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Fandom Marvel Collided Volume 1 (of 3) RP Interest Check

Well, you can have any anti-hero ever at all that has ever been made ever.... as long as they aren't from the MCU. They can take part in the MCU, but cannot be the said character from that universe. Got me?

So an oc that isn't from mcu? But from a different dimension?
So an oc that isn't from mcu? But from a different dimension?
No, it doesn't have to be an oc. Just not from MCU. Like, you could be Wolverine from the Mangaverse. Or Hulk from the Ultimate universe. No anti-heroes from the MCU. Yo can however choose an MCU provided if it hasn't been taken. (i.e. Star-Lord)
No, it doesn't have to be an oc. Just not from MCU. Like, you could be Wolverine from the Mangaverse. Or Hulk from the Ultimate universe. No anti-heroes from the MCU. Yo can however choose an MCU provided if it hasn't been taken. (i.e. Star-Lord)

Yeah, I'm more leaned towards making an oc tbh. My strong point is towards dc, not much knowledgeable with Marvel nowadays.
SymbioticWebslinger SymbioticWebslinger
She's kinda the awkward hero, the way original spidey was.

Mania, on the other hand, is an anti-hero. She's one of the symbiotes that split from the clone of Venom's tongue.

EDIT: ... Would also be down to play Laura Kinney (X-23)
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Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie Well then... Go for it! All three are fine by me. The reason you get three roles would be because Annie is a hero and won't come until the second volume. So, I do in fact believe you know what you're talking about. Have fun!

Lux___Wolf Lux___Wolf okay then. Both of those roles are yours. Have fun!
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Hey There!
How's it going?!
Good? Me, too.
Well, I'm looking for some people.
People to role-play with.
I'm looking for any Marvel Character at all!
I mean at ALL!!!!
You could be Noir Universe, Ultimate Universe, any at all!
Even gender-bent is fine by me!
But of course, they cannot be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I have a plan for those dudes.
On the topic of Cinematic Universe, this all happens before Civil War.
Of course, my explanation of Spidey being here is that he was accepted into the Avengers upon Quicksilver's death, being desperate, Tony Stark hears about Spidey and puts him into the shoes of an Avenger
Of course, he gives him the suit, too.
Now, the story goes a little bit like this.
(I'm gonna need some more people to play the 'main' roles)
i.e: Tony Stark, Captain America, Thor, Loki, and Star Lord.
(Those above cannot be accepted as Gender-bent and are only allowed to be Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Spider-Man (Me) and Tony Stark are fighting some petty criminals when F.R.I.D.A.Y sends both of them the news of Loki returning... AGAIN! Thor reaches the ground before the two. Meanwhile in Brooklyn, Captain America hears about this and dawns his classic red, white, and blue. In Wakanda, Doctor Strange hears about this threat to the Galaxy and quickly comes to the scene. Loki groups with Thanos (me as well or someone who wants to fill the role) and creates a portal to create villains and anti-heroes from all over. Hearing about this, Star Lord and the Guardians of the Galaxy come to defend earth. Sadly, they are too late, as Loki has already secured the Tesseract and Vision's jewel, killing him in the process. Thanos collected the Time Stone and the Soul Stone elsewhere. Star-Lord doomed his crew by coming here, as previously, the Guardians collected the Orb and the Aether was found by Drax in the Collector's destroyed home. Thanos kills Drax and Rocket Raccoon in order to get the Aether. The Orb, carried by Gamora, was forcefully taken through Gamora's death. Star-Lord, furious of this tragedy, attempts to destroy the Guantlet, but is stopped by Thanos who flees to the evacuated Asgard, as Loki already invaded, killing Odin and stealing the other Infinity Guantlet. Together, they power a portal that brings in many villains, anti-heroes-wait... and heroes?! Eternity, one of the Etheral beings of the multiverse, allows heroes to come into the MCU as well. Thanos, Loki, Tony, Cap, Star Lord, Doctor Strange, Thor, and Spider-Man are after these anti-heroes in order to stop their foes. Eternity however id attempting to keep the peace and put together the torn Universe once more. But that might involve violence... In this installment, each side attempts to gather anti-heroes. Deadpool.. look out!
Well, wha'do you think?

Cool, right?
I'm mostly looking for anti-heroes and Villians at the moment
(i.e: Deadpool, Wolverine, Goblin, Red Skull)
But, heroes are accepted too, but will not be active in this Volume.
This volume's utmost importance is participation and persistence.
This Volume should be finished by the end of the month
All you heroes, I will send you a pm when the Volume is finished

Available Roles: Thor, Star Lord, and villains (lots of 'em)
Claimed Roles: Spider-Man - SymbioticWebslinger SymbioticWebslinger
Thanos - SymbioticWebslinger SymbioticWebslinger
Deadpool - @The Omen of Death
Punisher - @The Omen of Death
Zoe - @NaturalQueen
Loki - @NaturalQueen
Thor - @Garuda
Silver Samurai - @Garuda
Eternity - Slop Slop
Doctor Strange - MePersonally MePersonally
Captain America - @Hammy
Iron Man - Reserved for @Syrrus
Mania - Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie
X-23 - Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie
Wolverine - Lux___Wolf Lux___Wolf
Venom - Lux___Wolf Lux___Wolf

Hey man....umm...I heard that you're looking for some people for RP...I was thinking of joining it if you wanted...Just asking...*fidget finger*
Hey can Rhodey (War Machine) be involved? i love him and dammit, he needs more credit! :o
Is this still happening...? I'm sure at least half the people here have left...

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