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Fandom Marvel: Earth-617



The God-Emperor of Mankind

- Other than Captain America, Black Panthers, Black Widow, and any other characters whose backstory explicitly contains/requires involvement in past and/or historical events to work, all superheroes are relatively new and have appeared in the span of, roughly, the last two decades (no sooner than 2000.) For an example, Captain America was created during WW2, then much like in the MCU, he returned in the 21st century, but Iron Man is a new name on the stage.
- The Avengers are not a thing yet, but Nick Fury is working on it.
- As such, Civil War obviously did not happen yet.
- The Superhuman and Mutant Registration Acts didn't happen yet.
- Magneto hadn't made any major terrorist attacks over the years and otherwise isn't all that much noteworthy yet.
- The X-Men have formed and Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is operational, but they hadn't done much thus far other than collect mutants and stop acts of violence involving them.
- Doctor Doom has only lately returned to Latveria; the entire Fantastic Four franchise is still very early in their timeline.
- The Guardians of the Galaxy exist and they help out across the stars.
- Aliens, Dormammu, Secret Wars, Ultron, Avengers vs. X-Men, Thanos didn't happen yet. None of these "world-ending" or "extraordinary" scenarios took place yet.
- We begin in the year 2018.
- Much like in the comics, we will keep the timeline and connections as vague as humanly possible to make this all easier and nicer.
- I will allow OCs, but only way later on when we already have established the quote "canon" unquote characters and events.

Character Rules/Planning

- First of all, I will need the major characters from the Marvel universe first. Characters like Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Reed Richards, Thor, Bruce Banner, Peter Quill, and so on all come first - all the big names, all the big players. Once we have collected a fair amount of these, we'll have Nicky set up the Avengers and then proceed with opening up to the newer, "minor" characters like Peter Parker, Mantis, Winter Soldier, etc.

- Once that first stage is completed, we will begin the proper, major storylines with things like the Chitauri Invasion, Age of Ultron, maybe Avengers vs. X-Men, etc.

- Assume that you can NPC any other character or villain unless a GM can do it. If a player makes a character sheet of that character that slightly differs, we will basically retcon everything to hell. (ie: If Captain America, Groot, Thor, and Human Torch all team up to take down MODOK, Kingpin, Loki and Red Skull who are allied for some reason, and no one has made a Groot or Red Skull characters, just choose a player to NPC them for now.)

- Once we have a crapload of major and minor characters from ALL MARVEL media and several events have passed, I will consider allowing fully custom and new characters. Please, note that this doesn't mean you can't have your own take of an existing character. This is a different universe, after all. A Sorcerer Spiderman Trained By Doctor Strange? Doctor Octopus As An Anti-Hero? An Ultron Who Is Actually a Top-Secret HYDRA Project? As long as it's not super-confusing, go for it.

- Players are encouraged to play multiple characters.

- This will probably be really chaotic and won't work well, and might be clunky at best, but who cares? Let's try it anyway. It's all about the good intentions.


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