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Fandom Mass Effect

(Alpha team)

Beverly Picard stumbled as she kept the wounded Anders with her. James Riker the youngest on Alpha team protected their backs as they made a retreat. The whole mission went tits up in seconds. What was so damn important that the geth were attacking. "Freaking politics." She muttered as Anders groaned. "Stay with me."

"Alpha team to Iwo Jima come in." She only recived static. She heard a thud behind her. Turning around she saw Riker on the ground trying to move only to be grabbed by a Geth and dragged away. Raising her gun half way She felt an intense pain in her head like that of constant ringing. She fell to the ground dropping Anders. Looking up she saw the Geth close in on them as well as a Salarian watching with a gleeful smile on his face.

The Geth grabbed her and Anders and dragged them away. She lost consciousness because of the sound.
Morris watched as the Geth took the last human away. He put his nurelizer back into his pocket.

The human female gained consciousness and banged her helment against the geth before looking directly at him. Whatever she was trying to do was in vain as the Dragon's teeth went through her. Soon enough she'll become just another husk
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As Darragh reached the hangar bay he saw a small crew ready for him.

"Ok everyone, we need some temporary stretchers set up here against the side, I want at least six setup"

The crew got to work. One side of the hangar bay had collapsable medical equipment stowed in the walls out of the way of hangar operations. Inside each flat locker contained items like stretchers, monitoring equipment, and privacy shields. The team got to work unpacking them and setting them up. Before long there was a smaller, albeit more primitive med bay setup inside the hangar.

"Make sure everything is secured to their anchor points on the ground. I don't want any thing flying about if something happens to the mass efect fields generating gravity"

Darragh's datapad pinged again. "Jesus another one". The marines were dropping like flies, what the hell was going on down there? The stark realisation that he was preparing a triage centre when it might end up being a morgue.

He walked up to the junior medical officer of the second shift

"L.T., you look tired"

"Not too tired sir, but admittedly not a lot of rest"

"Alright L.T, head up to the ops deck and replace 2nd L.T Rukhlin. Send her down here. You can monitor from up there instead of doing this leg work"

The officer perked up a bit "Happy to sir, thank you"

He scurried off towards the elevators.

Now the waiting game began.
With the go order given, Attyka lifted off with the shuttle, guiding the vessel out of the protective embrace of the Iwo Jima into the space of Eden Prime. Once at a safe distance, the asari pilot engaged full burn for Echo Team's drop point.
Ryn'Mavir leaned forward at the description of the combatants on the ground. Geth? Here? Why the hell where they here? A dozen possibilities ran through his head as he considered the question, but he pushed them aside for now. What mattered was cleaning up this mess before his people's greatest mistake screwed things up even more.
"If it is geth, we'll need to be prepared for coordinated counter-attacks." The 'specialist' chimed in. "Hit 'em first with tech and biotics that disrupt their shields or crack their armor before opening up with weapons fire."
Ryn glanced up at Burta, smirking under his mask.
"All I know is that I'm following you, big guy, when we hit the ground." he said with a chuckle.
With an apparent casual air, Ryn pulled his Sidewinder pistol out to check the weapon again. As his hands went on autopilot, his eyes fell on his fellow quarian.
"You ever face the Geth directly, Kali'sora?" He asked.
"Closing in on drop point, Commander." Attyka called back to Peirce.
Peirce remained silent as he processed what he heard. The Geth haven't been seen for three hundred years why would be back now. What was so important that they would attack Eden Prime? He shook his head intelligence dropped the ball on this. And what were these blue humans Picard mentioned.

"Keep us steady and watch out. Apparently they have surface to air defense." He said to the pilot before standing up getting ready to leave. "Alright everyone once we land I want Vorge to take point. Fallowed by Burta and Ryn. Me and Kali will bring up the rear." He said

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