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Fandom Mass Effect C-Sec Characters


Elias Wren

Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Face Claim - Can be picture or written. Doesn't matter.

Species - Only canon Mass Effect species with a few exceptions.(No Hanar, Elcor, Yahg, or known pre first contact.)

Age - Only restriction is no Asari or Krogan over 1000.

Class - Adept, Soldier, Engineer, Vanguard, Sentinel, and Infiltrator.

Abilities - Choose three abilities from your class across all three games. Provide a brief description of the ability.

Personality Traits - Any personality quirks good or bad.

Backstory - Self explanatory. (Life before C-Sec. Reason for joining. That kind of stuff.)

Feel free to take liberties with the design and add anything else you want to include with your character.

Off. Karl Dolksten

Dolksten C-SEC.png
Species: HUMAN, MALE
Age: 31

Tech Armor: Energy-charged armor that boosts your shields and detonates a damaging energy wave when destroyed.
Overload: Massive energy blasts overpower shields and synthetic enemies.
Defender: Fine-tunes your brain, making your powers more potent and efficient.

"Still carrying himself like a soldier, Karl follows a strict moral code and abides by strong self-discipline. He states that as a citizen it is his duty to not only follow the 'golden rule' but to also help others achieve greatness and become the best versions of themselves. He hope to leave behind a positive legacy, one of helping others in need and of providing for the little man.

He is sometimes perceived as being strong-willed or even stubborn, refusing to back down or admitting defeat which only serves to highlight the soldier that still resides within. At those times he needs others to see the larger picture- be it a friend, a fellow officer or a superior."

"Formerly with the Alliance Marines (Alliance Navy), serving as a Corporal, Karl Dolksten was honorably discharged after several combat tours at the periphery of Human space. During his first time at the Citadel he was amazed by the sheer scale of it and by the fact that so many species lived side by side, offering an alternative to chasing Batarians during anti-piracy operations.

During his second time visiting he would come to fall in love with the Citadel- as well as his future wife, an Asari named
Kasia T'Ralik.

Eventually, instead of re-enlisting with the Alliance Navy, Karl was discharged and free to pursue other careers aboard the Citadel. It was then he decided to apply for C-Sec, where his military experience and
Sentinel training would serve him well within both tactical and anti-riot units."
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Name - Aashka T'Loni

Species - Asari

Age - 147

Class - Vanguard

Abilities -
  • Biotic Charge - Smash into a target while encased in this biotic barrier, leveling your opponents.
  • Biotic Slash - Charge your sword with biotic energy and slash nearby enemies in a wide swath, flattening unshielded opponents.
  • Reave - Drain target's health and disrupt their resistances, receiving increased damage protection while this power is in effect.

Weapons -
  • M-3 Predator Pistol
  • Asari Sword

Personality - Aashka is a determined woman who doesn't back down easily. She has a strong moral code that had her struggle against her up bringing and the path her mother wanted for her. Lessons her father gave her has pushed her to trained her mind and body to be able to make a difference in the world. She feels a strong duty to protect those who can't protect themselves.
A major driving force for Aashka is her desire for independance from her mother. With everything just handed to her, she doesn't feel like she earned much of the things she has in her life. This has caused her to wonder if she is actually capible of doing what she was trained to do, though she tries to ignore those doubts.
While professional and thoughtful at work, Aashka shows a bit more of her wit and fun side when off duty. She loves music, taking a big interest in human music after the came onto the galatic scene, even learning a few human instruments.

Backstory -
  1. Aashka T'Loni was born the planet Illium to Bairal T'Loni and Turian Nyron Belisarius. Parents split soon after her birth due to differences in ethics. Aashka spent her first 60 years bouncing between her two parents.
  2. Bairal was a wealthy business woman on Illium, and would buy anything her daughter wished. Contracting the best sword masters to train with, the best tutors for any subject young Aashka would desire. Any failures were swept under the rug and forgotten. Even a few teachers were paid off to give Aashka good grades anyway, much to the young Asari's frustration.
  3. When with Nyron, Aashka learned concepts of duty and justice. While he was a man of average means, he insured that his daughter's skills were actually tested and expanded. From him, Aashka learned the value of earning things for herself. Returning to Illium after spending time with her father would often leave Aashka confused with the planet's corporate friendly laws stepping on the values Nyron taught her.
  4. During Aashka's 60th year, her father grew ill and died. Bairal considered this a weight of and tried to pull her daughter, now free of that moral busy body of a father, into the family business. Aashka attempted to follow her mother's wishes, but found the work soul sucking. She would focus on learning tracking and combat, hoping to one day become a huntress and leave Illium behind.
  5. After witnessing an Eclipse intiation murder, Aashka decided to join Illium Law Enforcement to try to make her homeworld a better place. She was accepted almost immediately and seemed to shoot up in rank effortlessly, much to her suspicion. After being wounded in a fire fight with smugglers, she found she was being asigned to low risk postings and duties. Anger building up inside her, Aashka confronted her mother, demanding to know what she had done. Bairal confessed to being pulling the strings at the police department to give her daughter what she wanted, but out of danger. Aashka declaired she was done with her mother's handouts and wanted her out of her life.
  6. Aashka tried to push through her work to earn her way to a position she could do some good, but it seemed her mother's claws were dug deep in the corrupt police system on Illium. She was given more and more humdrum roles meant to bore her back to her mother. Even some attempts to go private were a dud, with paperwork mysterously going missing, meetings being cancelled, and so on. She agreed to guard low priority prison transports to council space just to get away for a while.
  7. It was during a trip transporting a volus accountant that the transport was hit by an Eclipse squad. The fought their way to the cells and took the accountant, leaving many dead and injuried. With a bullet in her shoulder, Aashka managed to stow away on the Eclipse ship as it left the crippled prison transport to float in space. After scavaging some medi-gel, Aashka begain taking down the mercs one by one with traps and ambushes. It came down to a duel between Aashka and the Asari Blademaster Eclipse Captain, which Aashka managed to barely win thanks to some dirty fighting her father taught her. She managed to work with the accountant to get the Eclipse ship to a Council planet. While she recovered in hospital, she was visited by a C-Sec officer set to pick up the accountant. He congradulated her on the work and offered up the nugget that C-Sec was still in need of new officers after the Battle of the Citadel.
  8. After making a recovery, Aashka returned home to find that her mother had gotten her fired from the Illium police and demanded she return hom. While she intially complied, Aashka had in secret sent an application to join C-Sec. After a few months she recieved word that she had been accepted. That night, she disappeared from Illium, booking passage into Citadel space under a false name to prevent her mother from stopping or stalling her. She arrived on the Citadel with the hope of a brand new start away from her mother, where she could actually make a difference.
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Name - Aashka T'Loni

Species - Asari

Age - 287

Class - Vanguard

Abilities -
  • Biotic Charge - Smash into a target while encased in this biotic barrier, leveling your opponents.
  • Biotic Slash - Charge your sword with biotic energy and slash nearby enemies in a wide swath, flattening unshielded opponents.
  • Reave - Drain target's health and disrupt their resistances, receiving increased damage protection while this power is in effect.

Weapons -
  • M-12 Locust SMG
  • Disciple Shotgun
  • Asari Sword

Personality Traits - Any personality quirks good or bad.

Backstory - Self explanatory. (Life before C-Sec. Reason for joining. That kind of stuff.)

I should have mentioned better that everyone will start with the predator pistol. The sword is cool, well mark that up as a special requisition. Is that alright?
I should have mentioned better that everyone will start with the predator pistol. The sword is cool, well mark that up as a special requisition. Is that alright?
All good! I'll edit the pistol in. Would it be alright if the sword is something from her past that she got special dispensation to use?
Commander Oliver Castle


Species - Human

Age - Thirty-two

Class - Soldier

Abilities -
Concussive Shot - A massive blast that propels enemies with bone-crushing force.
Adrenaline Rush - Hyper-accelerate your reflexes, giving you time to line up the perfect shot.
Frag Grenade - Rip your enemies apart with this shrapnel-packed grenade.

Personality Traits - Committed, loyal, gets the job done no matter what

Backstory - Born and raised on the citadel by his parents, becoming a member of C-Sec was pretty much a given. His father was a member up until his retirement and his mother was part of the medical team. He joined at the youngest age possible and worked his way through the ranks. He is dedicated to getting the job done and protecting all citizens of the citadel no matter what.

Feel free to take liberties with the design and add anything else you want to include with your character.
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Assumed Name: Talian Necros

Real Name - Error - Data lost

Species - Drell

Age - 24

Class - Infiltrator

Abilities -
Tactical Cloak - at a cost of his shields, he had power a cloaking device which renders him almost fully invisible for a a few seconds
Sabotage - Able to hack weapons causing them to overheat or even explode or confuse or turn synthetics against their owners
Overload - provides an electric shock to organics, disrupts shields and synthetics.

Personality Traits - Taciturn but humorous, flirtatious and fun loving seemingly taking nothing seriously and with a bending the rules mindset. He is however dedicated to his role with a keen interest in protecting people and catching bad guys particularly those of organised crime which has a particular interest almost vengeful. Also despite his "end not means" mindset, he does not like to resort to fighting preferring to disable opponents before the fight starts and not to take a life in most ca. He has a strong sense of loyalty and protectiveness which can be a blessing and a curse depending on which person he is attached to.

Backstory - Born on the citadel and orphaned at a very young age due to a car accident which he was present for. He found difficultly finding a family to take him up and hated living in orphanage, he slipped through the system and struck out on his own eventually becoming a duct rat, leaving maintenance and ducts of the wards with other runaways and orphans. He become parts of small gangs which were used by the criminal elements of the Citadel who used them as couriers, spies and other various roles. It was during this time he developed an interest in electronics and hacking which combined with his natural agility made him a valuable assets to various gangs. He was on his way in becoming a full time criminal himself when an power struggle between criminal gangs he was working let to his orphan group to be targeted, leading him to lose many friends. He barely survived himself he slowly worked to return to proper society taking up a false name and identity and joining c-sec to prevent what happened to him and his friends happen to others.
Name - Eletra Silvanus
Species - Turian
Age - 23
Class - Engineer

Appearance (I’ll try to do a sketch of her at some point!) - Standing at just over six feet and with a narrow build, Eletra is slightly smaller than the average turian. Upon reaching the Citadel, she was perhaps unreasonably pleased that by many species’ standards, she was considered “tall.” Her face bears one of the traditional tattoos of Palaven--a horizontal band of white running across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose--and is especially noticeable against the dark tan coloring of her carapace. Like the other females of her species, she possesses extended, curved jawbones. Her cat-like eyes are a pale green and slant upwards.

  • Cryo-blast: Omni-tool fires a mass of super-cooled subatomic particles capable of snap-freezing impacted targets.
  • Sabotage: Sabotage weapons and hack synthetics. Compromised synthetics fight on the opposing side. Affected weapons overheat.
  • Combat drone: Deploys drone to stun targets and draw enemy fire.

Personality Traits - Idealistic and enthusiastic, Eletra embraces her culture’s predisposition towards civic duty. She trusts in the efficacy of established systems and institutions, including C-Sec, the Council, and the Turian Hierarchy, as she was always taught of their necessity in maintaining civil society. However, since the Council’s failure to identify Saren as a threat (and the Spectre’s corruption itself) her faith has been somewhat shaken, and she is still grappling with the fact that they are not infallible.

Eletra also possesses an innate sense of curiosity, and is especially interested in learning about the cultures and evolutionary adaptations of different species throughout the galaxy. Consequently, she is quite open-minded towards others and tends to focus on the best of people; this has landed her in trouble before, as she is not adept at recognizing when she is being manipulated. Despite her naivete in terms of others’ intentions, she is by no means unintelligent, and is particularly skilled at technical engineering and mechanics.

Backstory - Born to a physicist and a military officer on the turian homeworld of Palaven, Eletra spent most of her time with her father--who took up residence at the university he worked for--while her mother traversed the galaxy for her assignments. When her mother returned during leave, Eletra delighted in her stories of all the interesting people she had met--a self-proclaimed Hanar prophet who had gained a small, multi-species following despite being deemed an extremist, a volus who aspired to explore dangerous, uncharted worlds, a human who was convinced they were all living in a computer simulation. The vastness of the galaxy and its multitude of worlds both frightened and excited her, and from a young age she decided that she wanted to see as much of it as she possibly could.

As she grew into adolescence, Eletra became infatuated with the idea of the Spectres, and frequently day-dreamed about becoming one herself someday. She particularly looked up to Saren Arterius, who stood out to her as the youngest person to become a Spectre (and whom she harbored a bit of a celebrity crush on.) Years later, Saren’s betrayal of the Council and all organics impacted her greatly, and for the first time she found herself considering the cracks that ran through the foundation of everything she believed in.

Upon reaching age 15 (the mandatory age of civic service for turians) Eletra trained as an engineer for the military stationed on Palaven, and, wanting greater exposure to the rest of the galaxy, later transferred to the Citadel to enroll in C-Sec Academy. Though it was hard to say goodbye to her father and the life she knew on Palaven, she was excited to finally be working within the greater galactic community.

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