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Fandom Mass Effect: Between Time - CIU Task Force

"Well for you anything since we're crewmates and all that guff but," Gwyn said, "I won't be distracted and while doing all the talking is a normal thing for me, you still haven't told me the interesting fact I need. Like um... whats your favorite color? Do you prefer big or little endian? What's your sword made of? Are you more of a walk on the beach or clubbing type of person? Not that I'm asking," She muttered something about how the closest she'd ever gotten to a date was talking about ethics in VI integration for several hours with a girl on a dare, "Favorite foods a stupid question but... OH! I got it! What is... your favorite weird thing humans do? All my alien friends gab on and on about how weird we are so I bet you have a thought or two about it!" She finished happily, leading Dorathea out the door and to where the security systems said Nero was.
Steel Accord Steel Accord
Certainly excitable, this one. Then again, she was not one to throw stones in that category considering her own past. When she did finally settle on a question, it actually took Dorathea aback a little. Her friends made jabs at humanity? That seemed a bit small minded. For the first time since they met, Dorathea's face betrayed a little bit of hurt, though on Gwyn's behalf.

"I wouldn't say I had a favorite thing about humans that I find odd, at least not culturally. In fact, I often delight at the amount of parody that so many sentient races seem to have with one another. I take it as evidence of my faith in Siara. If you must force my hand on the matter I will say that I do find humanity's quick to act, slow to think mindset remarkable, but I see something similar in all non-Asari and given how long we live, of course we're going to be come across as more patient. It might sound strange, but the thing I find most interesting about humanity is your body hair." Dorathea gave a small chuckle.
theunderwolf theunderwolf
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Standing, Ulysses moved to face the Batarian before extending a hand, "Ulysses Vens weapons expert, I've been contracted to supply this outfit. Never been in a proper military, but I've done my share of wetwork." The hand Ulysses offered was firm and calloused making it clear that he was hands-on and the word he used a human euphemism for combat. "It was decided that an outfit like this would be more effective without having to go through Citadel's bureaucracy each time we needed a new pistol." His tone betrayed a slight distaste, though whether it was for the Citadel or bureaucracy in general was unclear.

"When you make your way to the armory you may want to make sure your access code works, most of the weapons were provided by me and you'll see that with a spectre leading this little group we don't have to follow Citadel treatise on which weapons we can use." Ulysses finished as he picked up his glass and took it to the sink. As he cleaned his glass he thought of the amount of control given to the group that on any other day the weapons he brought on board would have seen him imprisoned on any Citadel member world. "They certainly don't pull their punches around here." He said, nodding as he made his way out of the messhall and toward the armory.

The Silent Z The Silent Z

As he entered the corridor he saw Talis with her back to the wall and head down. He was going to walk past her without stopping, to leave her there in that place he knew to well, but as he stepped past her he found himself held in place. "One thing," he said without turning to her, "that's what I'd do, focus on one thing and push everything else out." As he spoke the image a dark room crept into his head, a room that he knew he'd never leave, "hate works for a while, but maybe you've something better." With that he continued on his way to the armory, as he turned the corner he began to sing light, "soon as from Earth I go what will become of me, eternal happiness or woe must then my portion must be." He trailed off and kept walking.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
"Ulysses Vens, huh? Well good to know ya." Peros met the mans hand with his own for a good and brief shake before continuing on with hearing the man talk. "Good. Makes Shipments of supplies easier to come by then. Perhaps less contacts of my own to make use of for my future projects." Peros added though his own personal projects mainly consisted of tinkering, modding and improving his own gear and weapons. Usually nothing major or ship level like Gwyn and her passion for engineering projects she referenced to him in their meeting. "Personally I rarely go through Citadel channels for my supplies. Not often I'm around the Citadel for too long if at all. Omega and some contacts of my own are usually hit up first." Peros just shared plainly but noted the mans seeming disgust for one of the two he mentioned. The Merc left it there however, no need to pry into personal thoughts on the Citadel and bureaucracy this soon into the boarding.

"Ah, sure, I'll do that when I go that way. My Lucinda and two side arms should suffice for now though. Served me well over the years and got me this far. A bit sentimental, you realize?" Peros spoke accepting the advice and appreciating of the news, while perhaps he'd need new weapons to add to his Arsenal later. He was happy with his cherished Lucinda and his two side arms of his suppressor pistol and tempest sub machine gun. And with Ulysses final comment towards him, Peros gave a nod and looked about for a moment as he moved on himself.

Mekuto Mekuto

Deciding to walk about the ship and check out some areas he hadn't seen yet. First on his list would be the tech lab, find out what use it could be for him down the road and give him a chance to light up another cigar now that he has ate and isn't within reach of others who are eating and drinking. A simple courtesy.
"Cigar two up and lit, Irons.... uh... Gwyn!" Peros spoke aloud with a brief shout out and lighting up a cigar. He did say he'd warn from here on out after all.

Walking through the halls and open rooms of the ship, Peros made it for the tech lab and entered the room. He wasn't as successful with the operation flapjack like Nero wanted from them, but two outta three ain't bad..... He thought unaware of his human song reference that happened quietly aloud in whisper as mouthed the words 'two outta three ain't bad' plus giving one less in the mess hall might help the others chat and get to know one another if they were interested in that idea. Come to think of it, he met in a way four people after Gwyn though some just barely, others he didn't have the knowledge of interest and hobby wise like he figured the commander was looking for, so maybe a bit more then two but less info to cover the goal he figured.

Meanwhile he researched potential projects and improvements he could use to upgrade his own weapons and gear. While keeping a eye open for stuff the ship might use successfully though those would take some time and getting to the know the ship to truly see what it could use for upgrades.
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"I feel like its a good thing," Gwyn said thoughtfully, "Slike if you can't enjoy differences and laugh about them, you'll just be a jack off." She said, making a very obscene hand gesture. She was deflecting Dorthea's concern over her friends, she hadn't actually ever been jabbed among friends. If they hadn't been her friends, well there wouldn't be any reason to mention them. The mates she'd made in engineering school were still one of the only groups that she ever felt like she fit in with. Salarians mostly, the things like her defect, age and energy fit right in with them. Birds of a feather flock together after all. "Well y'know... I think our human tendency to act is what got us here. I really admire people like the Apollo project who decided that when in doubt, strap a bigger rocket to it. Rash yes but if our lives are matches, humans are very good at making the biggest fire possible. I suppose my design philosphy is really just making the biggest bang then learning how to control it. It's good to have compliments though, cover eachother's weaknesses and speaking of well compliments and things that I want to cover me There's Nero! Commander!" She waved to Nero, "I found Nero she's super good at swords and loves how I can act without thinking which is one of the best compliments ever!" She led Dorthea over as one of her security macros blipped and she sent an automated thank you to Peros for letting her know. "Anyway I only found one so I have probably lost the challenge. Bollucks to that. But I don't know any of you all either sooo...I man=y still have a chance. Nice to meet you all!Names Gwyn Irons.
NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy
Charlotte's general good mood dampened slightly at discovering that Doctor Lancet's evidently crippling injury was a direct result of that catastrophic battle over the Citadel. The staff commander had been safe on the bridge of the SSV Hawking. Well, relatively safe. But not crushed to the point of needing a robot interface for the rest of her life.

It put things in perspective.

She nodded at the Doctor's final assessment, shrugged off the adrenal spike and said "Will do, Doctor" to the request to route senior staff onward.

Iskandar Iskandar
It was Charlotte's turn for a dry chuckle at her commanding officer's return remark on what the Turians would have done. Pride was satisfied enough, though, and the High Commander was her CO after all so she let it pass.

The revelation of the Turian's command experience was surprising, though not exactly a surprise from the brief (unclassified) bio summary she'd read. Charlotte stood, mouth half opened in an awkward moment. Then bravery compelled her to press on anyway.

"Ma'am, in the Alliance it's traditional for the CO of the ship to focus on the ship, leaving squad management to the XO. This isn't an Alliance mission, though, and as far as I know there's no compelling reason to stick with that approach given our small size and our respective skillsets. If you'd be more comfortable focusing on the crew, I have ample experience commanding ships of this size and larger. It'd be like..." She paused, then grinned. "Like a Captain with a Rear Admiral on board." Wiping the grin away, she returned to a parade rest stance, relaxed but clearly still attentive. "It's your call, ma'am. Just let me know what you want and I'll get it done."

She listened to Nero's intentions and nodded along. "I'll put something on the crew schedule. And maybe follow up with task force personnel since I imagine some aren't used to punching a clock." Glancing away from the medical readouts, Charlotte looked out the door before returning to the conversation. "I might go track down a few now, actually. Get a chance to meet a few before we're underway. Unless you need me, ma'am?"
Swiping through research projects and flipping over various thoughts in his mind as ideas tried to form. The forward guns seemed fine, improvements could be made later. Shields seemed in tact for the job ahead, but maybe something could be worked out later too. A new ship with plenty of upgrades and top of the line technology to make the bird left little in mind for real chance to get his mind into something besides mission related details. He had a feeling it was unnecessary for now as either the commander had plans or a group session was in order before Sur'Kesh meanwhile it seemed like he already went over enough with intel already processed from his session on the computer earlier in the day.

Mainly smaller and quick projects were on his mind for keeping him busy. Give him a chance to test out the tech lab and see for himself how this baby would run. While the crew chatted or ran their own events to chill before the arrival. Peros continued on with peace deciding meeting the others could come in a bit or so.

Details on projects however flipped back and forth leaving only a new weapon and playing around with its modifications and upgrading the velocity, damage and accuracy of the weapon plus the maybe adding a scope for further improvements and playing around with the looks of the weapon. It almost seemed like a fun project he might just have to start up soon, once he decided on a gun.

Thoughts of the mission kinda creeped in every so often. But standing at the table and going through the terminals list of upgrades and technological standards it was currently meeting. Peros stood in thought with a pair of eyes going over details while his other two switched back and around the room while hitting the screen every so often.

"Shotguns are a bit much for weight, another pistol......maybe, Locus? No. maybe." Peros scratched his head and removed the cigar from his mouth for a moment before returning to it. He didn't need a fourth weapon, but the project could be fun. A back up down the road when he finally finished the project. Which usually for Peros was a long while with his perfectionist aims. "Sniper rifle? No. don't need two or future even replacement for Lucinda... Preferable to keep the old gal. Assault rifle? Maybe. A giveaway though. Would have to think about it. Maybe armor instead? Hmm....."

Location: Tech Lab
Status: Researching upgrades
Interactions: Open
"Ah, yes. The Alliance does that. I forget about that at times." Nero paused for a moment, "Turian Commanding Officers are usually in charge of both. We like to have a deep bond with everyone under us and ensure that we trust each other. Turians tend to be iron-willed monoliths, and it works well for us." Nero stopped to think over the Staff Commander's words, "Hmm. I'll manage to focus on the crew and ship. I'm sure we can work something out. I won't always be able to put out the fires, so you'll need to be prepared to do either in case I cannot." The Turian took a deep breath and offered a smile, "For now, focus on logistics and compiling reports for the mission as well as who is best suited for what. Forward scouts, main party, reinforcements. That sort of stuff."

"Sounds good, Charlotte. Get to know your subordinates. Many of them are what will keep you alive out there... Unless you have a silver tongue that can charm a Krogan out of a fight..."
Nero offered a grin before a salute, mostly out of habit. While Nero wanted the XO to lighten up and act less militaristic, she knew it wasn't that easy. Even with being out of the military for six years, the Turian commander found it hard not to salute to those under her command.

"Alright, Doc. I am ready for the exam." Nero said turning back to Doctor Lancet. Truly odd, a Turian that was willing to do medical examinations.

Epiphany Epiphany NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy (Sorry been very sick lately)
Lancet recalibrated the Omni-tool for Turian biology and began her scans. "Commander, I have taken the liberty of looking through the crew manifest." She said, noting the Turian's eyebrow twitch, "I'm a quick reader and having the AMU's interface makes information available to me much faster. I've noticed the crew is not of....typical Alliance staff make up. Batarian. Quarian Biotic. Hell, even myself. And the mission itself is rather questionable. I admit, my attendance to briefings was rather limited given my condition, but my job could have done by any doctor in the Alliance. The only difference being my extensive knowledge of Alliance xenobiology." Lancet's voiced dropped as the last of the Alliance crewmen left the sickbay.

"I looked through the supply manifest. My sickbay is stocked with anesthesia and tranquilizers. The cargo bay has holding containers. And there's no Krogan aboard, so I have to question. What is the purpose of our mission?" Lancet stopped scanning and looked the commander in the eyes. "Because it looks to me like we're going on a hunt."

Iskandar Iskandar
"Dorathea T'Veris. Asari Commandos. Bow of Athame clade. An honor to be welcomed aboard Commander." Dorathea gave the CO a sharp, military salute. Giving her name, former military position, and specific group within that military. Her formally relaxed demeanor was replaced by sharp professionalism. She still appeared controlled and assured, but now her body language communicated business rather than social. And would until she was put at ease by her commanding officer.
Iskandar Iskandar theunderwolf theunderwolf
Ulysses, having refilled his dufflebag with supplies was making his way to the last emergency locker on the ship, the medical bay. As he entered the room he offered a slight informal nod to Nero before moving to the locker. After adding the additional rations he stood and turned to the group, "All lockers are stocked with rations and supplies for six weeks for either acid groups, that is factoring in the higher calorie intake of biotics. They're also stocked with basic medical supplies and light arms."

Looking to doctor Lancet he realized that he may have subconsciously been putting off this last locker. A medical scan would undoubtedly be flagged with his missing person report from Shanxi. Ulysses pushed the thought from his mind and turned his attention back to Nero, "the armory is fully stocked and loaded for bear...," he paused wondering if Nero would get the human expression, "we've got a lot of big guns I mean, not all of them are legal in polite society though that doesn't mean much to a spectre. You should have a complete inventory in your inbox."

Having finally run out of excuses to put it off any longer Ulysses turned to Lancet, "ready when you are doc," he said rubbing his knuckles the words HOLD FAST tattooed on them.

Iskandar Iskandar NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy
Nero Claudius Alexius
"Quite the observant one, Doctor Lancet... Well, I mean, I would want my doctor to be observant and quick witted." Nero said with a chuckle before lowering her own tone of voice, going along with the Doctor in the act of secrecy that was not needed, "You are indeed correct, we are going on a hunt. A hunt that could determine the fate of th-" Nero stopped and quickly turned towards the person that entered the medical bay.

Nero offered the Asari who entered the medbay a sharp salute, "At ease, Dorathea." The Turian lowered her raised arm and looked at the Asari for a few moments before nodding to herself, "Asari Commandos are scary things. Glad to have you on board, and trust me, the honor is all mine." Nero looked past Dorathea to see an older looking Human male enter the medical bay.

"Good to know. The fine Doctor here will let you know when she needs more supplies and that sort of stuff... I am correct in assuming you are our Quartermaster, Ulysses?" Nero offered a small smile at Ulysses and how he tried to explain the human expression, "I got what you mean. Thank you, regardless. And if I need any more things, or restocking of items, I'll make sure to talk with you about it. If someone requests personal items, make sure to clear it with me first."
{{Peros }}
Armor designs, specifications being thoroughly checked, potential mods to be done and areas to improve. It wasn't the same as doing the work himself, but using a terminal and going over visual layouts and playing around with it all was a nice feature. Saved him from the painstaking details he'd need to keep track in his mind before following through with any future projects... His Omni tool helped but a Merc even a well paid one had a budget, unless he just took any job he was offered, he had a budget and time restraints he kept himself to not enough room for errors and oversights or simple mistaken memory lapses to account. Sure it was purely useful and convenient but this ship was proving a nice tool and workshop for project research and upgrade checking. Still preferred his quiet, bunker down below the engineering deck but he had to say this tech lab wasn't half bad now that he's had time to give her a rundown of his own doing.

Puffing away on his cigar and tapping his cheek as the hand propped up the weight of his head. Peros looked at the blueprint he was working on with shake of his head every so often and 'ermm' the next while his other hand simply lay upon the table.

"Remove the chest package, return to stock..... turn up these arms with some extra ammo. Hmm- No keep the leg ammo and use the arms..... No. return to stock." He grumbled and made the changes with a few swipes, resets and returning to his drawing board. "Armor is all wrong. Not fit for duty. What's next on the choices?" Peros pondered quietly with a scroll down, swiping from one armor blueprint to the next with shakes of his head and grumbling sound effects in disapproval. "Maybe this one..... Decent build, nice shield package, offers a bit on the tech side, hmm- No. Too similar to this armor, not creating a replica. Made news with this beauty, not creating her twin. Besides out of red paint....." he sighed with a another release of smoke into the air. Pondering how those other crew recruits were getting on.
An annoyed look crossed Lancet's face as the Asari interrupted the commander. She calibrated her Omni-tool to scan the Asari next while the commander addressed her. "Well, Commander, besides minor carapace flaking, you're in perfect health. I guess I should start on the Asariiiiiiiiiiiii...." Lancet trailed off as she turned to the commando and noticed the handsome human man coming in behind her. A string of high pitched beeping emanated from the doctor's human body as the heart rate monitor attached to her went off. Lancet seemed to ignore it as she looked over the Quartermaster. "Ready? I am very ready..." she said in a stimulated slur. She gazed at the man for a few seconds while the heart monitor blared.

Iskandar Iskandar Steel Accord Steel Accord Mekuto Mekuto
Sweat dripped off her brow, as she ignored the voice of her brother. Her arms, or, arm, shivered as she was reaching her limit of how many pushups she could do in a very short amount of time. "If it's required, then you need to go get the check up. You've been only been back for a few weeks." Her brother said with an obvious sigh. Her parents had said the same thing when they called before she boarded the Phoenix. Of course, like she told them, Ailani wasn't a bug fan of the idea.

"Look Jackson, I don't like doctors," She retorted, "For seven months I was poked and proded, and then it happened again when I got my new arm. I don't see why I have to repeat the process with a new doctor." She hated the idea, and knew that questions would be asked that she didn't want to answer. And Ailani was hiding from this task by exercising in storage.

"Ailani so help me, I'll deck you next time we see each other," He threatened, "It's a requirement so go. And I will call you later, bye sissy." "Yeah, bye." The sound of an ending call signalled her last push up as she stood with a slight groan. Running her still fleshy hand through her hair, She picked up the N7 jacket laying nearby, and wrapped it around her waist, leaving most of her upper body uncovered. Aside from her black sports bra. Her scars were visable, and of course her white and black prosthetic arm.

With all the shit he put her through, Jacoks was right, so Ailani made her way to the medical bay. She expected it to be jsut the doctor, but was surprised when she saw Nero and the Quartermaster. Ailani gave them both an informal nod. While Nero may have been the ranking officer here, Ailani's bosses were back on the Citadel. "I'll wait for my turn," She said, entering the med bay, crossing her arms, and leaving against an unoccupied wall. Iskandar Iskandar NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy Mekuto Mekuto
Everyone slowly filtered out of the mess hall, leaving Ansgar alone with his thoughts. And his food, which he realised he'd been idly playing with more than actually eating it, too wrapped up in his own thoughts. He quickly gobbled the rest of it down before it got cold, then gazed wistfully at what was left of the rest of the eggs and bacon, including the untouched dextro food. Ah, he should probably do something about that.

Two pieces of paper folded to stand and labelled with a random marker he'd found later, and Ansgar was heading back to the lab. He had to set it up, or stop someone else from setting it up wrong. Either one. He'd left his personal kit in there, still packed, when he first arrived. No doubt the lab was already fully stocked and such, but there was similarly no doubt that it was utterly clinical and devoid of character. He wouldn't have that.

And indeed, once Ansgar was done with it, the lab looked more lived-in. Probably a bit more chaotic, too. In fact, Ansgar thought as he looked up from the display console in the centre of the room, it was definitely a bit disorganised now, even for him. Perhaps he'd gone overboard. No matter, he knew what everything was, and nobody else was going to be using his lab. A win for everyone! That was the best kind of win, in Ansgar's books.

He put his head back down and tossed out the theoretical changes he'd made to the design of Phil, which was more spinning his wheels than actually actively working on it. He was sure if he experimented enough he'd get some kind of breakthrough, but as it was Phil was costly and time-consuming to implant, potentially dangerous if not attuned correctly, and gave little in exchange for this. Still, it was already aligned to him, so it could still be helpful to improve it. He wasn't a martial man, but he was no fool. His sheer biotic ability was not an asset that any sane commander would ignore, and the greater it was, the more he could help out on the battlefield. And the more he could help out, the less chance there was of something going wrong.

"No, no, I've been thinking too small-scale. Something must be fundamentally wrong with Phil. Small tweaks... won't..." Ansgar trailed off into his thoughts, hands working nimbly on a holographic display of two Phil implants, splitting apart the internals, shifting them, deleting them, adding pieces, and then putting them back together again. He gazed at it for a half-second, his body freezing in place briefly. "No, of course that doesn't work, too small again. Larger changes, Ansgar!" he shouted at himself, frustrated. He swiped a hand over the display of the implants and all the modifications flew away to the edge of the display and vanished. Then he paced swiftly around to the other side of the console, putting his back to the door, and started his work anew. The display would almost certainly be incomprehensible to pretty much anyone else on the crew, perhaps barring the good doctor. Though even then, this was on the cutting edge of technology, the insight of even the most expert of doctors could only stretch so far.

Ansgar's work would continue for a while, seeing as he had nothing better to do than tinker with Phil's design. Sure, he could be agonising over the mission details, but he wasn't the commander, or anyone of military rank or importance on the ship, really. He knew his boundaries, and for all his intellect, he wasn't a trained tactician or leader.
Dorathea just shook her head at the antics of the seeming machine. She was a tad concerned that an A.I. was on board. Not necessarily because she didn't trust them but . . . well they were illegal. This one in particular seemed to posses a sense of desire though and anything that longs to connect with another in the way of Siara couldn't be completely soulless.
"Let me know if you need any medically relevant information, Doctor?" She asked, questioning her actual rank status.
Nero smiled at the results of her scan, "Well that is a relief. Though my joints and bones are starting to feel the wear and tear of being in the military for so long. We Turians are similar to humans when it comes to lifespans, so sooner or later I'll begin to feel the pain of my past." The commander was curious as to if Doctor Lancet disliked Asari due to the Doc's reaction to Dorathea arriving, but kept her curiosity at bay.

The Turian's curiosity would turn into confusion as the heart monitor for Lancet started beeping and blaring and how she reacted to Ulysses. It took her a few moments to connect the pieces and solve the reason as to why Lancet's body was reacting how it was. Nero found no real problem with it other than the stimulated way she spoke to the Quartermaster, she found that bit a little disturbing, but remained silent.

Nero was hopeful that the new member who had entered, a female human, would break the awkwardness. Sadly, that did not happen, and the human merely greeted the others and proceeded to lean against a wall. Ah, the young N7 member. Well she isn't that young. Hm. She's a sniper right..? Nero thought to herself. Dorathea didn't necessarily help either in this situation that Nero was blowing out of proportion.

"Well... Doctor Lancet... seems your medical bay is getting quite crowded. I believe I will take my leave. Should start formulating many things for the mission. I believe just about ready to depart as well." Nero offered a firm nod before heading towards the exit.

NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy Steel Accord Steel Accord FireMaiden FireMaiden
Jacoby Parrish
Huerta Memorial Hospital, Packing therapy equipment
The bustling of Huerta Memorial Hospital was almost like music to the therapist's ears. From his knowledge, the Council was gathering a task force for a new threat. How he came to be around to be a part of this group? He heard that they needed a therapist for the soldiers and ground team when missions became particularly tough to handle. The man took a deep breath while he looked around his office and checked to see if there was anything left upon the shelves. Jacoby placed his hands on his hips, the caduceas pin on the breast of his uniform jacket shining in the strong light in the ceiling. "That seems to be everything, even if it's only three boxes of stuff and my computer..." Jacob muttered to himself while looking behind him, seeing a couple of his friends lifting the boxes and moving them towards the entrance of the clinic.

The thereapist furrowed his brows as he activated his Omni-tool to check if he had any unread messages. He didnt see any, fortunately, then he opened the draft message he used for the agenda today.

  • Medical checkup
Now, the man had to take his supplies and drop them off in his quarters on the Pheonix. Jacoby found this annoying, but wouldn't miss out on a chance to travel while on duty. Those friends that helped him move his equipment were still around, and would move the boxes onto scout ship.

The travel took a few minutes, thirty at the max. The elevator ride, going through some Wards, then finally arrived at the docking bay.

Twenty Minutes after arriving onto the Pheonix
Jacob had only enough time to set up his computer before finding his way to the sickbay to see Dr. Lancet. The passage ways were crowded to the point of being clogged (for Jacoby's standards). To prevent from crowding the small medical bay, the man stood outside and waited patiently. From the small window in the wall, he could see that his higher-up was using a mobile unit. "Ah, interesting," he commented while watching a Turian leave the area. He took this as his time to walk in and patiently wait some more against the wall, his gaze looking towards the clutter of supplies being brought in.
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It wasn't ideal nor the greatest of designs but it met some specifications worth exploring later. The idea of new armor or a future weapon to add into his Arsenal of select and modified to his tastes- Weapons was the inner debate as the batarian smoked his cigar, eyed the screen and gave thought to the subject for a time. But as time progressed and the hours passed it proved worth little of prioritized importance. No doubt Sur'Kesh was still nearing with every second of flight time this bird called "Phoenix" spent in the air and flying through the galaxy from one system to another.

"If experience tells me anything this team will be conversing soon over tactical and infiltration of that Alpha base..... Guess I should see about getting set ahead of time, huh? Wouldn't like to get caught off timing and be late." Peros muttered in settled thought. He still was getting used to this idea of working alongside others since it didn't quite suit his recent years style nor even his preference during his Blue Suns years. Just gave opportunity to work with those who'd irritate and frustrate the batarian to no end. Khar'Shan proved that as Peros served in the military in efforts to elevate his status without playing the game of politics and paying for his status. Old outdated, useless garbage that system was in his outspoken opinion- Further years that reached close to a decade within the SIU as a Batarian commando proved his growing dislike for political, military led forces. Blue Suns meanwhile just angered him with their bosses and corruption though he expected nothing less, they were just tools for Peros to use, learn from and discard when the time was right as he once proved during his time with them.

However if the pay, seriousness of the mission and best move to play meant working well with others? Then it was obvious to him. Peros got up from his station and cleared his research from the station preferring to hide his blueprints by swiping through the reset button and leaving no easy access to them. Following up with a stroll around the lab and proceeded move toward the intelligence and recon center of the ship where mission debreifs, tactical & recon and simple gatherings for the team took place at times.

Peros walked up and down the halls, turning different corners until reaching the room and finding a spot near the railing that overlooked the downstairs where a few rooms and entryways such as the bio-lab and lead into the cargo areas lay. Pressing his back in a lean against the railing while puffing a bit of smoke and savoring his cigar, playing with his Omni-tool aiming to tap into the ships systems and comms.

"Aww... *chuckles* So that's how it works hey. Not bad." He opened upon successfully tapping into the ships comms and speaking overhead to all aboard the ship. "Nero, When your ready I'll be waiting in the Recon center..... Nice digs" Peros ended with a comment on the briefing room and returning to his leaned position against the railing. A simple and quiet look with folded arms and smoke obscured stare in waiting for others to join him, while he mentally took in and went over previously gone over Intel and facts upon his arrival and settling in earlier.

CIU Taskforce Gathering: Part 1

Directly: Iskandar Iskandar
Indirectly: Epiphany Epiphany NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy themindfuleye themindfuleye Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi ChimpMan ChimpMan Steel Accord Steel Accord FireMaiden FireMaiden Mekuto Mekuto theunderwolf theunderwolf

Nero was in her personal room when she heard Peros make his announcement about being at the Intel and Recon center. She looked over to the wall where an old fashioned clock was, had a tick and everything. Hmm. I suppose enough time has passed for me to call a meeting for debrief. The Turian thought to herself as she finished up whatever she was doing in her room.

The commander left her room and briskly made her way to the briefing room, she had a few datapad tucked under her arm, most likely with the standard mission details. Nero wasted no time in arriving at the Recon Center. She had a few tours of the ship before the rest of the crew was put together, and had time to memorize the layout and blueprints of the ship. Upon entering the area, she saw Peros leaning against a railing, his back to her. Nero walked up the ramp towards the area Peros was, and offered a small nod towards him before waving away the smoke from his cigar.

"Hello Peros. Good timing on making that announcement of yours. I am sure our comrades have had enough time to share names and get to know each other a bit." Nero said as she placed her datapad down on the giant circular table that sat in the center of the area. She looked down at the table and pushed a button, allowing her to open up the ship wide communication system, "Hello, everybody. I would like to take this moment to call the crew to the Intelligence and Recon Center so that we may discuss our given mission and talk shop. You have..." Nero looked down at her Omni-tool and let out a long "Hmm" that was audible over the comms, "You have exactly two whole minutes to get here. Shouldn't be hard to miss the grizzled Batarian bastard and female Turian." It was clear that she was a different woman now that the mission were to commence. Perhaps different wasn't the right term... Her tone was clearly much more serious and authoritative, but she was still prone to cracking jokes as seen with her quip towards Peros.

The Silent Z The Silent Z Epiphany Epiphany NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy themindfuleye themindfuleye Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi ChimpMan ChimpMan Steel Accord Steel Accord FireMaiden FireMaiden Mekuto Mekuto theunderwolf theunderwolf
It had been a while since she slipped out of Med Bay unnoticed, and started to roam the ship with no particular goal. She had gotten tired of waiting, so Ailani made a mental note to swing by later and see the doctor, but at the time, boredom picked a fight with responsibility, and untlimatly won. Soon after starting to explore, she ended up in the same storage room as before, doing nothing but relaxing among the various boxes. Again, boredom struck, so when the announcement came on, Ailani found herself cleaning her pistol. The woman figured she'd need it for the up coming mission, and decided it was better then that later.

Reguardless of the two minute time frame, she finished cleaning her side arm, before heading up to the Recon Center. As she walked, she debated on her jacket. Still wearing just a sports bra on top, she figured she might as well slip the jacket on and roll up the sleeves. See, she was about to meet the other people she hasn't introduced herself to get because she can be really lazy sometimes, and decided that their first impression should be of the soldier she is. So, Ailani displayed the N7 logo proudly as she entered the Recon Center.

But she only saw Nero and the Batarian. "Hi." Simple and informal. Again, she didn't really answer to anyone onboard, her bosses still on the Citadel. It was odd she was the first of the other crew to arrive, because she was normally always last, but it's a nice change if you like awkward waiting with people you hardly know and don't trust. "Ailani Della-Terza, nice to meet you." Like I mentioned, she hasn't really introduced herself to anyone, so she figured telling them.her name would be a good idea. Iskandar Iskandar The Silent Z The Silent Z
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When the announcement was said over the communication system, the therapist raised his brows. The Medical chief had given Jacoby temporary authority to perform the medical check-up. Though that'd have to be done later. Smoothing the Alliance dress uniform down, Jacob exited the Med Bay. He was barely briefed on what the mission was. All he knew is that it was on Sur'Kesh. That's it. He just knew the location.

As he moved towards the Recon Center, his Omni-tool signified that he a last minute message from his father.

'Congrats on becoming a part of a team, son! Hope it all goes well.'

Jacoby shook his head before deactivating it. He'd reply when he had free time, which he felt wouldn't happen for a while. He still have to scan everyone, give a report on what was or wasn't found. The time it took to go to the meeting area, a minute and a half, Parrish stopped next to the N7 Operative. He looked up towards the Commanding officer and did a proper salute. "Hospital Corpsman Third Class Jacoby Parrish," he introduced to Nero. Shortly afterwards, he mentally slapped himself for probably being too formal. "Or, you can call me Jacoby. Formal or informal, we'll probably get to know each other in both settings," he added quietly.

A few seconds after the salute, he relaxed his stance and took a deep breath. "I'm such a damned idiot," he whispered to himself while he closed his eyes for a moment. He then opened his eyes to glance around, finally landing on the woman next to him for a milisecond. Jacoby then returned his gaze everywhere else.

FireMaiden FireMaiden The Silent Z The Silent Z Iskandar Iskandar (If I'm missing someone, lemme know!)
"Hello, everybody. I would like to take this moment to call the crew to the Intelligence and Recon Center so that we may discuss our given mission and talk shop. You have... hmm... You have exactly two whole minutes to get here. Shouldn't be hard to miss the grizzled Batarian bastard and female Turian."

The announcement over the intercom stirred Ansgar out of his near-trance focusing solely on Phil. He leaned back and blinked, dazed. Suddenly he realised that he'd cricked his neck from having it in an awkward position leaning forward for a while. Tsk tsk, Ansgar. Well, there wasn't much point in not being there, he supposed. He quickly shuffled all the data onto his omnitool and swapped it to display the design and let him alter it remotely. It was a bit more unwieldy to alter than when it was on the console, but that hadn't ever deterred him before.

He navigated the ship by memory, throwing up a new spread of data on the display and making a few more notes on it at the sides as he went. If only he could figure out a way to neutralise those sinks of energy, they were nullifying so much of the power gained from the focus nodes. But the only way he'd come up with so far to do that was to use a material that just straight-up didn't exist and wouldn't ever exist. So he'd given up on that and was working on just a thorough redesign, back not quite to square one, but squares two or three. He was going to try to keep the same basic connections so that he could test them on himself without removing his current model of Phil, since that'd quite likely lead to a whole pile of complications. He was hesitant to say there was 'progress' per se - it was far too early in the design stage for that - but it was looking promising.

By the time Ansgar reached the Recon Centre, two other people had shown up. A strangely awkward-looking man and a woman, both human. He hadn't seen them in the- oh nice that was a cybernetic arm. Looked like one of the newer models, high-end. Yes, it looked positively advanced. He almost wanted to dissect it and find out the specs, see if there was anything he could learn from it or not. That arm wouldn't have been cheap. Then again, unless she was going with a huge cultural taboo, she was N7 and proudly displaying it. Yes, that's understandable, he heard N7-certified combatants were quite the rarity, pride was understandable. And he had little doubt an N7 would be getting a top-shelf replacement arm. He wondered how comfortable it was. He knew an awful lot about these sorts of things, part of his biomechanics knowledge. He'd gone a bit more neural with his research, all part of developing the L4, the real L4. He was sure if he wanted to he could go into the prosthetics field, start developing something there.

That... was actually a good point that the woman's arm made. Instead of trying to redesign a tool to create more powerful human weapons, or at least that's what it would undoubtedly be used for, he could try and go into prosthetics and attempt to develop better cybernetics for those who lost limbs or eyes or more. But did he really want to just abandon Phil? He'd gotten quite attached to the project, and Phil wasn't just a power boost. In fact, it mostly affected things by making biotics more precise, a development that could and would help prevent many accidents in future. No, he'd stick with Phil for now. He wasn't sure if spending the time broadening himself into cybernetic prosthetics was worth it, anyway. It wouldn't take that much time, it was just a slightly different area of knowledge, but that was still time he could be using on Phil or some other project.

In this thinking time, which had only been a couple of seconds, he'd been staring thoughtfully at the woman's arm. Snapping out of it, he quickly shifted his attention to the rest of the room, giving everyone some quick eye contact to make them aware they were acknowledged, and nodded warmly to Peros because damn it he liked that guy. "Hello everyone." He looked quickly back at the two new faces. "Ansgar Haugen. Resident possibly-mad scientist," he joked cheerily, hoping nobody, especially the woman, had noticed his preoccupation with the arm. He was still curious about what it was and how it worked, he'd probably switch over to quietly searching it up once he wasn't talking and drawing attention to himself.

The Silent Z The Silent Z Iskandar Iskandar FireMaiden FireMaiden themindfuleye themindfuleye
Iskandar Iskandar
Dorathea had, had enough time between the medical checkup and the announcement for the briefing to get back to her room. Good! This would mean an opportunity to at least see all of her compatriots together and enough prep time to make a good first impression. By the time Dorathea arrived at the Intel and Recon center, she was wearing form fitting pants, flat, two toed shoes, and a kind of coat that draped over her. (http://www.nawo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Sportmax-Jolly-Coat.jpg) Underneath was a more simple tunic but the gown was considered appropriate wear at the Siarist congregation she attended. Dorathea always wore her faith on her sleeve, if not on her lips.

Stepping on to the platform, she gave a firm nod to Nero, in lieu of the former salute.
"Commander." Conveying the same military decorum, but such a sharp movement would terribly clash with both the environment as well as her attire. If she was in her commando armor, which she suspected wouldn't be long before she was, than that would be different. In any case, she quickly took stock of the room with an easy smile on her face. (That still might be eerie to some considering the age behind her eyes.) "Dorathea T'Veris. Huntress, or Asari Commando, as we're also known." She also was deducing the odds of fighting each and how to beat them in both sparring and life or death format. Not out of aggression or paranoia, it had become a well worn mental reflex. To Dorathea, it was the preamble of getting to know someone. Similar to how a handshake can make a good first impression.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi Take for instance this one. Slight twitches in movement. Eyes holding only brief focus. An acute, active mind. Dorathea's approach with him would be broken rhythm.

FireMaiden FireMaiden Cybernetic arm, N7 tattoo. Alliance veteran. Dorathea would have to keep her guard up, Alliance trains their fighters to be thinkers. As pertaining to this particular officer though, very little movement and a slacked stance. Not relaxed, saving her energy. Maybe a bit of a kindred spirit to herself?

themindfuleye themindfuleye Standing off to the side a bit, head slightly dipped, but eyes scanning such as hers. Attentive, maybe a little scatter brained, but maybe good at multi-tasking because of that. Dorathea would trade hands with him, attacking aggressively.

The Silent Z The Silent Z Now HE was relaxed. Casual even. Like conflict and combat are old hat. Mercenary, Dorathea would guess. He was different in that Dorathea didn't have an onset approach as to how she would fight him. She looked forward to getting to know this one.

All of that flashed through her head as she took her place.

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