Margaret Anne Stafford


the traitorous queen

Author Note This character was written for the Deadly Doctor prompt given at
Author Note

Character Idea Challenges written by @DamagedGlasses

Margaret Anne Stafford

  • 1f1605f76cb302f56e5de7971d75899c_zpsd3uokfej.jpg

    • Name: Margaret Anne Stafford
    • Nickname/Alias: None
    • Age: 43
    • Birthday: December 2nd
    • Race: Human
    • Gender Identity: Female
    • Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    • Martial Status: Widowed
    • Occupation: Nurse in an assistant living nursing home
    • Nationality: North American
    • Campaign(s): Modern

I must be cruel, only to be kind.
William Shakespeare
Oh my gosh, this is so amazing. You took the prompt and just turned it up to eleven! I loved the backstory, one of my favorite things about CS's and I think you really captured the fractured past I always imagine behind every person with the title of villain. Thanks for participating!

Also, I am going to critique this at some point, but after I cool down and I can look at it without all the excitement and awesomeness getting in my eye. xD
Glasses, thank you for your kind words! I eagerly await your critique, as I endlessly respect your opinions.
Random Internet Stranger here: I only read a bit of the psychological tab here, but I think I'll return to it later after I finish some writing of my own. In the mean time, I don't know if you did it on purpose, but your character appears to have obsessive compulsive disorder among other more, uh, obvious illnesses.
RedEarthRoamer said:
Random Internet Stranger here: I only read a bit of the psychological tab here, but I think I'll return to it later after I finish some writing of my own. In the mean time, I don't know if you did it on purpose, but your character appears to have obsessive compulsive disorder among other more, uh, obvious illnesses.
Hi and thanks for the comments. (: She does, in fact, have many mental disorders, which all culminate in her belief that her murders are acceptable and divine. I didn't specifically add obsessive compulsive elements on purpose as I was creating her; however, now that you mention it, I do agree with you.

When I set about the Deadly Doctor idea challenge, I would have neverhave guessed that something like this would be made. The mental structure of the character is beutiful and has so many kinks and subconciously gained attributes that I really saw this character in front of me, not just as words, but as a severely delusional woman. The way that she isn't made out to be a villainous character, and in her own eyes, she is merely being compassionate. I love the whole fact that while her actions protray the visage of a criminal, an insane one at that, it does not leave out that on the inside Margaret is simply someone who has become hardened by the world in a way far different than the rest of society, becoming secluded and otherwise showing warmth in the very few ways that only she sees as in line with logic, reason being is that her logic is unique to her in a far dangerous way than it is supposed to be. Honestly, when I was reading the Mentality section, the Brief Bio, Fears, Weaknesses, it built so much hype for what I was going to find in the Physical and History sections. The only thing I think I see that could be touched up on, is a little more description into the tense conversations and conflicts between Margaret and her patients, purely because there is only vague references to her interaction with people throughout, which isn't a bad thing.


At first I questioned the placement of the Physical description, thinking to myself how I would need to go back to the Basics to see what you had described rolled up into a actual image, but it didn't work out that way. A picture used as appearance is a good base, but if too heavily relied upon, can sometimes become a crutch in learning how to accurately describe someone. This is the perfect example of the description being perfectly independent of the picture at hand and while its a good reference, I felt that I connected to your character much more while reading it than I would have otherwise. The experience was made even better due to all the little extra stuff you had thrown in afterwards, the document style of informating organization being slightly too formal for some characters, but it kind of clicked with the way your character was built physically and mentally. You address the problem of aging in a very nice way that gives just the right amount of reference to it that its a definite part of the character, but it doesn't rule the character, the same going for the very nice addition of an accent and attire.


This is what I had been waiting for ever since the Mentality and Physical Tab. Behind every smile, laugh, or murderous act, there is a story, no matter how many people say otherwise. Nobody does anything for no reason, and while not every reason is a bad one, it also isn't inherently good. Either way, a villain's history reminds all those who care to listen that those are not just faces to hate, but lives that have went down similar, but askew paths. Margaret's History personafies this. Her life had its ups and downs, a very realistic life, but the downs, and even the ups, affected her in a way that crafted her current mental state! I loved the syncronization between the personality and History, each little quirk and belief she had being backed up with reasonable reasons as to why this woman has such an askew look of the world. This is one of those histories that I wish went into deeper detail, and for no reason other than I loved it so much. You've made an awesome backstory, and while I "call" for more detail out of jest, I know that what you have right now is great.

Skills and Other

All of the skills were quite nicely put and they were based in logic that I could agree with. Her physical ability was addressed and the reasons behind, as well as the hindrance her age has caused to her physique. Her mental skills were also very well written, accuratel describing what had been previously hinted at and referenced with varying degrees of vagueness. It was also with this tab that I saw the Shakespeare quote and I agree that those words summarize Margaret's motives quite nicely.


I'm looking back at what I wrote, and really, I feel that I still had some of the excitement blocking my view. You've really made an awesome character here who I would love to see in action in a Roleplay. With her description of appearance and just how accurately it describes her without even using a picture to the personality that fits so well with the history, I think this was a great Character Sheet for me to see as one of the first to take up one my challenges! I thank you for taking part and I hope you had a fun time making her, because I had an awesome time reading. Wish you luck with your future characters! ^_^

Thank you for your kind feedback! I had a blast doing this challenge and I really look forward to doing more in the future. It means a great deal to me that you seemed to enjoy her as much as I enjoyed writing her, for you know I respect you to no end. That said, I've been keeping my eyes open for any roleplay opportunity that would be suitable for her. I agree with you that some things I mentioned were a bit vague and underdeveloped and I will take the time to properly represent them in her history.

Thank you again for putting together these challenges and for taking the time to review Margaret. I look forward to seeing more challenges soon. (:

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