Marone's School for Stars

Dandelion Princess

Leader and Protector of the Dandel People
Okay there are three character skeletons: Students, Instructors, Staff/Minor Characters.

Student Skeleton


Appearance (Replace this with a photo. Please no anime.)

Age (14-22)

Classes (10 total)

Picture of Room


Life Goal

Bio (Include personal life and why you're coming to School for Stars)



Character Quote


Instructor Skeleton


Appearance (Replace this with a photo. Please no anime.)

Age (18+)

Classes Teaching

Famous For

Picture of Room


Bio (Include personal life, a low point in your career, and what you expect from your students)



Character Quote


Staff/Minor Character Skeleton

(Since he/she is a minor character, try to keep this short.)


Appearance (Photo preferred but not required)





Character Quote

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Student Skeleton

Name: Alec Marway

Age: 18

Classes: All of Them

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Life Goal: Be an EGOT winner

Bio: Alec's dad left him and his mom at a young age. He was never able to express his feelings other than through his acting and singing after his dad left. Alec was never into school or his education. He only cared about his music and working out. He knew he was never good enough for his dad, and he is always trying to make up for it. After Alec's grades began to decreasing and his musical talent and acting skills increased, his mom decided to enroll him for the School for Stars. Alec didn't care, he was excited. He could finally be around people with the same interests as him.

Personality: Alec is laid-back and carefree 90% of the time when it doesn't involve working out or singing. He is always serious and focused when it comes to singing. Alec is not very friendly, and tends to avoid human interaction. He doesn't want to seem like an airhead when he talks, but he promised his mom that he would try to make friends at his new school.

Talents: Alec can play a variety of instruments.

Character Quote: "Without music, life would be a mistake." -Friedrich Nietzsche

Other: N/A



Erika Iris Embersonn


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/BeFunky_kinopoisk.jpg.jpg.ac326a36eecfb661fa0a16dae0f14831.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20274" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/BeFunky_kinopoisk.jpg.jpg.ac326a36eecfb661fa0a16dae0f14831.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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  • Instrumental/Vocal-Monday

  • Crowd Appeal-Monday

  • Acting-Tuesday

  • Audition Prep-Tuesday

  • Style and Apparel-Wednesday

  • Image Maintenance-Wednesday

  • Physical Training-Tuesday

  • Collaborations-Thursday

  • Study Hall-Monday

  • Getting Discovered-Friday

Picture of Room

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Large-bedroom-master-613.jpg.27b1fc6e5d590c65ac1d6e55be4d1075.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Large-bedroom-master-613.jpg.27b1fc6e5d590c65ac1d6e55be4d1075.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Large-bedroom-master-613.jpg.27b1fc6e5d590c65ac1d6e55be4d1075.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Large-bedroom-master-613.jpg.27b1fc6e5d590c65ac1d6e55be4d1075.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Life Goal

Lead singer in a band


Erika, or Rikki, grew up in a pretty poor household in a small town in England. Her mother had passed away when she was 7 and her father was sent to jail 2 years later. She was then sent into foster care and was soon adopted by an American family. She loved her adoptive parents more than anything in the world. Her adoptive mother discovered Erika's voice when she was only 12. Both of her adoptive parents were very supportive and helped her get out there. They finally discovered Marone's School For Stars and enrolled Erika.


Erika is a very bubbly and playful person. She loves to have fun and make new friends. If someone was to ever say or do something bad to her or the people she loves, she would not hesitate to get physical. She is not the type to let people walk all over her or the people close to her. She's very loving and accepting. She is a pretty assertive girl. She's a bit of a slacker at times and is a pretty laid-back person. She likes to sleep and drink. A lot. She's pretty rebellious at times and tends to get in trouble quite a lot. She has a bit of a hard time trusting people, due to circumstances in her past.



Speaks French, Spanish, and Korean

Character Quote

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"



She has an English accent



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?Sophia Jones?




?Classes Teaching?

Image Maintenance and Crowd Appeal

?Famous for playing several leading roles in movies and television shows.?





Sophia Jones had climbed her way up to fame by her teeth. With her parents telling her that she was being unrealistic and her teachers telling her that she could never make it on the big screen, Sophia was driven even more to prove them wrong. After high school Sophia ignored what everyone said and headed straight to her dreams. It started off kinda rough for Sophia. She knew no one in the city and landing a role for even the smallest of commercials was a long shot. To her surprise, she landed her first role for a make up commercial when the producer spotted Sophia in a cosmetics store. That commercial caused a domino effect and Sophia was an A-list star in just a short 3 years. Things started going off the handles when Sophia discovered that her boyfriend was cheating on her. She confronted the guy at a restaurant and made a huge scene that ended up on the tabloid the next day. Her bitterness became common and her focus on her roles dwindled. She stopped getting calls and repeatedly lost roles. In the past year, Sophia has manged to clean up her act and even land a role in an upcoming TV series. She agreed with Marone to teach at his School for Stars because she thought it would be much help to teach students the things she did wrong. She wants her students to realize that even the smallest things can permanently dent an image.


Sophia has always lived with a desire to go far; she's passionate and determined. Her fantasies can make her stubborn, a perfectionist, and controlling; she wants to present nothing but the best. Her perfectionist attitude slows her down sometimes; when she feels incompetent with her work, nothing seems better than something. She believes that everyone should have a drive to push themselves past their limits and she makes it clear to everyone around her. She shows much enthusiasm when working with others and sometimes she kinda comes off as a "lunatic". She loves it when her students do well, vise versa.




?Character Quote?

"I'm 63 different flavors of crazy. Listen up and you'll be just fine. Tune me out and I'll throw this vase at you."


Sophia knows several different celebrities and has several different contacts. She's always ready to call someone when she needs something.

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Troy Massaro

Appearance (Replace this with a photo. Please no anime.)


Age (18+)


Classes Teaching

Instrumental/Vocal and Acting.

Famous For

Singing in an experimental rock band, that happened to go multi-platinum.

Picture of Room





Originally a guitarist, Troy came to public eye before he was kicked out of his first band for a drug problem; always considered amazing at his craft despite his horrible tendencies, many bands auditioned to achieve his talents, but they all found he was less than manageable. At the age of sixteen, he found himself at odds end with everyone in his industry - while still being considered one of the best guitarists to live even at his age. Yes, his music was that good.

Deciding that it wasn't right continuing to live his life in such a crooked way. He cleaned himself up, got a college degree, came back into the music scene after a two year hiatus, formed himself a group and completely took the experimental/hardcore rock scene over. After multiple years of touring, releasing records, public turnaround of view, a couple of huge roles in acting and critical acclaim, he decided to hang up his microphone and guitar at the age of 25, in order to take a teaching job helping students reach their potentials, much like he did - perhaps even guide some who are just as troubled as he used to be.


Troy is warm, welcoming, intelligent and level-headed. He always seems to know the right thing to say, and has experience way beyond his years as a result of his previous lifestyle. He does not do any drugs, but tends to drink alcohol on some social occasions. Most of the time, he could be found writing music, sitting in his office or peer reviewing articles, when not at social events.


He's stupendous at singing, and playing the guitar. He is decently versed in the drums. Troy is also an amazing lyricist, and an award-winning actor. Truely, a jack of all trades!

Character Quote

"Real recognizes real. Fake recognizes fake."

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?Linden Sanders?


?30 years old?

?Audition Prep and Skill Training?

?held a major role in a long-running TV drama and has starred in several movies?




Linden can't personally identify with Drake's "Started from the Bottom" when he himself really started from the top. The son of a popular socialite and well-liked actor, he basically had his career handed to him. His background made it easy for him to weasel his way into shows when he was pretty young. Later on, though, when he was left to do things on his own in the world, the comfort of his life was significantly altered. He no longer had his superstar parents vouching for him, but he still had the passion and the talent. He found his niche in the performing world, this time turning to the stage rather than the screen, with a couple hitches. It was all regular, stuff all actors had to face and get used to.

His career received a major blow when he had a breakup before the biggest night of his group's show of Julius Caesar, in which he was cast as Brutus, and he went out for a drink. He arrived backstage tipsy and loud, was drunk for a good part of the play, and basically, botched the entire running of the show. He wasn't cast for any plays for months afterwards. He doubted if he ever would again, but also came to doubt if he deserved a second chance. After all, he had probably ruined the reputations of his fellow actors as well with his unprofessional behaviour, not to mention killed the audience numbers for the production company's next showtimes. This guilt lead to more drinking. He was basically a lost cause by the end of three months, drowning his life in endless amounts of alcohol.

It took a right good smack up the head by a close friend to set him back on his feet. He attended meetings for two years in his early twenties and got over his alcoholism. He knew that he needed to start a life again and decided to rebuild using the one thing he had: his acting While at first shaky to reenter performing, he decided it was best to leave his stage career behind him and start afresh onscreen once more. He had by now spent a time long enough recuperating and was cast in increasingly larger roles until he was cast as a main character in a major network's longest-running show. He accepted Marone's offer to teach because he doesn't want aspiring stars to deal with rejection the way he did. He wants their careers to be long, successful, but most of all, healthy ones. He expects nothing but respect and trust from his students.


Linden is the type of person who's very open and spiritual. He doesn't think that seniority dictates authority, giving everyone an equal shot. He's of the firm belief that expressing emotions is the centrepiece of a healthy lifestyle, and he tries to be available to those who need to vent. He's a pretty happy-go-lucky, easygoing person, an optimist and opportunist. There's something very calming about being with him, a friendly, passionate aura that makes him easy to befriend. He sees his students not as lesser than him, his responsibility, or his burden. He instead sees them as his peers, allowing him to form positive bonds with them.





?"Now open up, don't be shy. They're all waiting to see what's inside. Don't hide it away!"?


He's from Ireland, and as such he has an Irish accent.

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"And who might be asking?"

Leon Brian Smith


"But first, Let me take a selfie!"



"Old enough to Par-tay!"



"What can I say? I'm a morning person."

1- Instrumental/Vocal Monday Morning

2- Crowd Appeal Monday Afternoon

3- Acting Tuesday Morning

4- Audition Prep Tuesday Afternoon

5- Style and Apparel Wednesday Morning

6- Image Maintenance Wednesday Afternoon

7- Physical Training Thursday Morning

8- Collaborations Thursday Afternoon

9- Study Hall (For skills) Friday Morning

10- Getting Discovered Friday Afternoon

Picture of Room:

"I chose the sheets."



"Out and Proud"


Life Goal:

"I see my name in shinning lights"

Become a famous Broadway actor and take the lead role in the Sweeney Todd musical.


"Oh it's just little old me."

His love for theater began with his parents took him to watch his first Broadway play, Harvey. Leon grew fascinated with the acting, the theatrical make-up, the costumes, but most importantly the music. Leon began to practice his acting believing that one day he would be up on the stage shining under the spotlight. When he was a teenager, Leon began stealing his mother's make-up and creating theatrical masterpieces on himself. With a few years of practice, Leon was able transform himself from any monster or creature to a wrinkly old man.

That was also around the time when Leon began to question his sexuality. It was his freshmen year of high school when Leon began to have his first crush. His crush sat in front of him in Geometry class. His name was William Marks. William would constantly find himself turning back to Leon and asking him for help in the subject. William was the book definition of jock. He was the star basketball player and had girls lining up to date him. A guy like that would never notice Leon, but he actually became his biggest companion when he came out.

William and Leon had agreed to get together at Leon's house and study for the Geometry final exam. After several hours of studying Leon slammed his pencil on the table startling William. He then leaned over and kissed William. Leon has been waiting for William to push him off or even punch him, but he didn't William just stayed still until Leon finished. Humiliated and confused by William's reaction, Leon excused himself and ran up to his room. William waited for a moment and then followed him. He sat in Leon's room, told him that he already knew Leon had a crush on him, and although he wasn't into guys, he would still be his friend and help him come out. It was a great advantage to have the most popular boy in school on your side, when everyone categorized you as a freak.

After Leon came out he decided to dedicate his entire life to achieving his goal to be a Broadway singer. Finding Marone's School for Stars came like a gift from heaven for him. He knew that in a school where every one's goal was the same, he wouldn't be judged and pushed around for being different. He's ready to step up his game and now that he didn't have the pressure of being bullied or made fun off there was nothing stopping him.


"You really think so?"

Leon is a happy go lucky guy. Even though coming out in high school left him emotionally scared, Leon has adopted a new style of life and decided to not let anything stop him. Leon is flamboyant and vivacious, although he isn't like a lot of gays who are bombastic and over dramatic. Leon likes to keep things simple, as long as it's not related to theater. He also enjoys a lot of 'regular' boy activities such as playing sports and video games. He has a very delicate heart that can be easily broken. Overall he is sweet and caring, but also sensitive and quiet.


"What can I say, I'm well rounded."

Aside from his amazing soprano voice and incredible acting skills, Leon also has mean dancing skills. But Leon isn't just a theater boy, he's also highly skilled in the art of Tai Chi. When he isn't on the dance floor or in singing lessons, Leon is out in a quiet park practicing this Chinese martial art.

Character Quote:

"The show must go on."


"I'm single and ready to mingle!"

*He love's singing in the shower

*He can burp the alphabet backwards.

*He has a cat named Butterscotch


Sorry for the long Bio...I just got so into it =P

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Reina Agsalud


(Attached file)




1) Instrumental/Vocal (Monday: morning)

2) Crowd Appeal (Monday: afternoon)

3) Acting (Tuesday: morning)

4) Physical Training (Tuesday: early evening)

5) Style and Apparel (Wednesday: morning)

6) Image Maintenance (Wednesday: afternoon)

7) Acting (Wednesday: early evening)

8) Collaborations (Thursday: afternoon)

9) Instrumental/Vocal (Thursday: early evening)

10) Study Hall (For skills) (Friday: morning)

Picture of Room

(Attached file)



Life Goal

To eventually write and act in her own Broadway show


Reina grew up on the rural, impoverished part of the Philippines. Her family owned a small farm which she constantly worked. At 10-years-old, her parents had managed to save enough money and the family moved to California, USA. In America, Reina and her siblings were constantly bullied due to their different ethnicity and their bad English at the time. The later moved further north of California to avoid these problems.

When Reina started high school is when she discovered her passion for music and theater. She joined the school marching band, jazz band, choir, and drama club. When in high school, she entered in the IB (International Baccalaureate) magnet program and ultimately chose IB Music as her elective, which taught her more aspects about music than any other class (theory of music, music history, world music, composing music, et cetera). Reina eventually graduated as the Salutatorian of her graduating class.

At this point in time, Reina wanted to pursue a career in drama and music and begged her parents to enroll her in Marone's School for Stars, which she heard about from her music and drama teachers.


Reina is a calm person overall who keeps her emotions in check and is usually happy. She is kind and polite to others, though usually quiet and tends to stick in the background. She usually only speaks when spoken to or when needed. Sometimes though, when a topic interests her enough, she becomes a chatterbox. She is a hard worker, sometimes an over achiever, and is loyal to her family and friends. At times, Reina likes to take it easy sometimes by joking or playing around.


Reina is primarily a mezzo-soprano, but has a range between soprano and contralto, has great acting skills, and knows how to play the flute and piano, her chosen instruments during her band days. She is also smart, especially in the subject of music, and composes her own pieces.

Character Quote

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney


She speaks with a moderate Filipino accent

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6e30343_ReinaAgsalud.jpg.e04d280cc32575eeb1462cea78f7c127.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6e30343_ReinaAgsalud.jpg.e04d280cc32575eeb1462cea78f7c127.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6e3661f_PansukianBedroom.jpg.f09286a7396ece15ca5aa3ce2b1d4bbd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6e3661f_PansukianBedroom.jpg.f09286a7396ece15ca5aa3ce2b1d4bbd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hanna Fields



She has soft brown wavy hair that looks auburn sometimes. It hangs loosely a few inches past her shoulders with side swept bangs. She has pale blue eyes that look grey sometimes due to her mood and a heart shaped face with soft, high cheekbones. She stands at about 5'4 and bares an uncanny resemblance to her father. She has a slender frame, very fit, due to dancing.

She has a very varied taste and can be wearing leather one day and silk the next. She usually likes old fashioned, vintage clothes, airy and very comfortable. She likes wearing layers and comfy shoes.

Age (14-22)

18 years old

Classes (10 total)

1- Instrumental/Vocal (Monday: morning)

2- Crowd Appeal (Monday: afternoon)

3- Acting (Tuesday: morning)

4- Audition Prep (Tuesday: afternoon)

5- Style and Apparel (Wednesday: morning)

6- Image Maintenance (Wednesday: afternoon)

7- Physical Training (Thursday: morning)

8- Collaborations (Thursday: afternoon)

9- Study Hall (For skills) (Friday: morning)

10- Getting Discovered (Friday: afternoon)

Picture of Room




Life Goal

Famous movie star


Her father died from cancer when she was three, so she doesn't remember much about him. Even so, she still feels a jab of pain every time she hears something that reminds her of him. Her mother was a dramatic, and had inherited alot of money, so little Hanna had a great childhood. She took dance lessons of all sorts, and learned the basics of gymnastics. When she was twelve, her mother's inheritance ran out and they were poor and left in a small hut like house. The only good thing they had left was the radio and the television set, which was considered their most prized possessions. Her mother encouraged Hanna to learn from their riches before it was gone as well. Therefore, Hanna, having to quit all of her other dancing lessons, began copying accents and dramatic flair from the television shows. She soon dreamed of being an actress and a famous singer. Despite this, she worked hard in school and tried her best due to her mother's request. Hanna got tired of working hard in high school and began to drop all of her efforts except for acting, singing, and dancing. When she found Marone's School for Stars, she was ecstatic and thought it was fate that such an opportunity came to her.


+extroverted, charming, social, amicable;; -paranoid, low self esteem, moody at times, hides pain

Hanna is a bit of a dramatic like her mother, except she tends to keep it inside. Her imagination tends to go wild, making her a bit paranoid about everything. She's very good at hiding her pain, and this incorporates into her acting. She can very easily imagine what it's like to be another person or character. She's actually girly and vain, the two things she hates. Her fluffy childhood left her still a bit in a trance where everything is perfect. She loathes being soft and being so careful. She wants to just let go and relax, even though she knows that that's not life. She likes being able to disguise herself and trick everyone, to be someone else and not her own hating self. She doesn't like to be blunt or practical, and in truth, she can't be blunt with anything. She's jealous of people who can face the truth and let it smack them around. She doesn't like people seeing her for who she really is: a self hating girl who won't let go of her own little fantasy. She bottles up her emotions and it'll take a very special person to actually get to know her. Once you know her, you will see how different she is from what she acts like. She also tends to have mood swings, and may be very sarcastic and mean if she's in a bad mood. However, in general she is charming and sociable. She is actually quite clever and witty, with an okay amount of intelligence mixed in. She has no trouble talking to people or amity. In fact, she finds comfort in talking to her friends and avoiding the bad feelings she has. Despite what she may act like, she actually has a low self esteem and confidence. Although she dislikes homework and tedious labor, she can be very focused and ambitious when it comes to her own goals.



Hanna has exceptional talent in memorization, which applies to her lines. She is able to get into character quickly and is a terrific actress. Besides acting, she is a superb dancer, having taken classes since she was young until highschool (when she had to quit). She is pretty decent at singing, but nothing special.

Character Quote

"Charm, smile, and a dash of wit can get you through anything."


She has a silver banded dark blue sapphire ring that she wears everywhere. It has sentimental value to her.




Eric Penderghast


"I don't know how it works across the pond--we drink at 19."



"...Move to the front of the class..."

Collaborations and Getting Discovered

Famous for:

"The Midnight Diaries"- a comedy about killing sparkly vampires. '07-'12

ET- Entertainment Tonight '11-'13

'Dating Perez Hilton'- a documentary on the life of his "most hilarious" friend. Apr '13-July '13

"Wanna hang out?"




"Whatever you bloody well think it is."



"That bloke? HA!"

Robert Pattinson


Sexual orientation:

"If it doesnt blee--" *ppfffbt* "I can't- HA!"


Relationship status:


none so far, pm for ideas.


"Go into public relations, they said. You'll be a pro, they said."

He was only supposed to be at the spotlight for a moment, being that he was the punctual type. All it took was a baggie of "happy dust" to have him hooked. He became an instant star, offering insight to actors and actresses all around the globe. Developed a line here, endorsed a brand there. The idol life swallowed him whole...until he hit bottom.

After doing some work for some bland wench by the name of Kristen Stewart, he was to be off , back to his home, his cat and a nice beer. But, fate had something else planned: it wanted him to wait his ass right there. Eric was rushed to a hospital close to the LAX--he had passed out due to dehydration, an effect of GHB. As soon as that pretty little detail got out, it was all over the news. And that was the point where he had enough.

Eric spent his 23rd year getting completely clean. He accepted no visitors and kept his convictions about being a "clean individual. He emerged, anew, with a job offer to one of the most prestigious schools for talent.

Now he is surrounded by the 'reject Breakfast Club' and has no qualms about the matter. Though he is alone, he wouldn't want to bring anyone into his life. He hides his true feelings with a layer of pure comedic brilliance, knowing that he is doing the right thing by leading his students into the limelight the right way.


"I'll handle you like a wet napkin, mate."

Eric is pretty funny. He tends to be more "understanding" towards the students that come through. He loves sweets, but work out hard to keep up with his eating habits. Eric always did have an addictive personality, which can go either way depending on what it is he is lusting after. Can't stand a liar--especially if he is lied to, outright.

Talents: Acting, PR work, Athleticism

(sings horribly in the shower)

Theme song:

"The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars


"What a way to waste my day..."

-Has a pet kitten named Benzie

biggest mistake ever, and he loves it

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Quick update post: I realize that there's a lot of mistakes that I've made. I'll be trying to fix them as much as I can. Check in whenever you can to see if I've made any big changes. I'll be mentioning those changes in the OOC tab. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Student Skeleton


Chloe Harries





1- Instrumental/Vocal (Monday: morning)

2- Crowd Appeal (Monday: afternoon)

3- Acting (Tuesday: morning)

4- Audition Prep (Wednesday: late evening)

5- Style and Apparel (Friday: early evening)

6- Image Maintenance (Wednesday: afternoon)

7- Physical Training (Thursday: morning)

8- Collaborations (Tuesday: late evening)

9- Study Hall (For skills) (Friday: morning)

10- Getting Discovered (Monday: late evening)





Life Goal:

To be in a band who will give concerts and tours all over the world as the lead singer and guitarist


Autumn's mom died when she was four, since that year her dad started doing drugs and drinking a lot. She got hit by her dad when he was in an agressive mood but she thought it was just something every dad did. But how could she know she was only four? It were a few rough years but since she was nine she knew how to take care for herself and even a bit for her dad. It's not that she would let her dad starve or something because she keeps in mind that the drugs made her dad so, it's not really how he is.

She never really knew how to explain her feelings to others, it always felt like no one understood her. The only way to talk about her feelings was by selfmade songs while she played softly guitar behind it. Her friends and herself sat on a late night around a campfire and started to sing songs. Suprisely some friends thought she was actually a good singer and that she had to do something with that. So she joined a band, it went all well for a while but it wasn't really a good match of people so they broke up. That's how she felt more confident about her singing and actually started to do something with it. She found Marone's School For Stars by accident when she was browsing around on the internet for maybe another band to join. It took a year for her to get all the money she needed to join, but now she's totally ready for it.


Autumn, a girl who's shy when you met her but outgoing once you know her better and she feels comfortable around you. Even though she's so shy she loves meeting new people. You won't hear her talking about feelings except when you're really really special but that's only her best friend so far. She's carefree and definitely not a person to stress a lot. Not that she planned everything that good, instead of that she does a lot of stuff at the last minute. Being the whole day lazy and doing nothing is not something for her. She enjoys doing activities like surfing or joining a camp more. But she can enjoy lazy days too sometimes. She's also a person who would do anything to help others even though she forgets herself sometimes.



playing guitar

a bit dancing (hip hop)

Character quote:

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will shine


Speaks with an irish accent

Is always wearing the small bracelet around her ankle she got from her mom before she died
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Student Skeleton:


Ezra Anastasia Day






1. Instrumental/Vocal (Monday morning)

2. Crowd Appeal (Monday afternoon)

3. Acting (Tuesday morning)

4. Audition Prep (Tuesday afternoon)

5. Style and Apparel (Wednesday morning)

6. Image Maintenance (Wednesday afternoon)

7. Physical Training (Thursday morning)

8. Collaborations (Thursday afternoon)

9. Study Hall (For skills) (Friday morning)

10. Getting Discovered (Friday afternoon)

Picture of room:




Life Goal:

To one day become even bigger than Angelina Jolie, Sarah Jessica Parker and Jennifer Aniston combined.


Growing up, Ezra Anastasia Day always looked up to actresses like Angelina Jolie, Reese Witherspoon, Julia Roberts, and etc. She'd always tell her mother and her two sisters that when she was older, she'd get them out of their broken down one bedroom apartment in the slums of Washington Heights in Manhattan, New York. Her father had cancer and he died when Ezra was 14. After he died, there was no way for her job-less mother to pay the rent on their expensive house. After it was repossessed, Ezra, her three sisters, and their mother were homeless for a month before their mother finally got a job working at as a hostess which helped them to get the one bedroom apartment they lived in. You would think that Ezra's other family members would try to help, but Ezra's mother was not liked at all in their family due to how she used to talk down on them as if they were peasants. "Who needs money now?" Ezra heard her aunt say one day as she walked past while Ezra and her sisters were outside, in the cold, waiting for their mother to come back to them after work. Ever since that day, Ezra swore that she would make it big like the actresses she saw on the vintage-looking TV screen, in the diner that her mother managed to take them out to eat to every once in a while. Now, at age 19, Ezra was giving up on her dream. Just like her mother, she ended up working as a hostess and now, the idea of becoming a famous actress was a joke. One day, after a long day of work, she came home and noticed the big smile on her mother's face. Her mother told Ezra about a school that she heard on the radio called Marone's School for Stars. At first, Ezra was reluctant. Could she really just leave her family to go follow her dreams? Would that make her selfish? After at least an hour of her mother's convincing, Ezra decided this was exactly what she needed to do to help her family out of the broken down two bedroom apartment they now lived in. Her mother made a few phone calls, and Ezra was enrolled.


Ezra is a very gregarious, ambitious, and sort of an a-hole (to people other than her mother and sisters); however, there are times when she can be the nicest and most kind-hearted person in the world. It all depends on if she likes you off the bat or not. She's a light drinker but somewhat of a hard smoker. She's very outspoken and when she walks into a room, it's hard not to notice her. Being from New York, she's big on gossip and loves to start drama. As she always says, "Without drama, life is so boring."


Although she has minimal training, Ezra is a great actress. She can speak not only English but German and Spanish. She's not the best singer in the world; however, if you need someone as a last minute sit in for a musical, she's your girl.

Character Quote:

I'm trying to find myself as a person, sometimes that's not easy to do. Millions of people live their entire lives without finding themselves but it is something I must do. The best way for me to find myself as a person is to prove to myself that I am an actress. -
Marilyn Monroe.

ZxStudent Skeleton

Name Erin Winters The one, the only.


Hasnt your mother taught you not to ask a woman's age? I'm 21 Years Young.

Classes (10 total) Instrumental/Vocal (Monday: Morning) Crowd Appeal (Monday:Afternoon) Acting (Tuesday: Morning) Audition Prep (Tuesday: Afternoon) Style and Apparel (Wednesday: Afternoon) Image Maintenance (Wednesday: Morning) Physical Training (Thursday: Afternoon) Collaborations (Thursday: Morning) Study Hall (Friday: Morning) Getting Discovered (Friday: Afternoon) I like to have my evenings to myself.


On wall behind bed


Straight Is This Your Way Of Asking Me Out?

Life Goal I'm gonna be the reincarnation of Barbra Streisand. To be remembered in Hollywood for years and years to come.

Bio (Include personal life and why you're coming to School for Stars) Oh where to begin... Oh! I know. Mama, I wanna sing! Erin grew up knowing exactly what she was. A mistake. She was the aftermath of famous actress and singer Sherrilyn Winters getting a little too drunk at the after party of the Billboard Music Awards. Although Sher never told Erin's father about what happened that night, somehow the paparazzi still found out about her getting knocked up. Although they found out quite a lot of detes about what happened that night, the paparazzi never found out who the father was or what happened to the child once Sherrilyn found out she was pregnant. So Erin had a very private and restricted life, having to sneak out of her own home to avoid paparazzi just to sneak back in a half and hour later because of her paranoid mother. Sherrilyn spent much time with Erin teaching her how to sing, dance, act, and play instruments, but instead of following in her mother's steps of acting -Like Sherrilyn hoped for- Erin took a stronger liking to singing and playing instruments. When Erin heard about Marone's School For Stars she was quick to jump at the chance of enrolling. After a lot of begging and promising not to mention her family -her mother specifically. Sherrilyn gave in reluctantly.

Personality No, I'm not an singer. I'm a whale with a mermaid lodged in my throat. Due to the "Conditions" of Erin's birth, I guess you could say she's a little bitter. Now don't get her wrong, she loves her mother to the Moon and Back, but it didn't settle well in her heart seeing the brief haunting look of regret in her mother's eyes whenever she looked at her. Not having much interaction with people, Erin tends to be sarcastic and a bit of a... Well you know.... But even with her introvert attitude. She is actually a big people person, she just doesn't know how to approach or hold a conversation with them. When Erin finally gets comfortable around someone she can be a very quirky and social girl. Erin is the type who holds her own, and doesn't like to bother people with her problems. She feels you've got to work hard and prove yourself before you go to the charity box. One of her big goals is to join a band as a drummer. Sure she likes guitar, bass, and piano, but drumming is her true passion.

Talents Singing, Dancing, Acting, and playing guitar, piano, bass, drums, and flute. What can I say? I'm gifted.

Character Quote Don't tell me not to live just sit and putter. Life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter.~Fanny Brice {Barbra Streisand}

Other She has a Blaze Ferret named GiGi -named after the cupcakes- and is a bit of a hipster and nerd. Erin is an Aussie and has the accent to prove it. AUSSIE! AUSSIE! AUSSIE! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Student Skeleton

Name: Vincent Carraway


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf73396d7_MV5BMTkxMjQ1NjgzOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjczMjA5MTE@._V1_SX214_CR00214317_AL_.jpg.9eeaad7f9adb1d1cb9ddcfccdd943310.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20607" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf73396d7_MV5BMTkxMjQ1NjgzOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjczMjA5MTE@._V1_SX214_CR00214317_AL_.jpg.9eeaad7f9adb1d1cb9ddcfccdd943310.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>,0,214,317_AL_.jpg

Age: 21

Classes: Instrumental/Vocal- Monday

Study Hall- Monday

Audition Prep- Tuesday

Physical Training- Tuesday

Acting- Wednesday

Image Maintenance- Wednesday

Collaborations- Thursday

Crowd Appeal- Thursday

Getting Discovered- Friday

Image Maintenance- Friday

Picture of Room:


Sexuality: Straight

Life Goal: Become a lead singer, or join a band.

Bio: Little Vincent loves to sing; ever since he could remember, he had already been singing. Vince is an accidental son of Matthew Carraway to a another woman. This is why Lucy, his adoptive mother, never liked him. Matthew had to answer to custody, but he loves Vince nonetheless. Growing up, Vincent was always in the shadow of his younger sister, Emelie. Lucy always forced him to go with his sister, acting more so as her bodyguard rather than her brother. Of course, he had no option but to agree, since Matthew is always gone for an important business trip that lasts for more than a month or two. When Emelie isn't going to parties and public places, Vince is stuck in his room composing songs and singing to himself. It was his hobby, a way to pass time and alleviate boredom. When Emelie was enrolled to a prestigious school for the budding stars, Lucy halfheartedly commanded him to go. He's to be her eyes and ears to what's happening to her precious daughter. "No harm is to come to Emelie you understand?" he can still hear her say, " Or I will absolutely force my husband to disown you."

Personality: Vince is the type of person that bottles up his feelings inside, never letting anyone get close to him. On the outside, he's usually a tad social and open, making him the kind of person that everyone tends to rant to. However, the circumstances change whenever he grabs a bottle. Vince drinks a lot, especially when his dad is away, and when Lucy is shouting at him. He keeps bottles underneath his bed, and beneath the bookshelves. After a long dose of liquor, he turns reckless, talkative, and sarcastic; a very bad combination for a very morose young man.

Talents: Singing/Songwriting, playing the guitar.

Character Quote: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

Other: Vince absolutely abhors the colour green for some reason, as much as he hates sweets.


Student Skeleton


Name: Emelie Carraway




Classes: Crowd Appeal- Monday

Getting Discovered- Monday

Acting- Tuesday

Audition Prep- Tuesday

Style and Apparel- Wednesday

Image Maintenance- Wednesday

Collaborations- Thursday

Physical Training- Thursday

Study Hall- Friday

Image Maintenance- Friday

Picture of Room



Life Goal: Become a famous model.

Bio: Emelie Carraway is the type of person who walks and acts as if there's a red carpet underneath her shoes wherever she goes. And she might as well be. She's the daughter of a well-known lawyer, and a sophisticated model. Emelie grew up in a sheltered life, doing not even an ounce of minimal house work, or any type of work for that matter. She usually has her brother to rely on these things. Even though they're not fully related, Emelie and Vince get along just fine. They bicker like siblings, but they also get along like siblings as well. Emelie is more than happy to lug Vince along, even if she knows her mother would persuade her to. Sometimes, she feels sorry for her brother; Lisa can be too harsh at times. Besides, Vince was always there for her, being more caring and protective than the father she had never known.

Personality: Being a sharp contrast to Vince, Emelie is a talkative, blunt, and expressive person. She loves to voice out her thoughts and feelings as much as she wanted everyone to listen. She's also aggressive, especially when she has something she wants, and when it comes to friends, Emelie wouldn't hesitate to protect them. She always has her head in the clouds, and is very easy to please. She's also open and trusting, believing in innocent things.

Talents: Acting and modelling.

Character Quote: "Don't stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me honey."

Other: Emelie has an obsession for white chocolate, and red lipstick.



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Student Skeleton

Name Justin Gain (J.C.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/yhe5y8eh.jpg.b90e39ebe14a24c6a2bcd6aa2de1b695.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/yhe5y8eh.jpg.b90e39ebe14a24c6a2bcd6aa2de1b695.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/1544463_667502123287582_8044746830766302535_n.jpg.c428f82a946e682753f5b061f0053b21.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20602" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/1544463_667502123287582_8044746830766302535_n.jpg.c428f82a946e682753f5b061f0053b21.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age 20

Classes (10 total)Instrumental/Vocal (Monday: Morning) Crowd Appeal (Monday:Afternoon) Acting (Tuesday: Morning) Audition Prep (Tuesday: Afternoon) Style and Apparel (Wednesday: Afternoon) Image Maintenance (Wednesday: Morning) Physical Training (Thursday: Afternoon) Collaborations (Thursday: Morning) Study Hall (Friday: Morning) Getting Discovered (Friday: Afternoon)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/interior-design-cool-for-guys-room-rooms.jpg.365d5fda21cc4928baaa7d713d50f193.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20605" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/interior-design-cool-for-guys-room-rooms.jpg.365d5fda21cc4928baaa7d713d50f193.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

No Picture behind bed, but instead this design -The Clock Quote-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/cool-room-designs-for-guys-with-great-wall-art-cool-bedroom-for-guys-900x506.jpg.e70cc8fc81da3066e5770ae7995831ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20606" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/cool-room-designs-for-guys-with-great-wall-art-cool-bedroom-for-guys-900x506.jpg.e70cc8fc81da3066e5770ae7995831ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality Straight

Life Goal To Be A Famous Actor or A World Renowned Director Go Big or go home right?

Bio (Include personal life and why you're coming to School for Stars) Justin grew up in a kinda "unstable" home. His family didn't care about anything he did as long as he was out of their way. So basically he did the typically thing all troubled teens did. He got drunk, did drugs, got a piercing and tattoos, and did anything else to get some reaction out of his parents. But of course that didn't work. They just complimented his tats and moved on as if J.C. was a ghost, or some presence they didn't want to acknowledge. Having rich parents who were super famous wasn't as glamorous as people made it out to be. Sure they bought you everything you want, but you can't but a family, and you can't buy love and attention. So When Justin heard about The School For Stars he was quick to have his parents enroll him and ship him off on the first flight away. The only thing he regretted leaving behind was his twin brother Cayton. They only had each other to support and care for the other with their parents being... Their parents. The two brothers went to separate schools for performing arts. Justin went to Marone's School and Cayton went to the New York Performing Arts School. Even with the distance the twins still keep in contact with each other and make time to visit every now and then to check up on each other and catch up a little.

Personality Justin is a fun loving guy with a very open and accepting to change personality. He's very understanding when people are going through things and doesn't push. JC doesn't believe there should be a limit to any dream if you're willing to try and wok for it. His quote is like his motto whenever someone thinks about giving up or suddenly feels like they're dream is too extreme for their reality. Never Stop. Never Stop Fighting. Never Stop Dreaming. If you want it, go for it. The only thing holding you back is you.

Talents Singing, Acting, Directing, Dance -a little-, play guitar

Character Quote Never stop. Never stop fighting. Never stop dreaming. ~Tom Hiddleston

Other: Also an Aussie -has an older brother and a twin. Is obsessed with making videos



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Instructor Skeleton


Aurora Elizabeth Andrews





Classes Teaching:

Physical Training and Style/Apparel

Famous For:

- Child star

- Model

- Academy Award-winning Actress

Picture of Room:



In the words of Aurora, "Love is love. Whether I find it in a woman or a man? Well, that doesn't matter."


Aurora Elizabeth Andrews was one of those children who were practically "born into stardom." Her mother was a well-known fashion designer while her father was a well-known actor so it was just a matter of time before the world got their dose of Ms. Andrews and what a dose it was. During the ages of 5 through 10, Aurora was the lead in the hit television show, "She's Just Sam." After 5 seasons, the show ended but that didn't stop Aurora's career. She had received dozens of big opportunities to model in or on the cover of different teen magazines throughout the world. Everyone loved the "She's Just Sammy" girl; however, all of the fame and fortune immediately went to Aurora's head to the point where she thought she was invincible to the dangers of the "good girl gone bad" trend. At the age of 18, Aurora began doing drugs - heavily. She began to show up late for her photo shoots with different big-name photographers and it caused her the gigs. Soon enough, she stopped getting calls to do commercials and magazines and started getting calls from local tabloid offices telling her that they had pictures of her doing drugs and drinking alcohol. Aurora's face was back on magazines but for the wrong reasons. Her parents were so caught up in their own lives, that they didn't even care. Aurora was immediately brought back to reality when she had a close encounter with death after she overdosed one night, in a hotel room. When she woke up in the hospital the next day, she promised herself that she would never touch drugs or alcohol ever again. Now, 11 years later, Aurora was back on the scene. Bigger than ever! She had kept her promise to herself and it was one of her biggest achievements. When she got a call from Eric Marone about his idea of helping out teens and young adults to climb the ladder of fame and the position she would be playing, she was all for it. Aurora could not wait to meet them. She was going to give them her all and she was expecting the same from them. There was no room for slack. She knew that if they wanted to make it in this business, they would have to work hard - no exceptions.


Aurora is very kind-hearted yet blunt. She despises laziness and ignorance and she's the kind of person who will never quit on you or make you feel less of yourself. She's all about encouragement and inspiration. Ever need someone to talk to? She's your girl. Just don't get upset if it's not what you want to hear. Her motto is, "Don't ask, if you don't want to know the truth."



Character Quote:

“Do it again.

Play it again. Sing it again. Read it again. Write it again. Sketch it again. Rehearse it again. Run it again. Try it again.

Because again is practice, and practice is improvement, and improvement only leads to perfection.” -
Richelle E. Goodrich.


Aurora has the tattoo below on her wrist:


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Name: Charles Wescot

"You can call me Charlie... or Chuck... or Mr. C... Call me Chet, and I will... probably cry bitterly over a tub of ice cream."


"I grew the beard just for the occasion."


Age: 19

"Oh, how I miss being Jailbait."


1. Crowd Appeal - Monday Afternoon

2. Getting Discovered - Monday Late Evening

3. Acting - Tuesday Morning

4. Physical Training - Tuesday Evening

5. Style and Appearance - Wednesday Morning

6. Acting - Wednesday Early Evening

7. Physical Training - Thursday Morning

8. Collaboration - Thursday Afternoon

9. Study Hall - Friday Morning

10. Image Maintenance - Friday Late Evening

Picture of Room:

"I asked for a bed and a dresser, and they gave me a vanity... A vanity!? The hell do I need a vanity for? I didn't even know what a vanity was until now!"



"Didn't you see the sign saying Personal Boundaries: Don't Cross like a mile back?"


Life Goal:

"To get big and strong, slay the jabberwocky and save Narnia."

In truth, Charles is stuck. He never wanted to be famous, while, like many people, he thought it would be awesome; it was never something he wanted. Seeing someone tame a lion is awesome, being able to do it is awesome, but he doesn't want to jump into a ring with a lion. He always saw himself becoming a high school teacher where he would marry some random woman he thought himself in love with and then have some kids who he would adore, grow old, have grandkids and spoil them rotten then die, and he was happy with that.

Now he is stuck with two futures. One his mother wanted for him, to attempt to become a star, the very people he freely mocks, or the one he always thought was right for him, a normal, good, life.


Charles lead a fairly normal life. He was raised by a single mother with three younger siblings. Had an awesome grandfather who pulled double duty in teaching Charles everything he knows now from cars, to yard work, to how to repair almost anything with a socket wrench, some duct tape, and some WD-40. Among his family, extended and immediate, he was always the outgoing, friendly one in the family, yet not the one many people wanted to really call on the phone.

In fact, nothing was ever special about Charles. He was moderately popular and, for the most part, was the standard american teenager with just less angst and care in his appearance then most. Despite what many of his instructors say, Charles still sees nothing wrong with his cheap Wal*Mart jeans and occasional Dodge baseball cap... sticker not on the bill, bent and worn. The clothes work and if people are going to be judging him on clothes for if he is worthy or not to talk to them then aren't they not really worth speaking to?

Charles' rise to 'stardom' and 'note' was done like many other teenagers with a camera and internet access, youtube. Charles and a few friends started shooting videos for fun, sometimes it was just them talking over a game-chat, sometimes it was them doing a 'spoof commercial', and a few times, they would even do plays. Much to their surprise, the videos went viral and they had millions of hits within days. It was during this sudden, and confusing, burst in popularity that Charles was contacted for a small bit part in a TV mini-series. While Charles was going to refuse, his mother pressured him into it, and before he knew it, he was acting in front of millions of people. The rest, they say, is history. Well... almost. Charles doesn't really want to act. Despite his 'success' in the mini-series, he didn't want to become like many of the celebrities he read about, and the few he had met during his time on the T.V set, and when he was invited to the 'School for Stars' Charles had trashed the invitation. Unfortunately, his mother was always nosy and found it. Once again, he was pressured into doing what he wasn't sure he wanted to do and found himself packing his bags and heading to the school where 'All their dreams would be forced upon on him.'


"My personality? Getting to know the 'real' me? Is this where you ask about my goals, dreams, likes and dislikes, whilst trying to get me into your bed? Because I will have you know that I have very high standards, and I don't put out very often, my body is a temple, love."

Charles can be a real... well, for the children out there, Charles can be a jerk. He doesn't really go out to hurt other people's feelings, but he never thinks before he speaks and, most of the time, can not tell when he has hurt someone's feelings, but then, he doesn't try very hard to gauge peoples feelings and reactions to what he says. If they don't smile, oh well, if they smile then great.

Charles can be very obnoxious and opinionated and loves to mess with people. About their dreams of self-deluded grandeur, their vanity, and above all, people's inflated egos. He usually does this through jokes, and he will often insult himself, and so doesn't understand how people can be so sensitive. A great person can laugh at themselves, it is what makes them great. Besides his need to make jokes about everyone, regardless of their feelings over the issue, Charles has never been a very emotional guy. He takes things as they come. His good friend once described him as a file cabinet. He would open a file, look at the emotion he had be it anger, love, or sorrow, accept it, and file it away in his file cabinet where he would never touch it again. It is extremely hard to get him truly angry, and the only times he cries is during sappy movies or sad moments in books. Because of this, he is a decent guy to be friends with as he is accepting of others, doesn't care enough to attempt to judge them more then accepting, is funny, depending on sensitivity, and has a come what may attitude.

But he does have his share of faults. His come what may attitude leaves him very lacking in the ambition and decisiveness department. He has never really cared what he was doing or would do because he was a naturally content guy. His 'file cabinet' makes it very hard to get close to people as while he may seem incredibly friendly and easy to talk to, mileage may vary, he... lacks in the emotional department. He could tell someone about every dirty secret he had, but at the same time, pushing them away from him would still be as easy as it would be for anyone else. In fact, when someone gets too close to him, he subconsciously pushes them away by intentionally picking fights with them until they want nothing to do with him. It is safe to say he has never been in love, and as he says, he makes a great friend but a totally crappy boyfriend.




Comedy (Although not everyone agrees)

Pretty good at them Video Games

Athletic (Does
not enjoy running)

Can tie a cherry stem with his tongue (And teeth)... He found that out bored at Sonic one day.

Character Quote:

"I solemnly vow that should I end up having to be some two-bit celebrity, that I shall keep all my opinions, political and personal, to myself and not develop an ego that believes I know better then my fellow man. I do, solemnly, swear that I shall go out of my way to spit on paparazzi, who as we all know lack a life and a soul, and punch every TMZ 'reporter' I see.

If I fail to uphold my vows of not being a celebrity dirtbag, I absolve all crimes my future obsessed stalker will commit when she, or he, hunts me down and uses my skin as a rug." - Charles Wescot


>Alexander Dale<

fc - Logan Lerman


  • Name:

    Alexander Dale



    Life Goal:

    He wants to become a famous

    His goal is to make it “modern”.

    He actually want to mix his music with

    Strange mix? But he want to do it.


    - Plays the piano and keyboard

    - Rapping

    - Drawing and designing (Not his pursued talent)




?Allison Atkinson?

"Hello, I'm Allison Atkinson! You can call me Allie but never call me laundry girl."



"I'm the youngest and pretty much the cutest one here."

Just turned 14


"She's walking to your bedroom. Snatchin' yo laundry up..."

Laundry Maid


"I owe my parents everything..."

Allison and her family has always lived tight on money. Her parents always wanted to make sure each of their 4 children had a chance to go for their dreams. With Allison's dream to one day become a singer/songwriter and to win a Grammy, her parents were always in a scramble to find something low-cost to attribute to her goals. When her parents heard about Marone's School for Stars it was already too late to apply (and way too expensive) for Allie to attend but they had a backup plan in mind. Allison's father drove all the way to LA to get in contact with Marone. He explained to Marone the family's situation and Marone happily offered for Allison to work around the mansion so she could sit in on the classes on occasion -100% free of cost.


"I love to dream; what's so wrong with that?"

+ Courteous, Romantic, Trusting, Social, Altruistic, Adventurous

-Curious, Illogical, Oblivious, Emotional, Ambitious, Childish

?Character Quote?

"Wait, Mr. Marone! I have to touch everyone's undies...? Even the boy undies?! Ew!"


"There's nothing a little perseverance can't do."

?Allison self taught herself piano and she tries to play whenever she has a chance. ?Allison dreams to travel to France for just because. ?She also loves to sing random song parodies while she's working.
(I made a staff member besides my normal one, hope that’s okay. :3)

>Gabriel Stevens<

*Too deep in his own thoughts to put in a quote here*


  • Name:

    Gabriel Stevens





Could I be head maid? :)  
Name; Lisa Moan


Age; 20

Job; Head maid

Bio; Her mother was the head maid at first but then she got ill. Since her mother is on sick leave Lisa is taking over for her so they have enough money to pay for their apartment.

Personality; She's very shy and quiet but she's a good boss. She often focus' on her job more than anything. She sometimes socializes but she knows the people won't accept her. She always seems bored but is a hard worker. She's never had a boyfriend before so she's not very good at talking with cute guys and when they're around she blushes a lot.

Character Quote; "Uhm... Hi?"

Other; She has a visible tattoo behind her ear of Peter Pan, Wendy, Micheal and John. Under them flying it says "Never Grow Up" she got the tattoo when she was 16.
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{FINALLY! Finished with two characters. Decided on two by the way @Katie91011

Name: Hruma Miura


  • Age: 17

    Birthday: 5.April

    Gender: Male

    Classes (10 total) {not quite sure what to put here in all honesty... Have I missed something..?}

    Sexual preference: Straight

Name: Horikita Maki



  • Age: 15

    Birthday: 6.October

    Gender: She likes pretending to be male but otherwise is female

    Sexual Preference: she flys straight (even as she dresses like a male)

    Classes (eh? Still lost. Sorry.)

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Name: Adam O'Connor



Age: 18

Picture of Room:



"What were you expecting?"


Life Goal:


To rock out at Madison Square Garden.



"Took a bloody long time to get here..."

Adam grew up on the poor side of Wigan, England. As a kid he was always kind of crazy, pulling pranks and picking fights, but everyone said he would grow out of it. He didn't. It's not like he was failing classes in school, or was unable to make friends - he was just reckless. Reckless and unfocused, and had no idea where he wanted to go in life - not that he cared. It was a while before he found his true calling - music.

Adam had always looked up to the gods of Rock and Roll, but his parent's couldn't afford any instruments for home when he confronted them about it. Rather than being crestfallen, he went out and made one. It took him a year to get it all together, but by the beginning of ninth grade he had his guitar, and an arsenal of lunatic lyrics. In addition to making his guitar, he also taught himself how to play. When he was good enough he joined band at his school but felt like the odd one out. Of course, the school didn't offer punk rock as a course...

Sophomore year, his mother remarried and his family moved to America, apparently his new father was extremely well-to-do, and suddenly the doors were opened up to him. He bought a better guitar, better equipment, and searched for the ideal band-mates. A couple years later, the band was thriving. Adam was doing his best to lead them, but the problem was, his best wasn't enough. Though they were the hot new group, none of them new how to prioritize or manage themselves. Plus, something riveting was going on with Adam within his own home, and it was slowly tearing at his sanity. Months after that, they ended up going their separate ways, but giving up just wasn't Adam's style. It's why he's here after all...


"I could care less what you think of me...Oh wait. Yes I can."

Is probably bipolar. He can go from being a hyper talkative nuisance to rude and antisocial in seconds. His mood is usually the opposite of the majorities' (Example: Laughed at the end of the Fault in Our Stars) . Onstage, his presence is incredibly energetic. He'll do anything to capture, keep, and nurse a crowd's attention, plus, for a little guy, He's got a powerful voice - and he's not afraid to use it.


Singing, songwriting, Playing Guitar, and confusing people. Can fit an alarming number of large marshmallows in his mouth-if he asks to demonstrate, stay a clear 10 feet back when he starts to cough.

Character Quotes:

"I have a legitimate problem with you, I just haven't figured out what it is yet."

"Are pillows edible?"

"I AM...the ninja cockroach."



Theme Song: Green Day- Basket Case

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Are employees and workers allowed to have romances? If so does anyone wanna have a romance with my character?

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