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Fandom Avatar: A Legend Reborn

Pariah Stark

The Sad Reality
Character Creation

Before you rush off to create a character, I insist you read the Overview of this roleplay thoroughly and PM me any questions. This is a detailed roleplay and I do have some standards. But, it shouldn't be that hard to get in as long as you follow the rules and stick to the information given. Be as creative as you want, but don't try to break the mold too much. I try to create a nice, consistent tone. And, on that note, I want to remind every potential roleplayer of a few things. I value tone and atmosphere highly. There are some rules that either will not be broken or will take a ton of effort to be broken. This alternate universe is my interpretation of it, and that leads it to be a very spiritual place. Bending is not just some magical force; it uses chi to manipulate the elements, and has a very distinctive style. The farther you get from that style, the less powerful your techniques will be overall, but this doesn't mean you cannot branch out for your own unique character. It just means that the traditionalist benders will often be the stronger ones. These are things to keep in mind. Moving on from that, I don't mind if you alter the character sheet AS LONG AS it contains the same information as the original character sheet.


[B][Gender | Age | Nationality][/B]

[B]Name[/B] is a quirky youth from the province. (Provide a personality description with a bold name and a short summary. One-to-three paragraphs will suffice.)


List any and all notable skills, bending or characteristics.

[B]Relations & Relationships[/B]

List any and all family ties and notable relationships, be them with other player characters or NPC's.

[Optional themesong]


Your biggest chance to either impress me or bore me. I favor depth executed in succinct paragraphs. Preferably around five for an "intermediate" history, ten for an "adept" and anything on is personal preference.


Because I'm sure I missed something.

Note that the character sheet really doesn't have that many fields of entry. It's not meant to. The character sheet is itself a challenge to each potential roleplayer. I want you to fill it out as you see fit with the detail you think you need and as complete as you can get it. Alter it if you want, add to it whatever you like, but above all, do your best to impress me.

Character Roster


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[Male | 21 | Omashu, Earth Kingdom]



He is known as a charismatic, inspiring and a idealistic individual. One to always be in the spotlight of any event. But this popularity hides a wicked man. He is willing to destroy everything in his path to obtain what he wants.



Earth and stone levitation

Earth block

Earth compression

Earth shelter

Rock slide

Rock shield

Relations & Relationships

Huanxi - Father - 48 - Dead

Mato - Mother - 45 - Dead

Huanci - Brother - 19 - Unknown



Coming from a noble family, a lot was expected from Huanxi's sons. Huanli and Huanci were trained from dusk till dawn to become the kingdom's elites. They would often spar with the younger brother always coming on top. Although there were some tensions between the brothers, they had a strong bond. So strong that they decided to run away from the noble life and live in peace in a remote village. Their escape plan took almost 2 years to prepare since they were under constant surveillance. The escape would take place at the end of one of the training days, when everyone was exhausted. They'd create a earth shelter and challenge their teachers to destroy it. They had approximately 3 minutes to make 2 clones, so their presence would be sealed. In the remaining time they had to dig a tunnel as far away from the fortress as possible.

When the day came, they were both nervous, knowing that if they get caught they might be marked as traitors and get executed. They tried to look normal and waited patiently for the moment to come.


He eats only once every 2 days

He want's to learn metalbending

His brother's dream was to become a Dai Li


[Female | 19 | Air Nation ]

Sumati is a quite and always calm and collected girl, keeping this manner constantly rarely letting anything effect it. Despite that she is no wet blanket as a unrepentant bad joker and cheeky to bout. Naturally inquisitive, she fascinated by other cultured and once to preserve each of them, and is always open to new technology. She doesn't like showing fear or anger taught that is a weakness and though she is quick to help somebody she really asks or accepts help from others. This means that when Sumati goes she really does and that can be more often than you would expect thanks to her burn injuries cause a lot of irritation for her.


  • Skilled Airbender
  • Trained in melee fighting with staff weapon like her glider.
  • Has a phobia of fires
  • Knowledgeable of various cultures
  • Mind for science

Relations & Relationships

  • Grandfather Tiacho, 90, raised and trained Sumati
  • Father Toran and Mother Suman, 40-50s, part of the raising tide status unknown.
  • Wip


Sumati's story starts a hundred years a go and the last days of an independent air nation. The proposed truce discussed and a accepted by the air nomad council was not well received especially those who had children around the age of 12 and those who took care of them. Some others though simply did not want to accept the dark force of the fire nation in their sacred temples. So these people took flight on their bison braving the fire nation soldier siege of the palace. Some didn't make it while the others went into hiding.

The exiles, true to their former nations names, lived a nomadic life moving from place to place maintaining their air nomad traditions as best as the can. Eventually the settled in the abadoned temple in the Patola Mountains, aiming to relive their old glory day. The danger from the fire nation and later Phoenix was constant and they were publicly decried as cultists by the de jure air nomads nation. Life was difficult but free and eventually joined by other disgruntled bender and later the members of the up and coming, Rising Tide. The Temple then becoming the center of the resistance against the phoenix kingdom.

Sumati was raised in that life, descendant from the family who started the schism in the first place. She was left to her grandfathers care while her parents went on to assist the Rising Tide with intention she was keep the group going after their current representative and leader of the air nation in the temple, her grandfather, passed. She trained under his wing learning air bending and Air nomad traditions.

She did fairly well however wanting to take a more active role in the rising she joimed up the rising tide while her parents were active somewhere else. Due to her young age she was relegated to badic scouting duties from the sky. She used this role to observe other cultures and customs.However it led her and a band she was assigned to to get ambushed by fire nation soldier. The band barely got out to safety and left Sumati disfigured. This didn't daunt Sumati but galvanised her, making her request more involved roles.


Wears mask below to hide burn scars.

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@Bloop I know your character is a work in progress, but there were some inconsistencies I wanted to point out. The entirety of the Earth Kingdom royal family was dissolved. Many of them killed. Some imprisoned. Omashu on its topside is under Phoenix Kingdom control and used as a large embassy for the Southern Earth Kingdom while the secret underground city is used as a base of the Rising. What I'm getting at here is that there would be no expectations of anyone whom was royal because royalty essentially doesn't exist and is only recognized in certain secretive circles of the Earth Kingdom. I'm not entirely for sure what you're planning out, but that should be an important fact to consider. And, the other note, is that metalbending is considered impossible at this point. Toph invented metalbending by seeing the impurities in most metals, allowing her to bend them, and then she only did that because her seismic sense was so refined as a subskill due to her blindness that she saw what others could not. I don't see a justifiable reason to claim he wants to learn to do something that no one even knows exists yet and is considered a complete impossibility.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki While your character is acceptable, I would highly suggest going to read the section describing the Patola Mountains in the Overview. You might find some reference material that you like which would make your character history tie into the setting slightly better. This isn't necessary, but could definitely help. A note, however, is that the current nomads in the Patola Mountains are led by a council of twelve monks and Master Zhing. Your history did involve an entirely different sect of Air Nomads that were neither part of the Patola Mountain airbenders or the neo Airbenders that are part of the phoenix Kingdom, so you do fall outside that line. I'm just throwing out that option to consider, since it would a) tie your character better into canon events and b) give her a reason to be in the Rising. All optional, really.


[Male | 23 | Fire Nation]

is a conman with a heart of not quite gold. One doesn't get much grayer. He's quick with a joke or to light up a smoke, but there's some place that he'd rather be (sue me). His relentless sarcasm can eventually give way to a well informed and fair demeanor. In short he's your best friend, your worst enemy, and that guy down the street you never really catch a glimpse of.


Lying, Theft, Stealth, Lockpick, Novice Firebending, Sailing

Relations & Relationships

Misa Abudeja- Mother

Unknown Father




Kazyk was born on a fishing vessel to an unwed mother and runaway father. That vessel eventually landed on one of the Earth islands, Kazyk doesn't remember or care which. His broken family was poor and just to make ends meet, his mother worked most hours of the day. Occasionally, Kazyk would run errands for local bandits. The money was okay and it helped stave off poverty.

Kazyk finally set off, away from home at 16. He wanted to see the world, and more importantly, make a great deal of money from it, with the regime operating how it does, there's a bit of coin to be made moving less than legal goods. That's how he got acquainted with a few dozen weapons dealers, and The Rising Tide.

One of his customers went clean and offered him a cut of the merchandise to take some supplies to a Rising safe house. The job went okay, and despite nearly being killed, the job looked like good work.

After that, Kazyk got put on their short list for reliable ferrymen. He did infrequency jobs delivering whatever needed delivering. Every fiftieth shipment or so, Kazyk might run into some trouble from a small patrol boat, but few find time to miss a charred body, rotting at the bottom of the sea.
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Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Skin: White

[Male | 17 | Water Tribe ]

Tomoe Izumi is a curious and inquisitive boy. He is very in tune with his emotions and spirituality and has a great desire for knowledge. He is a waterbender who wants to explore what he could do with such abilities. He is rather optimistic and bright, though can be rather introverted. He stays within his own head but has a vivid imagination and has been known to think outside the box in certain ways.

Traits Curious, optimistic, polite, timid.

He is agile and quiet on his feet. He is very in tune with the spiritual side of waterbending and is able to use water to heal people.

Relations & Relationships His mother and father are Turik and Arielle Izumi, who are wholly supportive of his spiritualistic and creative side. They made sure not to give him any negative opinions of the Phoenix Kingdom, as they were rather paranoid and feared their for their child's safety. Tomoe's grandmother, Tut, was the one to teach him about the evils of the Phoenix Kingdom.


Tomoe was born into the Northern Water Tribes and spent most of his life there. His parents feared for his safety and this fear only increased upon the discovery that he had the waterbending talent. They were cowardly people and lived life shuddering at the constant thought that the Phoenix Kingdom might bring their full might down upon their home and take everything they hold dear.

The actions of his parents instilled a similar fear of the Phoenix Kingdom into Tomoe. At the same time, however, he learnt much from his grandmother, Tut. Very outspoken about the evils of the Phoenix Empire, Tut taught Tomoe to follow a similar path. She encouraged him to fight against the cancer of the Phoenix King and his subjects.

Living with these two conflicting opinions left Tomoe quite unsure of what he was supposed to think. He was in his early teens when he decided he would finally do something about it. He began to sneak around his town listening to any word of the Rising Tide that he could. He found the idea of a fight against the corrupted rulers to be quite an exciting thought, though he had no idea what they were actually capable of.

He began to spy on the embassy where the Phoenix Kingdom officials lurked. He dreamt of joining with the Rising and becoming a great asset in the fight. Between his daydreams and eavesdropping, however, he used his waterbending abilities to help heal whatever injured there might be. Before long his name was locally famous and was the first thing to be uttered when the topic of medicine or healing came up.

He wondered whether the Rising Tide would accept him as a medic of some form, though as of yet he has not worked up the courage to attempt to properly try and seek them out.
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| 22 | Foggy Swamp Tribe ]

Danger speaks to


whether or not she seeks it out. She's wild and brash, her sense of adventure and wicked mouth leading her towards more then a few problems, but she's adaptable. Rian has an incredibly twisted moral compass and usually only works if it benefits her or her tribe, she seeks for power in almost every situation and if she can't obtain it, she lashes out. She's still human and seeks companionship like anyone else, but she's not good company.


  1. Master of Foggy Swamp Style water bending
  2. Manipulation + Cunning
  3. Herbology knowledge
  4. Political knowledge

Relations & Relationships

Arya and Ian were her biological parents, but she wasn't old enough to truly remember them when she had moved to another family and they were lost to a skirmish outside of the swamp between Earth Benders and the police.


is the closet she's had to a parent, learning how to lead.



was born in the heart of the swamp, raised with all of the knowledge of her people at her disposal and with


guidance, even more was only a question away. With the deforestation of her home came the whispers of a fight against those that would wish to destroy her home, she was ready to dive head first into that battle. Her childhood was mostly spent learning flora, living with the members of tribe that have been studying plants for ages. While it's not common for her people to leave their land, it does happen, and Rian wasn't going to let her home be reduced to nothingness, so she sought out her own journey.



[Female| 20| Fire Nation]

Aine Liu is a fiery young woman, with a burning passion equal to that of her searing hatred. A deep-seated desire to prove herself and gain the approval of those around her has always been her biggest motivator, and yet worst flaw. She strives to be who others want her to be; which, in essence, is who she wants to be. A bit of a paradox. Her loyalty knows no bounds, and honor means a great deal to her. She is a being who is well-disciplined, but with the temper of a volcano when things don't go her way. To most, that would seem almost contradictory, but nothing is impossible when it comes to a young firebender.



She had been practicing in the way of the blue fire, via former


Azula. After Azula became Firelord, Aine gave up on ever learning, and figured one had to be heartless to even begin it. Her firebending skills are better suited at close-combat, as she's been formally trained by some of the best. Not to say her ranged bending is lacking, she just seems to struggle with control the less focused the radius. She's suffered the nickname, "Wildfire", ever since she accidentally destroyed a good portion of the forest she'd been training in. In hindsight, it was a poor choice of venue for a firebender. The most notable of her bending skills is her exemplary control of breathing, and former drive to protect her Princess. She is even able to breathe fire, which is a considerable feat. Of course, since her drive has changed from protection to vengeance, her firebending has become more deadly. But what few non-firebenders know is that when relying on anger, pain, and other negative emotions, while your bending may be more potent, it becomes much harder to keep under your control. Even Aine does not fully understand this.


  • Aine has the sometimes painful habit of biting her cheek when she's stressed, anxious, or otherwise feeling out of her comfort zone. She even does it when she's extremely focused.
  • When upset, she relies on anger as she has a hard time expressing what she considers weakness.
  • She does not like meeting people's eyes. But she considers this as somewhat of a tactical advantage, seeing as it makes it difficult to read her.
  • Fear of heights, due to suffering from vertigo.
  • Aine has hyperextensible joints, and therefore is extremely flexible. Though, this fluidity results in her having to exercise more than average, in order to maintain the strength and tension in the limbs needed to bend properly.
  • A secret indulger of all things sweet, and has a strong dislike for spicy foods not produced by a Fire Nation citizen.
  • Has pet tiger monkey, whom she affectionately calls "Champion".
  • Keeper of brother's pet raven eagle, "Regal", who comes and goes as he pleases. He has a very complicated relationship with Champion. It causes for quite the spectacle when the two animals get together.

Relations & Relationships


A mother who loss her husband in an Agni Kai. She was never truly a mother, and had no qualms giving her children away.

An older brother, Afi, whom she secretly admired, and tried tried to best at every opportunity. They were each other's only lifeline.

[Optional themesong]


Aine was born to a noble family. Her father was a well-respected tactician, and her mother of some noble family or another. Before Aine ever entered the world, her father exited. He had been challenged to an Agni Kai a fortnight before her birth. From what she could gather later in life from an old handmaid, her father was no fighter. He favored pursuits of the mind, and happened to be exceptionally talented at strategizing. The man who challenged him to a battle, however, was a feared general who often butted heads with her dad. Apparently, her dad had affronted him, slighted him in front of his soldiers. And therefore, insulted his honor. The Agni Kai was considered just. After that, details became a bit sketchy. The handmaid emphasized how bravely Aine's father fought, before losing focus and being struck down. Her brother, who had seen the fight, had once, bitterly recalled that there was no battle. Their father stood there like a gaping fish, barely able to conjure a flame that he could control, before having his life ended with a single flame. Aine preferred the elderly woman's regale.

In any case, after Aine's birth, it is her understanding that her mother became bitter and cold. Afi would tell her stories about before their family turmoil, and how their mother was once a strict but loving woman. All Aine knew of the woman, was that she was spiteful and unfit to raise children. She would yell and cursed them, sometimes even locking them away. She would leave for trips, which she called business, and never take them along. She spent most of her time as far from their estate as possible, and when at home, secluded herself in her chambers. For those first few years, it had mainly been neglect, but as Aine and Afi grew older, their mother grew worst. It didn't take long before she decided physical discipline was necessary, as she considered them

naughty children

. Usually, it was Afi who took the brunt of the pain. And being the young, jaded girl she was, Aine never thanked him for it. The abuse was not a well-guarded secret and was actually pretty common knowledge. But noble families usually had certain liberties and leeway that others did not. So, people looked the other way. It wasn't until one average morning of their dreary lives, that at 5 and 8 years of age, respectively, everything changed. For the better, if Aine had to tell you.

A handful of children were being herded by the higher ups of the Fire Nation, effectively adopting the statuses of orphans, and taught to be trained warriors. There had even been a few non-benders, though some had just developed late, and others early. Aine had been one of the few who had been a bit of a late developer. For a while, both she and her brother assumed she wouldn't even be a bender. But she still trained; learned all the motions, practiced until she possessed a fluidity that was uncommon of her people. While her brother twirled the breath of a dragon on his fingertips at night, she laid awake in bed until the break of dawn, focusing on nothing but her breathing. Still...nothing changed. It wasn't until a fateful day, that she discovered even a portion of her drive. The day a young not-yet-Princess Azula accompanied her mother to the orphanage that housed them all. The woman was not new; she visited often, and they were constantly reminded to be grateful she gifted them with her presence. But it was the first time Azula accompanied her, or Aine would have noticed the girl. While Ursa made her rounds, speaking to the teachers, Aine noticed Azula wandering. Their gazes connected briefly, and the other girl approached. Aine remembered perfectly the conversation. How Azula had asked if she could bend, then insulted her on her lack of abilities. How the girl simultaneously dissed her own mother and mocked Aine for having no parents. And most importantly, how Azula boasted of being a much better firebender than her little brother, after hearing of Afi.

Never before had Aine met such a confident girl. It was as Azula flippantly dismissed her and rejoined her mother's side for departure, that the former noble girl found the beginning of her drive. She wanted to be like Azula! Not a week later, had Aine's latent firebending made itself known. She immediately began to push herself, deciding to take it


to reach her goal. That started with outshining her brother.

It wasn't until several years later, at the age of 16, that Aine encountered Azula again. She was assigned as a glorified handmaiden. She waited on Azula hand and foot, and while she was not of her guard, her training was a safe fallback, in case some traitor managed to reach the then Princess Azula. Azula never paid her much mind, or even made it known whether she recognized Aine or not. But it didn't matter. Aine had idolized the princess, and was happy catering to her every need. She could find fault with nothing Azula did. Like common for her, it wasn't until a few years later that reality came crashing down like a blazing comet, and eradicated everything she had ever known.

Out of the kindness of her heart, or so Aine liked to think, Azula would allow Afi to visit for a few brief hours and catch up with his sister. The princess had been allowing it for years, and that didn't change when she became Firelord, due to her brother's supposed incompetence. But this day had been different. Instead of coming to speak of trivial things, like the places he had seen as a soldier, Afi decided to speak blasphemy. He claimed Firelord Azula was not fit for the throne. That the disgraced Prince Zuko was what the Fire Nation truly needed. He could not have picked a worst topic, or day to speak such falsehoods. Another handmaiden had overheard and reported directly to Firelord Azula. And, as an attempt had just been made on her life, the Nation was filled with tension and the whispers of


. Aine could only assume that Azula was striking first to preserve her life. She had no knowledge of the mechanics behind the assassination attempt, and that was her best attempt at understanding




Firelord Azula called them before her and demanded that Aine defend her Firelord's honor.


the woman she had revered since meeting her that fateful day, years ago, Azula would demand such a thing of her.


she was told she must challenge her elder brother, and only family, to an Agni Kai to uphold her honor and prove her loyalty.

But there was no point in wondering why. An order was an order.

Every time she closes her eyes, Aine can picture clearly the misstep her brother took, after grueling minutes of dueling, and the wink he offered her just as her fire blast connected with him. The smell of burning flesh is impossible to forget.

It took until she was a first hand victim of Firelord Azula's cruelty for Aine to open her eyes. And while it may have seemed foolish or convenient that she never noticed her Firelord's faults until forced to face her wrath, it didn't matter. After that night, Azula became public enemy number one. The next day, when sent to fetch some supplies for the other handmaidens, Aine never returned. Instead, she set for the Earth Kingdom, still dressed in Fire Nation robes due to her rush, and swore vengeance on Firelord Azula.


Because I'm sure I missed something.

Still a lot to cover. I haven't even proofread yet, nor have I slept. Atm, sleep comes first. Also, I didn't even check if it was okay to be Azula's handmaiden or not. And, even though this was the first idea that popped into my mind, after hearing that the assassination attempt on Azula is important to the plot, I don't know if this somehow interferes with that. That's why I asked about it. I can change the backstory if need be, though.
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  • Sera has a genetic neuropathy which cause her to have the inability to feel pain, touch, or temperature changes. She knows to be careful with herself but trying to get her attention physically is impossible.

Relations & Relationships Sera never knew her parents and was raised as a performer. She has strong connections in that area, and holds many connection with the women who work there as well. She is friends with a few other kids her age and has a close bond with a boy named Benji.

Family & Friends

Agrata, She is the proprietress of an establishment that takes young women in and sets up their boarding in exchange for them learning how to be come performs and return some of the favors Agrata has given them.

Benji, A boy the same age as Sera.

Umi, an up an coming performer.




Sera was born with in the city but no record of her birth or parents exist. She was found on a door step and eventually adopted by Agrata. She was raised in one of the flower towns with in new ba sing se. With in a few years the realization came that the child could not physically feel and had to rely on other factors. Sera was taught that the fire nation was all good and that the phoine kingdomn was even better because of it until she was removed from schooling to enter a more technical teaching of performance.

She met Benji when she was six and the two have been inseparable since, but recently they have begun to grow apart due to different views mutter in silence about the phoenix kingdom, Benji vanished a few days before his 17th birthday. To this day Sera is still looking for clues of her friend, wandering the alleys of the city looking for him, and finding the resistance by accident.


Benji and Umi are actually not going to be a part of this they're just mention briefly in passing. Also i hope the flower town (hanamachi) thing is okay, if not it can be taken out completely. Also sorry about the sketchy pen image of Sera, The first one is of her when she's fourteen but i can't find any other pictures of her when she's older forgive me. please enjoy this gif of sera and benji.



[Female | 17| Firenation]

is Sweet and playful young woman, She is kind,cheerful yet very naiive about the world and its intentions. She loves to explore and if you would like to visit some obscure part of the city she could probably lead you there. She is very empathetic, yet can be very impish if she knows you well enough.


?Chi blocking

?martial arts

?internal compass


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