior.
Sweet, he thought to himself, as he took out a soda, opened it and drunk it. He walked back into the living room and sat back down on the couch.

Xavier Mason

Xavier took off his helmet after kicking the kick stand on his motorcycle and looked up at the apartment building. With a sigh, he shrugged his shoulders and hopped off the bike, quickly opening the trunk compartment and getting his carefully packed duffel bag. He didn't want to be here but he didn't mind being here; it was a free place to live with free food and maybe even a girl he can get along with. Gently touching his tattooed shoulder blade for mental support, he walked into the air conditioned lobby, looking down at his card of info before heading up to the room. Upon opening the door, Xavier noted the person was already there,

"Hey," he said towards the surprisingly pretty girl on the couch while heading to the room. He noted the one bed and called, "If you want, I'll sleep on the couch." There was no need to make her uncomfortable. After putting his things in the room in an orderly fashion, he headed out to the living room with his hands in his pockets. "I'm Xavier Mason." This was more awkward than he anticipated, but he took a seat next to the girl anyway, an easy smile on his face.
Raven looked over, surprised to see probably the most gorgeous guy she's ever seen. "I'm Raven. Raven Reigns," she said a bit quieter than normal. She stuffed her hands ing her lap and stared at the television. "Umm nah that's fine. I can take the couch. It's not a bother," she decided to add. Nothing I haven't done before she thought as she sat there.
(Marco Samson* ;)

The male slowly strode to his apartment door and pressed the buzzer. He wasn't aware that there was no inhabitants on the inside, so he had waited for a few more minutes- more minutes than he should have. But after those uneventful moments passed, Marco gained some common sense and tried to open the door. It was unlocked for one reason or another- yet he decided the logical conclusion was to not pry. When he entered the room everything seemed intact anyways so he had no worries.

Looking around curiously, Marco paced back and forth amongst the living space he would call his home. It seemed to fit his sanitary standards, and he hoped it would stay this way. The new girl he was "fated" to fall in love with, hopefully had the same exact hygiene ideals- so he wouldn't ever have to worry about cleaning up after her. He also acknowledged the fact that the granite kitchen counter was close the the doorway- and that it was empty. Grinning to himself, he placed down his luggage and knelt to the floor to unzip it. Inside were clothes and a
bouquet of roses. He took them out and hurriedly placed them down on the empty counter along with a note.


My name is Marco Samson, and I have the honor

of living with you for the rest of my life. Even

though I have not seen that dazzling face of

your's- I am for certain that it is stunning.

Or maybe the correct word for it is


I believe that means


in French...

but how am I supposed to know? I never took

French...I'm one of those Spanish guys.

Joking aside, I await you in the bedroom, ready

for you to take your clothes off. My body is ready.

I'm kidding again. I'm in the bedroom watching TV.

Your's truly,


And then he set off to his bedroom, with his luggage feeling content. Hopefully his lady would meet him there as well.
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"Cool name," he smiled. Xavier suddenly had the feeling that this wasn't going to be as bad as he thought. "Nope, take the bed. I insist and won't take no for an answer. So...I honestly don't know what to do now. " With a laugh, he lounged back against the couch and let the conversation fall. The girl, Raven, didn't look that bad, beautiful actually. With good style, too. A smirk played on his lips as he gazed over at the black screen of the television, running his fingers through his hair.
Raven thought for a few minutes before jumping up enthusiastically. She ran to the room and looked through her stuff quickly. She came back out and plopped down on the couch holding up two games. "Call of Duty: ghosts, or Halo: Spartan Assault?" she asked with a wide smile. She wouldn't admit to most, but she enjoyed playing video games. She never was much of a girly-girl and that wasn't changing.

Iggy sighed inside the cool atmosphere of her blue bug, checking things off on her mental list one last time before stepping out. She smoothed down her lacy black dress, checked her pantyhose for runs, retied her black boots, and brushed through her curly red hair with her fingers. It was all out of nerves, not shallowness. She just wanted to look her best. Taking a breath, Iggy opened the back door and took out a rolling luggage and shouldered a duffel bag and headed inside the apartment building to her predestinated door. Out of habit, she began chewing on her glossy bottom lip before nudging the door open with her hip and walking in.

At first glance, it seemed very tidy. A bit too tidy in her opinion but that was just because there was no personal items around; no photos, no artwork, no movies. It seemed very commercial. But she could deal and Iggy continued scanning the room until she caught sight of a bunch of red flowers on the kitchen counter. With a barely suppressed smirk, she dropped her things carefully and headed over to pick up the roses, smelling the sweet scent and then catching sight of the card. A grin found a place on her lips at the beginning then a scowl and then she laughed, the light sound filling the silence in the kitchen.

Taking immediate action to put the roses in a vase with water, Iggy then gathered up her things once more to head to the bedroom. At least her match had a sense of humor. The door was cracked and she nudged it with her hip. The room was the same as the rest of the house and Iggy knew for a fact she'd be redecorating but then she caught sight of the male lounging on the bed. He was cute. Okay, handsome would be the correct word. "Hello, I'm Igraine. Call me Iggy." She quickly added, hating her name. 


Xavier smirked. "Call of Duty." Out of habit, he began setting up the system, "I have a feeling we'll be getting along just fine. " After he was finished, he held out his hand for the game, his smirk now a full blown grin. "So, favorite color?" He put the game in and handed Raven a controller. Settling in to the couch with one arm resting behind her, Xavier waited for her to set everything up since he gave her the first one. Things were chugging along nicely, he wondered how the other selected people were doing.
Raven tried unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh. She took the controller and crossed her legs on the couch. She started setting everything up, occasionally glancing at him, and said, "I couldn't just choose one. I like black, blue, purple, red, green...almost all colors actually. But if I was forced to choose one it would have to be black. What about you?" she asked, a small smile playing across her face.
(Marco Samson* ;)

Marco had heard the door to the apartment open while he was watching TV. He was listening to the TV show Dexter in the background as he took few glimpses at the bedroom door, waiting for his lovely girl to come in. He had heard her laugh and scowl, which was the anticipated reaction of course- after all, everything he wrote had to have a "predicted reaction" or else he wouldn't be able to prepare for the worst. Marco also heard scuffling of her feet, wandering around the kitchen, and glances at the apartment in its entirety until she nudged the door open. She was absolutely gorgeous, and the male just assumed it would be a fabulous time based on this.

For a few minutes when she walked in and introduced herself, he was silent. It wasn't because he was shocked from her beauty or anything, he was just in thought. If he came off too clingy, she might not like him- but if he came off sounding like she was just another frivolous person, she'd be upset! But in the end, it doesn't matter...right? He just had to say what sounded right. So to break the silence, Marco let words escape his chapped lips. "
I'm that guy who wrote you the letter. If you can't remember my name, I'd be very upset- yeah? You can walk out the door if you did." He laughed and mouthed 'Just kidding!' as he sat up on the bed and rubbed the back of his neck. Taking a closer look at her, she was more than he had expected. Hopefully her personality could say the same.

I anticipated someone who was merely an average woman-not suited for me at all, but I got someone who is absolutely flawless. You look like you're from some Vogue magazine...are you?" the older pulled on a simper before he gestured her to sit on the bed, "come on! I don't wanna be all alone, you know?"

Xavier chuckled at her laugh and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I can't choose just one. But I'd have to go with black considering it's the absorption of all of he colors. " he shifted to a better playing position when the game began but was relaxed, making it obvious he didn't think she'd be a challenge. "Favorite food?"


Marco was silent for a moment after she spoke and Iggy began to worry. But then he spoke up and she relaxed with a smile, chuckling a bit at his teasing. "Thank you-for the flowers and letter. And no, I'm not from Vogue though I wouldn't mind doing some modeling, thought about it just never followed it. " she rambled, nervous to sit next to a man she barely knew. But she did so anyway, settling on the bed and carefully crossing her legs out in front of her on the bed as lady like as possible. "Oh, Dexter, I love this show!" Iggy exclaimed with a bright smile. @subtraction

(Sorry for short replies, on mobile)

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"Tacos, definitely," Raven said as they started playing. She could tell he didn't think she would be much of a challenge, but she let him. He was just judging a book by its cover. She let her lips form into a smirk and bit her lower lip as she concentrated. She wasn't gonna take it easy on him and that was a promise. "Favorite food and soda?" she asked, not taking her eyes off the screen.
(Marco Samson* ;)

He could tell that Igraine wasn't very comfortable sitting next to him, but he could understand- after all, they had just met. She crossed her legs very elegantly and he could take into account that she was very polite and well put together- just to his liking. Marco slapped on a silly grin and spoke, "Never modeled, huh? Strange because you're such a beauty, but I guess it isn't for everyone. If you ever want to do it, I'll try to get you a spot. I've been known for my "super hot voice in the art of seductive persuasion." Those aren't my words by the way, I'm not that arrogant." The older chuckled once more before looking at the TV screen. Marco could honestly admit that he rarely ever watched TV, he just listened to the voices in the background.

"Yeah...I suppose Dexter is good. I don't watch TV that much, even though you see the magnificent object turned on. I just turned it on to look occupied and not like a total loser- which you might not notice, I'm not." He pat her on the back and his eyes traced around the room. There was something else he meant to give her, but he couldn't remember. (Geez, being the flirtatious type, you'd think he would remember, right?)

Then the thought shot through his brain.
"Right...I got something for you, Miss Iggy," he declared as he sought out his luggage and grabbed a small case. He went down on one foot and then opened up the box. It was just a plain, old band that had no meaning. No it was not an engagement ring, because he just met her...and that would be totally over the head crazy. "I got you this ring...I hope it fits, yeah? I just guessed that you would have totally slim and beautiful fingers. If not, we always can make adjustments. I know the guy who works at this ring place, he loves me so much he'll let us exchange for free. But anyways, this is so you don't forget the Wonderful Marco Samson."

"Never a big fan of Mexican food." He admitted as the game started rolling out. The male was doing decent, nothing over the top as he was barely trying. But Raven seemed to be taking this very seriously and soon had gotten in the lead. He gave her a side glance, "I'd have to say Chinese food and Big Red." Looking back at the screen, he began strategizing and staying out of sight, debating about whether or not to let her think she's won.


She smiled at his compliments though she was still uncertain at how genuine they were. Pretty, she could get, but she never saw herself as model worthy. Iggy let out a small, refined giggle at his "seductive persuasion" and playfully shook her head. "You have a way with words. " she commented after his description of his tv habits. Raising a trimmed eyebrow, she waited patiently for Marco to find whatever he was searching for and looked a bit shocked when he pulled out a ring. "How could I ever forget someone as handsome and charming as you?" She chuckled as she tucked her legs under her and motioned for him to get back on the bed, a smirk on her face. "And your guess is right, smallest ring size there is is always just slightly to big. But thank you, for taking the effort to do all of this, it's very sweet." She took the ring from the box a bit hesitantly and studied it, finding comfort in it being simple; simple doesn't bring questions from others. "Now I kinda wish I had thought of something for you....but then again, I could always make you something."


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Raven made a face and shook her head rapidly. "I'd rather die than eat Chinese food. And I'm not big on spicy foods either. Tacos are the only Mexican food I'll eat, and other than that, I'm pretty much all American," she said with a half smile. She was in the lead, but she figured he had something planned. "And to add onto that I'm a very picky eater," she admitted, laughing lightly.
A voice called out, startling Liana out of her reverie. She felt a bit shaken and towards the noise. A man stood before her, handsome and casual. He lifted his hand out to her in greeting. So this was Chad Jared. She smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and shaking the man's hand.

"Yes. I'm Liana. Nice to meet you, Chad." she chuckled a bit. "I'm sure we'll get along fine. I hope you don't mind, I put my suitcases in the closet already. You can move them if you need to."

Liana had a slightly nervous smile on her face, but she talked and moved easily. Meeting new people was her niche. It was just harder in this situation where they were together with the purpose of being a couple. She paused, her cheeks blushing when her stomach growled.

"And, uh, maybe we can find something to eat too."
Hey guys! im so sorry that i haven't been on lately! there just alot of stuff going on, i hope you understand! But now im back and Would you all like to still roleplay this? or not ♥ Sorry again

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