Masters Club [Inactive]


RoseArrow submitted a new role play:

Masters Club - Masters and their creatures live and run a club.

A group of High School students to College live together in a mysterious apartment building in the middle of New York. A two story building where underneath the ground is living and sleeping areas. It includes a single main living floor with the kitchen, dinning and living rooms, and a bathroom or two. Each floor or loft has space for 2-4 people to live together. On the top floor, ground floor, is the location of a secret club for masters and their creatures.
So, each master/creature pair can...
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Masters Club sits upon the chaotic streets of New York. People have gathered in front of its building for the grand opening. Humans, Masters and creatures stood together as the count down to 9:00 p.m. began. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and the owner and his daughter stepped onto the balcony. "Welcome to the Grand Opening!" He began to speak, "I am Mr.Calloway, and my Daughter, Elizabeth. We are proud to announce the first night of the Masters Club. Anything my guests need may come to me or Elizabeth." He looked at Elizabeth who than spoke. "As it's the Grand Opening, let's get the party started!" The twin wooden doors opened as the bouncers stood, writing down names. A unique simple sat on the bouncers hand so it's visible. The particular symbol told fellow creatures and masters that the owners are familiar with the community and are welcome to head to the VIP area by saying the symbols name, showing proof of their existence. Key Word: Noensinne Knute (Meaning 'Ever Knot').

(Start when more people join. Just wanted to get the setting up.)

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Edgar looked upwards, eyeing Elizabeth and how she had changed since their last meeting. He had missed her while she was away here in America, and was glad for just a moment to have left only to find her again. As her father announced the beginning of the party multiple others who stood around him began to walk away from the balcony but Edgar fought against the crowd stepping forward hoping to catch up with the only person he knew there. A man shoved past him and Edgar spoke under his breath in Norwegian, "unskydle deg(excuse you)." Before raising a hand to wave to Elizabeth.
As her father turned to enter the inside, Elizabeth waited as she starred into the night sky. She noticed a guy waving to her. Before she knew it, it was Edger. Her heart skipped a beat as she found her way to the side to the balcony. and slid down a pole. She hoped nobody saw and walked towards him. "Edger...Is it really you?" she asked, making her way through the crowed.
Edgar smiled happily as he watched Elizabeth had noticed him and as she neared him he nodded, "yup, and" He opened his arms to signal to all of her, "you're looking great." He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose before stuffing his hands back into the pockets of his khakis.
"Thanks. So are you! What brings you to NY?' she replied as she hugged him. "Elizabeth?" she heard her father yell from inside. She let go and looked inside and turned back. "I got to go, but we can chat later." as she hugged him again she whispered, 'Noensinne Knute' and "Head to the VIP room" She disappeared into the crowed and into the club. flashy lights went around as people gathered inside. The DJ began to play music as she crossed the dance floor to her father in the loft above -where the VIP room was-. The guards let her pass through the red velvet rope upstairs and to her father who said, "Elizabeth my dear, I'd like you to wait here for any others." and left downstairs to the guests. Elizabeth waited as she asked for some water from the bartender there.
Edgar was about to reply when he heard her father call for her and sighed as he watched her leave in a hurry, having forgotten she knew some of his native language. He'd still have slight trouble speaking English and hoped to get over it at some point, he thought as he followed what she had told him to do and stepped towards the loft awkwardly. His pale skin setting him out from many people, he wondered why she seemed so nervous about the thought of her father seeing him. He'd ask her about it when he could, he concluded just as he reached the red velvet rope catching sight of her.
The guard downstairs stopped Edger. "Password..." he said in a deep, mysterious, dark tone in his voice. He waited for an answer as he crossed his arms.
Edgar looked up at the considerably larger man, "um...please?" He spoke a bit intimidated by the guard, he swept his bangs out of his gaze and stared up at the man expectingly.
"Password..." he said again pointing at a mark on his hand with a strange marking in the form of a knot. It was an ever knot.

Elizabeth noticed Edger downstairs and mouthed the words, 'Noensinne Knute' (meaning Ever Knot.) and hoped he can remember what she told him just before she left him outside.

"Password..." the guard said in a more angry and impatient tone.
Edgar tried to hide the remembrance on his face, that's what she meant "ever knot.." He spoke hesitantly fearing shed tricked him into saying something completely opposite from the password.
Edgar sighed rolling his eyes, "Noensinne Knute" the words felt more casual coming out of his mouth.
Edgar stepped up the staires eyeing the growing height between him and the rest of he crowd. Before turning to Elizabeth when he reached the top of the staircase.

"He's scary.." He spoke with a chuckle referring to the gaurd.
"Sorry about him, he just wants to keep me and others safe." She said grabbing both his hands. "What brings you to NY?" she asked again.
Edgar stared at their hands a moment but quickly looked up at her face.

"A bunch of events..." He replied simply, not wanting to get into his own boring tale.
"Some what, grand opening an all." She felt he didn't want to talk about the past. Letting go of his hands she learned over the bar. "My father doesn't know you're my master..." she suddenly said as she played with her hair. "Also, my father has a sanctuary here if you need somewhere to stay."
Edgar removed his glasses cleaning them with the fabric of his over coat, "really? Am I embarrassing?" He asked placing his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose. He knew he wasn't the most appealing guy probably but he couldn't be that bad right?
"No, I just don't want him to be disappointed with me. He set up blind dates with other masters who needed a creature. But turned them all down." She replied pausing as her father came up with a tray of food. "Thought my dear was hunger. An who is this?" He said looking at Edger with his hand out to be shaked.

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Edgar looked over at her father a new feeling of nervousness washing over him.

"Edgar Allan Brooks, sir. Thank you for inviting me to attend your party." He shook his hand a small smile on his face.
"A gentlemen." Replied her father. "Mr. Calloway, I see you met my daughter. Master or Creature?" He then placed the food on the table. "My daughter here is in new of a master."

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Edgar watched her fathers movements, his body tense hoping to not make a mistake in front of him.

"Master, Mr. Calloway.."
"Do you have a creature yet, do you like kittens?" He replied while looking at his daughter.

"Father please."

"Sorry my dear, just think about it Mr. Brooks."

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"I love every animal," Edgar chuckled as he eyes Elizabeth, "and I'm without a creature." He stated, pushing his glasses up his nose.

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