Marriab High


The Ultimate Enigma
It isn't a regular life if you don't have a school that fits in for you. Because... You're not regular, are you? Because every little blood cell in you is different, producing a different chemical that allows you to have another ability other than eyesight, talking, hearing, tasting and feeling. You get to have another gift because you

Fell in that nuclear tank.

Because you were bitten by a mutant insect.

Because you were affected by too much radiation.

Because You're Different.

^^^ RP thread.





Appearance: (Have as many photos as you want, since maybe some characters have another look while using their power.)

Abilitie(s): (Can go up to 3 MAXIMUM)





Name: Alex Creed

Age: 17

Gender: Female. (YES.... My name fools you. xD )


Abilitie(s): Whatever she touches in her form, her "Virus Cells" React to the mechanical object, and allows her to reshape it. This also includes telepathic powers, and Space Jump, and Regenerative cells.

Personality: She's a shy girl at some point, but when you get to n=know her, she's a funny, crazy, awesome party raver! But, I wouldn't tick her off if I were you. Because if you make very mad like not as mad as anyone in the world, she will risk showing her very secret self, and spacejump you to the moon... Or on planet Rae where other Cybertonians live. :3

History:Ended up like Sam Witwicky in the movie Transformers. Came in contact with an ancient, robotic civilization that chose this young woman to become their new decendant. Whom shall be named "Virus", since this decendant has unique skills that act like a virus.
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Are we allowed more than one character? Because I have a few gifted people that I'd like to slip into this.
Name: Revina Solex

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Abilitie(s): Can speak to cats, see hidden messages in the stars, has control over the stars (If that's ok...)

Personality: Revina is shy and scarcely talks to anyone. If you manage to get past her wall of shyness, she's very open and kind and full of sweet laughter.

History: She has no memory, due to the incident that gave her her powers. The only thing she remembered was her name.

Other: She has a pet cat named Firina.
Name: Oriianthi Storm Kaijxio (Pronounced Kai-sho)

Age: Somewhere around 16.

Gender: Female

Appearance: Orii is 5'6 and has bright blue eyes and long blonde hair. She has a summer tan and long, toned limbs. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Oriidef.PNG.6923d96e96db4c6177ad8b80ec3d0c3d.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1393" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Oriidef.PNG.6923d96e96db4c6177ad8b80ec3d0c3d.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilitie(s): Orii has large black wings that she keeps tucked under her shirt when she's pretending to be normal. She is half fey, which are supernatural beings who live in a sub-dimension of Earth and live hidden. This means that Oriianthi can control a sort of magic called Glamour, which is a power that can be taken from nature and human emotion. Glamour is usually self-fueled and can be quite useful. Some perks are, controlling anything that has life. She can make trees dance, flowers bloom, dead wood come back to life. Glamour is also an element controlling power, such as moving fire, air, water, and rocks. Weather and fire control are Orii's top skill. Glamour's weak point is, the more you use it, the more exhausted you get. You have to train with your glamour daily to become more and more powerful and persistent. She is strong and a fast runner.

Personality: Orii has a short temper, is very good at arguing and uses sarcasm often. She's good with kids and cooks decently. She's a tomboy, and loves skateboarding, surfing, parkour, and acrobatics. She's musically talented with instruments (mainly brass instruments and drums. She's also skilled with saxophone.) and her voice, which sounds a bit like Flyleaf.

History: Orii was born in Arcadia*, and her mother supposedly died during childbirth. Her Fae father quickly took her into the human world, where he put her into adoption. She was taken in by single Colbi Aradani, who raised her as her own in a small town in Oklahoma. There, she went to school until 10th grade. She was in the marching band and had many friends who she considers family. She has promised to return one day. She ran away in the 10th grade and ended up here. She also has a severe problem that she keeps a secret, depression and self harm.

Other: THE FEY: The Fey are like magical human beings who live in a sub-dimension of Earth. Trods are entrances to the *Nevernever, who can only be seen by Fey or humans who have the Sight, a gift or curse to humans which allow them to see the Fey. Fey can make themselves appear normal to humans without the Sight by using Glamour, but cannot disguise themselves against those with the Sight. There are two realms in Faery, Summer and Winter. Summer is filled with lush and green, beaches and forests. The Summer fey party alot and have music, games, sports, contests and other festivities. Oberon and Titania rule this court, in the capital called *Arcadia. Oberon is kind and forgiving, while Titania is hostile and cruel. In the Summer court, most dress casually. The Winter court is the opposite of Summer, where everything is serious and dark rather than bright and colorful. Queen Mab rules the Winter court in Tir Na Nog, a desolate, cold place filled with ice, snow, black roses and people who are as cold as their homeland. Oriianthi is from Summer and is the daughter of Oberon. She doesn't know her mother, but knows that she was fully human. Orii is also bisexual, but hasn’t had a crush in a long time.



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(First of three character applications. Darien's is by far the longest and I'm sorry for that. He's one of the first characters I ever created so I have trouble not writing a lot for him...)

Name: Darien Ellyas

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/reize__s_love_interests_by_meago-d596mtn.png.b9dbef240b6907e682e2b8e17b53008c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/reize__s_love_interests_by_meago-d596mtn.png.b9dbef240b6907e682e2b8e17b53008c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb13eb96_tumblr_miiaqhuOSE1r5n34uo1_500-Copy-Copy.png.db8ca217c22779d38d50da918366040d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1409" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb13eb96_tumblr_miiaqhuOSE1r5n34uo1_500-Copy-Copy.png.db8ca217c22779d38d50da918366040d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Because of his infatuation with sports, Darien has always been somewhat muscular. Unfortunately, given that he almost exclusively plays football (soccer, to the American's in the audience) his upper body isn't all that put together. While there's not much extra fat there, most all the muscle on his form has taken up permanent residence on his calves and thighs.

He has olive-toned skin, hinting at Mediterranean origin, though due to a heavy amount of his time being spent in the sun and a more African family line on his mothers side he tends to edge towards a darker hue. His brown hair is often scruffy and uneven, given that he cuts it himself, and it defiantly doesn't help his over all appearance, given that most of his clothes are full of holes and poorly patched up. He tries to look generally clean. Up until recently, Darien has looked rather like a ragamuffin, but lately he's been being kept fairly neat, if only because Hyun-ki and Warren won't let him leave his room without at least looking SOMEWHAT presentable. Between the two of them Darien is regularly forced into new, non-ripped up shirts and shorts, and has his hair almost routinely combed. The only bit they haven't managed to get rid of is the shoes - affectionately named "duct tape sneakers" by Darien and so called because they're about eighty percent tape, fifteen percent staples and glue, and five percent shoe. He maintains that they're still usable, so why would he throw them out?

In terms of clothes, he generally wears shorts and t-shirts, simple and easy, and all bought from good will, or picked up out of the trash if he sees it and thinks it's still usable. He can come off as a little bit grungy, but that's only because he's still not used to living a life where he can shower every day and afford new, clean clothes.

Abilitie(s): Pyrokenetic (the ability to create and control fire). Darien's powers allow him to create bursts of flame and high heat at will, and when it's a self-created flame he has the ability (though it causes him some mental duress) to control what that fire does. His mutation causes him to remain at a fairly high temperature except when sick (when he has a cold and the like he drops to a normal human temperature. When he has a fever he tends to burn off his own clothes and smoke, rather than sweat, it out). He has trouble controlling his temperature in all areas but his hands, which he has fairly good heat-control in. Because his powers are mentally triggered extreme emotions can cause dramatic fluctuations - he heats up dramatically when angry, excited, or embarassed, and when he's sad or in a depressive state he cools down to an almost-human temperature, which is pretty dangerous for him (he also has a bad habit of smoking/his hair lighting on fire when he gets at all aroused)

Personality: Darien is the sort of person who would find happiness in a house made of dung. He's almost constantly content where he is, if only because where he came from was always worse. When he lived on the streets he learned to be thankful for every little bit of cover and scrap of food, so now a couch is like a goose-down mattress with silk sheets to him. He can make himself happy in just about any situation he's put in, and because of this he often never tries to better himself. He'll be utterly content in slum-like living conditions, and never think to want something better, because it's already a lot better then what he was in before. Because he's happy where he is, he doesn't think that he can be happier anywhere else, and so he doesn't try to be. As such, he doesn't usually realise he wants something until after he has it - he didn't know he wanted a couch until he was sleeping on one, he didn't know he wanted a bed until he'd been moved to that. He didn't realise how much better it was to have new, clean clothes until he had the money and means to pick up a few new shirts. Likewise, he rarely realises that he likes someone or wants to be in a relationship until he already is, and can rarely think to make the first move. He doesn't understand the consumerist need to want more more more, and likely never will.

That being said, there are some things he will never stop striving for, the foremost of which is normalcy. Darien hates his abilities with fire, and has tried to suppress or get rid of it from a very young age. He's only recently started trying to control it, and it's still the part of him that he can stand the least. Chances are you'd hate it too if you had tendency to light things on fire whenever you sneezed. In any case, he strives to be normal in every way - it's his dearest wish, the thing he wants most to fix about himself. He blames his abnormality for the fact that he was disowned (which is entirely true), and assumes that until he finds a way to make himself 'normal' his family will never want him back (which is entirely not). This is also why he isn't very open about his orientation - while he's not ashamed of who he is and who he likes, he knows that it's cause for being ostracised, and as such doesn't like to talk about another 'abnormal' part of him, as he sees it.

He likes animals more than people for a number of reasons, one being that he was just never a very social creature. He gets dogs and cats and birds, etc., more than he does humans, if only because they share his essentially simplistic view on life and ability to accept and often even be happy in whatever situation they're dropped into. He also adores them, at least on a subconscious level, because of how loyal some animals can be. Animals don't care that he's at a higher then normal temperature at all times, and they certainly wouldn't disown him for it. In fact, cats tend to like how warm he is. He gets to play radiator for them, which makes him quite happy. The simple acceptance that he finds in animals is more then he's ever expected from a person, and as such he loves them all dearly. He cannot understand why any human would willingly leave behind or hurt an animal, and can at times be scarily protective of them, even ones he's never met before.

When it comes to sports, Darien is highly competitive, and borderline obsessive. He's incredibly active, and spends more of his time in cleats then he does regular shoes. He'll practice for hours a day, and when he has a game coming up he often calls extra emergency practises, and will run his team ragged up until the day before the game, then let them have a full day off to rest. He trains relentlessly and takes extreme joy from all forms of sport, though sometimes others find his willingness to give up a social life for training to be disturbing. The thing is, sports are his social life - he doesn't have many friends, so his teammates are the closest thing he's got. It's one of the only ways he can hang out with people his age, given that he's too old for sleepovers and the like, and when he was young enough he didn't exactly have any parents around to take him to one.

History: I would rather leave most of his history up to mystery - you have enough hints in his personality and appearance sections - because I want people to figure it out over the course of the roleplay. So, if it's okay, I'm going to skimp to the point of only leaving his 'origin story' here…

Darien first discovered his powers at the age of six. He had, for some days, had a terrible fever that his parents feared would take his life if it didn't go down. The fever was not actually a sign of illness, however, and was instead the first manifestation of his abilities. His temperature reached a far beyond fatal two hundred degrees Celsius the night his powers first made themselves known - in the fits of his fever he lit his bed on fire and burned down his bedroom, part of his sisters, and a large portion of the kitchen. He came out of the fire completely unscathed, but scalding to the touch with all signs of his fever gone. Terrified of what their child could do, his parents disowned him.



Remaining unwanted for the rest of his life

Finding his family again. Learning that they still don't want him back.

That he'll hurt someone because he hasn't bothered to learn to control himself.

Drowning. Funny, for a kid who was on swim team, and who loves to get in the water, but there it is.


It's not exactly a secret, since he's out of the closet, but he certainly doesn't talk about the fact that he likes boys.

He loves animals more than people.

He doesn't remember what his parents look like, or most anything about his family life anymore.

He's not sure he wants to go back, anymore, but that's all he's dreamed about for so long... He can't admit the idea of finding his family again terrifies him.

He's incredibly ticklish

He loves making jewellery by heating and twisting wires, but he feels like it's too girly to admit to.

Any Quirks/Habits: He tends to scratch the back of his head with his hand whenever he doesn't know what to say, and often when meeting new people.

He has a bad habit of taking home strays, especially when living in an area that doesn't allow pets. 
Name: Renn Ellyas

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb142024_tumblr_mkybbipKNa1r5n34uo1_r1_500-Copy-Copy.png.381a5a7016daf661eb9a4e906a9f4cc0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1410" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb142024_tumblr_mkybbipKNa1r5n34uo1_r1_500-Copy-Copy.png.381a5a7016daf661eb9a4e906a9f4cc0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lazy today so no description just a picture.

She likes mint green and yellow colours in her clothing in general and likes floral things and things that are more 'flowy' for lack of a better word - sundresses and bell-sleeved shirts, etc.

Abilitie(s): Animal Empathy - sort of. Her body releases a pheromone that attracts animals and makes her seem like something to be immediately trusted and adored. Instant animal attractant, basically.

Personality: To be perfectly honest, Renn is a bit of a brat. She's been quite spoiled by her parents all her life and can get quite pissy if things don't go her way. She's just starting to hit her rebellious years and has started talking back more than is good for her.

She's very assertive and knows what she likes and what she doesn't like - and when she doesn't like something she's very clear and vocal about it. She has no problem stepping on toes and feelings when she wants to be heard, and can be abrasive almost to a fault. Highly demanding, and quite pushy, basically.

(And that was probably the shortest personality section I've ever written. I swear she's well developed, guys, I've been writing her and her brother for ages.)

History: Same as Darien's (and it'll follow with Nik's as well, since he's my last of the three) I'd rather leave most of this up for people to find out.

Renn's abilities bloomed in her at the age of seven when, much to her horror, an entire pack of stray dogs followed her home. She hasn't been able to get animals to leave her alone since, and is now paranoid when walking in parks or down the street lest a squirrel or a dog or a pigeon decide it loves her and wants to follow her. Everywhere.

Other: Allergies: cats, rabbits, most long-haired breeds of dogs, sharpays, boxers, mice, rats, hamsters, fish, chickens, ducks, most of the caprinae, cervine, equine, lapine and mustidae families, mephits, racoons, squirrels, chipmunks and mongoose. Also hard cheeses.



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Name: Naomi Can

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/anime-girl-4.jpg.18026bf5a9b6896cfdfda87f656a99da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/anime-girl-4.jpg.18026bf5a9b6896cfdfda87f656a99da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilitie(s): Naomi can see into the future, and see true past events. She just has to touch an object, and focus her more then usual brain cells. She can comunicate telepathically as well, as her larger and more massive amount of brain cells allow her to use more parts of her brain.

Personality: Naomi is very independent and strong willed, and will do anything for her friends. She finds it hard to hurt someone, but would if it meant saving more people. She is creative, and kind. Yet, she is also cynical. She has never been the most trusting person ever.

History: Naomi's life has been awful, the worst being when her mother was murdered when she was 10; 2 years after her parents divorced. Naomi has 2 baby brothers, and her father is loving and caring. They all live in a small house in Chicago with her fathers girl friend. Naomi has never told anyone how she felt about her mother, and sobs herself to sleep every night. She loves to read and write, and especially loves horrific murder tales. It's ironic, as she hates the fact that someone had killed her mother, and reads these books. She loves to write, and always has a notebook with her. She also loves to direct short films.




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Name: Nikolas Castairs

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb14f680_tumblr_miss4mc81Q1r0qnsro1_500-Copy.jpg.4e7458162bdf7836b99f46c5ab418777.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1413" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb14f680_tumblr_miss4mc81Q1r0qnsro1_500-Copy.jpg.4e7458162bdf7836b99f46c5ab418777.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

My apologies, Nik's picture is far from finished. He's got lightly olive-tinted skin from his Greek heritage and soft brown-green (hazel, really) eyes. He's fairly tall, but not particularly built. He prefers jeans and nice button down shirts but is also known to go more casually for a t-shirt instead. He has thick scaring on his right leg.

Abilitie(s): Emotional Response Prediction, contact based. Nik can "live" out his entire relationship with a person (romantically speaking) upon skin-on-skin contact. He can tell if they'll get together, how, why, and when, how long they'll stay together, why they break up (if they do) and feel every emotional response he has as if he were living it presently. So if his heart ends up utterly broken he feels it as if it had just happened to him, if he'd experience true happiness with you he could feel it all just by holding your hand. If you were destined to stay together until dying of old age and you died before him? He'd feel the pain of growing old with you and watching you die before his eyes, and then snap out of it to find you young and just fine in front of him. It's incredibly emotionally taxing, and he has to be wary of skin contact because he cannot turn his ability off.

Like all forms of prediction and prophecy, the future Nik sees is just one possible chain of events. If he decided to say something differently or touched you a week later he might see a completely different future the next time you brushed skin. He also cannot see random events from outside forces - so if the person he was touching was going to get hit by a car and die in a week he'd have no idea, but if they were going to develop dementia in their old age and he was going to be caring for them through it he'd see it clearly. Any pre-existing condition (even a dormant one) that the other person is certain to develop in due time that will directly effect the relationship he can see. Anything that relies on outside influence he cannot.

He has a significantly weakened version of this perception with non-romantic possibilities - friends, family, etc. People he has no potential with as a romantic partner. These possible futures take intense concentration to see even bits and pieces of and don't come naturally and irresistibly like the others do.

It takes roughly three minutes real time for him to see all of this - he 'lives' his visions in that warped perception of time that dreams allow us.

Personality: Because of his power Nik is incredibly sensitive to others. He often knows what they would normally only tell him after years of having a trusting and open relationship (because he's already lived those years and had those conversations) so he can be overly intuitive without meaning to be. Because of this he has to step very carefully so that he doesn’t upset someone for prying into something they don't actually want to tell him for months or years to come.

He's also highly sympathetic - it's hard not to be when you can fall in love with someone just by brushing fingers. He gets attached easily and quickly, and often acts as if he's known someone for years when in fact he's only known them for days. He also has a tendency to be overly emotional due to the fact that every time he touches someone he lives a full lifetime of emotions (on the flipside of this, if he's recently experienced an intense emotional connection through his powers he can feel highly emotionally drained for a long period after as he's recovering from the initial intake). He can also feel quite distant at times - as if he's living another life or another place. This is often because he is - he's remembering your fortieth birthday when you're only eighteen, or the way he held you when your dog died ten years from now. It makes him seem quite withdrawn, and he has trouble fixing this about himself. Or he's thinking about how you'll break up with him or he with you and how lost he'll feel when it happens even if you're still in a relationship now. It's hard for him to stay in one time when he's living in many at once - sometimes he can't tell if he's actually living his life with someone or if he's picturing it because they're touching, and the idea freaks him out. After all, it's very hard to tell as the 'visions' feel very much like reality to him.

He moves very quickly, in part because he feels as if he's already done all the waiting, and can sometimes push people too fast and ruin what might have been a perfect thing if he had waited like he was in his head. But it's hard, when you've been in love with someone for ten years and you've only known each other six days.

Apart from that he really likes bad sci-fi movies and is a generally easy-going guy. He's a sucker for romance and likes taking people out on super cliché dates. He takes life slowly as it comes to him when he's not living it a second time, and is a very 'play it by ear' kinda planner.

History: Nik's power first awoke when he turned fifteen - though to him he didn't realise it after a full life with his then closet friend (and later, partner). He figured out it wasn't so much a life as a glimpse of one when he accidentally said "I love you," one day while studying with Danny and had the shocking realisation that they weren't in their senior year and certainly hadn't been dating since the end of their freshman year of highschool.

Other: While most might assume that he'd avoid contact so that he didn't activate his powers, Nikolas is actually very tactile.



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