Mass Effect through WoD- Who wants some?

If there's still Room I'd love to join in and play a Turian.

Since we are doing this with nWoD will we be running the classes like a supernatural template or just give access for it all through one generic pile of goodies to buy.
I've been more or less using the future weapons in nWoD's Armoury Reloaded for my notes, I'll pop them up in the forum for people to pick and choose once I've requested it. Apologies for delays, I'm registering for college and it's proving to be a lot more hassle than usual, it's been taking up a lot of time. Should be sorted by the end of next week, and I'll have things ready to go before then.
Ok, am I getting this right? The way I'm reading things right now (and my brain is currently a bit fried, so apologies if I've missed anyone), the list of interested parties is thus:



Pants o' Doom




That's enough people for a game to run, certainly. I desperately need a few hours of sleep, but if that's how things stand when I wake up, I'll go ahead with the forum request.
Hey, I'm actually really looking forwards to this, what's the word on how this is coming along, and is there anything that I could do as a player to help you make this happen?
College got in the way to an alarming degree in the last fortnight, what with rubbish timetables and clashes and swapping around lectures all up in this bitch.

I *think* it's settled down now.

So I shall go request the forum.
So yay, forum's online here, those of you who expressed an interest should have access. Working on some relevant info to put up there now...

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