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"not yet , i arrived to school a little late, took a quick run around the country and forgot about it , how are they " says john.

kurt goes back to the club room trying to find loki.
Thalia shrugged her shoulders."Smaller than what I'm used to and so enclosed too, no balconies and so under decorated...suppose I miss home a little." She says quietly.

Loki was just packing things up and getting rid of the illusion he put on the stage before he was about to leave the place.
"well asgard sounds amazing , i should visit " john jokes " im sure you'll love it here"
Thalia leans into her seat."I suppose I could take you there sometime and show you around the place." She smiled a little."Theres soon much to explore here." She tells him.
Victoria laughs softly "Sure we can hang out." she says with a smile "But first, let's get you settled in." she says, she wondered what kind of decoration he was going to put into his room. She looks around and nods slightly "Alright, what do you have for the room? If you don't have much we can probably get something for you."
john claps his hands together " are you free this weekend" he says before pausing a little " i can give you a look around"
Atreus does blush a little when she does laugh but he was still smiling."Should be fun." He nods at her, he folds his arms."I'd like to decorate it like home but maybe mix in some of the midgardian culture too...as for what I've brought with not much, so maybe we've got a trip to make." He chuckled a little.

Thalia shrugged."Theres no school on the weekend so I would say so." She stands up from her seat to grab her bag.
"its a date then" says john running over and handing thalia her bag instead of letting her grab it herself "can i walk you back to the dorms"
"We'll have to go during the weekend though." Victoria points out "But didn't you bring anything from home?"
Atreus shrugged."I grabbed clothes and maybe a few trinkets." He explains and walks around."Sure, though do we have time for the library? It'll be nice hanging out with your this weekend, something to look forward too." He smiles a little.

Thalia grabs her bag when it was given to her."Well sure if you'd like to, you'll be having to go there anyway or do you not have a room?" She asks him.

Loki walks by him."No we'll leave a little bit of the stuff out for the classes and club." He tells him.
"i dont have a room yet , is there a reservation ?" john says scratching his head

kurt puts his hands together "i dont know where to live?"
Thalia walks over to the dorm building."You just go get your keycard for your room and go from there, if you've been given a room." She tells him.

Loki raises a brow."What?" He questioned him, he doesn't know how he was suppose to help with that."Then talk to someone." He tells him.
"well then ill need to get myself a room" john says walking over to the a desk.

"well , thats the problem , i dont know who to talk to , im 19 remamber , never really lived alone , would a hotel be a good idea , do you think the school will let me have a room since im almost as young as the kids" kurt responds
"Library stays open till eleven, then they close so students are forced to get some sleep." Victoria says and she chuckles "Well my room is above this floor, boys and girls sleep op different floors."
Atreus snapped his fingers and has his bags appear in the room, the stuff he had packed from home that he had lying somewhere else before he knew about this dorm place."Because it would help with girls safety I would think." He shrugged, he does take some stuff out of his bag."So you want to go to the library today or do you have to be getting home?" He asks her.

Loki goes outside."Then go ask for a room or maybe they have one for you already." He sighed, now he felt like he was babysitting this guy.

Thalia walks inside and pulls out her keycard."You just get your card from that place over there, type in your name and it'll give it to you." She tells him.
"If we have time after getting you settled in I don't see why we can't visit the library." Victoria says and he smiles slightly "You really like reading don't you?"
Atreus starts putting away clothes in the dresser that was provided and most of the clothes was stuff he got from there, since he and his cousin had to shop for clothes that would have them fit in on Midgard, it was nice of Tony to help them pay for their stuff as well."I mean it's something and you seem to like it so...I like other stuff too, I can be fun." He tells her.
"ok thanks for the help i guess" kurt says heading to the building next to the school where the dorms are , he asks for a room and they hand him a card .

john takes his own keycard too before heading back to thalaia "that was easy"
Victoria raises an eyebrow "You can use magic, you're about ten times as fun to be around compared to most student who attend this school." she says and grins "Also, you can help me with my flying spell, I can lift myself up, but can't hold it and then I fall down again, most of the time landing pretty unfortunate."
Atreus was blushing again, not expecting her to say that which was obvious by his expression."Well thanks." He smiles a little before he was addressed by her next statement which snapped him out of it."I could be your magic buddy, I've got levitating down but I can't fly too much, I haven't quite mastered it." He explains.

Thalia had already put her bags of her stuff and unpacked them in her room earlier since she had actually got all that done before unlike her cousin, she nods."Then you're all ready to go." She smiled at him.
Victoria grins "So we can practice together." she says and she adds "But we can't practice at the sanctum, Wong and dad don't like it if I invent new spells."
Atreus goes to put the empty bags in the closet and sets out some trinkets of his, he had a Fenrir statue and some photos then a old vase in which he did want to get some flowers to put in it, least some fake ones, he then places down his own gold headpiece with little horns."Theres a whole forest out here so why not use that unless you have somewhere else you'd like to go or I can take you to another realm." He tells her.
"You can travel to other realms? That's awesome!" Victoria says and she grins "I can travel pretty much everywhere with my portals, but not yet to different realms.". She thinks for a while and smiles "Be right back." she says and she goes through a portal, coming back a bit later with some fake flowers "Here you go." she says "I had too many."
john smiles "well , guess ill head to my room then , hope ill see you tomorrow , good night" he says waving and walking to his room.

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