Masked | RP

Location: Cafe

Fuilteach heard Mimori's words in his mind and sighed lightly. He was still angry at Sean, but he needed to focus on the matter at hand. Sean was staring out the window, looking at what seemed like the clouds. He had a dreamy look about him, a look so nonchalant and carefree that Fuilteach almost envied him. But he quickly pushed that envy away as he focused on his current objective, and that was to gain more information from Sean. Fuilteach took another sip of the coffee and rubbed his temples, looking at Sean and finally talking.

"Do you know about the crimes that've been happening recently?" Fuilteach almost whispered.

"Oho, my brother! All 'dem crimes are part of a big, master plan, y'see! What's 'da master plan, ye ask? I'unno! But it's a plan, all right!" Sean said as he smiled from ear to ear.

"A...Master plan? Are you the one concocting this plan, Sean?" Fuilteach asked, resisting the urge to punch Sean square in the face for being so carefree and whimsical.

"Ahhh, me? Y'give me too much credit! Nah, I just do what I'm paid t'do! 'Dat's all. I'unno who's payin' me, but they be payin' me good!" Sean said, his grin getting wider.

Before Fuilteach could ask another question, Sean stood, slapped a $100 on the table and walked out of the cafe. Fuilteach blinked a few times and rushed out the door after him, calling his name when he hit the street. But, to his dismay, Sean was nowhere to be seen. Fuilteach cursed and leaned against a wall, relaying what happened to Mimori.
Location: Roof of Clarity's apartment > Outside of café

Before she had gotten any information from Fuilteach, she decided to answer any questions Vanish or Plague may have had. "Fuilteach's strength was being tested, Dean here wasn't the only thug involved.Mimori sighed. "As for who the informant is, I'm afraid you'll have to ask Fuilteach about that, next time you see him."

She had noticed that Plague's mind wasn't as open to her as the others. She sighed, and digged in a little deeper to send her message. Just do whatever it is you have to with Dean. Whether you send him to the hospital or not, I just don't want a dead man in my apartment. Mimori sent to both of them. I'll be fine with aiding Fuilteach, should he need any help.

Just as soon as Mimori got her message across the two, she looked to see what looked like.... a shadow, maybe, leave the café and disappear. Fuilteach had walked out no sooner than the shadow had, alone, and relayed the remaining of the conversation to her. Her eyes grew wide, and her mood turned to livid as she recorded the information in her mind. "Okay, Dean may not be directly a part of the crime syndicate, but this informant definitely is. I don't care what happens to Dean, just get his ass out of my apartment!" Mimori growled as she sent the message to Vanish and Plague.

She looked down on the side of her apartment building and saw a shorter building, probably a restaurant or some store. She stood up and stepped backwards about five times, ran forward, and jumped from her apartment building to the shorter one. She landed harder on her right foot, and allowed the weight of the impact to pull her into a somersault, bringing her back on her feet. The building had an awning directly above the main entrance. She waited for the right moment, scanning for any activity below the awning or by the entrance, then jumped on the awning and proceeded to slide from it. The edge of the awning led her to the sidewalk, where she landed and began walking to the nearest crosswalk. The café was directly across the street from where she now stood, and the stopsign was red. Mimori quickly crossed the street, more careful of the cars this time, and leaned against the wall of the café, next to Fuilteach.

They both seemed pretty tense at the moment, so Mimori gave herself time catching her breath before speaking. "So, this looks to be growing into a mouse chase, huh?" She stated in a rhetorical manner, though it was still directed at Fuilteach. Mimori now noticed she forgot her jacket in her apartment, and instantly felt goosebumps as she crossed her bare arms together. She had a feeling that this may be a touchy subject at the moment, especially since it's Fuilteach's brother, but she at least knew that there was a job to be done.
San Francisco, Clarity's apartment on Main

Wade paused as Mimori's message registered in his mind. After a moment, he said, "I guess Mimori's got it all covered out there, but I, really, don't want to stay here to watch Dean bleed out." Then he turned to the bleeding super. So he wasn't part of the crime syndicate... But no one cared about his fate. The young, sympathetic part of Wade told him to try and save Dean; after all, there were no pressing issues at the moment and no reason to waste any lives.

But Dean was missing an ear and several teeth, bleeding from the eye, and had a safety pin under a fingernail. Wade still felt like blanching every time he looked at the mutilated super. How could they possibly get him to a hospital, without raising unanswerable questions and drawing public attention? Even Wade's power was unable to cover such long distances... And no one had a car. He should take him and leave him in the other dimension.

But he didn't have to enjoy it. They were the good guys.

Then Wade thought about Fuilteach, ripping off the ear with evident delight. At least, he thought they were the good guys. A life just to test a super's strength?

"Damn Fuilteach," he muttered, his cheer dropping. Turning to Plague, he said, "I'll drop the super into the void. He's almost dead anyways." With stony eyes, he stepped towards Dean and grabbed a fistful of bloody shirt.

The two disappeared.

In the dark, Wade could not have known a bloody man floated just by him but for the damp fabric in his fist. He felt for the rest of the body, braced his feet against him and gave him a good kick upwards, where no one would find him but dimension-jumping aliens.

Wade, having drifted downwards, used his propulsor to blow himself back up. He then pocketed the small device and jumped back into Mimori's apartment.

He dropped a meter onto a folded cardboard box on the floor, which he kicked away. Then he stuck his hands into his pocket and looked up at Plague, his expression blank.


Training Rooms

After setting her shoulder back into a comfortable position, Hazard quirked her brow at Reisuke; the girl had tried her best to help him. It looked like the kid was trying an attack anyways, letting snow gather on his fingertips and slowly turning it into a ball. As the ball got bigger, his hand shook more and she quirked a brow at the boy, watching as he struggled to hold his hand still with the other hand.

It wasn’t enough though as the ball exploded, sending a blast of snow right in her face, her breathing spiked immediately with the cold blast. After she wiped her mask and face off, she decided he didn’t really need anybody watching him anyways. With that idea, she turned back to the wall and tried to climb, only to find her hand had no grip…

With a sigh, she did a few more hand exercises before realizing it was one of the gifts she hadn’t found yet. The girl rubbed at her head, pulled out of her annoyance by Reisuke’s question, thinking about it “…Not recently” she noted. At least Charlie hadn’t told her if any of the missions were secret…she probably would be the best person to be sent on such missions without the right power anyhow.
San Francisco - Clarity's Apartment and Surrounding Areas, Main Street

As Plague continued to get his things in order, he noticed the boy cleaning up all of the bloodied rags and cleaning things. Giving a small and unseen smile behind his mask and a nod to show his appreciation, he snugged up his coat and adjusted his gloves. "I agree on finding him and getting him to clean up the vents," he said simply from behind his mask, turning to face said vents for a second and shaking his head. When he turned back, he meant to answer the boy's question when Mimori's voice dug even further into his mind, threatening to eject the few cups of coffee he'd had for breakfast.

Steeling himself, he pushed thoughts back, hoping she's pick them up. His mind's voice had quite a bit more of an accent than he did when he spoke, but his 'words' had a bite to them of bitterness. 'I would appreciate you not digging too deep into my mind or thoughts, thank you,' he though back toward her before responding to her words. 'Fine. We will take care of it.'

Turning toward Vanish again, he nodded at the other's words. "You heard that then too. Good," he stated bluntly, turning his head toward the other Super as well. The expression on the boy's face was easy to read. "I know how you must feel of this, but this man was not a good person. Crime syndicate or not, he was trying to kidnap and harm a woman. Good people do not do such things."

Not quite sure how to explain it further, the other simply went silent for a moment, letting a beat pass quietly. As the boy's cheer feel and he cursed the other member of their 'team', Plague frowned behind his mask as well. The whole ordeal had left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. As Vanish suggested dropping the Super in the 'void', the masked man gave a simple nod, going to respond when the two forms winked from existence.

After a moment, the boy surfaced again, causing Plague to unconsciously clench his fists in instinct. Unclenching them at the sight of Vanish, he eyed the thing that had been kicked, saying nothing of it. Instead, he thought of what the boy'd said before. "You mentioned giving a shortcut to the roof? We should head toward Mimori and Fuilteach, find out firsthand what they know without having to deal with all of this mind-link derr`mo."

Location: Cafe -> Alley

Fuilteach watched as Mimori walked up next to him. He simply sighed when she mentioned a mouse chase, then thought for a moment. A chase...Hm. He looked at Mimori, thinking a bit. He had a plan, but he didn't know how exactly to execute it. It would all depend on Mimori. He tapped her arm and walked into a nearby alley, then down another alley, making sure that they weren't being followed or watched. When Fuilteach made sure it was clear, he leaned in close to Mimori and whispered, hoping he was being quiet enough. From what he was guessing, Sean was near, keeping an eye on them. So, he had to be quiet.

"Can you...Hack into Sean's mind keep an 'eye' on him?" Fuilteach asked in a whisper.
San Francisco, Clarity's apartment on Main

Wade told himself to stop being so stiff. The deed had been done, and though Fuilteach and this informant had certainly been in fault, he couldn't spend hours moping around for every dunce that made a bad decision. He'd lose his job. Besides, there was no other decision they could have made, and the death of the super couldn't have been prevented. At least not easily. The mission, after all, always came first.

As he had done many times before, he moved on.

"Shortcut, yeah," said Wade, coming back to motion. He hopped over a pile of clothes to reach Plague, holding out a hand. "I'll jump us through the ceiling. Just don't flail about or anything, and don't let go of my hand once we're in the other dimension. Unless you want to go float about in space with Dean."

He held in a smile as he tried to imagine the fear manipulator flailing his arms about and yelling while drifting through the void.
Entrance of Caro's apartment

Derrick was a little tired waiting around. This wasn't the time to dally around. Thinking that Anton and Vidic could just catch up and can well take care of themselves, Derrick walked his way to the rendevouz point.

In just minutes, he was already in front of the agreed meeting point. He went inside the building and made his way to the rooftops. He opened the door to the rooftops and he was greeted by light from the sun. He covered his eyes until it got used to the place's illumination. It was a little windy up where they were.

"Sorry I'm late. I got held up by the other agents."
Outside of cafe > alley

Mimori felt uncomfortable as Fuilteach only sighed at her response. Did she say something wrong? Mimori had surely hoped not. She had certainly got the hint from Plague to stop the mental communication. His response was already bitter enough to send chills down her spine, but this felt like a physical impact to Mimori, almost as if he sent his own message to her. There's no way that could happen... Mimori thought to herself, shivering even more at the thought.

She nearly jumped when Fuilteach tapped her. One, she hadn't expected any physical contact at all from him, and two, her arms were so cold, any source of heat would have made her jolt. It seemed that Fuilteach wanted her to follow him, so she did. He led her to one alley, then they turned to another. When Fuilteach stopped and leaned forward to her, she quickly grew nervous at how close he was. Her face was nearly red, and she no longer felt cold as he whispered to her. Upon hearing the question, she backed into one of the building walls to gain her composure. She cleared her throat before speaking.

"Well, I could to it if-" she quickly looked around to see if there were any listeners. She could not believe she was doing this, but instead of using any more of her powers to check for any eavesdroppers, she decided to follow Fuilteach's action. She leaned up near his ear, having to reach on her tiptoes, and continued her answer. "If I knew where he was, or who he was. I haven't got a chance to even talk to him yet, let alone poke tthrough his mind. If you could give me a memory you have of him, and if he's close enough, I'm sure I can find him." She finished, bringing her heels back onto the ground.
Location: Alley

Noting Mimori's reaction to him being so close to her, Fuilteach thought that he should've probably warned her that he would be mere inches from her face. Oh well, there really wasn't much time for that. If Sean was close, then maybe she could track him. But could she do it if he got far enough away? Fuilteach didn't know. He listened to her words, leaning down a bit so she didn't have to stand on her tip-toes. He heard her request and sighed lightly, tapping his chin. He really didn't have many memories of Sean, save for what had just happened. He had only one...

"Are you ready? I'm going to think about it now." Fuilteach said, readying himself.

After he said that, he closed his eyes, remembering the only other time he had seen Sean. He remembered what he tried to forget. The needles, the flashes of searing pain, the men in the bulky hazmat suits, all of it. More of it came back than he had wanted. A memory of him being strapped down to a cold, metal surgical table, completely naked with needles and tubes sticking out of his skin. The feeling of wanting to scream but choking on a thick tube shoved down his throat. Him wanting to rip everyone apart with his powers but being so exhausted and defeated that he just wanted to die. Then, the memory finally came.

A dark night where he was trapped in his cell, his body broken from the tests that day. He was lying in the middle of the floor, sick to his stomach and aching everywhere. Suddenly, he heard screaming from outside of his cell, which caused Fuilteach to raise his head with effort. No...Not Fuilteach. He didn't go by that then. Connor. His name was Connor. The door to his cell opened slowly and a shadowy figure stepped through the doorway, revealing himself to Connor. Connor reached out and touched the figure's foot, wherein his hand fell to the floor as the figure disappeared. Connor was confused and thought that this was all a dream, but he needed to escape. He crawled at first, then when he heard voices, he slowly stood and limped out of the building, somehow knowing the way out. He felt like he was being guided by an unknown force, like a guardian angel was pushing him along. The last memory of that facility ended with him pushing through the doors into the crisp air of a warm summer's night.

Fuilteach opened his eyes as the memory faded, looking at Mimori. He hoped that he hadn't overloaded her with the negative memories, but they just flooded out without his permission. And that was the only memory of Sean that he had. He rubbed his temples, attempting to alleviate a headache and looked at Mimori once more, waiting for her to speak.
The HIVE; Training Rooms


This response mildly surprised Reisuke. She expected for her to be on a lot of missions; actually, he had expected everybody to be busy with catching villains and making sure justice prevailed. He was beginning to wonder if
he would get the chance to do something. If you weren't on a mission, what were you doing? Reisuke began to wonder, what would he be doing? He obviously wouldn't be doing missions since he got here, and so far, his control over his powers really sucked. Maybe he would be training with other people, or somebody would train him, but so far he hasn't encountered anybody with any intentions of teaching him anything.

"Well, what do you do here then?" he asked innocently, genuinely curious in finding out what she did when she wasn't out doing things for HIVE.
Location: Alley

Mimori wasn't so sure how Fuilteach would have reacted to her touching him to get the memory, so she remained close enough to receive it with a bit more effort. Mimori was afraid she had searched through much too quickly, for when his mind began to spill, all of the horrid things she never dared to imagine, were now swimming throughout her brain. She could barely wrap her head around what she just saw. Sure, it was evident, but that really happened to him? Now it became clear to her: his dark personality, his low tolerance for certain things like when she festered the wounds on his hand... What he did to Dean, and how he fled shortly after.

She didn't think her mind could have taken any more abuse then that, but she managed to catch the memory of Sean. What was his reason for freeing Fuilteach? Was it to continue on with this "master plan" he had described earlier? Mimori was disgusted by that possible reason, but she knew Sean was also the reason that she's here right now, standing close to Fuilteach in this alley. There was certainly something about Sean that cause Mimori to hate him with a great passion.

She now couldn't help but to feel the pain and grief Fuilteach had felt in those memories. They were so overwhelming that her knees grew weak. Mimori then reminded herself that she did use a greater effort just to get those memories.....

She couldn't have possibly erased his memory, his past, from his mind, could she?
San Francisco - Clarity's Apartment and surrounding areas on Main

As the boy began moving again, repeating the intention of a shortcut, Plague eyed him. He wondered just how well he would take being teleported as such. Truthfully, it had been quite a time since he'd interacted with other Supers and their powers. Shaking away the thoughts, he tilted his head as the boy reached out a hand. "Heh. I am not exactly the ...erm... flailing type. But, my thanks for the warning," he said, voice somewhat less stern than it had been before.

Taking the boy's hand as if he was about to shake it, he gave one more nod and took a breath, readying himself for just what was going to happen. In his mind, he silently worked out the quickest route toward the bar Fuilteach had headed to, assuming the two other Supers were still in that area.
San Francisco, Clarity's apartment on Main; apartment to roof

"Right," said Wade, gripping his hand as he responding to Plague. He thought it might have been the first time he'd heard the older super with a hint of humor in his voice. Even if it had been rather dry.

Without delay, he bent his knees, leaped off the floor, and jumped into the other dimension before he could lose any momentum.

Weightless as they were, their bodies maintained mass. Considering that the fear manipulator was much larger than his small frame, his leap propelled them upwards, but slowly. "Come on up," he muttered, pulling the other super sky-wards, aware that the thin air would disperse the sound before it reached Plague. Complying with Newton's second rule, Wade would be pulled downwards even as his companion went up; but he whipped out his propulsor and pointed it downwards, reversing his descent into an ascent to follow after Plague.

The way it worked out, Plague was now the one in the lead, being the larger of he two, while Wade drifted after. They'd continue to the roof at the same pace, what with the little air pressure.

He yawned and scratched his head, wondering how Plague was taking it. Weightlessness, thin air, and complete and utter darkness all at once. Certainly enough to disconcert an unwary super.

Wade had counted the stories of the building while outside, as things like that always proved useful to him. Gauging their progress carefully, but with relative ease, the jumper tightened his hold on Plague's hand, spun himself so he'd land on his feet, and pulled them back onto Earth.

He only stumbled slightly, letting go of the other super's hand as he hit the ground. He always took care to go further than he needed to; if he appeared too high or far, he could just disappear again. But if he appeared too early, then it'd be the end of him.

Wade turned, hoped Plague had landed right-side up too. He thought that he had.
Location: Alley

Watching Mimori waver for a moment, Fuilteach reacted. Before she could hit the ground, he had caught her and dropped to one knee, holding her in a sort of hug. When he realized that he was holding her so closely, he shivered lightly, not used to other people's touches, let alone touching people. But he had touched Mimori several times. What was with her? There was something comforting about her, that he knew for sure. He just wanted to be around her for some reason. He felt comforted by her. However, this wasn't the time to think of romance or comfort. He stood up with her, making sure she was stable before letting go. He himself wanted to pass out because of his memories flooding back, but he resisted. Fuilteach didn't think about those memories again. Maybe a bit down the road, but not now.

"You all right?" Fuilteach asked.

San Francisco - Clarity's Apartment; Apartment Building Rooftop

Taking a breath, the masked man gave the younger male a nod and, just as he exhaled, they made the leap. The man wasn't sure what he'd expected, but perhaps he thought things would be more... sudden. Before he could really react, the heard a muttered sound, but it was muffled before he could understand it. The boy pulled him up and Plague began to realize just how things worked in the strange place.

Surprisingly, the masked Super was taking it quite well. This was very much unlike the teleportation he'd experienced before. The weightlessness and thinned air, though making him feel a bit dizzy, were much preferred to the sudden jolt usually associated with that sort of power. However, through none of this did his stomach churn as it had with Mimori's mental messages. Mentally reminding himself to make a note of this, he was pulled from his thoughts as the boy's grip on his hand tightened. They were going back.

With little warning, the normal world rushed back into his vision. This startled him more than the other realm had - the sudden experience of sound, light and weight. As such, when he dropped to his feet, he took to one knee, steadying himself for a second before speaking. "That... was a rather interesting short-cut," he said, standing once again and adjusting his gloves and coat. "Much easier than dealing with the commotion of going back through the building, though." Giving a nod of thanks, Plague looked out toward the direction of the bar, eying each and every building on the way. It would be a difficult trek, but not impossible.

"I am heading toward the bar. The other two have got to be there or near. If you would, could you message them and ask specifics?" he questioned of the younger hero, adjusting something in the sleeve of his coat before taking a few steps backward. "I believe you should be able to send the route or whereabouts to my comm. device." With those last words, the silver masked man took off in a run toward the edge of the building and leapt from the side.
San Francisco, Clarity's Apartment: Rooftop

"Yep. Interesting. That's one thing it is." Wade stretched, flipped his propulsor and pocketed it.

After Plague had talked, he said, alarmed, "But hey, whoa, wait-" Wade was just about to say he didn't have Mimori's phone number- or Fuilteach- or knew how to talk with his comm- but, not one to tarry, the other super leaped off the building, leaving him facing the empty air.

After a moment, Wade sat down, cross-legged, decided he may as well try to figure it out.

Wasn't there supposed to be a way for any of the Secret Society to contact one another? He searched about his phone for a while, looking up and back down often, before managing to get into an activity log stretching all the way back to the beginning of its existence. Huh. He didn't know this screen even existed. Probably wasn't one of the customary things you were supposed to be able to get to by the options menu or something.

He had called Mimori at least once during training, he remembered. At least, he thought. It only took a few minutes of searching, however, before he came upon the incident.

A few seconds had him leaning against the roof access structure, in the shade, phone pressed to his ear.

Mimori heart drummed once caught by Fuilteach, in a full embrace, at that. Aside from that, she hardly felt anything, and she didn't feel when they stood up. It was almost as if she were in a dream. She was soon awakened by Fuilteach letting go of her. After somewhat getting her grip back on reality, Mimori leaned against one of the building walls.

"I... I don't know..." She mumbled quietly, allowing Fuilteach's question to finally sink in.

The chill of outside was tingling the bruise on her face she had gotten from Dean earlier. As she sat there, she continued to compose herself, as well as locate Sean. She had focused mainly on the memory of Sean opening Fuilteach's cell and freeing him. On the outside, she appeared to be in excruciating pain. Her hands went over her abdomen as she writhed in the spot she stood. She was almost able to find the exact location of Sean, when her phone buzzed. She shuddered at the intensity of the vibration, and silently cursed her sensitivity. She pulled her phone from her pocket, hands slightly trembling, and answered the phone. Before she spoke, she swallowed hard to steady her voice.

"Hello?" she finally answered.
San Francisco, Clarity's apartment building on Main: rooftop

Wade was glancing upwards and moving over to the side, seeing a pigeon roosted right above him on the roof access building, when the phone was answered. Fumbling slightly with the device, he drew it up closer to his ear and began to speak.

"Hey, Mimori," he said, recognizing her voice. His eyes continued to dart around as he spoke, pacing around the small building. Who knew when someone would sneak up on you? "This is Vanish. We, uh, disposed of- well, Plague and I- the body. No one's ever seeing Dean again." He carefully avoided the pigeon as he made a complete lap, making sure to keep his voice down. "Plague went to find you and Fuilteach, starting at the bar you were at. You're not still there, are you? If, uh, not, we need to know your location." He took the phone down for a moment to frown at it, wishing he'd sound more professional, but pressed it to his ear again.

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