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Fandom Mass Effect: Contagion Eclipse {Lore}



Two Thousand Club

The Nexus:

The Nexus is an ancient, viral lifeform that predates even the Protheans. Its origin is unknown, the only thing that is known was during the war against the Reapers, researchers found one of the final remaining living Leviathans and was able to gain information regarding how the Leviathans locked away the viral lifeform in the darkest depths of space. It is capable self-replicating and is considered to be a perfect combination of organic and synthetic elements, capable of infecting both living beings and technology, turning them into grotesque hybrids controlled by a single hive mind: The Nexus Intelligence.

The Nature of the Threat:

The Nexus spreads through a biomechanical virus that can infect any organic life and most synthetic systems. Once infected, the individual or machine undergoes a horrifying transformation, their biological and technological components fused into monstrous forms. These creatures are known as Corrupted, and they are bound to a hive mind driven by the Nexus Intelligence, an ancient consciousness that seeks to consume all life to expand its domain.

The Plague can infect on a microscopic level, attaching itself to cells or technological systems and rewriting them into extensions of its own will. It spreads through direct physical contact, airborne spores, or even electronic signals that can compromise unshielded systems. No race in the galaxy is immune, and the more advanced the species or technology, the more dangerous the infection becomes.

The Nexus Intelligence’s Goal:

The Nexus Intelligence seeks to assimilate all life in the galaxy into its unified consciousness. Unlike the Reapers, which believed in cycles of extinction and renewal, the Nexus Intelligence wants to create a permanent, galaxy-wide collective organism. It views individuality as weakness and strives to erase all diversity, turning the galaxy into a singular, unstoppable entity with itself at the helm. It feeds on knowledge, adapting and evolving as it assimilates more species, learning their strengths, technology, and biology.

Stages of Infection:

  1. Initial Infection (Stage 1):
    • At this stage, the virus infects an individual through contact or exposure to spores. The host shows mild symptoms like fatigue, fever, or glitches in synthetic systems. There’s no immediate sign of the more grotesque changes, making it difficult to detect at first.
    • The virus begins rewriting the host’s DNA or system code, preparing them for conversion into a Corrupted.

  1. Transformation (Stage 2):
    • As the infection progresses, the host undergoes a radical transformation. Organic tissue fuses with synthetic components—skin hardens into metallic plating, limbs sprout cybernetic enhancements, and minds become linked to the Corrupter Intelligence.
    • The host loses their sense of self and becomes part of the Plague’s hive mind. They retain their skills and knowledge but serve only the Corrupter’s will.

  1. Final Form (Stage 3):
    • The fully Corrupted creature is a terrifying hybrid of organic and synthetic matter, often unrecognizable from its original form. These beings are stronger, faster, and highly adaptable in combat, using both biological and technological weaponry.
    • The final form is capable of spreading the infection even further, acting as carriers for the next wave of contamination.

How the Plague Spreads:

  • Biological Transmission: The Plague can spread through direct biological contact—blood, air, or even proximity to infected environments where spores linger.
  • Technological Corruption: Advanced technology is vulnerable as well. The virus can hack systems, converting AI and cybernetic organisms into extensions of the Corrupter hive. Unshielded networks and communications can be infiltrated by infected code, causing mass shutdowns or turning defense systems against their users.
  • Environmental Takeover: Entire planets can become Corrupted. Once a critical mass of the population is infected, the ecosystem itself changes—flora and fauna mutate, and even the planet’s surface begins to warp into a biomechanical hellscape, serving as a breeding ground for the Plague.

The Nexus Minions:

  • Corrupted Beings: These are the infected life forms—humans, turians, asari, krogan, and other species—that have been turned into grotesque hybrids of flesh and metal. They retain their combat skills but are enhanced by biomechanical weaponry and cybernetic augmentations. Their loyalty is absolute to the Corrupter Intelligence, and they fight with terrifying efficiency, coordinating like a single entity.
  • Corrupter Constructs: Once a system or ship has been infected, the Plague can create new, entirely synthetic minions from the technology itself. These constructs resemble mechanical golems—war machines reanimated by the Plague, which attack without fear or hesitation.
  • Corrupter Brutes: Larger, more monstrous creatures are formed when multiple life forms or systems merge into one terrifying entity. These brutes are capable of immense destruction and can overwhelm entire squads or ships with brute force and resilience.

Methods of Resistance:

  • Quarantine Protocols: Isolating infected zones and using advanced sterilization techniques can slow the spread, but once the Plague takes root, it becomes extremely difficult to contain. Strict quarantine measures, advanced firewalls, and physical barriers become necessary to prevent infection from spreading further.
  • Biological and Technological Countermeasures: The galaxy’s top scientists must collaborate to create a cure or vaccine. The Nexus Plague’s ability to adapt, however, makes this difficult. Every attempt to create a counter-virus results in the Plague evolving faster. For synthetic systems, creating adaptive firewalls and shields is essential, but the Plague is relentless in seeking ways to bypass defenses.
  • Psionic Immunity: Some biotics and psionics are naturally resistant to the mind-linking effects of the Plague, though not immune. Certain highly trained individuals can resist the hive mind’s influence, making them key assets in fighting back against the Nexus Intelligence.

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