Masters Club



Please read all

rules before filling it out please...
Appearance can be both Anime or Realistic, just up to you.

~Master Role~






~Master Symbol~

~Your Creature~


~Creature Role~

~Human Name~

~Human Appearance~

~Creature Name~

~Creature Appearance~




~Bio (life before meeting your master/after meeting your master) ~

~Your Master~


(My Character)

~Creature Role~

~Human Name~ Elizabeth Calloway

~Human Appearance~


~Creature Name~ Eliza

~Creature Appearance~


~Age~ 17

~Gender~ Female






~Bio (life before meeting your master/after meeting your master) ~

Elizabeth never was able to leave her home since her mothers death by a 'Creature Hunter'. In fear of being hunted or any other creature, her father set up a Club with a hidden housing area for creatures and their masters to live together in peace. They live in New York City where the night is wild and mysterious, as the opening comes, they wait for fellow people to join.

One day, she was sent to Norway for a project to learn more about the ancient history of creatures and masters. While there, she met a boy named Edger and become his creature. She had to leave back home, without her father knowing about Edger and wished for him to come. She hopes to see him during the Grand Opening.

~Your Master~ Edger Allen Brooks

~Other~ Arrow & Supernatural.

Read more about this role play...
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~Master Role~


Edgar Allan Brooks






Edgar is quite sweet, and caring for anyone he has grown to know. He warms up to others quite easily, but he isn't one to trust others as quickly. He loves the outdoors and completely adores any animal, due to his loving attitude. It is fairly difficult to anger him, his life making him very patient with others. But depending on who he is around he can become irritated, but when he is angry he will swear or yell in Norwegian never English. Edgar can be seen as a caring older brother especially to whoever may be his creature.


Edgar grew up in a small town in Norway with a single mother and was the eldest of five other children. But when he had reached the age of 16 his mother told him to go away, to leave the house and do something with his life. And though he didn't wish to leave his family, him being the closest thing they had to a father figure. But did as he was told, leaving to the new town they live in, and the rest is history.

~Master Symbol~

His glasses

~Your Creature~

Elizabeth Calloway


Edgar didn't watch much TV but when he did he'd usually be seen watching NCIS or other types of cop shows.



As well has glasses.
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~Creature Role~

~Human Name~

Athena Harper

~Human Appearance~


~Creature Name~


~Creature Appearance~







Let's just say that Athena can be a flirt to cute guys or a guy that catches her attention, heck if her master is a guy and cute she'll even flirt with him. She doesn't take things to seriously and enjoys a good laugh... a lot. But she has her serious side and that doesn't come out unless something extremely dangerous is happening or she's mad. Usually it isn't a good idea to get her mad seeing as how she tends to transform when her emotions are out of control. Athena is loyal and would die protecting those she cares for, betrayal is not an option for her unless she herself is betrayed. Don't make an enemy out of her, it isn't easy to tell if she's predator or prey.

~Bio (life before meeting your master/after meeting your master) ~

Athena was born in a town that was surrounded by fields that lay behind it and even though Athena had her own home she was usually living in the forest and the field. She doesn't really like cities and towns to much so she tended to have two separate lives. After meeting her master she's usually beside him/her unless told other wise but she gets the urge to go and sneak into a field or forest.

~Your Master~

Who knows?


NCIS: Los Angeles, Hawaii Five-0
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Ashton J.






Ashton is playful and flirty a lot when it comes to talking to someone or having to do a group.He doesn't like to fit in and

he doesn't want to fit it.It's much better for him to just stand out because,he hates when other people are doing or

following the same things,actions,or wearing the same clothing he is.He is protective over whoever he loves or falls in

love with and doesn't tolerate people who come around and try to mess things up.He can be patient,which he still doesn't

know why some people can't,he can tolerate other's talking about him because he can quickly spot something about them,

and usually he's zoned out anyway so he won't hear it most of the time.



~Master Symbol~

His dog chain

~Your Creature~

Haru Shinto


Spongebob Squarepants?

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~Human Name~

Yui Knight

~Human Appearance~


~Creature Name~

Yuu~ || A wolf (pup)

~Creature Appearance~







Yui is shy, sweet, and innocent. She's really naive, too, with zero experience with boys. She's loyal and responsible, though. Also very courageous and brave, though she doesn't know it yet. And she's very smart- her IQ is above average.

~Bio (life before meeting your master/after meeting your master) ~

Yui used to live in a cabin deep in the forest, away from the urban civilization, with her dad. Her mother died when giving birth to her. Though one day, when she was 12, her dad left to hunt and never came back.

~Your Master~

Adrian Blau c:


Loves, loves, loves sweets.
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~Human Name~

Haru Shino

~Human Appearance~


~Creature Name~


~Creature Appearance~







Haru is a glutton he's always eating some sort of food, though no matter how much he eats he never gains weight from it. His favorite foods are bamboo, strawberries, apples and chicken. He's kinda clingy and likes to curl around peoples necks when he's in his creature form, which is very often. He feels more comfortable in that form. He's childish and loyal and when given an order he sets out to follow it. He likes to try to get people to smile or laugh. If you befriend him he'll be the best friend you could ever have. He'll stand up for his friends to his last breath.

~Bio (life before meeting your master/after meeting your master) ~

Before he met his master he was just a crazy teen struggling through school. He had a ragtag group of friends that he cherished. His mother and father were workaholics and never really had time for Haru and were under the impression the boy could take care of himself.

When he met his master he became more happy that he had someone that cared for him. He is always seen around his master's neck. He was even more ecstatic when he was given his master's symbol, a pair of dog chains.

~Your Master~

Ashton J.


He kinda likes Documentaries



Adrian Blau






Ryo is serious and determined, but he usually cracks a small joke on some situations. While he may sometimes be cold and distant he isn't too hard to approach and he likes to help other people out. Even if Ryo tries to he is rather inpatient and he hates to silly mistakes that may be caused by him or someone else.


Adrian was born in a big town in Germany. His family was quiet wealthy and all in all Adrian always had a comfortable and calm life, but maybe a bit too calm. Eventually Adrian decided to leave his parent's house and soon with the help of her supportive older brother he was able to leave Germany.

~Master Symbol~

A silver cross.

~Your Creature~

Yui Knight.


While he may like to watch TV he sometimes prefers to read a book.





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~Creature Role~

~Human Name~

Elisabetta Crawford

~Human Appearance~


~Creature Name~


~Creature Appearance~







Elisabetta, often adressed as elisa or Betta, always was the lazy sort. She is often found either on a sofa, or on a bed, sleeping. (This is much because she spends all night being awake). She is sly and likes to sneak all around, though she avoids conflicts if she can. A procastinator of sorts, though she knows her stuff.

~Bio (life before meeting your master/after meeting your master) ~

Before she got involved in this whole thing with a master, she always was in and out of trouble, though no one managed to capture her. Her mom and her father were also creatures, though no one ever tried to master them. she grew up changing between being out on camping, and showing up at school, though she was more absent than present there. She got all of the text books to bring home, as she never managed to focus during day time, and instead did everything at night, and showed up at school once a week to hand in the assignments and recieve the new ones.

~Your Master~

@LyraDark 's character. Nix Nevermore

~Other~ To say just one type of show she loves, would be impossible. Anything that has to do with ghosts or murder will be adored.
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All are accepted, If any doesn't have master or creature, you can ask each other or wait till the RP starts -can start now or later- and receive a master during the RP.
~Creature Role~

~Human Name~

Violet Baudelaire

~Human Appearance~


~Creature Name~


~Creature Appearance~







While most people think of her as stubborn and snoody, Violet's personality is very quiet and patient. Around new people or those who don't really share her likes, she is very shy, often remaining silent unless forced to do otherwise. She really prefers spending time with her instruments than conversing with other people, believing them to be all she truly needs. She is very open with people who are also interested in the Classics.

During work, Violet can retain several personalities, depending on the chosen type her target looks for in someone of her... attributes. Her tolerance is very low. She is well known among the workforce to be a very manipulating and cunning woman. She takes her work seriously, and cannot deal with people who do not. Rarely will she show a hint of comedy around those involved with her job.

~Bio (life before meeting your master/after meeting your master) ~

Violet's parents, the only family she has, still try to search for her after she ran away from her home, off to search for a career in music while handling missions handed to her from the mafia. They have contacted police and scoundrels alike to find any sort of clues of her whereabouts, but none have passed so far. She knew how to cover her tracks. She's too ashamed to face them, blaming herself for failing her dream. A dream that her parents also wished to see.

For several years she wandered aimlessly, involving herself in anything to gain money. And then she came across this, a... temporary home. Curious, the sly fox entered, hoping to see what lies ahead for her and her future 'master'. It'd take some willpower for her to claim someone as that, however, if she does not like them.

~Your Master~

None at the moment


She has no preferance in shows.. not having much of a taste in television to begin with. But murder mysteries would be among one of her favorite topics. Documentaries would be another favorite.
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Like if you didn't know this started....

I'm dropping out by the way.

1-You've basically turned it into a 1x1

2-The one/two liners.


~Master Role~


Shinji Oosaka






Shin is a complex individual. He has an incredibly high I.Q. that allows him to float by in school without much effort, and no one has ever seen him study. Although he possesses a keen intellect, he doesn't have a thirst for knowledge. In fact most of the time he is so scatterbrained he will forget simple things like eating, and occasionally he will even forget where he is supposed to be going. There was a time where he forgot what street he lived on, and ended up wandering the city until he found a park bench to sleep on. The same inattentiveness applies to his relationships too. When he interacts with people, he has trouble paying attention to them, because he is constantly distracted by the world around him. In order to make up for his short attention span he approaches life with a child like enthusiasm, and when he upsets someone, he offers them gifts as a consolation. (Most of the time his "I'm sorry" gifts are little toys or figurines from the cartoons he still watches on the weekends.)

Despite his many flaws, Shin generally has good intentions. If he genuinely cares about you, he will go out of his way to add some levity in your life. Whether it means acting more mature himself, or reviving your inner child. There are times he's stubborn, and insufferable, but there's always a good reason behind his moods. When he's with his small circle of friends he tends to be more outgoing than normal. He's very hands on, and he's always initiating some form of contact with the people around him, whether it's just a touch on the shoulder, or actually using them as a pillow.


Shin was raised in a household where nothing was ever good enough. His parents disowned him at an early age so he had to live on his own for a very very long time. (His father said he was a disappointment to his family, and the only way to salvage the family name was to forget that Shinji had ever existed) He was a rather laidback hobo, and for half of his teen years he lived out of trashcans, and slept under freeways in Japan. He ate scraps, and never once complained about the loss of his family. But when the sun was out, he devoted all of his time to the library. He absorbed every word like it was a sponge and he educated himself on every subject they taught in school. When he wasn't studying, he was sitting in front of a pawn shop watching cartoons on the television. Because he didn't have any shoes, and his hygiene was...lacking, he could only watch tv from outside of the shop, through the thin glass window. This went on till he turned 15.

When an opportunity arose for him to leave Japan.

He took it.

Shin saw a flyer to enter a competition in the U.S. All he had to do was draw a new concept for a line of Japanese toys, and have the company accept it. He spent two days breathing life into his ideas, and when he was done he borrowed some cash from the owner of the pawn shop and mailed the letter. A week later he received a reply and a plane ticket in the mail.

They offered him a job as a concept artist, that he took without hesitation.

Now he was never wanting for money.

But he still needed to finish school if he ever wanted to get promoted. That's why he was in New York. Living with other students. He has just been introduced to the idea of having a creature, and he doesn't know whether the idea is laughable or awesome.

~Master Symbol~

The white pendant around his neck

~Your Creature~

Question mark???


He's a dork.
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(I deleted my other character, Silver Black and made that one since we were missing masters)

-Master role-


Nix Nevermore








Nix is childish and very sweet. She trusts people easily and loves to talk. She is shy with the people she don't know at first but she is very friendly and cute. She is a very intelligent girl, her IQ is somehow high for her age.


Nix always had a loving familly around her. She quitted them because that she was a master and didn't wanted to get her familly involved into that.

-Master Symbol-

The thing around her neck on the picture


Elisabetta Crawford (
@Nat chatacter)


She don't like watching TV, she prefers reading.

Also, her nickname is Nixie.
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Name: Esma

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: quiet, obedient, stubborn, loyal, calm

Human Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Girl.jpg.16e43f0567d434ea9cd01aec544266d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16648" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Girl.jpg.16e43f0567d434ea9cd01aec544266d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/outfit.jpg.38cd56f4d9487484a94767e7cc2dd194.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/outfit.jpg.38cd56f4d9487484a94767e7cc2dd194.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-19_15-25-40.jpeg.2b1346f2a39ba82bf753bf188e4a2d57.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16651" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-19_15-25-40.jpeg.2b1346f2a39ba82bf753bf188e4a2d57.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The first picture is her appearance, the second is her attire, the third are her shoes.

Creature Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1408609_snowyowl.jpg.bf6a9f79a2fac28067d1398e57558ef0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16650" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1408609_snowyowl.jpg.bf6a9f79a2fac28067d1398e57558ef0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Master: None yet

Symbol: None yet

Favorite Tv show: The Voice, Sherlock Holmes (She rarely watches Tv however)



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