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Fantasy Marvel At This World


Six Thousand Club

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Beatrice popped one eye open, and stared at the clock. "12:45 AM" She mumbled, sitting up. She planned to meet up with her friends that night, and play some extreme Truth or Dare. She crawled out of bed, and into more comfortable clothing. She slipped on a white tank top, green flannel shirt, short shorts, and knee high brown boots. She brushed her frizzy red hair, and tied it up into a ponytail. She grabbed her satchel, full of her notebooks and art supplies, phone, and mirror. She looked into the large mirror in her room, and looked at her outfit. She nodded with approval, and sneaked out the window.

She was on the street finally. She made her way to her friend, "Jules" house. She walked along the dim lit sidewalk, and picked up small pebbles on her way there. When she got to his house, she threw pebbles at his bedroom window, hoping he'd hear it and be ready.

Amara stayed locked in her room all day not wanting to come out today. Amara heard knocking at the door and it was the castle maids coming in to get her ready for when the town came to file their complaints and bring gifts to the royal family as a peace offering. Amara was hesitant to get out of bed but the maids got her out either way. They picked out a beautiful purple dress that was a bit revealing but not as much and she had slipped it on when they finished tying the corset on her. Amara was always out of breath, literally, whenever they had tied the corset too tight. She had picked out the accessories that she was going to wear and she put them on and the maids put her crown on as well. Amara was finished and made way down to the great hall where breakfast was being held. Amara had found her mother and father there enjoying their meal and gazing at each other whenever they had the chance to look up.


"Good morning mother," Amara said as she greeted her mother and father. Amara's plate of delish food was brought to her and she began digging in.

Amara's mother shook her head a bit," I was worried when you stayed in your room for so long," she had said as she took a sip of her red wine.

"Don't you think that outfit is a bit too revealing my dear?" Amara's father spoke as he let out a sigh.

Amara chuckled, "Thanks for pointing out the obvious father," Amara said and chuckled.

"Yes but-- your so young, I need to have a stern talking to with your mother about all of these clothes that we have shipped here." Her father said as he got a bit flustered that his daughter would wear such a thing.

"What?! No, I'm only eighteen years old father, your not serious are you?" Amara said.

"I'm as serious Amara," Amara's father said as he looked at Amara's mother and shook her head.

Amara ignored what her father had said and she replied back to her mother, "Something is going to happen today or tomorrow, I can feel it. I haven't slept all day long,"Amara told her mother and father as she continued eating. Amara looked at her father as she flashed him a smile and he did so as well. His plate was taken from him and so was her mothers when they were done.

"Well then we'll just have to wait for that 'something' when it comes," her father spoke as she got up from his chair and walked over to Amara to kiss her cheek. Her father moved towards her mother after to help her out and they both exited the great hall, "When you are done, come to the throne room since the people of the town are on their way here." Her mother said as they left to go to the throne room.
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Abrasax hadn't slept all night. In fact, he usually didn't sleep. He felt that it was a waste of time. And the King could hardly allow that. His eyes glowed an eerie black as he sat in the large, black marble room. His throne room was huge. And gorgeous. Black marble was lain on he floor with streaks of fold creating a beautiful mural of a flame. Enormous columns of gold stood to hold the high, glass ceiling that let in the glow of the Fires outside the huge castle. And his throne, oh his beautiful throne. The throne was made of lava melted in the oldest fire known to Eleterra. And then the lava was poured over the skulls of his enemies. These skulls decorated the entire throne. It was the centerpiece of the room, about as large as a semi-truck in height. Abrassax's tail flicked as some peasant begged for his life.

"And who are you to think that you can get away with the law that I have written?" The king questioned the poor creature. The man stood, shaking.

"I am no one to question your judgment, my king" he rattled carefully. The red devil nodded and smirked. The waved his hand and a guard swung off the creature's head.

"Get rid of the body," he commanded.
Phoenix was still digging through the crystal caverns that ran beneath the earth of her home. Opallux tirelessly hammered away at the hole in the cieling with her needle claws. She then stopped hammering as she tunneled into a basement. She had crawled down to phoenix hurriedly and shook her gently as she slept. She opened her jet black eyes slowly and moved her silver hair behind her head. "Mm? What is it opallux.? Did you find something?" She stood up with a look of excitement and curiosity. "Yes mi lady...I have found our firdt place outside silva." She smiled slightly. "Opallux I told you its not sylva...I have always called silva elebrus..it gits the huge flowers from home...the rafflesia always caught my eye.." opallux blinked and reformed into sphere form. "I understand..I am just so used to hearing your species call it sylva...well then..shall we proce-" she was cut off by phoenix climbing the tunnel. The tunnel although perfectly spherical was easily scalable being the fact phoenix was from sylva the kingdom of plants. She unknowingly popped up in the castle basement of obitus kingdom of darkness. Which was the first place.she wanted to visit. She always thought obits was more suitable due to her black eyes. And red suit dress...but she paid no mind. "Hey opallux...this is obitus..from the books in mother's archive right? Maybe we can get you a new form integrated in your mind? Wouldn't thst be nice...maybe even a bird...or a firebird...the one mother named me after I mean..or even a dragon if they still exist..anyway remain in sphere mode...its your smallest form...and I need you to remain thay way incase we run into trouble without my swords we cannot fend trouble off without using my blood and arcane magic..."

She then felt as though someone was watching the two of them in the basement..not.knowing it really was someone she shrugged it off and spoke to opallux. "Hey opallux...you think we could live in this castle..instead of the one back home in sylva?" Opallux responded sincerely "I do not know the answer mi lady..this is an answer only the winds of time can bring" she then nodded. Waiting for whoever was watching to appear..though nervous.

"H..hello...? I..I'm sorry about the hole in your basement...i..I didn't mean to i was just...desperate for a way out of my hell hole life..." @sprouhtt
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]

Beatrice popped one eye open, and stared at the clock. "12:45 AM" She mumbled, sitting up. She planned to meet up with her friends that night, and play some extreme Truth or Dare. She crawled out of bed, and into more comfortable clothing. She slipped on a white tank top, green flannel shirt, short shorts, and knee high brown boots. She brushed her frizzy red hair, and tied it up into a ponytail. She grabbed her satchel, full of her notebooks and art supplies, phone, and mirror. She looked into the large mirror in her room, and looked at her outfit. She nodded with approval, and sneaked out the window.

She was on the street finally. She made her way to her friend, "Jules" house. She walked along the dim lit sidewalk, and picked up small pebbles on her way there. When she got to his house, she threw pebbles at his bedroom window, hoping he'd hear it and be ready.

Jules was already outside the house waiting for Beatrive, leaning on an outside wall of his house smoking. He couldnt complain how he was treated by his foster parents but they were old by this point in his life so rarely were able to pay attention of what he was doing. He saw her move to the side of the house his room was in withough seeing him. He shook his head and through away the cigarette before approuching Beatrice." Hey, over here, cherie." He called to her.
bloodfire said:
Phoenix was still digging through the crystal caverns that ran beneath the earth of her home. Opallux tirelessly hammered away at the hole in the cieling with her needle claws. She then stopped hammering as she tunneled into a basement. She had crawled down to phoenix hurriedly and shook her gently as she slept. She opened her jet black eyes slowly and moved her silver hair behind her head. "Mm? What is it opallux.? Did you find something?" She stood up with a look of excitement and curiosity. "Yes mi lady...I have found our firdt place outside silva." She smiled slightly. "Opallux I told you its not sylva...I have always called silva elebrus..it gits the huge flowers from home...the rafflesia always caught my eye.." opallux blinked and reformed into sphere form. "I understand..I am just so used to hearing your species call it sylva...well then..shall we proce-" she was cut off by phoenix climbing the tunnel. The tunnel although perfectly spherical was easily scalable being the fact phoenix was from sylva the kingdom of plants. She unknowingly popped up in the castle basement of obitus kingdom of darkness. Which was the first place.she wanted to visit. She always thought obits was more suitable due to her black eyes. And red suit dress...but she paid no mind. "Hey opallux...this is obitus..from the books in mother's archive right? Maybe we can get you a new form integrated in your mind? Wouldn't thst be nice...maybe even a bird...or a firebird...the one mother named me after I mean..or even a dragon if they still exist..anyway remain in sphere mode...its your smallest form...and I need you to remain thay way incase we run into trouble without my swords we cannot fend trouble off without using my blood and arcane magic..."
She then felt as though someone was watching the two of them in the basement..not.knowing it really was someone she shrugged it off and spoke to opallux. "Hey opallux...you think we could live in this castle..instead of the one back home in sylva?" Opallux responded sincerely "I do not know the answer mi lady..this is an answer only the winds of time can bring" she then nodded. Waiting for whoever was watching to appear..though nervous.

"H..hello...? I..I'm sorry about the hole in your basement...i..I didn't mean to i was just...desperate for a way out of my hell hole life..." @sprouhtt
Amara made way towards the throne room but then she heard a sudden noise coming from underneath the castle. She made a turn away from the throne room and walked towards the basement of the castle to find a girl there with crazy long white hair. Amara stayed in the shadows for a while before the girl called out, she slowly stepped out of the shadow she had made. "No need to apologize to me, I'm just surprised the Talria beast hasn't made you pay for the amount of trouble you've caused in my castle." Amara said with a cold voice. "Why have you come here?" Amara asked her as she circled around the girl slowly and kept a close eye on her.
Phoenix stared at the older woman who now stood in front of her a but creeper out but as she studied Amara she knew by the clothing she must be a princess or queen of the castle in obitus. "I'm princess phoenix....from silva. Kingdom of plants..I..I'm here because I needed to get away from my abusive family...I was sick of being stuck inside the castle and this is the first time I have ever been outside silva in my life...kits just me and my friend opallux. She and I were tunneling for several weeks. Then we decided to try digging up to the surface." phoenix looked up at Amara revealing her jet black eyes and her suit changed color to black with red streaks on the sleeves. Which she had figured would make her feel more comfortable. "In short...I was being abused and held inside the castle because my family not including my twin sister raven silverfire was abusing me. I get sick of it and escape into a series of crystal tunnels and caverns..as I tunneled I met opallux..the floating orb you see before me is actually alive. I don't know what her species is but we have been the only thing either of us have...and we decided we needed a new place to live or stay..and..." phoenix stepped closer to Amara and whispered to her. "I want to see what the humans and their world looks like too...my mom always said it was dangerous because humans were dangerous killers...but I don't believe her...but it's for that reason my mom held me inside the castle for so many years.." phoenix fell to her knees and had tears in her eyes. She held opallux in her arms and opallux looked at her. "Now now....dont cry again...its okay...." she just let tears slip silently down her fave and spoke. "I'm just happy to be away from that green hell...the only.thing I will miss is the plants and the giant forests..but just being here...makes me overjoyed that I am away from my family...I even feigned my death to my parents by acting like I had been stung and poisoned by a spiderwasp stinger...just to escape...it was after they buried me alive that I tunneled away... " @sprouhtt
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Jules was already outside the house waiting for Beatrive, leaning on an outside wall of his house smoking. He couldnt complain how he was treated by his foster parents but they were old by this point in his life so rarely were able to pay attention of what he was doing. He saw her move to the side of the house his room was in withough seeing him. He shook his head and through away the cigarette before approuching Beatrice." Hey, over here, cherie." He called to her.
Beatrice turned her head and grinned. "Whoops." She mumbled, walking over. She stuffed her hands into her pockets and sighed. "You ready to go to the, dark forest?" She asked, adding a small spooky voice when saying "dark forest".

He smirked." Ready, willing and able. Though true the only reason that it is called...Dark forest its because there is a lot of shade " He said casually. "There is nothing to fear about good old wolves."
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
He smirked." Ready, willing and able. Though true the only reason that it is called...Dark forest its because there is a lot of shade " He said casually. "There is nothing to fear about good old wolves."
She smirked. "uh huh. I'd like to hear you say that again, when they're eating your face." She replied, snappishly. "Let's go." She said, turning to walk down the side walk, and right towards the dark forest.

"Did I say about I meant apart."He said chuckling before shrugging. "And hey if they chew on my face I am sure they will choke on my lip ring so... I give as good as I get."He said jokingly before following her."is there others or is just the two of us? I always though you had a thing for me."
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
"Did I say about I meant apart."He said chuckling before shrugging. "And hey if they chew on my face I am sure they will choke on my lip ring so... I give as good as I get."He said jokingly before following her."is there others or is just the two of us? I always though you had a thing for me."
Beatrice blushed. "Tch... No! It's only us because everyone else was too chicken to meet up anyways." She replied, quickly. "I only view you as a friend..." She continued walking, though went a bit faster than him to go ahead.

"Sacre chat, I was just kidding but you blushed!"He said teasingly at her reaction with a mock look of surprise more real than he realised. He chuckled when she said they were just friends." You don't sound convincing trying to avoid me."
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
"Sacre chat, I was just kidding but you blushed!"He said teasingly at her reaction with a mock look of surprise more real than he realized. He chuckled when she said they were just friends." You don't sound convincing trying to avoid me."
"Whatever." She mumbled quietly. "I was only blushing cuz' you made me embarrassed. I only blush when that happens, or I'm being teased. I get flustered either way!" She replied, with a snap again. She sighed and growled quietly. "Let's just get there already..." She said under her breathe.
He chuckled wanting to push more but knew better than risk it further. He had to admit though that the idea of the two of them together was something that crossed his mind a few times. He hurried to keep up with her and eventually made it to the forest. He was surprised, he expected the forest would be dark and creepy but there was something more ominous.
"This isn't so bad." She said leaning on one of the trees. She peered into the forest, squinting. It didn't look like it ever ended. "Time to go in." She said, with a smile. She raised her hands and made an "ooooo" sound as she walked in.
Rainy83 said:
Abrasax hadn't slept all night. In fact, he usually didn't sleep. He felt that it was a waste of time. And the King could hardly allow that. His eyes glowed an eerie black as he sat in the large, black marble room. His throne room was huge. And gorgeous. Black marble was lain on he floor with streaks of fold creating a beautiful mural of a flame. Enormous columns of gold stood to hold the high, glass ceiling that let in the glow of the Fires outside the huge castle. And his throne, oh his beautiful throne. The throne was made of lava melted in the oldest fire known to Eleterra. And then the lava was poured over the skulls of his enemies. These skulls decorated the entire throne. It was the centerpiece of the room, about as large as a semi-truck in height. Abrassax's tail flicked as some peasant begged for his life.
"And who are you to think that you can get away with the law that I have written?" The king questioned the poor creature. The man stood, shaking.

"I am no one to question your judgment, my king" he rattled carefully. The red devil nodded and smirked. The waved his hand and a guard swung off the creature's head.

"Get rid of the body," he commanded.
Edana woke up after a long night of dancing and celebrating her friends birthday at a high end party. Edana met a bunch of intellectual men that she flirted her way through them getting addresses. Many of the towns people knew Edana very well and some thought she was a lovely elegant girl but others thought the opposite, they thought she was naughty and very reckless with men but nobody ever knows since she always surprises everyone everyday. Edana got up and her mothers maid came in and prepared her for the day, she especially loved it when her hair was curled by the maids since they made it very big, loud, and beautiful. Edana went down and got her breakfast and headed out into the town making way towards the castle. Edna felt as if everyday the second sun came out it made this firey kingdom even hotter but it wasn't like she wasn't used to it but other people who may come might find it extremely hot, dry, and humid but not the folks of Ustrina they loved it and during the night the temperatures would cool down a bit. Edna stood in front of the castle gates and she put on a flirty emotion in front of the palace guards letting her go through. They would have let her in but last week her and the fire king had gotten into a disagreement about him being a good or bad king and the way he ruled. Edana walked into the castle and looked around she made her way towards the throne room where she had found Abrasax sitting on his throne.

"Well then I can see your still causing pain to every man who comes here," Edana said to him as she walked towards his throne and watched as the guard left with the body. Edana curtsied in front of him just to show respect.
Cam's eyes slowly opened "What the....Where am.......What?" He said looking quite confused
Abrasax leaned on the throne, watching as the female curtsied before him. He was still quite salty with her for their last argument. But only because she called him out. The king didn't care that she didn't approve of how he ruled. Abrasax liked the way he ruled. And he would keep it that way. His eyes flared black as she practically told him off for killing the man.

"And I see that you are still butting in the way of how I rule my own Kingdom" he parried. The demon stood, hands behind his back. Abrasax walked towards Edana, his tail flicking behind him.

" And yet my people love me. I have won them wars and brought them peace. I have had not one sign of a revolution" the red being told her as he circled Edana. He couldn't help but like how her dress sat on her. But he didn't think on that very long.
Shortyshot said:
Cam's eyes slowly opened "What the....Where am.......What?" He said looking quite confused
(If anyone wants to talk to him of course. I don't even know where he is xD Wherever you want I guess :P )
Rainy83 said:
You could be in Ustrina if you want )
(Sure. That works too xDD He's really wherever you can imagine he popped up. For all we know he popped up where you are)
Yea sure! I'm in the throne room. I would love to stay but I cant. So sorry)

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