Martial Arts design challenge


Two Thousand Club
I want a martial art (probably terrestrial) that explains why mooks fight they way they do in martial arts movies. Like, a form that gives a bonus for lining up and attacking one at a time. Or something that explains the powder that flies off them when they get hit. Or how the same guy comes back later in the movie in a different uniform.

let's start with a name... hmmm.

Indestructable Expendable Minion Style?

You can take getting beat up, even apparently get killed, but are always able to outlive your master's failed plans, despite the fact that you should have died many, many times for your incompetence?

I'm thinking 21 and 24 from the Venture Bros would be masters of this style.
...we'll see. I got sort of discouraged from writing MA by being really busy and by the last two or three getting face-fucked with vague but incredibly insistent criticisms over on the WW forum.

Though really, I suspect it's because that forum is just sort of a horrible place (I can take criticism. But 'this style sucks' is not valid criticism if you don't back your points up, dammit.) It's been a while since I wrote anything though (not counting Mage-Slayer Style, because I want to revise that.)
At least you got some feed back. Anytime I ask a question or make a point it gets lost in the noise.
Sojko telling me I'm a terrible writer repeatedly isn't what I'd call 'feedback'. Certainly not in any constructive way.
... which is why I spend most of my time on ECR. People here know the system/setting just as well as over at the WW forums, but theres none of the flaming.

On topic, I'll have a think about the MA but its a tough one :P Conceptually I want to involve Mars, given that these mooks just seem to be forced into conflict in a given manner - plus the dust thing reminds me of the flavour of various sidereal charms.
While I haven't had time to write a complete style, here's a rough idea. I may finish it eventually, but feel free to steal the idea if you like it.

Unstoppable Swarm Style

Developed by a handful of Slayers as a tool of the Reclamation, this recently formalized Terrestrial style embodies the selfless heroism of the common soldier. All hand to hand weapons are compatible with this style, as are light and medium armors.


Many as One ( enemies' onslaught penalties increase by one per action per attacker)

Encircling Swarm (enemies' move/dash actions suffer speed penalties equal to the number of attackers)

Unstoppable Swarm Form

(The martial artist's onslaught is truly unstoppable. For the rest of the scene, the martial artist cannot be killed. He can, however, be defeated many many times, wearing down and demoralizing his opponent. Soak drops to zero and cannot be increased magically or non-magically. Health levels go away, replaced by a new track [-1,-2,-4,inc] which has no effect on the character's real health. When this new health track is completely filled with any grade of damage, the character is apparently slain, knocked out, or otherwise defeated, but he may reflexively spend 2 motes to teleport himself 10 yards from where he was defeated and heal all damage. He appears in a ready stance, weapon in hand, regardless of the circumstances of his defeat. If the martial artist chooses not to use this ability, the Form charm automatically ends itself and the character returns to his normal health track and soak stats.)

There should be a lot more charms, but these are the ones I have come up with(mostly) so far.

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