Martyr is Me(IC)


Junior Member
San Remonto high school was a typical public high school located in a suburb somewhere between the good and bad districts of the city. The building was like a hollow rectangle building three stories high with a rectangular courtyard in the middle with two trees in it and grass. The building was parallel to the street in front of it with it's parking lot in it's front and it's track field/football field behind it.

Peter looked over his shoulder, an old habit he just couldn't break as he shoved his black backpack into his locker on the second floor. He ran his right hand through his messy hair. He hadn't gotten a chance to take a shower and he hoped no one would noticed. He quickly took his science books out of his locker and headed for Mr.Shuller's advanced science class. He managed to make it into the room and to his desk at the back of the room just as the one minute warning bell went off.

At the D.E.D.(Domestic Enforcement Department) vehicle storage and prep room(aka large garage)- Men in bulletproof vests and uniforms similar to that of SWAT officers are hurriedly running around prepping for something as they load armored black military vans with equipment. A young officer with choppy brown hair approaches the man who seems to be in charge who looks to be in his mid 40's with graying hair, stubble and a scar going down his right cheek.

"Is it really necessary to purge a high school?" The young officer asks the man.

"We can't take any chances if subject X is rumored to be there and that's the last I want to here of your questions Sgt. Mills" said the other man turning away from the young officer.

"I want this all done in two minutes!" Shouted the commanding officer. "The operation at San Remonto begins at O'800 hours!" He said climbing into the front passenger seat of one of the military vehicles and the officer in the driver's seat started it up as many other cars started up as well.
A buzzer that sounded akin to the merciless beating of a billion jingle bells echoed throughout the halls of San Remonto High School, signaling the start of the school day and warning that students had only a little over ten minutes to arrive at their classes. No sooner had it died off was its sound replaced by hundreds of frivolous teenagers socializing rather than racing off to their seats to begin the day’s education. This, as Kassadi Loesermann had come to realize during her short stay here, was the daily ritual inside S.R.H.S.

Unlike the rest of the students now pulsing down the walkways as if they were the lifeblood flowing throughout the thick arteries of some enormous creature, Kassadi had arrived along with a couple of the teachers thirty minutes prior. Once again she had evoked the excuse of medical treatments for ‘early onset Huntington’s disease’, freeing her from the first two periods of the day, though she would actually be using that time to scrawl her cryptic notes inside of another of her Sherlock Holmes novels.

While she didn’t have anything in particular against going to her classes, they also did very little for her. There was nothing here for these people to teach her that would eventually hold any bearing upon HER life. Her time in THIS world was but a transitory existence; it would be over in the blink of an eye, and she would have been nothing more than a grain of sand floating away in a sandstorm. If it had not been for the direction of her legal guardian Issaif, she wouldn’t have even been here wasting the little time she was.

“Go Pumas! WHOO!” shouted a jock right besides Kassadi as he and a small group of his fellow basketball players made their way down the halls.

His prideful cheer had been well accepted by a great many of the overall student body; the majority of them cheering back energetically. To Kassadi however, all she could think about were her now ringing ears. This place was just so very… normal. It was all very different from where she had received her own education prior to arriving here. Her teachers had always been so much more efficient, practical… distanced. Here however, her professors looked upon her with an odd combination of pity and sympathy; Here, her teachers seemed far less professional.

Slipping out of the rear doors of the school and into its adjoined track-field, Kassadi pulled free her gleaming-gunmetal cellphone with its annoying ‘hello kitty’ keychain dangling from its bottom to check the time.

— 7: 50 AM —

“Right on time…” Kassadi thought to herself as she breathed in the chill morning air: a welcomed change from the musk of the schools halls. Her fingers flitted across its touchscreen, eventually causing the display to change from its large number key display into a functional message that read: — Calling Issaif Mizrahi —

“Hello?” Came a moderately accented voice firmly from the phone’s speaker.

“Good Morning Sir.” Kassadi responded with the politeness that had always been so important to him.

“Oh, Loesermann? Has the student you’re supposed to be tutoring shown up yet by chance?” He asked in a youthful, energetic tone that had been all but lost upon her.

“Not yet. Are you certain he’s actually interested?” She inquired back.

Having spent the last few weeks waiting had made her very aware of the possibility that he may just be a no show. Nothing annoyed her more than wasted time.

“He’s interested… Try being a bit more patient. In either case, I have to get going; my appointment is starting now.” He replied, hurriedly disconnecting the call before Kassadi had the time to respond.

The screen quickly flashed — End — before returning to its homescreen which showed nothing but the ‘call’ icon and the time in bold digets: — 7: 52 AM —

“Right on time…” she thought again as she rested her back against the school wall right beside the door.
(srry internet has been down....)

Annette was a small fragile girl. As she walked into the hallways of the school, it was clear that she was struggling with the things she carried. She walked with a fast pace. She had her camera on a strap on her left shoulder and she brought her messenger style bag infront of her, trying to put a few books into it. She dropped her photo journal and then hurriedly picked it up. She went to her locker and put her camera there for safe keeping and tied her long beautiful, honey brown hair into a high pony tail. She adjusted the cream colored, above the knee length skirt and had a white button up shirt that was buttoned below her collar bone. She wore no jewelry, she didnt like it, and only wore sneakers nothing too girly. She didnt like skirts but she had to dress nice today for a class presentation. She shut her locker door and sighed, one hand still on the door.

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